984 resultados para Occupational Psychology


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This study explores the extent to which work and organizational (W&O) psychology practitioners use evidence, how they apply it to the everyday contexts in which they work and the types of barriers they encounter in so doing. It adopts a mixed methods approach involving the administration of a survey to a UK sample (N=163) of W&O psychologists and a series of semi-structured interviews (N=25) exploring in greater depth how evidence is applied in practice. Findings reveal that practitioners consult a wide range of different types of evidence which they employ at various stages of engagement with client organisations and that this evidence is pressed into service in the pursuit of solutions which are both acceptable from the client perspective and consistent with the scientific standards underpinning professional knowledge and expertise in W&O psychology. Barriers to evidence-use were mainly practical in nature, concerning issues around managing the client-consultant relationship and the particularities of implementation context, both of which were shown to influence evidence utilisation. The study contributes to current debate on the extent to which W&O psychologists adopt an evidence-based approach and provides a valuable and much called-for empirical insight into the enactment of the scientist-practitioner model in W&O psychology


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In this chapter, the occupational stress process and implications for the management of occupational health and safety in organisations are discussed. The chapter begins by introducing occupational stress as a process by which stressors (e.g. time pressure) result in strains (e.g. ill health). The consequences of stress, to both the individual and the organisation are discussed, and several key sources of occupational stress are also described. Theories of occupational stress that attempt to explain how stressors lead to strain and also describe different job resources (e.g. autonomy, support, and security) that can alleviate the detrimental effects of occupational stressors are then presented. The management of occupational stress at both the individual and organisational levels is also discussed. In the subsequent section, work-life balance and various ways work impacts on life and vice versa are described. The management of work-life conflict and the effectiveness of initiatives designed to address imbalance between work and life are then discussed. Finally, occupational health and safety is described with a particular focus on primary prevention as well as the legislative frameworks that guide psychosocial risk management in Australian organisations.


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This text presents an analysis of aggregated membership’s dynamics for Spanish trade unions, using ECVT data, as well as union memberships’ trajectories, or members’ decisions about joining the organization, permanency and responsibilities, and subsequent attrition. For the analysis of trajectories we make use of information of the records of actual memberships and the record of quitting of CCOO, and of a survey-questionnaire to a sample of leavers of the same union. This study allows us to confirm a linkage between the decision and motivations to become union member, to participate in union activities, the time of permanency, and the motives to quit the organization. We also identify five types of union members’ trajectories, indicating that, far from views that assert a monolithic structure, unions are complex organizations.


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Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia dos Recursos Humanos, do Trabalho e das Organizações), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2016


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2015-12


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Le stress chronique en milieu de travail est lié à une variété d’effets négatifs tant physiologiques que psychologiques tels l’anxiété, la dépression et l’épuisement professionnel (Taylor et al., 1997). Les professionnels de la santé et les travailleurs sociaux étant les plus touchés (Felton, 1998), les intervenants des centres de réadaptation de jeunes tels le Centre-Jeunesse de Montréal-Institut Universitaire (CJM-IU) sont donc une population particulièrement vulnérable. L’objectif principal de la présente étude était de tester auprès de 70 intervenants du CJM-IU l’effet d’un programme web de gestion de stress chronique auto-administré sur le stress psychologique et physiologique puisque nous le savons, le stress implique la sécrétion d’hormones et l’activation du système nerveux. Nous avions pour hypothèse que cet effet si présent, aura un impact subséquent sur la dépression, l’anxiété et l’épuisement professionnel. Le programme testé, Stress et Compagnie, développé par le Centre d’Études sur le Stress Humain de l’Institut Universitaire en Santé Mentale de Montréal est basé sur des récentes découvertes en psychoneuroendocrinologie. L’évaluation a été faite par un devis expérimental avec groupe expérimental et témoin avec un pré-test et deux post-test dont un directement après le programme et un autre un mois plus tard. Les résultats sans être significatifs tendent à suggérer que le programme permet de réduire le stress chronique psychologique chez un sous groupe d’intervenants, notamment ceux n’ayant pas été exposés à un évènement potentiellement traumatisant lors de la dernière année. Les effets sur le stress physiologique sont plus instables.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es formular, mediante una profunda revisión documental, bibliográfica y empírica, una fundamentación teórica sobre si existe o no incidencia de las prácticas de recursos humanos sobre el bienestar laboral de los empleados, y el que grado en que esta se presenta sobre aspecto como el engagement y la satisfacción laboral. Se realizó la revisión de múltiples estudios empíricos que aportaran evidencia sobre la relación que se presenta entre las principales prácticas de recursos humanos – provisión de personal, formación y desarrollo, promoción de personal, evaluación de desempeño, compensación y pago, y balance trabajo-familia – y el bienestar laboral, representado en el engagement y satisfacción en el trabajo de los empleados. Los resultados de este trabajo indican la existencia de una relación e incidencia de las prácticas de recursos humanos, el bienestar laboral, el engagement y la satisfacción laboral. De igual forma se encontró que estas relaciones son principalmente de carácter positivo, lo cual indica que las organizaciones que desarrollan este tipo de prácticas en su interior, fomentan tanto el desarrollo y la presencia de bienestar laboral en sus empleados, como su perdurabilidad.


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A psicologia das ocupações contribui para o desenvolvimento científico da sociedade através de seis conceitos sobre o homem corno um ser integral. Esta investigação tenta verificar a relação entre a teoria de Holland e os elementos da personalidade apontados por Cattell. Holland sugere seus tipos de personalidade: o realista, o intelectual, o social, o empregador, o convencional e o artístico e a interrelação desses tipos de personalidade com o ambiente. Consequentemente, encontramos resultados significantes entre os tipos de personalidade descritos por Holland e os traços e fatores de Cattell.


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OBJETIVO: O Programa Saúde da Família propõe uma nova dinâmica para estruturação dos serviços de saúde, assim como para a relação com a comunidade e para diversos níveis de assistência. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o significado da experiência do trabalho em equipe para os profissionais do Programa Saúde da Família. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado no município de Conchas, Estado de São Paulo no ano de 2004. A abordagem utilizada foi qualitativa, na vertente da fenomenologia, buscando a essência da realidade vivenciada por oito profissionais de duas equipes do Programa Saúde da Família. RESULTADOS: Os temas revelaram que o trabalho em equipe se caracteriza por dedicação durante as atividades diárias. É necessário haver interação entre todos os membros para ações integrais, embora haja diferenças de ideologias e condutas entre os profissionais. O contato próximo com as famílias permitiu melhor intervenção nos problemas e o trabalho integrado é fundamental para atuação eficaz e de qualidade. CONCLUSÕES: O fenômeno desvelado engendra nova perspectiva de atuação para os profissionais e possibilita a compreensão do trabalho em equipe multiprofissional.


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Starting from the theoretical contributions of Michel Foucault and from a critical appraisal of the Declaration of Universal Human Rights and the 1988 Brazilian Constitution, this article maps the constitution of labor as a dimension that goes from social right to health device. In our analysis we find that labor as a social right and health device has a subjective protagonism and has social and economic aspects contemplated by documents. However in defining and orienting ways of being of individuals that work delivered speeches that fall in and control, hindering the openness of workers for movements of creation expansion of life and work in its positivity of experimentations. We conclude that is not enough to recognize labor as a social right, indicate its role as a health strategy or direct political efforts without problematizing not “what kind of work” can be supportive in a more creative construction of its own work and health.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Background: Team-based working is now an inherent part of effective health care delivery. Previous research has identified that team working is associated with positive mental health and well-being outcomes for individuals operating in an effective team environment. This is a particularly important topic in the health services context, although little empirical attention has been paid to mental-health services. Psychiatric nurses work on a day-to-day basis with a particularly stressful and demanding client group in an environment which is characterised by high demands, uncertainty, and limited resources. This paper specifically focuses on psychiatric nurses working in National Health Service (NHS) and casts some light on the ways in which effective team-based working can help to alleviate a number of occupational stressors and strains. Method: A questionnaire method (2005 NHS Staff Survey) was employed to collect data from 6655 psychiatric nurses from 64 different NHS Trusts. The hypotheses were concerned with four overall measures from the survey; effective team working, occupational stress, work pressure and social support. Hypothesis 1 stated that effective team working will have a significant negative relationship with occupational stress and work pressure. Further, Hypothesis 2 stated that social support from supervisors and co-workers will moderate this relationship. Findings: Data was treated with a series of regression analyses. For Hypothesis 1, working in a real team did have main effects on work pressure and accounted for 1.6 per cent of the variance. Using the Nagelkerke R square value, working in a real team also had main effects on occupational stress an accounted for approximately 2.8 per cent of the variance. Further, the Exp (B) value of 0.662 suggests that the odds of suffering from occupational stress are cut by 33.8 per cent when a psychiatric nurse works in a real team. Results failed to provide support for Hypothesis 2. The analysis then went on to adopt a unique approach for assessing the extent of real team-based working, distinguishing between real teams, and a number of pseudo team typologies, as well as the absence of teamwork all together. As was hypothesised, results demonstrated that psychiatric nurses working in real teams (ones with clear objectives, where-by team members work closely with one another to achieve team objectives and meet regularly to discuss team effectiveness and how it can be improved) experienced the lowest levels of stress and work pressure of the sample. However, contrary to prediction, results indicated that psychiatric nurses working in any type of pseudo team actually experienced significantly higher levels of stress and work pressure than those who did not report as working in a team at all. Discussion: These findings have serious implications for NHS Mental Health Trusts, which may not be implementing, structuring and managing their nursing teams adequately. Indeed, results suggest that poorly-structured team work may actually facilitate stress and pressure in the workplace. Conversely, well-structured real teams serve to reduce stress and work pressure, which in turn not only enhances the working lives and well-being of psychiatric nurses, but also greatly improves the service that the NHS provides to its users.


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Background: Team-based working is now an inherent part of effective health care delivery. Previous research has identified that team working is associated with positive mental health and well-being outcomes for individuals operating in an effective team environment. This is a particularly important topic in the health services context, although little empirical attention has been paid to mental-health services. Psychiatric nurses work on a day-to-day basis with a particularly stressful and demanding client group in an environment which is characterised by high demands, uncertainty, and limited resources. This paper specifically focuses on psychiatric nurses working in National Health Service (NHS) and casts some light on the ways in which effective team-based working can help to alleviate a number of occupational stressors and strains. Method: A questionnaire method (2005 NHS Staff Survey) was employed to collect data from 6655 psychiatric nurses from 64 different NHS Trusts. The hypotheses were concerned with four overall measures from the survey; effective team working, occupational stress, work pressure and social support. Hypothesis 1 stated that effective team working will have a significant negative relationship with occupational stress and work pressure. Further, Hypothesis 2 stated that social support from supervisors and co-workers will moderate this relationship. Findings: Data was treated with a series of regression analyses. For Hypothesis 1, working in a real team did have main effects on work pressure and accounted for 1.6 per cent of the variance. Using the Nagelkerke R square value, working in a real team also had main effects on occupational stress an accounted for approximately 2.8 per cent of the variance. Further, the Exp (B) value of 0.662 suggests that the odds of suffering from occupational stress are cut by 33.8 per cent when a psychiatric nurse works in a real team. Results failed to provide support for Hypothesis 2. The analysis then went on to adopt a unique approach for assessing the extent of real team-based working, distinguishing between real teams, and a number of pseudo team typologies, as well as the absence of teamwork all together. As was hypothesised, results demonstrated that psychiatric nurses working in real teams (ones with clear objectives, where-by team members work closely with one another to achieve team objectives and meet regularly to discuss team effectiveness and how it can be improved) experienced the lowest levels of stress and work pressure of the sample. However, contrary to prediction, results indicated that psychiatric nurses working in any type of pseudo team actually experienced significantly higher levels of stress and work pressure than those who did not report as working in a team at all. Discussion: These findings have serious implications for NHS Mental Health Trusts, which may not be implementing, structuring and managing their nursing teams adequately. Indeed, results suggest that poorly-structured team work may actually facilitate stress and pressure in the workplace. Conversely, well-structured real teams serve to reduce stress and work pressure, which in turn not only enhances the working lives and well-being of psychiatric nurses, but also greatly improves the service that the NHS provides to its users.


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This dissertation consists of three independent studies, which study the nomological network of cultural intelligence (CI)—a relatively new construct within the fields of cross-cultural psychology and organizational psychology. Since the introduction of this construct, CI now has a generally accepted model comprised of four codependent subfactors. In addition, the focus of preliminary research within the field is on understanding the new construct’s correlates and outcomes. Thus, the goals for this dissertation were (a) to provide an additional evaluation of the factor structure of CI and (b) to examine further the correlates and outcomes that should theoretically be included in its nomological network. Specifically the model tests involved a one-factor, three-factor, and four-factor structure. The examined correlates of CI included the Big Five personality traits, core self-evaluation, social self-efficacy, self-monitoring, emotional intelligence, and cross-cultural experience. The examined outcomes also included overall performance, contextual performance, and cultural adaption in relation to CI. Thus, this dissertation has a series of 20 proposed and statistically evaluated hypotheses. The first study in this dissertation contained the summary of the extant CI literature via meta-analytic techniques. The outcomes of focus were significantly relevant to CI, while the CI correlates had more inconclusive results. The second and third studies contained original data collected from a sample of students and adult workers, respectively. In general, the results between these two studies were parallel. The four-factor structure of CI emerged as the best fit to the data, and several correlates and outcomes indicated significant relation to CI. In addition, the tested incremental validity of CI showed significant results emerging in both studies. Lastly, several exploratory analyses indicated the role of CI as a mediator between relevant antecedent and the outcome of cultural adaption, while the data supported the mediator role of CI. The final chapter includes a thorough discussion of practical implications as well as limitation to the research design.^