999 resultados para Mediation training
This paper deals with the conceptions of the different school actors about the meaning and the implications of mediation in their schools, drawing on data from a qualitative approach carried out as part of a wider project to map mediation perspectives and practices in Catalonia. The authors analyze the scope of the situations regarded as suitable or unsuitable for the introduction of restorative practices, as well as the resistance to change in the practice of conflict resolutions and in the democratization of school culture.
O objetivo da pesquisa pretende verificar se há um contributo da formação em mediação no desenvolvimento de conhecimentos nessa área e na mudança de atitude nos Assistentes Operacionais (AO), face à resolução de conflitos entre alunos. Os recreios das escolas do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1.ºCEB) são os locais onde ocorre a quase totalidade dos conflitos entre alunos (Fernández, 2007; Oliveira, 2007; Rosa, 2007). Esses recreios são supervisionados pelos AO, os quais devem ter formação específica em estratégias de resolução de conflitos. A mediação é apontada como a melhor estratégia na abordagem dos conflitos escolares, perspetivando melhoria na convivência escolar e na construção de um clima escolar positivo, propício à eficácia da educação. A estratégia de pesquisa baseia-se num estudo de intervenção com uma amostra de conveniência, simultaneamente qualitativo e quantitativo. Os dados foram recolhidos por questionário, por levantamento dos conhecimentos anteriores e posteriores à formação e por entrevistas aos participantes. No estudo participaram sete AO. Os resultados revelaram que os AO desenvolveram conhecimentos sobre mediação e percecionaram em si mesmos mudanças de atitude face à resolução de conflitos entre alunos. Os resultados ainda revelaram que os AO se sentem desvalorizados no meio escolar, mas motivados na interação com os alunos. Concluiu-se que a formação em mediação de conflitos oferece um contributo significativo no desenvolvimento de conhecimentos sobre mediação e facilita uma mudança de atitude na resolução de conflitos entre alunos. Concluiu-se também que os AO estão conscientes do seu papel educativo e que têm sugestões pertinentes de melhoria.ABSTRAT This research intends to evaluate whether training in mediation contributes for the development of knowledge in this area, and for changes in attitude, when Operational Assistants (OAs) sort out conflicts between students. The playgrounds of the schools of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education (1stCEB) are the places where almost the conflicts between students happen. These playgrounds are supervised by OAs, which must have specific training in conflict resolution strategies. Mediation is considered the best strategy for addressing students’ conflicts in order to improve school coexistence and positive climate, conducive to the effectiveness of education. The research strategy is based on an intervention study with a convenience sample, both qualitative and quantitative. Data was collected by questionnaire, assessment of knowledge before and after training and final interviews. The participants were 7 OAs. The results revealed the development of knowledge about mediation, who perceives themselves as changing attitudes towards conflicts resolution between students. The results also revealed that the OAs feel devalued, but motivated when interacting to students. Training in conflict mediation offers a significant contribution in the development of knowledge about mediation and facilitates a change of attitude in sorting out conflicts between students. It was also concluded that the OAs are aware of their educational role and have relevant suggestions for improvement.
La présente étude avait pour but de déterminer si un programme de prévention de la violence par l’entraînement aux habiletés en résolution de conflits et en médiation pouvait avoir une incidence sur la motivation scolaire et le sentiment d’appartenance à l’école. De par ses trois missions fondamentales (instruire, qualifier et socialiser), l’école québécoise est pour l’élève à la fois un milieu de vie et un milieu d’apprentissage. Toutefois, des problèmes de comportement et de motivation à apprendre peuvent freiner la réussite de certains jeunes. Pour remédier à la situation, des programmes visant à améliorer le comportement des élèves et à prévenir la violence à l’école ont été mis sur pied et évalués, indiquant une amélioration de certains comportements. Quelques études ont aussi noté une corrélation entre ces programmes et la motivation à apprendre. Sachant que l’adoption de buts de maîtrise et le sentiment d’appartenance à l’école sont des variables qui agissent positivement sur la motivation à apprendre, il est pertinent de se demander si un tel programme peut avoir une incidence sur ces variables. Des analyses secondaires de données issues du Rapport final d’évaluation des impacts du programme Vers le pacifique pour les quatre années de sa mise en œuvre (Bowen, 2006) ont été effectuées afin de vérifier si le programme Vers le Pacifique avait un impact sur les buts de maîtrise et le sentiment d’appartenance et déterminer quels comportements appris grâce au programme agissaient sur ces deux mêmes variables. De plus, le sexe des participants, ainsi que le niveau d’implantation du programme dans les écoles, ont été considérés dans les analyses. Les résultats aux analyses de variance ont révélé que le programme Vers le pacifique n’avait pas d’incidence sur les buts de maîtrise et le sentiment d’appartenance. Peu importe le groupe et le sexe, les buts de maîtrise et le sentiment d’appartenance ont diminué au deuxième temps de mesure. Toutefois, un des comportements appris grâce à Vers le pacifique, la gestion des émotions, agit positivement sur l’adoption de buts de maîtrise. À la lumière de ces résultats, qui cadrent avec certaines théories présentes dans la littérature, il est recommandé aux praticiens d’intégrer de manière plus explicite un volet motivationnel au programme Vers le pacifique, dans le but de contrer la diminution des buts de maîtrise et du sentiment d’appartenance et ainsi favoriser le développement de la motivation à apprendre et la réussite scolaire.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
En el presente trabajo compartimos una experiencia de formación de educadores especiales desde de la Práctica VI: Estudio de Casos del Profesorado de Educación Especial de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Nacional de San Luis. El estudio de casos es un método de investigación cualitativa, que en este espacio de formación, se instituye como una estrategia pedagógica para la formación práctica del Profesor de Educación Especial como profesional crítico, dado que posibilita conocer en profundidad una situación educativa en particular, problematizarla y tomar decisiones acerca de las intervenciones educativas. Consideramos que es necesario que los dispositivos de formación den lugar a la reflexión, y que el estudiante pueda situarse de manera activa y comprometido con el obrar desde un posicionamiento subjetivo, teórico y ético - político. En este sentido es que el estudio de casos es una mediación para la formación profesional.
Aims: The aim was to examine whether specific skills required for cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) could be taught using a computerised training paradigm with people who have intellectual disabilities (IDs). Training aimed to improve: a) ability to link pairs of situations and mediating beliefs to emotions, and b) ability to link pairs of situations and emotions to mediating beliefs. Method: Using a single-blind mixed experimental design, sixty-five participants with IDs were randomised to receive either computerised training or an attention-control condition. Cognitive mediation skills were assessed before and after training. Results: Participants who received training were significantly better at selecting appropriate emotions within situation beliefs pairs, controlling for baseline scores and IQ. Despite significant improvements in the ability of those who received training to correctly select intermediating beliefs for situation-feelings pairings, no between-group differences were observed at post-test. Conclusions: The findings indicated that computerised training led to a significant improvement in some aspects of cognitive mediation for people with IDs, but whether this has a positive effect upon outcome from therapy is yet to be established. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article studies the importance of pedagogical mediation in helping first-year students in the Teacher Training area to advance from intellectual heteronomy to intellectual autonomy. It explains some strategies and experiences implemented by the authors. It focuses on the need of paying attention to students in order to understand their expectations, opinions and previous experiences as a basis for developing different topics and concepts, to favor an actual free participation in the pedagogical mediation dynamics and, consequently, opportunities for students to express themselves with autonomy. The aforementioned strategies allow for the transition from a pedagogy centered on teaching to a pedagogy centered on learning, in such a way that the future educator becomes a protagonist in his/her formation and constructs his/her own intellectual identity, based on the concept of action-reflection-action. The authors of this article consider that the first year in higher education is a privileged opportunity to develop the autonomy of future teachers, and, as stated by Freire (2004), the respect for autonomy is an ethical imperative.
Les programmes de formation et d’apprentissage sont devenus des éléments parmi les plus essentiels pour les compagnies et la question se pose de savoir ce qui influence l’efficacité d’une formation. Récemment, la motivation pour la formation a été considérée comme le facteur déterminant. Ainsi, les objectifs de cette étude étaient d’examiner si la motivation pour la formation corrèle bien avec les antécédents et les réactions des employés formés, ainsi que d’analyser si la motivation joue un rôle de médiateur dans la prédiction des résultats d’une formation. Trois variables de « pré-formation » ont été choisies pour cette étude : l’attitude générale envers la formation, le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle en formation, et la planification de carrière. Les réactions immédiates des employés formés ont été choisies comme variable de « post-formation ». Un total de 152 employés d’une large compagnie québécoise a participé à cette étude en remplissant un questionnaire en début de formation et un autre à la fin. Les résultats de cette étude ont mis en évidence que la motivation pour la formation peut être prédite par l’attitude générale envers la formation, le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle en formation et la planification de carrière. De plus, la motivation pour la formation s’est révélée être le meilleur facteur de prédiction des réactions des employés formés. Les résultats ont également montré que la motivation pour la formation agit pleinement comme médiateur dans la relation entre le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle et la réaction des employés formés, et comme médiateur partiel entre l’attitude générale envers la formation et les réactions. Pour finir, cette étude a permis de découvrir que les employés nouvellement arrivés diffèrent des employés permanents dans leurs attitudes pré-formation et leurs réactions post-formation. Les résultats de cette étude sont discutés, des implications théoriques sont commentées et des implications pratiques pour les compagnies sont suggérées.
Background. People with intellectual disabilities (ID) experience similar or even higher rates of mental health problems than the general population and there is a need to develop appropriate treatments. Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is effective for a wide range of disorders in the general population. However, there is some evidence that people with ID may lack the cognitive skills needed to take part in CBT. Aims. To test if people with ID can learn skills required for CBT, specifically the ability to distinguish between thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and to link thoughts and feelings (cognitive mediation). Method. A randomized independent groups design was used to examine the effect of training in CBT on two tasks measuring CBT skills. Thirty-four adults with ID were randomly allocated to the experimental condition ðN ¼ 18Þ or to the control condition ðN ¼ 16Þ. CBT skills were assessed blind at baseline and after the intervention. Results. The training led to significant improvements in participants’ ability to link thoughts and feelings, and this skill was generalized to new material. There was no effect of training on participants’ ability to distinguish amongst thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. People with ID can, therefore, learn some skills required for CBT. This implies that preparatory training for CBT might be useful for people with ID. The results might be applicable to other groups who find aspects of CBT difficult.
Based on a review of the servant leadership, well-being, and performance literatures, the first study develops a research model that examines how and under which conditions servant leadership is related to follower performance and well-being alike. Data was collected from 33 leaders and 86 of their followers working in six organizations. Multilevel moderated mediation analyses revealed that servant leadership was indeed related to eudaimonic well-being and lead-er-rated performance via followers’ positive psychological capital, but that the strength and di-rection of the examined relationships depended on organizational policies and practices promot-ing employee health, and in the case of follower performance on a developmental team climate, shedding light on the importance of the context in which servant leadership takes place. In addi-tion, two more research questions resulted from a review of the training literature, namely how and under which conditions servant leadership can be trained, and whether follower performance and well-being follow from servant leadership enhanced by training. We subsequently designed a servant leadership training and conducted a longitudinal field experiment to examine our sec-ond research question. Analyses were based on data from 38 leaders randomly assigned to a training or control condition, and 91 of their followers in 36 teams. Hierarchical linear modeling results showed that the training, which addressed the knowledge of, attitudes towards, and ability to apply servant leadership, positively affected leader and follower perceptions of servant leader-ship, but in the latter case only when leaders strongly identified with their team. These findings provide causal evidence as to how and when servant leadership can be effectively developed. Fi-nally, the research model of Study 1 was replicated in a third study based on 58 followers in 32 teams drawn from the same population used for Study 2, confirming that follower eudaimonic well-being and leader-rated performance follow from developing servant leadership via increases in psychological capital, and thus establishing the directionality of the examined relationships.
The present study investigated the efficacies of Individual CBT (ICBT), Parent Relationship Skill Training (RLST, which targets increasing parental acceptance of youth and increasing autonomy granting) and Parent Reinforcement Skills Training (RLST, which targets increasing parental positive reinforcement and decreasing negative reinforcement). The specific aims were to examine treatment specificity and mediation effects of parenting variables. ICBT was used as a baseline comparison condition. The sample consisted of 253 youth (ages 5-16 years; M = 9.38; SD = 2.42) and their parents. To examine treatment outcome and specificity, the data were analyzed using analysis of variance within a structural equation modeling framework. Mediation was analyzed via structural equation modeling using MPlus. Results indicated that ICBT, RLST, and RFST produced positive treatment outcomes across all indices of change (i.e., clinically significant improvement, anxiety symptom reduction) and across all informants (i.e., youths and parents). RLST was associated with incremental reduction in youth anxiety symptoms beyond ICBT, as per youth report. Treatment specificity effects were found for participants in RFST in terms of parental reinforcement, as per parent report only. Treatment mediation was not found for any of the hypothesized parenting variables (i.e., parental acceptance, parental autonomy granting, parental reinforcement). The results support the use of CBT involving only the youth and the parent and youth together for treating youth anxiety. The findings’ implications are further discussed in terms of the need to conduct further meditational treatment outcome designs in order to continue to advance theory and research in youth anxiety treatment.
In 2008, the European Union published its Directive on mediation in civil and commercial matters, offering general regulation of this conflict resolution system, its principles, and its objectives. Social workers have for some time defended their role as mediators, but this reality has changed and mediation appears to have taken shape as an independent profession due to existing regulation, its introduction to universities and the implementation of training courses. This article analyses the differences between the two professions: mediator and social worker. It also considers the mediation that is carried out in the community context. Community mediation is a perfect tool for achieving a changed understanding of public social services, seeking to encourage citizens to participate in and take responsibility for community life and thereby to become active citizens as envisaged by the 2012 Global Agenda for Social Work. However, mediation in this context has certain peculiarities, and at times confusion may arise between the figures of social worker and mediator.
Empathic communication, (i.e. emotionally engaging with a patient), is an important part of the therapeutic relationship. It has been shown to improve the health and therapeutic outcomes for patients by improving diagnosis and compliance. In the West, front-line medical professionals, including herbal medicine practitioners, put themselves at risk of burnout and compassion fatigue by giving emotionally intensive care. While treatments for compassion fatigue and burnout are available, another way forward is needed to ensure healthcare professionals do not become ill; one that will enable both patients and healthcare professionals to receive the care needed. In this paper it is argued that compassion, which is defined in this paper, involves different neural circuitry to empathy and can protect healthcare professionals from the effects of stress that can, if not addressed, lead to burnout. Traditional Buddhist meditation techniques such as loving-kindness meditation have been shown to increase compassion in non-meditative states. Short daily sessions of such mediation practices have been shown to improve compassion in a way that protects healthcare professionals from burnout.
A mediator is a dependent variable, m (e.g., charisma), that is thought to channel the effect of an independent variable, x (e.g., receiving training or not), on another dependent variable (e.g., subordinate satisfaction), y. In experimental settings x is manipulated-subjects are randomized to treatment-to isolate the causal effect of x on other variables. If m is not or cannot be manipulated, which is often the case, its causal effect on other variables cannot be determined; thus, standard mediation tests cannot inform policy or practice. I will show how an econometric procedure, called instrumental-variable estimation, can examine mediation in such cases.