974 resultados para Media teaching aids


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Includes index.


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"Im Zuge der weiteren Verbreitung der Social Media und der internetbasierten Lehre, gewinnen eLearning Inhalte immer mehr an Bedeutung. In den Kontext von eLearning und internetbasierter Lehre gehören auch Open Educational Resources (OER). OER sind digitale Lern- und Lehrmaterialien, die frei für Lehrende und Studierende zugänglich sind und auch frei verbreitet werden dürfen. [...] Um OER auszutauschen, zu finden, zu beschaffen und sie auf einer breiten Basis zugänglich zu machen, insbesondere auch über Suchmaschinen und dadurch verwenden zu können, werden für die jeweiligen Materialien Metadaten benötigt. [...] Um die Frage nach dem Handlungs- und Forschungsbedarf zum Thema Metadaten für Open Educational Resources zu untersuchen, wird zunächst ein Überblick über die momentan bestehenden nationalen und internationalen Metadatenstandards für eLearning Objekte gegeben. [...] Hieraus ergeben sich Empfehlungen, welche Metadaten-Standards für die weitere Nutzung und Förderung geeignet sein könnten. Es werden außerdem die Möglichkeiten der Erstellung eines neuen Metadaten-Standards sowie eines gemeinsamen Portals für OER erörtert. Hierbei wird vor allem auf die zu erwartenden Probleme und die damit verbundenen Anforderungen eingegangen." (DIPF/Orig.)


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In diesem Beitrag wird diskutiert, welches Potenzial die ethnopsychoanalytische Theorieperspektive für eine Reflexion Globalen Lernens im Kontext oder in Bezug auf Afrika haben kann. Dabei wird zunächst der Ansatz der Ethnopsychoanalyse näher erläutert. Anschließend werden Konsequenzen für afrikabezogenes Globales Lernen gezogen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Visuelle Bildungsmedien erfahren wachsende Verbreitung in der universitären Lehre, und die Anzahl der verwendeten Medienformate steigt. Wir untersuchen empirisch den Lernerfolg dreier Formate - Lehrvideo plus Folien/Folien plus Audio/Audio - und stellen fest, dass der Lernerfolg die aufwändige Medienproduktion nicht in jedem Fall rechtfertigt. Das Untersuchungsdesign lädt zum Nachmachen und somit zum Ermitteln des geeignetsten Medienformats in einem spezifischen Lehrkontext ein. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Memes stellen ein modernes Bildmedium dar. Im Beitrag wird die Frage verfolgt, ob Memes mit ihrem inhärenten Humor innerhalb des Unterrichts auch als Bildungsmedium dienen und didaktisch genutzt werden können. Dazu wird Humor als generalisiertes Kommunikationsmedium pädagogischer Interaktion beschrieben, um Memes als moderne Bildmedien - in ihrer Wirkung als humorvolle Form der affektiven und kognitiven Inkongruenzstiftung - zur Entwicklung von Fachkonzepten im Physikunterricht fassen zu können. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Lernvideos haben sich als geeignetes Instrument erwiesen Lernprozesse von Studierenden effektiv zu unterstützen. Vorliegender Beitrag thematisiert die videobasierte Statistiklehre an Hochschulen und stellt die Ergebnisse einer Experimentalstudie vor. Darin zeigt sich, dass bivariate Zusammenhänge zwischen der Bewertung von Lernvideos und dem Lernergebnis bestehen und dass Studierende bei theoriebasierten Lernvideos die besten Lernergebnisse erzielen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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This thesis examines the intersection of popular cultural representations of HIV and AIDS and the discourses of public health campaigns. Part Two provides a comprehensive record of all HIV related storylines in Australian television drama from the first AIDS episode of The Flying Doctors in 1986 to the ongoing narrative of Pacific Drive, with its core HIV character, in 1996. Textual representations are examined alongside the agency of "cultural technicians" working within the television industry. The framework for this analysis is established in Part One of the thesis, which examines the discursive contexts for speaking about HIV and AIDS established through national health policy and the regulatory and industry framework for broadcasting in Australia. The thesis examines the dominant liberal democratic framework for representation of HIV I AIDS and adopts a Foucauldian understanding of the processes of governmentality to argue that during the period of the 1980s and 1990s a strand of social democratic discourse combined with practices of self management and the management of the Australian population. The actions of committed agents within both domains of popular culture and health education ensured that more challenging expressions of HIV found their way into public culture.


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Tensions exist between teacher-centred and learner-centred approaches with constructivism as being favoured for learning in the 21st Century. There is little evidence of teaching strategies being used in the field for differentiating student learning. In addition, preservice teachers need to learn about teaching strategies for which observations of their mentor teachers can provide practical applications. This study explores 16 preservice teachers’ observations of their mentors’ teaching strategies over a four-week professional experience. They provided a minimum of five written observations during this period. Findings indicated that these preservice teachers observed their mentors’ practices and recorded four key teaching strategies used to differentiate learning, namely: (1) designating facilitators for students’ learning, including teacher, peers, parents, and support staff such as teachers aides, (2) managing student groups, (3) contexts for learning, and (4) using a range of teaching aids (visual, auditory, games) and resources. Preservice teachers’ observations of their mentor teachers indicated that they can commence at early stages for identifying teaching strategies and how they work for differentiating student learning.


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While highly cohesive groups are potentially advantageous they are also often correlated with the emergence of knowledge and information silos based around those same functional or occupational clusters. Consequently, an essential challenge for engineering organisations wishing to overcome informational silos is to implement mechanisms that facilitate, encourage and sustain interactions between otherwise disconnected groups. This paper acts as a primer for those seeking to gain an understanding of the design, functionality and utility of a suite of software tools generically termed social media technologies in the context of optimising the management of tacit engineering knowledge. Underpinned by knowledge management theory and using detailed case examples, this paper explores how social media technologies achieve such goals, allowing for the transfer of knowledge by tapping into the tacit and explicit knowledge of disparate groups in complex engineering environments.


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An expanding education market targeted through ‘bridging material’ enabling cineliteracies has the potential to offer Australian producers with increased distribution opportunities, educators with targeted teaching aids and students with enhanced learning outcomes. For Australian documentary producers, the key to unlocking the potential of the education sector is engaging with its curriculum-based requirements at the earliest stages of pre-production. Two key mechanisms can lead to effective educational engagement; the established area of study guides produced in association with the Australian Teachers of Media (ATOM) and the emerging area of philanthropic funding coordinated by the Documentary Australia Foundation (DAF). DAF has acted as a key financial and cultural philanthropic bridge between individuals, foundations, corporations and the Australian documentary sector for over 14 years. DAF does not make or commission films but through management and receipt of grants and donations provides ‘expertise, information, guidance and resources to help each sector work together to achieve their goals’. The DAF application process also requires film-makers to detail their ‘Education and Outreach Strategy’ for each film with 582 films registered and 39 completed as of June 2014. These education strategies that can range from detailed to cursory efforts offer valuable insights into the Australian documentary sector's historical and current expectations of education as a receptive and dynamic audience for quality factual content. A recurring film-maker education strategy found in the DAF data is an engagement with ATOM to create a study guide for their film. This study guide then acts as a ‘bridging material’ between content and education audience. The frequency of this effort suggests these study guides enable greater educator engagement with content and increased interest and distribution of the film to educators. The paper Education paths for documentary distribution: DAF, ATOM and the study guides that bind them will address issues arising out of the changing needs of the education sector and the impact targeting ‘cineliteracy’ outcomes may have for Australian documentary distribution.


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The creative work comprises six short digital screen stories and emerges from a collaboration between the Discipline of Film Screen and Animation at Queensland University of Technology and the Centre for Social and Creative Media at University of Goroka, funded via the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's Australia Awards Fellowship. Six fellows traveled from Papua New Guinea to Brisbane for a two-week intensive course to learn the advanced skills necessary in order to create media that will empower women and girls to make more of their own economies in Papua New Guinea, and increase the representation of women and their well-being through leadership and decision-making. The resulting creative work is evidence of innovative media teaching-making methods designed to build human and cultural assets in PNG and address the increasing demand for media materials driven by the influx of mobile phones and internet services. The creative work provides a platform to directly address and positively impact gender issues in PNG and builds on the success of the Pawa Meri project, which trained six female directors to tell stories of women in leadership roles in PNG. One of the directors was a producer of this creative work. The creative work frames but problematises the complex issues influencing gender equity through the selection of content and narrative structures in ways which address the dynamics of male/female relationships and power in PNG society and will include strategies to illustrate transformed male and female behaviours. The creative work adopts a scaffolded approach, incorporating the findings of the Train the Trainer approach developed by UoG and QUT for the Life Drama research project. The creative work takes into account current developmental themes and approaches in the production of rich media products, and skills the key participants so that they are able to in turn train others in the wider community. The creative work was presented to partners and key stakeholders on 3 July 2015 at the Glasshouse, QUT Creative Industries Precinct and at the Dean’s Research Seminar Poster Exhibition 15 July 2015 at Room 212-213, Level 2, J Block, Gardens Point QUT and subsequent eBook. It has since returned to PNG to be showcased and distributed, and the skills and strategies disseminated.


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Traditional methods of teaching and learning in higher education are ever-evolving. This report assesses the feasibility of developing a teaching aid for pharmacology modules. Focus groups were established to gauge student and staff opinions on the use of teaching aids and an extensive literature review was conducted. The study identifies and critically evaluates a range of possibilities that could be developed and discusses practical issues such as accessibility, inclusion and assessment, associated with these potential aids. This initial study concludes that a suitable aid could take the form of a student-led development of a wiki-type website resource that included access to case-studies giving students ‘real-life’ experience of the concepts being studied. This type of project requires considerable time and financial support; nevertheless, this idea could be extended for many drugs and could be used in any health science course.