1000 resultados para MULTIPLE DIFFRACTION


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Hybrid reflections (HRs) involving substrate and layer planes (SL type) [Morelhao et al., Appl. Phys. Len. 73 (15), 2194 (1998)] observed in Chemical Beam Epitaxy (CBE) grown InGaP/GaAs(001) structures were used as a three-dimensional probe to analyze structural properties of epitaxial layers. A set of (002) rocking curves (omega-scan) measured for each 15 degrees in the azimuthal plane was arranged in a pole diagram in phi for two samples with different layer thicknesses (#A -58 nm and #B - 370 nm) and this allowed us to infer the azimuthal epilayer homogeneity in both samples. Also, it was shown the occurrence of (1 (1) over bar3) HR detected even in the thinner layer sample. Mappings of the HR diffraction condition (omega:phi) allowed to observe the crystal truncation rod through the elongation of HR shape along the substrate secondary reflection streak which can indicate in-plane match of layer/substrate lattice parameters. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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Hybrid reflections (HRs) involving substrate and layer planes (SL type) [Morelhao et al., Appl. Phys. Len. 73 (15), 2194 (1998)] observed in Chemical Beam Epitaxy (CBE) grown InGaP/GaAs(001) structures were used as a three-dimensional probe to analyze structural properties of epitaxial layers. A set of (002) rocking curves (omega-scan) measured for each 15 degrees in the azimuthal plane was arranged in a pole diagram in phi for two samples with different layer thicknesses (#A -58 nm and #B - 370 nm) and this allowed us to infer the azimuthal epilayer homogeneity in both samples. Also, it was shown the occurrence of (1 (1) over bar3) HR detected even in the thinner layer sample. Mappings of the HR diffraction condition (omega:phi) allowed to observe the crystal truncation rod through the elongation of HR shape along the substrate secondary reflection streak which can indicate in-plane match of layer/substrate lattice parameters. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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This work presents an explicit formulation for multiple- edge diffraction for mobile radiowave propagation in terms of uniform theory of diffraction (UTD) coefficients when a spherical incident wave is considered. This solution can be used in an UTD context and sharply reduces the computing time over existing formulation. Results can be applied in the planning of microcellular systems


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X-ray multiple diffraction experiments with synchrotron radiation were carried out on pure and doped nonlinear optical crystals: NH(4)H(2)PO(4) and KH(2)PO(4) doped with Ni and Mn, respectively. Variations in the intensity profiles were observed from pure to doped samples, and these variations correlated with shifts in the structure factor phases, also known as triplet phases. This result demonstrates the potential of X-ray phase measurements to study doping in this type of single crystal. Different methodologies for probing structural changes were developed. Dynamical diffraction simulations and curve fitting procedures were also necessary for accurate phase determination. Structural changes causing the observed phase shifts are discussed.


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This paper reports a direct observation of an interesting split of the (022)(022) four-beam secondary peak into two (022) and (022) three-beam peaks, in a synchrotron radiation Renninger scan (phi-scan), as an evidence of the layer tetragonal distortion in two InGaP/GaAs (001) epitaxial structures with different thicknesses. The thickness, composition, (a perpendicular to) perpendicular lattice parameter, and (01) in-plane lattice parameter of the two epitaxial ternary layers were obtained from rocking curves (omega-scan) as well as from the simulation of the (022)(022) split, and then, it allowed for the determination of the perpendicular and parallel (in-plane) strains. Furthermore, (022)(022) omega:phi mappings were measured in order to exhibit the multiple diffraction condition of this four-beam case with their split measurement.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A difração múltipla de raios-X utilizando radiação Síncrotron foi aplicada para o estudo de cátions de metais de transição Mn3+ e Ni2+ incorporados a rede cristalina do Fosfato de Amônio Monobásico (ADP) e Fosfato de Potássio Monobásico (KDP). Em todos os diagramas Renninger obtidos para as diferentes amostras e diferentes comprimentos de onda podemos observar que as posições angulares e o número de picos não sofrem alteração. Este fato nos diz que os parâmetros da célula unitária e a simetria do cristal são praticamente os mesmos, independentemente da incorporação de cátíons Mn3+ e Ni2+. Cálculos precisos dos parâmetros da célula unitária revelam que há expansão dos parâmetros de rede a = b e contração do parâmetro de rede c do cristal de ADP dopado com Ni2+ e Mn3+. Nas medidas com ambos os comprimentos de onda no ADP:Mn o digrama Renninger apresenta picos com perfis semelhantes aos perfis dos picos nos diagrama Renninger do cristal de ADP puro. Nenhum pico extra aparece no diagrama Renninger do cristal dopado. A partir dos diagramas resultantes das medidas no cristal de ADP:Ni pode-se observar claramente: (i) alguns picos que tinham um perfil assimétrico no diagrama do cristal de ADP puro apresentam perfis quase totalmente simétricos no diagrama do cristal dopado com Ni (nas medidas com comprimento de onda abaixo da borda de absorção do Ni) e, (ii) alguns picos sofrem uma forte inversão em seus perfis (nas medidas com comprimento de onda acima da borda de absorção do Ni), por exemplo, o pico (5-12)/(-112), que representa um caso de quatro feixes. Estes resultados indicam que o diagrama Renninger com radiação Síncrotron é uma sonda de alta resolução a serem utilizados na incorporação de impurezas na rede ADP. Além disso, investigamos os coeficientes piezelétricos dos cristais de ADP:Mn, KDP:Mn e KDP:Ni por difração de raios-X à temperatura ambiente. Os resultados das medidas das reflexões 440 e 066 permitiram a obtenção dos coeficientes d36 e d25. Nós observamos que estes coeficientes aumentaram com a dopagem dos íons Mn3+ e Ni2+ nos cristais de ADP e KDP.


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Nos últimos anos tem-se verificado através de várias publicações um interesse crescente em métodos de migração com amplitude verdadeira, com o objetivo de obter mais informações sobre as propriedades de refletividade da subsuperfície da terra. A maior parte desses trabalhos tem tratado deste tema baseando-se na aproximação de Born, como em Bleistein (1987) e Bleistein et al. (1987), ou na aproximação do campo de ondas pela teoria do raio como Hubral et al. (1991), Schleicher et al. (1993) e Martins et al. (1997). Considerando configurações arbitrárias de fontes e receptores, as reflexões primárias compressionais podem ser imageadas em reflexões migradas no domínio do tempo ou profundidade de tal modo que as amplitudes do campo de ondas migrado são uma medida do coeficiente de reflexão dependente do ângulo de incidência. Para realizar esta tarefa, vários algoritmos têm sido propostos nos últimos anos baseados nas aproximações de Kirchhoff e Born. Essas duas abordagens utilizam um operador integral de empilhamento de difrações ponderado que é aplicado aos dados da seção sísmica de entrada. Como resultado obtém-se uma seção migrada onde, em cada ponto refletor, tem-se o pulso da fonte com amplitude proporcional ao coeficiente de reflexão naquele ponto. Baseando-se na aproximação de Kirchhoff e na aproximação da teoria do raio do campo de ondas, neste trabalho é obtida a função peso para modelos bidimensionais (2-D) e dois e meio dimensionais (2,5-D) que é aplicada a dados sintéticos com e sem ruído. O resultado mostra a precisão e estabilidade do método de migração em 2-D e 2,5-D como uma ferramenta para a obtenção de informações importantes da subsuperfície da terra, que é de grande interesse para a análise da variação da amplitude com o afastamento (ângulo). Em suma, este trabalho apresenta expressões para as funções peso 2-D e 2,5-D em função de parâmetros ao longo de cada ramo do raio. São mostrados exemplos da aplicação do algoritmo de migração em profundidade a dados sintéticos 2-D e 2,5-D obtidos por modelamento sísmico através da teoria do raio usando o pacote Seis88 (Cervený e Psencík, 1988) e os resultados confirmaram a remoção do espalhamento geométrico dos dados migrados mesmo na presença de ruído. Testes adicionais foram realizados para a análise do efeito de alongamento do pulso na migração em profundidade (Tygel et al., 1994) e a aplicação do empilhamento múltiplo (Tygel et al., 1993) para a estimativa de atributos dos pontos de reflexão - no caso o ângulo de reflexão e a posição do receptor.


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This paper reports a direct observation of an interesting split of the (022)(022) four-beam secondary peak into two (022) and (022) three-beam peaks, in a synchrotron radiation Renninger scan (phi-scan), as an evidence of the layer tetragonal distortion in two InGaP/GaAs (001) epitaxial structures with different thicknesses. The thickness, composition, (a perpendicular to) perpendicular lattice parameter, and (01) in-plane lattice parameter of the two epitaxial ternary layers were obtained from rocking curves (omega-scan) as well as from the simulation of the (022)(022) split, and then, it allowed for the determination of the perpendicular and parallel (in-plane) strains. Furthermore, (022)(022) omega:phi mappings were measured in order to exhibit the multiple diffraction condition of this four-beam case with their split measurement.


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An analyzer-based X-ray phase-contrast imaging (ABI) setup has been mounted at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) for multiple imaging radiography (MIR) purposes. The algorithm employed for treating the MIR data collected at LNLS is described, and its reliability in extracting the distinct types of contrast that can be obtained with MIR is demonstrated by analyzing a test sample (thin polyamide wire). As a practical application, the possibility of studying ophthalmic tissues, corneal sequestra in this case, via MIR is investigated. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Free-space optical interconnects (FSOIs), made up of dense arrays of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, photodetectors and microlenses can be used for implementing high-speed and high-density communication links, and hence replace the inferior electrical interconnects. A major concern in the design of FSOIs is minimization of the optical channel cross talk arising from laser beam diffraction. In this article we introduce modifications to the mode expansion method of Tanaka et al. [IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. MTT-20, 749 (1972)] to make it an efficient tool for modelling and design of FSOIs in the presence of diffraction. We demonstrate that our modified mode expansion method has accuracy similar to the exact solution of the Huygens-Kirchhoff diffraction integral in cases of both weak and strong beam clipping, and that it is much more accurate than the existing approximations. The strength of the method is twofold: first, it is applicable in the region of pronounced diffraction (strong beam clipping) where all other approximations fail and, second, unlike the exact-solution method, it can be efficiently used for modelling diffraction on multiple apertures. These features make the mode expansion method useful for design and optimization of free-space architectures containing multiple optical elements inclusive of optical interconnects and optical clock distribution systems. (C) 2003 Optical Society of America.


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Using synchrotron X-ray grazing incidence diffraction, superlattice structures have been observed to develop in Langmuir-Blodgett films of cadmium arachidate as the temperature is raised. The previously reported superstructure in the stacked lamellae at room temperature changes at about 70 degreesC and there are further changes at about 90 and 103 degreesC before the major phase transition from stacked lamellae to hexagonally packed rods occurs at 107 degreesC (Langmuir 1997, 13, 1602). Between 70 and 103 degreesC there is a 1 x 10 one-dimensional in-plane superstructure, which is commensurate with the local structure and has an interlayer shift along [01] by a distance of b (of the local structure) at lower temperatures, and a further shift at about 90 degreesC. At lower (


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We describe a FORTRAN-90 program that computes scattering t-matrices for a molecule. These can be used in a Low-Energy Electron Diffraction program to solve the molecular structural problem very efficiently. The intramolecular multiple scattering is computed within a Dyson-like approach, using free space Green propagators in a basis of spherical waves. The advantage of this approach is related to exploiting the chemical identity of the molecule, and to the simplicity to translate and rotate these t-matrices without performing a new multiple-scattering calculation for each configuration. FORTRAN-90 routines for rotating the resulting t-matrices using Wigner matrices are also provided.


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We describe a FORTRAN-90 program to compute low-energy electron diffraction I(V) curves. Plane-waves and layer doubling are used to compute the inter-layer multiple-scattering, while the intra-layer multiple-scattering is computed in the standard way expanding the wavefield on a basis of spherical waves. The program is kept as general as possible, in order to allow testing different parts of multiple-scattering calculations. In particular, it can handle non-diagonal t-matrices describing the scattering of non-spherical potentials, anisotropic vibrations, anharmonicity, etc. The program does not use old FORTRAN flavours, and has been written keeping in mind the advantage for parallelism brought forward by FORTRAN-90.