986 resultados para Locally Nilpotent Derivations


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We consider locally nilpotent subgroups of units in basic tiled rings A, over local rings O which satisfy a weak commutativity condition. Tiled rings are generalizations of both tiled orders and incidence rings. If, in addition, O is Artinian then we give a complete description of the maximal locally nilpotent subgroups of the unit group of A up to conjugacy. All of them are both nilpotent and maximal Engel. This generalizes our description of such subgroups of upper-triangular matrices over O given in M. Dokuchaev, V. Kirichenko, and C. Polcino Milies (2005) [3]. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Questions about nilpotency of groups satisfying Engel conditions have been considered since 1936, when Zorn proved that finite Engel groups are nilpotent. We prove that 4-Engel groups are locally nilpotent. Our proof makes substantial use of both hand and machine calculations.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 13N15, 13A50, 16W25.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 13N15, 13A50, 13F20.


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We survey counterexamples to Hilbert’s Fourteenth Problem, beginning with those of Nagata in the late 1950s, and including recent counterexamples in low dimension constructed with locally nilpotent derivations. Historical framework and pertinent references are provided. We also include 8 important open questions.


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We study properties of self-iterating Lie algebras in positive characteristic. Let R = K[t(i)vertical bar i is an element of N]/(t(i)(p)vertical bar i is an element of N) be the truncated polynomial ring. Let partial derivative(i) = partial derivative/partial derivative t(i), i is an element of N, denote the respective derivations. Consider the operators v(1) = partial derivative(1) + t(0)(partial derivative(2) + t(1)(partial derivative(3) + t(2)(partial derivative(4) + t(3)(partial derivative(5) + t(4)(partial derivative(6) + ...))))); v(2) = partial derivative(2) + t(1)(partial derivative(3) + t(2)(partial derivative(4) + t(3)(partial derivative(5) + t(4)(partial derivative(6) + ...)))). Let L = Lie(p)(v(1), v(2)) subset of Der R be the restricted Lie algebra generated by these derivations. We establish the following properties of this algebra in case p = 2, 3. a) L has a polynomial growth with Gelfand-Kirillov dimension lnp/ln((1+root 5)/2). b) the associative envelope A = Alg(v(1), v(2)) of L has Gelfand-Kirillov dimension 2 lnp/ln((1+root 5)/2). c) L has a nil-p-mapping. d) L, A and the augmentation ideal of the restricted enveloping algebra u = u(0)(L) are direct sums of two locally nilpotent subalgebras. The question whether u is a nil-algebra remains open. e) the restricted enveloping algebra u(L) is of intermediate growth. These properties resemble those of Grigorchuk and Gupta-Sidki groups.


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In [19], [24] we introduced a family of self-similar nil Lie algebras L over fields of prime characteristic p > 0 whose properties resemble those of Grigorchuk and Gupta-Sidki groups. The Lie algebra L is generated by two derivations v(1) = partial derivative(1) + t(0)(p-1) (partial derivative(2) + t(1)(p-1) (partial derivative(3) + t(2)(p-1) (partial derivative(4) + t(3)(p-1) (partial derivative(5) + t(4)(p-1) (partial derivative(6) + ...))))), v(2) = partial derivative(2) + t(1)(p-1) (partial derivative(3) + t(2)(p-1) (partial derivative(4) + t(3)(p-1) (partial derivative(5) + t(4)(p-1) (partial derivative(6) + ...)))) of the truncated polynomial ring K[t(i), i is an element of N vertical bar t(j)(p) =0, i is an element of N] in countably many variables. The associative algebra A generated by v(1), v(2) is equipped with a natural Z circle plus Z-gradation. In this paper we show that for p, which is not representable as p = m(2) + m + 1, m is an element of Z, the algebra A is graded nil and can be represented as a sum of two locally nilpotent subalgebras. L. Bartholdi [3] andYa. S. Krylyuk [15] proved that for p = m(2) + m + 1 the algebra A is not graded nil. However, we show that the second family of self-similar Lie algebras introduced in [24] and their associative hulls are always Z(p)-graded, graded nil, and are sums of two locally nilpotent subalgebras.


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Eine Gruppe G hat endlichen Prüferrang (bzw. Ko-zentralrang) kleiner gleich r, wenn für jede endlich erzeugte Gruppe H gilt: H (bzw. H modulo seinem Zentrum) ist r-erzeugbar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden, soweit möglich, die bekannten Sätze über Gruppen von endlichem Prüferrang (kurz X-Gruppen), auf die wesentlich größere Klasse der Gruppen mit endlichem Ko-zentralrang (kurz R-Gruppen) verallgemeinert.Für lokal nilpotente R-Gruppen, welche torsionsfrei oder p-Gruppen sind, wird gezeigt, dass die Zentrumsfaktorgruppe eine X-Gruppe sein muss. Es folgt, dass Hyperzentralität und lokale Nilpotenz für R-Gruppen identische Bediungungen sind. Analog hierzu sind R-Gruppen genau dann lokal auflösbar, wenn sie hyperabelsch sind. Zentral für die Strukturtheorie hyperabelscher R-Gruppen ist die Tatsache, dass solche Gruppen eine aufsteigende Normalreihe abelscher X-Gruppen besitzen. Es wird eine Sylowtheorie für periodische hyperabelsche R-Gruppen entwickelt. Für torsionsfreie hyperabelsche R-Gruppen wird deren Auflösbarkeit bewiesen. Des weiteren sind lokal endliche R-Gruppen fast hyperabelsch. Für R-Gruppen fallen sehr große Gruppenklassen mit den fast hyperabelschen Gruppen zusammen. Hierzu wird der Begriff der Sektionsüberdeckung eingeführt und gezeigt, dass R-Gruppen mit fast hyperabelscher Sektionsüberdeckung fast hyperabelsch sind.


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Let G be a locally finite group satisfying the condition given in the title and suppose that G is not nilpotent-by-Chernikov. It is shown that G has a section S that is not nilpotent-by-Chernikov, where S is either a p-group or a semi-direct product of the additive group A of a locally finite field F by a subgroup K of the multiplicative group of F, where K acts by multiplication on A and generates F as a ring. Non-(nilpotent-by-Chernikov) extensions of this latter kind exist and are described in detail.


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Let A be a unital dense algebra of linear mappings on a complex vector space X. Let φ = Σn i=1 Mai,bi be a locally quasi-nilpotent elementary operator of length n on A. We show that, if {a1, . . . , an} is locally linearly independent, then the local dimension of V (φ) = span{biaj : 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n} is at most n(n−1) 2 . If ldim V (φ) = n(n−1) 2 , then there exists a representation of φ as φ = Σn i=1 Mui,vi with viuj = 0 for i ≥ j. Moreover, we give a complete characterization of locally quasinilpotent elementary operators of length 3.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47A10, 47A12, 47A30, 47B10, 47B20, 47B37, 47B47, 47D50.


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A point interpolation method with locally smoothed strain field (PIM-LS2) is developed for mechanics problems using a triangular background mesh. In the PIM-LS2, the strain within each sub-cell of a nodal domain is assumed to be the average strain over the adjacent sub-cells of the neighboring element sharing the same field node. We prove theoretically that the energy norm of the smoothed strain field in PIM-LS2 is equivalent to that of the compatible strain field, and then prove that the solution of the PIM- LS2 converges to the exact solution of the original strong form. Furthermore, the softening effects of PIM-LS2 to system and the effects of the number of sub-cells that participated in the smoothing operation on the convergence of PIM-LS2 are investigated. Intensive numerical studies verify the convergence, softening effects and bound properties of the PIM-LS2, and show that the very ‘‘tight’’ lower and upper bound solutions can be obtained using PIM-LS2.


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The following paper proposes a novel application of Skid-to-Turn maneuvers for fixed wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) inspecting locally linear infrastructure. Fixed wing UAVs, following the design of manned aircraft, commonly employ Bank-to-Turn ma- neuvers to change heading and thus direction of travel. Whilst effective, banking an aircraft during the inspection of ground based features hinders data collection, with body fixed sen- sors angled away from the direction of turn and a panning motion induced through roll rate that can reduce data quality. By adopting Skid-to-Turn maneuvers, the aircraft can change heading whilst maintaining wings level flight, thus allowing body fixed sensors to main- tain a downward facing orientation. An Image-Based Visual Servo controller is developed to directly control the position of features as captured by onboard inspection sensors. This improves on the indirect approach taken by other tracking controllers where a course over ground directly above the feature is assumed to capture it centered in the field of view. Performance of the proposed controller is compared against that of a Bank-to-Turn tracking controller driven by GPS derived cross track error in a simulation environment developed to replicate the field of view of a body fixed camera.


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There have been notable advances in learning to control complex robotic systems using methods such as Locally Weighted Regression (LWR). In this paper we explore some potential limits of LWR for robotic applications, particularly investigating its application to systems with a long horizon of temporal dependence. We define the horizon of temporal dependence as the delay from a control input to a desired change in output. LWR alone cannot be used in a temporally dependent system to find meaningful control values from only the current state variables and output, as the relationship between the input and the current state is under-constrained. By introducing a receding horizon of the future output states of the system, we show that sufficient constraint is applied to learn good solutions through LWR. The new method, Receding Horizon Locally Weighted Regression (RH-LWR), is demonstrated through one-shot learning on a real Series Elastic Actuator controlling a pendulum.


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The following paper proposes a novel application of Skid-to-Turn maneuvers for fixed wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) inspecting locally linear infrastructure. Fixed wing UAVs, following the design of manned aircraft, traditionally employ Bank-to-Turn maneuvers to change heading and thus direction of travel. Commonly overlooked is the effect these maneuvers have on downward facing body fixed sensors, which as a result of bank, point away from the feature during turns. By adopting Skid-to-Turn maneuvers, the aircraft is able change heading whilst maintaining wings level flight, thus allowing body fixed sensors to maintain a downward facing orientation. Eliminating roll also helps to improve data quality, as sensors are no longer subjected to the swinging motion induced as they pivot about an axis perpendicular to their line of sight. Traditional tracking controllers that apply an indirect approach of capturing ground based data by flying directly overhead can also see the feature off center due to steady state pitch and roll required to stay on course. An Image Based Visual Servo controller is developed to address this issue, allowing features to be directly tracked within the image plane. Performance of the proposed controller is tested against that of a Bank-to-Turn tracking controller driven by GPS derived cross track error in a simulation environment developed to simulate the field of view of a body fixed camera.