970 resultados para Linha laser
A exploração do meio subaquático utilizando visão computacional é ainda um processo complexo. Geralmente são utilizados sistemas de visão baseados em visão stereo, no entanto, esta abordagem apresenta limitações, é pouco precisa e é exigente em termos computacionais quando o meio de operação é o subaquático. Estas limitações surgem principalmente em dois cenários de aplicação: quando existe escassez de iluminação e em operações junto a infraestruturas subaquáticas. Consequentemente, a solução reside na utilização de fontes de informação sensorial alternativas ou complementares ao sistema de visão computacional. Neste trabalho propõe-se o desenvolvimento de um sistema de percepção subaquático que combina uma câmara e um projetor laser de um feixe em linha, onde o projetor de luz estruturada _e utilizado como fonte de informação. Em qualquer sistema de visão computacional, e ainda mais relevante em sistemas baseados em triangulação, a sua correta calibração toma um papel fulcral para a qualidade das medidas obtidas com o sistema. A calibração do sistema de visão laser foi dividida em duas etapas. A primeira etapa diz respeito à calibração da câmara, onde são definidos os parâmetros intrínsecos e os parâmetros extrínsecos relativos a este sensor. A segunda etapa define a relação entre a câmara e o laser, sendo esta etapa necessária para a obtenção de imagens tridimensionais. Assim, um dos principais desafios desta dissertação passou por resolver o problema da calibração inerente a este sistema. Desse modo, foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta que requer, pelo menos duas fotos do padrão de xadrez, com perspectivas diferentes. O método proposto foi caracterizado e validado em ambientes secos e subaquáticos. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o sistema _e preciso e os valores de profundidade obtidos apresentam um erro significativamente baixo (inferiores a 1 mm), mesmo com uma base-line (distância entre a centro óptico da câmara e o plano de incidência do laser) reduzida.
A perceção tridimensional é uma área em crescente desenvolvimento. Não existindo uma tecnologia ideal capaz de percecionar todo o tipo de cenários, têm surgido estudos sobre a aplicabilidade de diferentes tecnologias de forma a obter modelos que melhor se aproximem da realidade. Propõe-se nesta dissertação o desenvolvimento de um sistema de baixo-custo de percepção tridimensional que seja portátil e acessível na sua aplicabilidade, de forma a ter a capacidade de percecionar tridimensionalmente espaços interiores com pouca iluminação, tais como as divisões de um edifício ou os canais de uma mina subterrânea. Utilizou-se a triangulação entre uma câmara digital, os pontos de uma linha laser e um emissor laser para a obtenção dos dados tridimensionais do cenário. Para isso, recorreu-se a metodologias de processamento digital de imagens para a construção dos modelos dos cenários. Para se obter a validação desta dissertação, realizaram-se testes do protótipo de forma a determinar as suas capacidades percecionais. Em primeiro lugar realizou-se uma bateria de testes de calibração onde, repetidamente, se estudaram isoladamente pontos do cenário para verificar a precisão do sensor. Após esta calibração, estudou-se a capacidade de transformação de uma linha laser projetada num conjunto de coordenadas. Finalmente testou-se a capacidade de perceção tridimensional por rotação do sensor, de forma a realizar a transformação de múltiplas projeções de linhas laser num conjunto de coordenadas em torno do sensor. Verificou-se: no teste de calibração, a obtenção de distâncias com erro médio relativo inferior a 1%; no teste da linha laser, a capacidade de perceção de profundidade de múltiplos pontos ao longo da mesma; no teste de rotação, a aquisição de múltiplos conjuntos de linhas de profundidade no cenário, por rotação do sensor. Os resultados dos testes de validação permitiram concluir a viabilidade de utilizar a triangulação na aquisição de conjuntos de coordenadas de espaços interiores.
Os robots de movimentação de chapa são bastantes úteis para as empresas de metalomecânica. De facto, cada vez mais existem máquinas de corte por jato de água, laser ou outros processos, nos quais os robots apresentam um papel importante na carga e descarga do material. O trabalho realizado apresenta novas soluções aos sistemas de movimentação existentes no mercado, e permite reduzir os custos na movimentação do material. Este projeto serve essencialmente para chapas em trajetória retilínea, e efetuar o seu levantamento do equipamento e deposição em estrutura de suporte (ou viceversa). A vantagem a ter em conta é a diminuição dos custos de movimentação do material. Neste trabalho apresentou-se a metodologia de dimensionamento de um robot automatizado que transporta chapas com um peso máximo de 3500 kg, tendo por base as normas do EC3-P1.8 e o Método de Elementos Finitos (MEF). No decurso do projeto foram abordadas os seguintes temas: Abordagem inicial da geometria através do Solidworks; Dimensionamento da estrutura por software de Elementos Finitos, o Solidworks; Dimensionamento das correntes, carretos/discos ou coroas e rolamentos; Dimensionamento e seleção dos moto-redutores, bomba de vácuo e ventosas; Cálculo das solicitações em cada membro da estrutura por software de análise estrutural, o Multiframe3D, e respetivo dimensionamento das ligações aparafusadas e soldadas; Elaboração dos desenhos de projeto finais, processos de fabrico e custos; Dimensionamento do acionamento, MG e disposição dos dispositivos no quadro elétrico. Como conclusão refere-se que se conseguiu realizar o projeto e obter uma solução final otimizada, com a ajuda de ferramentas importantes, como sejam o MEF, resultando num equipamento cujas solicitações para a estrutura e sistema de movimentação foram otimizadas, resultando num equipamento eficiente, robusto, seguro e de custo reduzido.
Este trabalho é continuação da linha de pesquisa em escoamentos de alta velocidade, aerados, conduzida no departamento de Hidráulica e Saneamento da EESC/USP. O trabalho tem cunho experimental visando elucidar aspectos de enlaçamento de ar pela água, como resultado das flutuações turbulentas do escoamento do líquido. Medidas de vazão de ar e água, perfis de velocidade do escoamento líquido, perfis de concentração de ar no escoamento bifásico, perfis de intensidade turbulenta, comprimentos de jatos no salto sobre o aerador, foram efetuados com o fito de testar modelos que quantificam o enlaçamento de ar. Propostas básicas de quantificação de vazões de ar são apresentadas, fundamentadas em propostas da literatura, que mostram coerência entre vazões medidas diretamente e vazões estimadas. A metodologia desenvolvida no presente estudo permite obter adequadamente as grandezas relevantes para escoamentos aerados de alta velocidade. Quanto aos resultados obtidos, quando confrontados com os da literatura, indicam que há maiores incertezas para as propostas que envolvem principalmente as intensidades turbulentas.
Corynebacterium species (spp.) are among the most frequently isolated pathogens associated with subclinical mastitis in dairy cows. However, simple, fast, and reliable methods for the identification of species of the genus Corynebacterium are not currently available. This study aimed to evaluate the usefulness of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization/mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for identifying Corynebacterium spp. isolated from the mammary glands of dairy cows. Corynebacterium spp. were isolated from milk samples via microbiological culture (n=180) and were analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Using MALDI-TOF MS methodology, 161 Corynebacterium spp. isolates (89.4%) were correctly identified at the species level, whereas 12 isolates (6.7%) were identified at the genus level. Most isolates that were identified at the species level with 16 S rRNA gene sequencing were identified as Corynebacterium bovis (n=156; 86.7%) were also identified as C. bovis with MALDI-TOF MS. Five Corynebacterium spp. isolates (2.8%) were not correctly identified at the species level with MALDI-TOF MS and 2 isolates (1.1%) were considered unidentified because despite having MALDI-TOF MS scores >2, only the genus level was correctly identified. Therefore, MALDI-TOF MS could serve as an alternative method for species-level diagnoses of bovine intramammary infections caused by Corynebacterium spp.
The effectiveness of low-level laser therapy in muscle regeneration is still not well known. To investigate the effects of laser irradiation during muscle healing. For this purpose, 63 rats were distributed to 3 groups: non-irradiated control group (CG); group irradiated at 10 J/cm(2) (G10); and group irradiated at 50 J/cm(2) (G50). Each group was divided into 3 different subgroups (n=7), and on days 7, 14 and 21 post-injury the rats were sacrificed. Seven days post-surgery, the CG showed destroyed zones and extensive myofibrillar degeneration. For both treated groups, the necrosis area was smaller compared to the CG. On day 14 post-injury, treated groups demonstrated better tissue organization, with newly formed muscle fibers compared to the CG. On the 21(st) day, the irradiated groups showed similar patterns of tissue repair, with improved muscle structure at the site of the injury, resembling uninjured muscle tissue organization. Regarding collagen deposition, the G10 showed an increase in collagen synthesis. In the last period evaluated, both treated groups showed statistically higher values in comparison with the CG. Furthermore, laser irradiation at 10 J/cm(2) produced a down-regulation of cyclooxygenase 2 (Cox-2) immunoexpression on day 7 post-injury. Moreover, Cox-2 immunoexpression was decreased in both treated groups on day 14. Laser therapy at both fluencies stimulated muscle repair through the formation of new muscle fiber, increase in collagen synthesis, and down-regulation of Cox-2 expression.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been proven to be effective in disinfecting root canals. The aim of this present study was to evaluate the effects of PDT on the viability of Enterococcus faecalis using methylene blue (MB) and malachite green (MG) as photosensitizers. Solutions containing E. faecalis (ATCC 29212) were prepared and harvested by centrifugation to obtain cell suspensions, which were mixed with MB and MG. Samples were individually irradiated by the diode laser at a distance of 1mm for 30, 60, or 120 seconds. Colonyforming units (CFU) were determined for each treatment. PDT for 60 and 120 seconds with MG reduced E. faecalis viability significantly. Similar results were obtained when MB was used as photosensitizer. PDT using MB and MG have antibacterial effect against E. faecalis, showing potential to be used as an adjunctive antimicrobial procedure in endodontic therapy.
With a huge amount of printed documents nowadays, identifying their source is useful for criminal investigations and also to authenticate digital copies of a document. In this paper, we propose novel techniques for laser printer attribution. Our solutions do not need very high resolution scanning of the investigated document and explore the multidirectional, multiscale and low-level gradient texture patterns yielded by printing devices. The main contributions of this work are: (1) the description of printed areas using multidirectional and multiscale co-occurring texture patterns; (2) description of texture on low-level gradient areas by a convolution texture gradient filter that emphasizes textures in specific transition areas and (3) the analysis of printer patterns in segments of interest, which we call frames, instead of whole documents or only printed letters. We show by experiments in a well documented dataset that the proposed methods outperform techniques described in the literature and present near-perfect classification accuracy being very promising for deployment in real-world forensic investigations.
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has been widely used for the identification and classification of microorganisms based on their proteomic fingerprints. However, the use of MALDI-TOF MS in plant research has been very limited. In the present study, a first protocol is proposed for metabolic fingerprinting by MALDI-TOF MS using three different MALDI matrices with subsequent multivariate data analysis by in-house algorithms implemented in the R environment for the taxonomic classification of plants from different genera, families and orders. By merging the data acquired with different matrices, different ionization modes and using careful algorithms and parameter selection, we demonstrate that a close taxonomic classification can be achieved based on plant metabolic fingerprints, with 92% similarity to the taxonomic classifications found in literature. The present work therefore highlights the great potential of applying MALDI-TOF MS for the taxonomic classification of plants and, furthermore, provides a preliminary foundation for future research.
The purpose of this study was to assess whether the adhesive permits the collateral repair of axons originating from a vagus nerve to the interior of a sural nerve graft, and whether low-level laser therapy (LLLT) assists in the regeneration process. Study sample consisted of 32 rats randomly separated into three groups: Control Group (CG; n=8), from which the intact sural nerve was collected; Experimental Group (EG; n=12), in which one of the ends of the sural nerve graft was coapted to the vagus nerve using the fibrin glue; and Experimental Group Laser (EGL; n=12), in which the animals underwent the same procedures as those in EG with the addition of LLLT. Ten weeks after surgery, the animals were euthanized. Morphological analysis by means of optical and electron microscopy, and morphometry of the regenerated fibers were employed to evaluate the results. Collateral regeneration of axons was observed from the vagus nerve to the interior of the autologous graft in EG and EGL, and in CG all dimensions measured were greater and presented a significant difference in relation to EG and EGL, except for the area and thickness of the myelin sheath, that showed significant difference only in relation to the EG. The present study demonstrated that the fibrin glue makes axonal regeneration feasible and is an efficient method to recover injured peripheral nerves, and the use of low-level laser therapy enhances nerve regeneration.
Neutrophils (PMN) play a central role in host defense against the neglected fungal infection paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), which is caused by the dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb). PCM is of major importance, especially in Latin America, and its treatment relies on the use of antifungal drugs. However, the course of treatment is lengthy, leading to side effects and even development of fungal resistance. The goal of the study was to use low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to stimulate PMN to fight Pb in vivo. Swiss mice with subcutaneous air pouches were inoculated with a virulent strain of Pb or fungal cell wall components (Zymosan), and then received LLLT (780 nm; 50 mW; 12.5 J/cm2; 30 seconds per point, giving a total energy of 0.5 J per point) on alternate days at two points on each hind leg. The aim was to reach the bone marrow in the femur with light. Non-irradiated animals were used as controls. The number and viability of the PMN that migrated to the inoculation site was assessed, as well as their ability to synthesize proteins, produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) and their fungicidal activity. The highly pure PMN populations obtained after 10 days of infection were also subsequently cultured in the presence of Pb for trials of protein production, evaluation of mitochondrial activity, ROS production and quantification of viable fungi growth. PMN from mice that received LLLT were more active metabolically, had higher fungicidal activity against Pb in vivo and also in vitro. The kinetics of neutrophil protein production also correlated with a more activated state. LLLT may be a safe and non-invasive approach to deal with PCM infection.
Mapping of elements in biological tissue by laser induced mass spectrometry is a fast growing analytical methodology in life sciences. This method provides a multitude of useful information of metal, nonmetal, metalloid and isotopic distribution at major, minor and trace concentration ranges, usually with a lateral resolution of 12-160 µm. Selected applications in medical research require an improved lateral resolution of laser induced mass spectrometric technique at the low micrometre scale and below. The present work demonstrates the applicability of a recently developed analytical methodology - laser microdissection associated to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LMD ICP-MS) - to obtain elemental images of different solid biological samples at high lateral resolution. LMD ICP-MS images of mouse brain tissue samples stained with uranium and native are shown, and a direct comparison of LMD and laser ablation (LA) ICP-MS imaging methodologies, in terms of elemental quantification, is performed.
A solid-phase in-line extraction system for water samples containing low levels of emerging contaminants is described. The system was specially developed for large volume samples (up to 4 L) using commercial solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridges. Four sets containing PTFE-made connectors, brass adapters and ball valves were used to fit SPE cartridges and sample bottles to a 4-port manifold attached to a 20 L carboy. A lab-made vacuum device was connected to the manifold cap. The apparatus is robust and less expensive than the typical available system. Its also provides less experimental handling, avoiding cross contamination and sample losses.
PURPOSE: To evaluate changes in retinal nerve fiber layer thickness as measured by scanning laser polarimetry (SLP) after the use of medication to reduce intraocular pressure (IOP) in glaucomatous or ocular hypertensive patients. METHODS: The authors prospectively enrolled 37 eyes of 37 patients in whom IOP was reduced by more than 25% after the use of medication. The images were obtained before and 15 to 30 days after the introduction of medication. The SLP parameters measured before and after the use of medication were compared using paired Student's t Test. RESULTS: The mean IOP was significantly reduced from 26.57±4.23 mmHg to 16.54 ±2.92 mmHg after the use of medication (p<0.05). None of the 10 SLP analyzed parameters was significantly affected by the reduction of IOP with medication (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: The retinal nerve fiber layer thickness, as measured by SLP, is not affected by the reduction of IOP with medication in patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension.
Noncarious cervical lesions (NCCLs) are considered to be of multifactorial origin, normally associated with inadequate brushing. This study assessed the influence in vitro of simulated brushing on NCCL formation. Fifteen human premolars were submitted to brushing in the cementoenamel junction region, using hard-, medium- and soft-bristled brushes associated with a toothpaste of medium abrasiveness under a 200 g load, at a speed of 356 rpm for 100 minutes. The surface topography of the region was analyzed before and after brushing, by means of a laser interferometer, using "cut-off" values of 0.25 and considering roughness values in mm. The initial roughness (mm) results for dentin (D / bristle consistency: 1 - soft, 2 - medium and 3 - hard) were as follows: (D1) 1.25 ± 0.45; (D2) 1.12 ± 0.44; (D3) 1.05 ± 0.41. For enamel (E / bristle consistency: 1 - soft, 2 - medium and 3 - hard), the initial results were: (E1) 1.18 ± 0.35; (E2) 1.32 ± 0.25; (E3) 1.50 ± 0.38. After brushing, the following were the values for dentin: (D1) 2.32 ± 1.99; (D2) 3.30 ± 0.96; (D3) Over 500. For enamel, the values after brushing were: (E1) 1.37 ± 0.31; (E2) 2.15 ± 0.90; (E3) 1.22 ± 0.47. Based on the results of the ANOVA and Tukey statistical analyses (a = .05) it was concluded that soft, medium and hard brushes are not capable of abrading enamel, whereas dentin showed changes in surface roughness by the action of medium- and hard-bristled brushes.