999 resultados para Librarianship curriculum


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Este trabajo indaga los modos de abordaje de la cuestión tecnológica en la formación profesional universitaria en bibliotecología desde una mirada histórica que abarca 30 años. El estudio toma por caso la Carrera de Bibliotecología de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina) y considera centrales las transformaciones curriculares en el área de tecnología. Para el abordaje metodológico se contempló, por una parte, el análisis documental de los planes de estudios, los programas de algunas asignaturas y otros materiales significativos. Por otra parte, se entrevistaron docentes que intervinieron en las modificaciones del currículo en los últimos 30 años. Del análisis de ambos materiales surgen tendencias coincidentes respecto del lugar de lo tecnológico en la formación profesional así como sugerencias acerca de posibles modificaciones en la enseñanza


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Este trabajo indaga los modos de abordaje de la cuestión tecnológica en la formación profesional universitaria en bibliotecología desde una mirada histórica que abarca 30 años. El estudio toma por caso la Carrera de Bibliotecología de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina) y considera centrales las transformaciones curriculares en el área de tecnología. Para el abordaje metodológico se contempló, por una parte, el análisis documental de los planes de estudios, los programas de algunas asignaturas y otros materiales significativos. Por otra parte, se entrevistaron docentes que intervinieron en las modificaciones del currículo en los últimos 30 años. Del análisis de ambos materiales surgen tendencias coincidentes respecto del lugar de lo tecnológico en la formación profesional así como sugerencias acerca de posibles modificaciones en la enseñanza


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Este trabajo indaga los modos de abordaje de la cuestión tecnológica en la formación profesional universitaria en bibliotecología desde una mirada histórica que abarca 30 años. El estudio toma por caso la Carrera de Bibliotecología de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina) y considera centrales las transformaciones curriculares en el área de tecnología. Para el abordaje metodológico se contempló, por una parte, el análisis documental de los planes de estudios, los programas de algunas asignaturas y otros materiales significativos. Por otra parte, se entrevistaron docentes que intervinieron en las modificaciones del currículo en los últimos 30 años. Del análisis de ambos materiales surgen tendencias coincidentes respecto del lugar de lo tecnológico en la formación profesional así como sugerencias acerca de posibles modificaciones en la enseñanza


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Through a grant received from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), members of Health Libraries Australia (HLA) are collaborating with a researcher/educator to conduct a twelve month research project with the goal of developing an educational framework for the Australian health librarianship workforce of the future. The collaboration comprises the principal researcher and a representative group of practitioners from different sectors of the health industry who are affiliated with ALIA in various committees, advisory groups and roles. The research has two main aims: to determine the future skills requirements for the health librarian workforce in Australia; and to develop a structured, modular education framework for specialist post-graduate qualifications together with a structure for ongoing continuing professional development. The paper highlights some of the major trends in the health sector and some of the main environmental influences that may act as drivers for change for health librarianship as a profession, and particularly for educating the future workforce. The research methodology is outlined and the main results are described; the findings are discussed with regard to their implications for the development of a structured, competency-based education framework.


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This paper presents an analysis of inquiry skills in the Australian Curriculum, specifically in science, history and geography. It examines how inquiry is portrayed in the three subjects, and how it is developed and sequenced from Foundation to Year 10. It analyses how information literacy is represented in the inquiry skills strands. It provides recommendations for teacher-librarians to leverage information literacy as an integral part of the inquiry process, and as an integrating framework that unites the strands.


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In 2012, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) committed to the massive project of revitalizing its Bachelor of Science (ST01) degree. Like most universities in Australia, QUT has begun work to align all courses by 2015 to the requirements of the updated Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) which is regulated by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA). From the very start of the redesigned degree program, students approach scientific study with an exciting mix of theory and highly topical real world examples through their chosen “grand challenge.” These challenges, Fukushima and nuclear energy for example, are the lenses used to explore science and lead to 21st century learning outcomes for students. For the teaching and learning support staff, our grand challenge is to expose all science students to multidisciplinary content with a strong emphasis on embedding information literacies into the curriculum. With ST01, QUT is taking the initiative to rethink not only content but how units are delivered and even how we work together between the faculty, the library and learning and teaching support. This was the desired outcome but as we move from design to implementation, has this goal been achieved? A main component of the new degree is to ensure scaffolding of information literacy skills throughout the entirety of the three year course. However, with the strong focus on problem-based learning and group work skills, many issues arise both for students and lecturers. A move away from a traditional lecture style is necessary but impacts on academics’ workload and comfort levels. Therefore, academics in collaboration with librarians and other learning support staff must draw on each others’ expertise to work together to ensure pedagogy, assessments and targeted classroom activities are mapped within and between units. This partnership can counteract the tendency of isolated, unsupported academics to concentrate on day-to-day teaching at the expense of consistency between units and big picture objectives. Support staff may have a more holistic view of a course or degree than coordinators of individual units, making communication and truly collaborative planning even more critical. As well, due to staffing time pressures, design and delivery of new curriculum is generally done quickly with no option for the designers to stop and reflect on the experience and outcomes. It is vital we take this unique opportunity to closely examine what QUT has and hasn’t achieved to be able to recommend a better way forward. This presentation will discuss these important issues and stumbling blocks, to provide a set of best practice guidelines for QUT and other institutions. The aim is to help improve collaboration within the university, as well as to maximize students’ ability to put information literacy skills into action. As our students embark on their own grand challenges, we must challenge ourselves to honestly assess our own work.


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This article reports a survey that sought to capture a contemporary snapshot of curriculum collections in Australian universities. It highlights best practice and issues in collection organisation, development and access, the challenges facing these collections, and possible future directions. Many themes emerged, including: the need to make spaces a vibrant part of the teaching and learning environment; the need to integrate print and digital collections to raise students’ awareness and use of resources; the need to demonstrate a link between collections and services and the students’ learning experience; the difficulties resulting from reduced budgets; and the need to actively engage academics.


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A librarian from the Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) and the Library Communications Manager at Taylor & Francis Group partnered to launch a collaborative information literacy pilot program focusing on assisting FGCU students and faculty navigate and understand the scholarly publishing process. This article describes how the idea was created, as well as steps involved in developing the publishing toolkit to help FGCU patrons. An overview of the pilot program was presented during the 2015 Charleston Conference as a poster session.