954 resultados para LED BASED PHOTOMETER
In the current work a Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) procedure for photometric determination of orthophosphate in river water at mu g L-1 concentration level is described. The flow system module and the LED-based photometer were assembled together to constitute a compact unit in order to allow that a flow cell with optical path-length of 100mm was coupled to them. The photometric procedure based on the molybdenum blue method was implemented employing the multicommuted flow injection analysis approach, which provided facilities to allow reduction of reagent consumption and as well as waste generation. Aiming to prove the usefulness of the system, orthophosphate in river and tap waters was determined. Accuracy was ascertained by spiking samples with orthophosphate solution yielding recoveries ranging from 96% up to 107%. Other profitable features such as a wide linear response range between 10 to 800 mu g L-1 [image omitted]; a detection limit (3 sigma criterion) of 2.4 mu g L-1 [image omitted]; a relative standard deviation (n=7) of 2% using a typical water sample with concentration of 120 mu g L-1 [image omitted]; reagent consumption of 3.0mg ammonium molybdate, 0.3mg hydrazine sulfate, and 0.03mg stannous chloride per determination; a waste generation of 2.4mL per determination; and a sampling throughput of 20 determination per hours were also achieved.
In this work, a LED (light emitting diode) based photometer for solid phase photometry is described. The photometer was designed to permit direct coupling of a light source (LED) and a photodiode to a flow cell with an optical pathlength of 4 mm. The flow cell was filled with adsorbing solid phase material (C-18), which was used to immobilize the chromogenic reagent 1-(2-thiazolylazo)-2-naphthol (TAN). Aiming to allow accuracy assessment, samples were also analyzed employing ICP OES (inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry) methodology. Applying the paired t-test at the 95% confidence level, no significant difference was observed. Other useful features were also achieved: linear response ranging from 0.05 to 0.85 mg L-1 Zn, limit of detection of 9 mu g L-1 Zn (3 sigma criterion), standard deviation of 1.4% (n = 10), sampling throughput of 36 determinations per h, and a waste generation and reagent consumption of 1.7 mL and of 0.03 mu g per determination, respectively.
Neste trabalho é proposto um fotômetro baseado em LED (diodo emissor de luz) para fotometria em fase sólida. O fotômetro foi desenvolvido para permitir o acoplamento da fonte de radiação (LED) e do fotodetector direto na cela de fluxo, tendo um caminho óptico de 4 mm. A cela de fluxo foi preenchida com material sólido (C18), o qual foi utilizado para imobilizar o reagente cromogênico 1-(2-tiazolilazo)-2-naftol (TAN). A exatidão foi avaliada empregando dados obtidos através da técnica ICP OES (espectrometria de emissão por plasma indutivamente acoplado). Aplicando-se o teste-t pareado não foi observada diferença significativa em nível de confiança de 95%. Outros parâmetros importantes encontrados foram faixa de resposta linear de 0,05 a 0,85 mg L-1 Zn, limite de detecção de 9 µg L-1 Zn (n = 3), desvio padrão de 1,4 % (n = 10), frequência de amostragem de 36 determinações por h, e uma geração de efluente e consumo de reagente de 1,7 mL e 0,03 µg por determinação, respectivamente.
In this manuscript, an automatic setup for screening of microcystins in surface waters by employing photometric detection is described. Microcystins are toxins delivered by cyanobacteria within an aquatic environment, which have been considered strongly poisonous for humans. For that reason, the World Health Organization (WHO) has proposed a provisional guideline value for drinking water of 1 mu g L-1. In this work, we developed an automated equipment setup, which allows the screening of water for concentration of microcystins below 0.1 mu g V. The photometric method was based on the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the analytical signal was monitored at 458 nm using a homemade LED-based photometer. The proposed system was employed for the detection of microcystins in rivers and lakes waters. Accuracy was assessed by processing samples using a reference method and applying the paired t-test between results. No significant difference at the 95% confidence level was observed. Other useful features including a linear response ranging from 0.05 up to 2.00 mu g L-1 (R-2 =0.999) and a detection limit of 0.03 mu g L-1 microcystins were achieved. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The design and development of a cost-effective, simple, sensitive and portable LED based fiber optic evanescent wave sensor for simultaneously detecting trace amounts of chromium and nitrite in water are presented. In order to obtain the desired performance, the middle portions of two multimode plastic clad silica fibers are unclad and are used as the sensing elements in the two arms of the sensor. Each of the sensor arms is sourced by separate super bright green LEDs, which are modulated in a time-sharing manner and a single photo detector is employed for detecting these light signals. The performance and characteristics of this system clearly establish the usefulness of the technique for detecting very low concentrations of the dissolved contaminants.
A photometric procedure for the determination of ClO(-) in tap water employing a miniaturized multicommuted flow analysis setup and an LED-based photometer is described. The analytical procedure was implemented using leucocrystal violet (LCV; 4,4', 4 ''-methylidynetris (N, N-dimethylaniline), C(25)H(31)N(3)) as a chromogenic reagent. Solenoid micropumps employed for solutions propelling were assembled together with the photometer in order to compose a compact unit of small dimensions. After control variables optimization, the system was applied for the determination of ClO(-) in samples of tap water, and aiming accuracy assessment samples were also analyzed using an independent method. Applying the paired t-test between results obtained using both methods, no significant difference at the 95% confidence level was observed. Other useful features include low reagent consumption, 2.4 mu g of LCV per determination, a linear response ranging from 0.02 up to 2.0 mg L(-1) ClO(-), a relative standard deviation of 1.0% (n = 11) for samples containing 0.2 mg L(-1) ClO(-), a detection limit of 6.0 mu g L(-1) ClO(-), a sampling throughput of 84 determinations per hour, and a waste generation of 432 mu L per determination.
In this work a downscaled multicommuted flow injection analysis setup for photometric determination is described. The setup consists of a flow system module and a LED based photometer, with a total internal volume of about 170 mu L The system was tested by developing an analytical procedure for the photometric determination of iodate in table salt using N,N-diethyl-henylenediamine (DPD) as the chromogenic reagent. Accuracy was accessed by applying the paired r-test between results obtained using the proposed procedure and a reference method, and no significant difference at the 95% confidence level was observed. Other profitable features, such as a low reagent consumption of 7.3 mu g DPD per determination: a linear response ranging from 0.1 up to 3.0 m IO(3)(-), a relative standard deviation of 0.9% (n = 11) for samples containing 0.5 m IO(3)(-), a detection limit of 17 mu g L(-1) IO(3)(-), a sampling throughput of 117 determination per hour, and a waste generation 600 mu L per determination, were also achieved. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Droplets formed at the tip of a tube under the same conditions possess extreme uniformity of form, volume and weight. These properties of liquid drop formation have been known for a long time and consequently many applications for the drop have been found in instrumentation and chemical analysis methods. In the present paper, we report on the analytical use of a dynamic LED-based flow-through optical absorption detector with optical path length controlled by continuous dropping of a solution. This arrangement consists of a flow cell built within a high-intensity red LED (lambda (max)=630 nm). The feasibility of the detector is demonstrated by colorimetric determination of methylene blue, and ammonium by Berthelot's reaction, in a flow-injection system. For ammonium, the reaction forms a blue dye (indophenol) with a maximum absorption at 630-650 nm. The detection limit, considered as 3 times the signal of the blank, is better than 125 mu g l(-1). The small flow cell represents a good combination of optical path length, low volume and fast washout. This detector can be used advantageously in automated methods and can represent a solution to problems of optical detection involving gas bubbles and precipitation of particles in turbidimetric applications.
The aim of this study was to test a newly developed LED-based fluorescence device for approximal caries detection in vitro. We assembled 120 extracted molars without frank cavitations or fillings pairwise in order to create contact areas. The teeth were independently assessed by two examiners using visual caries detection (International Caries Detection and Assessment System, ICDAS), bitewing radiography (BW), laser fluorescence (LFpen), and LED fluorescence (Midwest Caries I.D., MW). The measurements were repeated at least 1 week later. The diagnostic performance was calculated with Bayesian analyses. Post-test probabilities were calculated in order to judge the diagnostic performance of combined methods. Reliability analyses were performed using kappa statistics for nominal data and intraclass correlation (ICC) for absolute data. Histology served as the gold standard. Sensitivities/specificities at the enamel threshold were 0.33/0.84 for ICDAS, 0.23/0.86 for BW, 0.47/0.78 for LFpen, and 0.32/0.87 for MW. Sensitivities/specificities at the dentine threshold were 0.04/0.89 for ICDAS, 0.27/0.94 for BW, 0.39/0.84 for LFpen, and 0.07/0.96 for MW. Reliability data were fair to moderate for MW and good for BW and LFpen. The combination of ICDAS and radiography yielded the best diagnostic performance (post-test probability of 0.73 at the dentine threshold). The newly developed LED device is not able to be recommended for approximal caries detection. There might be too much signal loss during signal transduction from the occlusal aspect to the proximal lesion site and the reverse.
This study describes a novel spectral LED-based tunable light source used for customized lighting solutions, especially for the reconstruction of CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) standard illuminants. The light source comprises 31 spectral bands ranging from 400 to 700 nm, an integrating cube and a control board with a 16-bit resolution. A minimization algorithm to calculate the weighting values for each channel was applied to reproduce illuminants with precision. The differences in spectral fitting and colorimetric parameters showed that the reconstructed spectra were comparable to the standard, especially for the D65, D50, A and E illuminants. Accurate results were also obtained for illuminants with narrow peaks such as fluorescents (F2 and F11) and a high-pressure sodium lamp (HP1). In conclusion, the developed spectral LED-based light source and the minimization algorithm are able to reproduce any CIE standard illuminants with a high spectral and colorimetric accuracy able to advance available custom lighting systems useful in the industry and other fields such as museum lighting.
Water treatment using photocatalysis has gained extensive attention in recent years. Photocatalysis is promising technology from green chemistry point of view. The most widely studied and used photocatalyst for decomposition of pollutants in water under ultraviolet irradiation is TiO2 because it is not toxic, relatively cheap and highly active in various reactions. Within this thesis unmodified and modified TiO2 materials (powders and thin films) were prepared. Physico-chemical properties of photocatalytic materials were characterized with UV-visible spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectrometry (XPS), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), ellipsometry, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), Raman spectroscopy, goniometry, diffuse reflectance measurements, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and nitrogen adsorption/desorption. Photocatalytic activity of prepared samples in aqueous environment was tested using model compounds such as phenol, formic acid and metazachlor. Also purification of real pulp and paper wastewater effluent was studied. Concentration of chosen pollutants was measured with high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Mineralization and oxidation of organic contaminants were monitored with total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) analysis. Titanium dioxide powders prepared via sol-gel method and doped with dysprosium and praseodymium were photocatalytically active for decomposition of metazachlor. The highest degradation rate of metazachlor was observed when Pr-TiO2 treated at 450ºC (8h) was used. The photocatalytic LED-based treatment of wastewater effluent from plywood mill using commercially available TiO2 was demonstrated to be promising post-treatment method (72% of COD and 60% of TOC was decreased after 60 min of irradiation). The TiO2 coatings prepared by atomic layer deposition technique on aluminium foam were photocatalytically active for degradation of formic and phenol, however suppression of activity was observed. Photocatalytic activity of TiO2/SiO2 films doped with gold bipyramid-like nanoparticles was about two times higher than reference, which was not the case when gold nanospheres were used.
Nykyisin raideliikenteen käytössä olevan opastinjärjestelmän mukaiset opastimet ovat kunnossapidollisesti erittäin haastavia. Niiden korkeus aiheuttaa kunnossapitohenkilöstölle työturvallisuusriskin ja monimutkaiset opastinulokkeet ja - portaalit ovat kalliita rakentaa. Nykyisin käytössä oleva opastinjärjestelmä onkin tarkoitus korvata Opastinjärjestelmä 2010 -nimisellä järjestelmällä, jonka kehitystyö on aloitettu Ratahallintokeskuksessa vuonna 2006. Tämä diplomityö on osa kyseistä kehitystyötä. Työn tarkoituksena on raideliikenteen käyttöön tulevien Opastinjärjestelmä 2010:n mukaisten opastimien valoyksiköiden koteloiden rakenteen suunnittelu ja materiaalinvalinta. Suunnittelutyöhön sisältyvät myös valoyksiköiden häikäisysuojien suunnittelu, sekä opastimien koteloiden liittäminen opastimien jalkoihin. Uusille opastimille suunnitellaan myös putkipaaluperustus. Opastinjärjestelmä 2010:n mukaisten opastimien myötä opastinten sijoittelua voidaan parantaa, ja niiden kunnossapito helpottuu. Uuden järjestelmän opastimien kotelot tarjoavat opastimien valoyksiköille entistä avointa levyrakennetta paremman ilkivaltasuojan. Uusissa opastimissa otetaan käyttöön LED-valoyksiköt, joka vähentää kunnossapitokustannuksia lamppujen vaihtotarpeen pienentyessä.
Talotekniikan alalla valaistusmuutoksissa LED-valaistus on nykypäivää. Valaistuksen käyttöominaisuudet ja hyödyt tekevät siitä perustellun valinnan myös suurissa kohteissa. Näistä laajemmista valaistuksen muutoksista ja niiden vaikutuksista sähkön laatuun ei ole yleisesti mittaustietoa. Tämä tutkimus perustui sähkön laadun käytännön mittauksiin valaistusmuutoksessa, jossa elohopeahöyrylampuilla toteutettu valaistus vaihdettiin LED-valaistukseen hypermarketin pysäköintihallissa. Valaistusjärjestelmän muutoksen vaikutusta sähkön laatuun tutkittiin vertailemalla mittaustuloksia vanhan ja uuden järjestelmän välillä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli osoittaa miten LED-valaistukseen siirtyminen vaikuttaa sähkön laatuun valitussa tutkimuskohteessa. Tutkimuksessa tuotettu tieto on hyödynnettävissä vastaavissa kohteissa LED-valaistukseen siirryttäessä sekä valaistuksen käyttöönoton suunnittelussa ja toteuttamisessa. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää myös kustannusten arvioimisessa valaistavan tilan sähkönkulutuksen osalta. Tutkimus toteutettiin käyttämällä triangulaatiomenetelmää eli teemahaastattelulla, kirjallisuuskatsauksella ja käytännön mittauksilla. Näiden menetelmien tulokset tukivat tutkimukselle asetettuja hypoteeseja. Valitulla tutkimusmenetelmällä saatiin selville, että LED-valaistukseen siirtymisellä ei ollut heikentäviä vaikutuksia sähkön laatuun tutkitun kohteen valaistusjärjestelmässä. Toisaalta positiivisina vaikutuksina huomioitiin muun muassa merkittävä energian säästö, virran harmonisten häiriöiden väheneminen sekä kokonaistehokertoimen parantuminen.
Dentin hypersensitivity is a common condition associated with high dental pain. A new LED-based (light emitting diode) light source has been used as an experimental tool in some studies. Purpose: The main objective was to compare these two light sources emitting in the same spectral band (red from 625 to 660 nm) to promote pain relief. Material and methods: A total of 6 sessions were accomplished, being three irradiation sessions and three follow-up sessions. This single-blind study compared a control group (Placebo) and two other groups with different equipments: low laser intensity treatment (LILT) and a light emitting diode system treatment (LEDT). Results: The results showed that there is no statistical difference between LILT and LEDT groups, however, both were better than control group (p=0.01) in terms of treatment efficiency; there is no difference between the second and the third sessions for both treatment, it means that the third session was not necessary; finally, the improvement at the end of the entire research (follow up care of 30 days) was very expressive in comparison to pre-treatment situation for all teeth (p=0.01). Conclusion: LILT and LEDT were equally effective to treat dentine hypersensitivity, a 3rd treatment session was not necessary/two sessions are enough.
The photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a combination of using a photosensitizer agent, light and oxygen that can cause oxidative cellular damage. This technique is applied in several cases, including for microbial control. The most extensively studied light sources for this purpose are lasers and LED-based systems. Few studies treat alternative light sources based PDT. Sources which present flexibility, portability and economic advantages are of great interest. In this study, we evaluated the in vitro feasibility for the use of chemiluminescence as a PDT light source to induce Staphylococcus aureus reduction. The Photogem (R) concentration varied from 0 to 75 mu g/ml and the illumination time varied from 60 min to 240 min. The long exposure time was necessary due to the low irradiance achieved with chemiluminescence reaction at mu W/cm(2) level. The results demonstrated an effective microbial reduction of around 98% for the highest photosensitizer concentration and light dose. These data suggest the potential use of chemiluminescence as a light source for PDT microbial control, with advantages in terms of flexibility, when compared with conventional sources. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.