946 resultados para Judiciary system crisis


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Esta monografia analisa as características do Termo de Ajustamento de Conduta, bem como demonstra os motivos pelos quais se apresenta como uma solução para a efetividade do princípio do acesso à justiça. Para demonstrar que o TAC é de fato uma alternativa à via judicial, foram obtidos dados nos sites do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro e do Conselho Nacional de Justiça que comprovaram a crise do sistema judiciário. Em seguida, foram expostas algumas características do ajustamento de conduta bem como sua evolução ao longo dos anos. A princípio, tais peculiaridades corroboram ainda mais a ideia de “substitutividade” ao procedimento judicial, uma vez que o instituto além de ser mais célere, não impõe as formalidades exigidas pelo poder judiciário. Por fim, foram apresentados dois termos de ajustamento de conduta, sendo primeiro firmado pelo Ministério Público Federal em conjunto com o Ministério Público Estadual, e o segundo pelo Ministério Público do Trabalho. A conclusão deste estudo é a de que TAC tem todo o potencial para tornar-se uma alternativa à solução de litígios, contudo, ainda precisa de certas adaptações para que seja plenamente eficaz.


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In my master's thesis I explore the political significance of logging in Papua New Guinea (PNG). In commercial logging the post-colonial state of PNG, its local communities, transnational companies and non-governmental organizations come interestingly together. The central research questions are what forms of political awareness and mobilization does commercial logging bring up in the small scale communities and how – if at all – does logging change the relationship between these communities and the state of PNG. The thesis is based on three months of ethnographic fieldwork conducted in 2007 in a village located in the East New Britain province of PNG. The village, inhabited mainly by the Mengen people, was an interesting case, because logging operations had been conducted in the area with the permission of the people, while on the other hand some villagers had formed a conservation association of their own. Parliamentary elections were also held in PNG during the time of my fieldwork. During my stay in the village I took part in the village life and conducted interviews. In addition to this, much of my material is based on informal discussions with people. On my way to and from the village I also interviewed several Papua New Guinean NGO-workers in the national and provincial capitals. In my thesis I show that environmental conservation in the village is part of a larger attempt to protect local autonomy, culture and the environment, i.e. it is a ”localistic” movement. Locals supporting conservation, as well as those supporting logging, take actively part in national parliamentary as well as local level politics. In my thesis I have attempted to unpack the notion of ”local” by examining internal power relations of the community and describing various lines of thought and opinions that base on local cultural values. Along with this, commercial logging seems also to elicit the role of the state in two-fold way in East New Britain. On the one hand, the government seeks to use logging roads built by logging companies as the basis of its own national infrastructure, even though the company roads are often of manifestably poor quality and short-lived. On the other hand, problems caused by logging, such as land disputes, create a need among local communities for the state and its services. Central themes in my thesis are the local values invested in the environment, as well as the ways in which the locals produce their environment both conceptually as well as physically. As subsistence farmers the locals depend economically on the condition of their environment. However, the value of the environment goes beyond economical questions. For example, the environment holds proof of the history of the community. Conversely, also the state and companies attempt to conceptualize, modify and administer the environment. This is done through processes such as mapping and road building, both crucial political questions in East New Britain. Here the anthropological discussion about space and place, as well as political geography are central. The diverse ways of conceptualizing the environment, as well as logging, cause often disputes about the ownership of land areas. Because of this I discuss local ways of holding the land communally, as well as PNG's land legislation and ways of dispute management. Land tenure and disputes are political questions that the locals have to deal with and in some cases these questions also create a need for the judiciary system of the state. The disputes affect also political activity, which I discuss at some length in my thesis as well. Interestingly, the locals, regardless of their political views and affiliations, establish transnational connections ranging from NGOs to government departments and multinational companies.


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Leitura da narrativa O estrangeiro, de Albert Camus, e da narrativa fílmica O homem que não estava lá, dos irmãos Ethan Coen e Joel Coen, com vistas a propor uma reflexão literária sobre o desconcerto do sujeito num mundo de solidão, indiferença e nonsense existencial. Oriundas do esmaecimento de qualquer sentimento diante da inexorabilidade da consciência da finitude, pelo comparatismo e com apoio no conceito de intertextualidade, são passadas em revista as trajetórias contingentes de Ed Crane − protagonista da obra cinematográfica − e Meursault, personagem central do romance camusiano. Luz e sombra potencializam a aterradora atmosfera de absurdo na qual se desequilibra Ed Crane, em sua existência obscura, em contraponto com a claridade reinante no percurso de Meursault. Ambos os personagens são condenados pela sociedade, de maneira insólita e definitiva, por intermédio de textos que denunciam, outrossim, a engrenagem trágica do sistema judiciário, permitindo-nos conectar os citados personagens, Plume Um certo Plume, de Henri Michaux e Joseph K. angústia errante engendrada por Franz Kafka em O processo


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The necessity to be efficient and effective has long shifted from the private to the public sector. New philosophies have appeared with the aim to supply better performance in both private and public organisms. One of those theories is Quality. It stresses that people who are part of an organisation must realise that they are customers and suppliers within a workflow. The aim of this study was to identify to what extent quality theory can be found in bureaucratic management. The hypothesis was that, despite of the Federal Justice in Amazonas State ─ JF-AM ─ being a bureaucratic organisation, quality parameters are present in the tasks conduction and practice execution. This study was descriptive and explicative. It was a case with bibliographical and field research. As for the means, this research was limited due to both a reduced bibliographical archive pertaining to the comparison between bureaucratic and quality theories, and the uncertainty about the veracity from the questionnaires answers to be answered by members of the sample organisation, the JF-AM. Another limitation factor was the fact that the sample organisation is under the federal judiciary power which excluded views from a State and municipal orbit and from other areas of public power, such as the legislative and the executive. Therefore it seems interesting to gather from this locus another view of quality, mainly as reforms to the judiciary system are in question, which lent a special meaning to this research. The final conclusion was that quality parameters were found in the bureaucratic sample organisation.


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The necessity to be efficient and effective has long shifted from the private to the public sector. New philosophies have appeared with the aim to supply better performance in both private and public organisms. One of those theories is Quality. It stresses that people who are part of an organisation must realise that they are customers and suppliers within a workflow. The aim of this study was to identify to what extent quality theory can be found in bureaucratic management. The hypothesis was that, despite of the Federal Justice in Amazonas State ─ JF-AM ─ being a bureaucratic organisation, quality parameters are present in the tasks conduction and practice execution. This study was descriptive and explicative. It was a case with bibliographical and field research. As for the means, this research was limited due to both a reduced bibliographical archive pertaining to the comparison between bureaucratic and quality theories, and the uncertainty about the veracity from the questionnaires answers to be answered by members of the sample organisation, the JF-AM. Another limitation factor was the fact that the sample organisation is under the federal judiciary power which excluded views from a State and municipal orbit and from other areas of public power, such as the legislative and the executive. Therefore it seems interesting to gather from this locus another view of quality, mainly as reforms to the judiciary system are in question, which lent a special meaning to this research. The final conclusion was that quality parameters were found in the bureaucratic sample organisation.


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O projeto de pesquisa ora apresentado à banca de qualificação da Escola de Direito do Rio de Janeiro da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, como requisito parcial para obtenção do título de Mestre em Poder Judiciário, situa-se na área de concentração das práticas jurisdicionais de fim. O problema de pesquisa é o processo decisório do Supremo Tribunal Federal, com o objetivo específico de estudar a influência exercida por atores externos ao Tribunal nas decisões de seus Ministros. Dentro desta problemática, o recorte escolhido foi a análise da influência exercida por agentes que participam formalmente dos processos sob a jurisdição do Supremo, atuando como amici curiae nas ações diretas de inconstitucionalidade. A dissertação está estruturada em está estruturado em 3 (três) seções, da seguinte forma: a primeira seção faz uma introdução da problemática escolhida e da metodologia utilizada, assim como os indicadores para a realização da análise da existência ou não da influência dos argumentos trazidos pelo amicus curiae. A segunda seção traz breve descrição acerca do controle concentrado de constitucionalidade e o papel do amicus curiae na ação direta de inconstitucionalidade. Traz, ainda, o estudo feito por Damares Medina, a diferença deste trabalho com relação ao primeiro e as ADI estudadas. A terceira seção traz uma análise do processo decisório nos tribunais e a influência exercida pelo amicus curiae nas decisões majoritárias do Supremo Tribunal Federal, em especial, o caso das ações direta de inconstitucionalidade, bem como a análise dos dados encontrados nas 53 (cinqüenta e três) ADI estudadas. Por fim, tem-se a conclusão deste trabalho.


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A systematic review was made of studies regarding the capital structure in Brazil during the period of 1988-2003. The recurring themes relate to the static tradeoff and pecking order in various moments of the economy, the fiscal benefits of indebtedness and interest on privately-owned capital, and the inefficacies of the stock market. The Brazilian companies enjoy little leverage as compared to other emerging markets. BNDES is responsible for 5% of the gross formation of fixed capital. The funding of resources occurs at opportune moments, and the financing decision may precede that of investment. Efficacy of the judiciary system and company transparency positively affect access to credit.


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The current study is about the legitimacy of lower court jurisdiction as a way of exercising basic legal rights, proposing, therefore, a new legal-administrative model for appellate court. In order to achieve that, a demonstration of the importance of basic legal rights in the Brazilian legal system and an open interpretation in light of the Constitution, as a way to affirm said rights, among which are accessibility to the justice system and proper legal protection, is required. As a result, the legitimacy to access the legal system resides in the Constitution, where the interpreter should seek its basic principles to achieve basic legal rights. It is observed that the lack of credibility regarding lower court decisions comes from the dogmatic view of truth born from power, and therefore, that the truth resides in decisions from appellate court and not from lower court judges. A lower court judge holds a privileged position in providing basic legal rights for citizens, considering his close contact to the parties, the facts, and the evidences brought forth. Class action suit is presented as an important instrument able to lead the lower court judge to provide basic legal rights. Small Claims Courts may be used as paradigm to the creation of Appellate State Courts formed by lower court judges, reserving to higher jurisdiction courts and Federal Circuit Courts, the decisions of original competency and the management and institutional representation of the judiciary system. Instilling an internal democratization of the judiciary is also required, which means the participation of lower court judges in electing their peers to chief positions in the court system, as well as establishing a limited mandate to higher court judges.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar como o sistema judiciário brasileiro age no julgamento dos empregadores que ainda hoje exploram o trabalho escravo em suas propriedades rurais, partindo-se da hipótese de que, no Brasil, as profundas desigualdades sociais existentes em nossa sociedade também estão presentes no momento em que a Justiça é chamada a dirimir os conflitos sociais. Para alcançar os objetivos delimitados para a pesquisa, realizou-se um levantamento bibliográfico a fim de examinar conceitos e categorias relacionadas com o trabalho escravo contemporâneo, principalmente no tocante ao trâmite dos processos no Judiciário. Para reforçar as constatações verificadas no campo teórico, procedeu-se a um levantamento documental na Justiça Federal do município de Marabá, no Estado do Pará.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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From a public opinion point of view, corruption has been the gravest problem of today’s Ukraine, excepting the armed conflict in the east of the country. The government might be able to delay certain key reforms such as the constitutional reform or the reform of local government structures, however, without stepping up measures to combat corruption they would face the risk of losing social support which has already been weak. There is no single strategy for combating corruption in Ukraine. What has been implemented is a series of often contradictory concepts and actions (initiated by the president’s office, the government, civil society institutions, or launched to meet the requirements of donors). The successes of the new government have included efforts aimed at fighting corruption at the middle level of government and the introduction of legislative changes in compliance with international practice. The main weaknesses, on the other hand, have been the lack of efficient mechanisms to implement the adopted legislation to ensure that an individual charged with corruption (regardless of political connections) could be effectively tried and the money received as bribery could be returned to the state. Similarly, the judiciary system has not been prepared to actively handle corruption cases.