946 resultados para Indexes (Information management).


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Many of the most common human functions such as temporal and non-monotonic reasoning have not yet been fully mapped in developed systems, even though some theoretical breakthroughs have already been accomplished. This is mainly due to the inherent computational complexity of the theoretical approaches. In the particular area of fault diagnosis in power systems however, some systems which tried to solve the problem, have been deployed using methodologies such as production rule based expert systems, neural networks, recognition of chronicles, fuzzy expert systems, etc. SPARSE (from the Portuguese acronym, which means expert system for incident analysis and restoration support) was one of the developed systems and, in the sequence of its development, came the need to cope with incomplete and/or incorrect information as well as the traditional problems for power systems fault diagnosis based on SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) information retrieval, namely real-time operation, huge amounts of information, etc. This paper presents an architecture for a decision support system, which can solve the presented problems, using a symbiosis of the event calculus and the default reasoning rule based system paradigms, insuring soft real-time operation with incomplete, incorrect or domain incoherent information handling ability. A prototype implementation of this system is already at work in the control centre of the Portuguese Transmission Network.


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BACKGROUND: DNA sequence integrity, mRNA concentrations and protein-DNA interactions have been subject to genome-wide analyses based on microarrays with ever increasing efficiency and reliability over the past fifteen years. However, very recently novel technologies for Ultra High-Throughput DNA Sequencing (UHTS) have been harnessed to study these phenomena with unprecedented precision. As a consequence, the extensive bioinformatics environment available for array data management, analysis, interpretation and publication must be extended to include these novel sequencing data types. DESCRIPTION: MIMAS was originally conceived as a simple, convenient and local Microarray Information Management and Annotation System focused on GeneChips for expression profiling studies. MIMAS 3.0 enables users to manage data from high-density oligonucleotide SNP Chips, expression arrays (both 3'UTR and tiling) and promoter arrays, BeadArrays as well as UHTS data using MIAME-compliant standardized vocabulary. Importantly, researchers can export data in MAGE-TAB format and upload them to the EBI's ArrayExpress certified data repository using a one-step procedure. CONCLUSION: We have vastly extended the capability of the system such that it processes the data output of six types of GeneChips (Affymetrix), two different BeadArrays for mRNA and miRNA (Illumina) and the Genome Analyzer (a popular Ultra-High Throughput DNA Sequencer, Illumina), without compromising on its flexibility and user-friendliness. MIMAS, appropriately renamed into Multiomics Information Management and Annotation System, is currently used by scientists working in approximately 50 academic laboratories and genomics platforms in Switzerland and France. MIMAS 3.0 is freely available via http://multiomics.sourceforge.net/.


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This final year project presents the design principles and prototype implementation of BIMS (Biomedical Information Management System), a flexible software system which provides an infrastructure to manage all information required by biomedical research projects.The BIMS project was initiated with the motivation to solve several limitations in medical data acquisition of some research projects, in which Universitat Pompeu Fabra takes part. These limitations,based on the lack of control mechanisms to constraint information submitted by clinicians, impact on the data quality, decreasing it.BIMS can easily be adapted to manage information of a wide variety of clinical studies, not being limited to a given clinical specialty. The software can manage both, textual information, like clinical data (measurements, demographics, diagnostics, etc ...), as well as several kinds of medical images (magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, etc ...). Moreover, BIMS provides a web - based graphical user interface and is designed to be deployed in a distributed andmultiuser environment. It is built on top of open source software products and frameworks.Specifically, BIMS has been used to represent all clinical data being currently used within the CardioLab platform (an ongoing project managed by Universitat Pompeu Fabra), demonstratingthat it is a solid software system, which could fulfill requirements of a real production environment.


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Printed electronics is an emerging concept in electronics manufacturing and it is in very early development stage. The technology is not stable, design kits are not developed, and flows and Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools are not fixed yet. The European project TDK4PE addresses all this issues and this PFC has been realized on this context. The goal is to develop an XML-based information system for the collection and management of information from the technology and cell libraries developed in TDK4PE. This system will ease the treatment of that information for a later generation of specific Design Kits (DK) and the corresponding documentation. This work proposes a web application to generate technology files and design kits in a formatted way; it also proposes a structure for them and a database implementation for storing the needed information. The application will allow its users to redefine the structure of those files, as well as export and import XML files, between other formats.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena on tutkia mitä uusia tiedonhallinnallisia ongelmia ilmenee, kun massaräätälöidyn tuotteen tuotetieto hallitaan läpi tuotteen elinkaaren, sekä miten nämä ongelmat voitaisiin ratkaista. Ongelmat ja haasteet kerätään kirjallisuuslähteistä ja massaräätälöintiprosessi yhdistetään PLM-vaiheisiin. Ratkaisua tutkitaan testaamalla kuinka standardit STEP ja PLCS sekä standardeja tukeva PLM järjestelmä voisivat tukea massaräätälöidyn tuotteen elinkaaren tiedonhallintaa. MC tuotteiden ongelmia ovat tuoterakenteen monimutkaisuus, jäljitettävyys ja muutosten hallinta läpi elinkaaren. STEP ja PLCS pystyvät kummatkin tahollaan tukemaan tiedonhallintaa. MC-tuotteen geneerinen tuoterakenne on kuitenkin manuaalisesti liittettävä elinkaaritiedon tukemiseen. PLM-järjestelmä pystyy tukemaan MC-tuotteiden elinkaarta, mutta koska toiminto ei ole järjestelmään sisäänrakennettuna, MC-tuotteiden tukemisen parantamisessa on edelleen haasteita.


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Diplomityössä luodaan viitekehys tuotetiedonhallintajärjestelmän esisuunnittelua varten. Siinä on kolme ulottuvuutta: lisäarvontuotto-, toiminnallisuus- ja ohjelmistoulottuvuus. Viitekehys auttaa- tunnistamaan lisäarvontuottokomponentit, joihin voidaan vaikuttaa tiettyjen ohjelmistoluokkien tarjoamilla tuotetiedonhallintatoiminnallisuuksilla. Viitekehyksen järjestelmäsuunnittelullista näkökulmaa hyödynnetään tutkittavissa yritystapauksissa perustuen laskentamatriisin muotoon mallinnettuihin ulottuvuuksien välisiin suhteisiin. Matriisiin syötetään lisäarvontuotto- ja toiminnallisuuskomponenttien saamat tärkeydet kohdeyrityksessä suoritetussa haastattelututkimuksessa. Matriisin tuotos on tietyn ohjelmiston soveltuvuus kyseisen yrityksen tapauksessa. Soveltuvuus on joukko tunnuslukuja, jotka analysoidaan tulostenkäsittelyvaiheessa. Soveltuvuustulokset avustavat kohdeyritystä sen valitessa lähestymistapaansa tuotetiedonhallintaan - ja kuvaavat esisuunnitellun tuotetiedonhallintajärjestelmän. Viitekehyksen rakentaminen vaatii perinpohjaisen lähestymistavan merkityksellisten lisäarvontuotto- ja toiminnallisuuskomponenttien sekä ohjelmistoluokkien määrittämiseen. Määritystyö perustuu työssä yksityiskohtaisesti laadittujen menetelmien ja komponenttiryhmitysten hyödyntämiselle. Kunkin alueen analysointi mahdollistaa viitekehyksen ja laskentamatriisin rakentamisen yhdenmukaisten määritysten perusteella. Viitekehykselle on ominaista sen muunneltavuus. Nykymuodossaan se soveltuu elektroniikka- ja high-tech yrityksille. Viitekehystä voidaan hyödyntää myös muilla toimialoilla muokkaamalla lisäarvontuottokomponentteja kunkin toimialan intressien mukaisesti. Vastaavasti analysoitava ohjelmisto voidaan valita tapauskohtaisesti. Laskentamatriisi on kuitenkin ensin päivitettävä valitun ohjelmiston kyvykkyyksillä, minkä jälkeen viitekehys voi tuottaa soveltuvuustuloksia kyseiseen yritystapaukseen perustuen


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This study explores biomonitoring communication with workers exposed to risks. Using a qualitative approach, semi-directive interviews were performed. Results show that occupational physicians and workers share some perceptions, but also point out communication gaps. Consequently, informed consent is not guaranteed. This article proposes some recommendations for occupational physicians' practices.


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This Master´s thesis explores how the a global industrial corporation’s after sales service department should arrange its installed base management practices in order to maintain and utilize the installed base information effectively. Case company has product-related records, such as product’s lifecycle information, service history information and information about product’s performance. Information is collected and organized often case by case, therefore the systematic and effective use of installed base information is difficult also the overview of installed base is missing. The goal of the thesis study was to find out how the case company can improve the installed base maintenance and management practices and improve the installed base information availability and reliability. Installed base information management practices were first examined through the literature. The empirical research was conducted by the interviews and questionnaire survey, targeted to the case company’s service department. The research purpose was to find out the challenges related to case company´s service department’s information management practices. The study also identified the installed base information needs and improvement potential in the availability of information. Based on the empirical research findings, recommendations for improve installed base management practices and information availability were created. Grounding of the recommendations, the case company is suggested the following proposals for action: Service report development, improving the change management process, ensuring the quality of the product documentation in early stages of product life cycle and decision to improve installed base management practices.


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The transition of project based manufacturing business, even more into global networks, sets up challenges for companies to manage their business in this new operating environment. One way to tackle these challenges is the successful management of product information through an extended product’s lifecycle. Thus, one objective of this research is to find ways how product information management in global project based manufacturing can be improved. Another objective is to find a solution how the target company can improve its product information management in the offer-to-procurement business process. Due to the nature of the topic, the study follows constructive research methodology with qualitative methods. By combining literature related to this topic a framework is created to improve product information management in global project based manufacturing. The improvement process in this framework is based on a systematic approach from the current state towards target state. A general aim for improvements should be the integrated product and project lifecycle information management through Lean approach. This introduced framework is applied to the target company through two case projects. Data for building view of current state and analysis is collected mostly by theme interviews and also utilizing other material from the target company. Used tools help to analyzing was the BPMN and the Trace matrix for business chains. Results of the improvement process are collected in a solution proposal which contain the strategic target state as well as long and short term objectives. The strategic target state is defined as controlled customization. Also during the improvement process are created the Information requirements chart in the offer-to-procurement business process, and the Project related initial information questionnaire to customer.


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Well managed information promotes competitive advantage and economic value for the company. The challenge is to use information effectively in complex networks. Decision making in network is complicated due to many independent sources of information. The aim of the present study was to identify and map the internal information flows and used information resourced by functions and roles, to make proposals to the case organization to improve the information management and to improve the situational awareness and process flows. In the present study, an inductive approach was applied, with the aim to find out gaps and bottlenecks of information flow of an aircraft maintenance organization and its network. The empirical part was conducted with observing the processes and with questionnaires. Theoretical part of this study consists on reviewing relevant literature on maintenance management in aviation and information management in aviation. Together with empirical evidence and the literature used in the study the gaps were found and suggestions for improvements were done. The outcome of this study contributes the organization in its bigger goal to improve the productivity. The information management of the network is one actor in the field and will pave the way to smoother operation and situational awareness. The lack of rules and requirements for information management and spreading is a challenge in information management. The excessive data overburden may cause problem in the actors’ situation-awareness due to non-availability of the right information.


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A whole life-cycle information management vision is proposed, the organizational requirements for the realization of the scenario is investigated. Preliminary interviews with construction professionals are reported. Discontinuities at information transfer throughout life-cycle of built environments are resulting from lack of coordination and multiple data collection/storage practices. A more coherent history of these activities can improve the work practices of various teams by augmenting decision making processes and creating organizational learning opportunities. Therefore, there is a need for unifying these fragmented bits of data to create a meaningful, semantically rich and standardized information repository for built environment. The proposed vision utilizes embedded technologies and distributed building information models. Two diverse construction project types (large one-off design, small repetitive design) are investigated for the applicability of the vision. A functional prototype software/hardware system for demonstrating the practical use of this vision is developed and discussed. Plans for case-studies for validating the proposed model at a large PFI hospital and housing association projects are discussed.


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