45 resultados para ITIL


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O tema gestão de portfólios é extremamente relevante para as empresas que pretendem estabelecer um processo de seleção e priorização de projetos focado no alinhamento às estratégias corporativas. Como membro da organização, a área de TI não pode ficar a parte deste processo e, necessita seu próprio processo adaptado às características de suas atividades. O artigo propõe, por meio do estudo teórico dos três frameworks, COBIT, ITIL e PMI, diretrizes para implementação de um processo de Gestão de Portfólio de Projetos de TI que considere as particularidades da TI e analisa possibilidade de alinhamento entre os três frameworks para esta implantação. Como resultado ficou demonstrada a possibilidade de integração e o caráter complementar dos três frameworks.


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Com a retirada da ITIL V2 anunciada recentemente pela OGC, organizações do mundo todo que dependem dos serviços de TI começam a pensar em, pelo menos, dar início à implementação de gerenciamento de serviços de TI baseada em ITIL na sua versão 3. A partir de desdobramentos deste cenário mundial, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar uma proposta de plano de projeto para o Centro de Informática da Câmara dos Deputados do Brasil, identificando atividades baseadas na abordagem oficial ITIL Lite, que possibilita a implantação de um subconjunto de componentes ITIL V3 de acordo com a atual situação da organização, deixando o caminho aberto para uma eventual total implementação dos processos e funções.


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Communication dans le cadre de la Journée NST CREPUQ, à l'Université Laval à Québec, le 4 mai 2009 par Paul-Émil Provost, à titre de directeur du Bureau des systèmes de la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal


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Over the last two decades, the outsourcing of IT services has become a popular topic for many IS researchers. Furthermore, managing IT services (both internally and externally provided) has become an emerging area for academic research, given the criticality of IT services in modern organizations. One of the better known IT service management frameworks is the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework. While there are many claims made about the relationship between ITIL and IT outsourcing, these claims still need further empirical research. Using data gathered from a preliminary focus group, this study investigates how ITIL impacts recommended practices on the success of IT outsourcing arrangement.


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O ITIL é uma biblioteca de boas práticas nos serviços de Tecnologia da Informação (TI), desenvolvida no final dos anos 80 pela CCTA (Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency) e atualmente sob custódia da OGC (Office for Government Commerce) da Inglaterra, buscando promover a gestão com foco no cliente e na qualidade dos serviços de tecnologia da informação (TI). Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a aplicação do ITIL em algumas empresas da região do ABC Paulista, bem como transmitir uma visão geral dos serviços, criando uma familiaridade com os processos de gerenciamento de serviços em TI. Participaram do seguinte estudo 19 sujeitos de ambos os sexos, sendo que 14 eram do sexo masculino e 5 do sexo feminino, onde os mesmos responderam o questionário de pesquisa. Observou-se então quais foram os benefícios, quantidade de profissionais certificados nos departamentos e também um dos itens mais importantes que as empresas buscam hoje em dia: a redução de custos de TI.


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The present work has as main objective the identification and impact analysis for the practice ITIL in the organizational flexibility of a multinational IT company, being this study of quali-quantitative and exploratory nature. To achieve this objective, some theoretical studies on bureaucracy, organization flexibility, control, IT governance and ITIL were done, as a form to better understand the research problem. For analysis effect a set of eleven ITIL process was considered in this research ¿ service desk, incident management, problem management, change management, configuration management, release management, service level management, availability management, capacity management, continuity management and finally IT financial services management ¿ grouped in its two core areas ¿ service support and service delivery. Then a scale was constructed and validated, on the basis of theoretical models developed by Volberda (1997), Tenório (2002) and Golden and Powell (1999), to measure the flexibility related to each process comprising the ITIL core. The dimensions adopted to measure flexibility were: organization design task, managerial task, IT impact on work force, HR management, efficiency impact, sensitivity, versatility and robustness. The instrument used in research was a semi-structured interview, which was divided in two parts. The data collection was performed with ten interviewed people from an IT multinational company, based on convenience, some were managers and there were users, some were ITIL certified and others not. The statistic tests of t student and Wilcoxon non-parametric were adopted. The result of the research indicated that the ITIL service support area, for possessing greater operational focus, presents flexibility trend. The opposite was found for the service delivery area, which has greater tactical focus. The results also suggest that the change management discipline was the one that contributed for the most flexibility inside the company, followed by incident management discipline and the service desk function.


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The backdrop of actual problematic about the implementation of Information Technology (IT) services management in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) will be described. It will be exposed the reasons why reaching a maturity/capability level through well-known standards or the implementation of good software engineering practices by means of IT infrastructure Library are really difficult to achieve by SMEs. Also, the solutions to the exposed problems will be explained. Also master thesis goals are presented in terms of: purpose, research questions, research goals, objectives and scope. Finally, thesis structure is described.


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Sequencing of Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) processes related to their order of implementation is one of the pending issues in the ITIL handbooks. Other frameworks and process models related to service management (e.g., COBIT, COSO and CMMI-SVC) are quite well described in the literature and their handbooks. However, the identifi cation of the fi rst process to be implemented has not been deeply analysed in the previous frameworks and models, and it is also a complex question to answer for organizations, especially Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Moreover, SMEs are the organizations that have the largest presence in the world economy; offi cial data of General Business Directory, show that their range of presence in different countries around the world is between 93% and 99%, and the average of employment contribution is around 60%. Consequently, the improvement of information technology service management is of vital importance to accomplish in this type of enterprises. This research has focused on two surveys that aim at helping SMEs to select the ITIL process by which starting the implementation of ITIL. In the fi rst survey, data were gathered through a questionnaire to SMEs registered in the region of Madrid. The second survey obtained data from experts and enterprises in countries as Spain, Ecuador, Chile, Luxembourg, Colombia, Norway, El Salvador, and Venezuela. Finally, the results of both surveys show that the tendency for starting an ITIL implementation in SMEs points to one of the processes included in the Service Operation.


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Esta tesis comprende el diseño de un modelo para la Gestión de los servicios de TI acorde con las necesidades del área de tecnología de información de la Cooperativa de Caficultores de Manizales. El modelo se fundamenta en ITIL por ser el más completo de los referentes de ITSM actualmente, el cual pretende la medición y la mejora continua de la calidad de los servicios ofrecidos por el Área de TI, tanto desde la perspectiva del cliente como de la organización. El modelo fue desarrollado según la metodología mencionada, soportada en el Ciclo Deming, enfocado a la mejora continua de procesos y columna vertebral del ciclo de vida del servicio propuesto por ITIL. Inicialmente se realizó el diagnóstico de los procesos y la Gestión de Servicios de TI desarrollados por el área. En segundo lugar, se determinaron los elementos relevantes de ITIL aplicables al área de TI, evaluando el nivel de madurez actual y deseada de los procesos, apoyado en el modelo CMMI. En tercer lugar, fue elaborada la mejora de la adaptación de los procesos seleccionados fundamentados en ITIL, estructurándose procesos, roles, funciones y métricas. Finalmente, la propuesta se valida mediante la aplicación en el Servicio de Soporte a usuarios, derivándose los procesos ITIL de Gestión de Incidentes y Gestión de Peticiones. Dado que ITIL es un marco de trabajo que permite ser implementado de acuerdo con los requerimientos de la organización, la aplicación de este modelo puede ser realizado en otro tipo de organizaciones, adicionalmente que agrega valor a través de las áreas de TI.


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Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Maestría en ingeniería