972 resultados para Graded thickness layer
An elasto-plastic finite element method is developed to predict the residual stresses of thermal spraying coatings with functionally graded material layer. In numerical simulations, temperature sensitivity of various material constants is included and mix
According to the parameter requirements of a graded reflectivity mirror with a Gaussian profile, the layer structure and the mask pattern are designed using a graded-thickness middle layer. The mask and the automatic mask-switchover equipment are designed considering the actual requirement of the thin films and the specific deposit facility. The uniformity of the layer thickness is analyzed. The measurement results indicate that samples prepared with this technique are basically in accordance with the design parameter. The scattering effect between the material molecules and the mask, thickness errors, and the alignment error between the mask and the substrate are the main factors that influence the deposit result. (c) 2008 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [DOI: 10.1117/1.3027595]
Gradient colloidal crystals with a thickness gradient were prepared by the vertical deposition technique with vertically graded concentration suspensions. The thickness of the gradient colloidal crystal gradually changes at different positions along the specific gradient direction of the crystal. The thickness gradient was determined by the concentration gradient, depending on the initial colloidal concentration and the settling time. The optical transmission intensity at the dip wavelength can be tuned by changing the thickness of the colloidal crystals. The gradient colloidal crystals lead to a gradient of optical intensity at the dip in transmission light. The gradient of optical intensity at the dip increases as the thickness gradient of the colloidal crystal increases.
Oxidizing thick porous silicon layer into silicon dioxide is a timesaving and low-cost process for producing thick silicon dioxide layer used in silicon-based optical waveguide devices. The solution of H2O2 is proposed to post-treat thick porous silicon (PS) films. The prepared PS layer as the cathode is applied about 10 mA/cm(2) current in mixture of ethanol, HF, and H2O2 solutions, in order to improve the stability and the smoothness of the surface. With the low-temperature dry-O-2 pre-oxidizations and high-temperature wet O-2 oxidizations process, a high-quality SiO2 30 mu m thickness layer that fit for the optical waveguide device was prepared. The SEM images show significant improved smoothness on the surface of oxidized PS thick films, the SiO2 film has a stable and uniformity reflex index that measured by the prism coupler, the uniformity of the reflex index in different place of the wafer is about 0.0003.
Under an external alternating current (ac) field, the effective ac dielectric response of graded composites consisting of the graded cylindrical inclusion having complex permittivity profiles has been investigated theoretically. A model that the dielectric function is assumed to be a constant while the conductivity has a power-law dependence on the radial variable r, namely epsilon(i)(r) = A + cr(k)/i omega. is studied and the local analytical potentials of the inclusion and the host regions are derived in terms of hyper-geometric function. In the dilute limit, the effective ac dielectric response is predicted. Meanwhile, we have given the exact proof of the differential effective dipole approximation (DEDA) method, which is suitable to arbitrary graded profiles. Furthermore, we have given the analytical potentials and the effective ac dielectric responses of coated graded cylindrical composites for two cases, case (a) graded core and case (b) graded coated layer, having the graded dielectric profiles, respectively. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Esta Tesis trata sobre el desarrollo y crecimiento -mediante tecnología MOVPE (del inglés: MetalOrganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy)- de células solares híbridas de semiconductores III-V sobre substratos de silicio. Esta integración pretende ofrecer una alternativa a las células actuales de III-V, que, si bien ostentan el récord de eficiencia en dispositivos fotovoltaicos, su coste es, a día de hoy, demasiado elevado para ser económicamente competitivo frente a las células convencionales de silicio. De este modo, este proyecto trata de conjugar el potencial de alta eficiencia ya demostrado por los semiconductores III-V en arquitecturas de células fotovoltaicas multiunión con el bajo coste, la disponibilidad y la abundancia del silicio. La integración de semiconductores III-V sobre substratos de silicio puede afrontarse a través de diferentes aproximaciones. En esta Tesis se ha optado por el desarrollo de células solares metamórficas de doble unión de GaAsP/Si. Mediante esta técnica, la transición entre los parámetros de red de ambos materiales se consigue por medio de la formación de defectos cristalográficos (mayoritariamente dislocaciones). La idea es confinar estos defectos durante el crecimiento de sucesivas capas graduales en composición para que la superficie final tenga, por un lado, una buena calidad estructural, y por otro, un parámetro de red adecuado. Numerosos grupos de investigación han dirigido sus esfuerzos en los últimos años en desarrollar una estructura similar a la que aquí proponemos. La mayoría de éstos se han centrado en entender los retos asociados al crecimiento de materiales III-V, con el fin de conseguir un material de alta calidad cristalográfica. Sin embargo, prácticamente ninguno de estos grupos ha prestado especial atención al desarrollo y optimización de la célula inferior de silicio, cuyo papel va a ser de gran relevancia en el funcionamiento de la célula completa. De esta forma, y con el fin de completar el trabajo hecho hasta el momento en el desarrollo de células de III-V sobre silicio, la presente Tesis se centra, fundamentalmente, en el diseño y optimización de la célula inferior de silicio, para extraer su máximo potencial. Este trabajo se ha estructurado en seis capítulos, ordenados de acuerdo al desarrollo natural de la célula inferior. Tras un capítulo de introducción al crecimiento de semiconductores III-V sobre Si, en el que se describen las diferentes alternativas para su integración; nos ocupamos de la parte experimental, comenzando con una extensa descripción y caracterización de los substratos de silicio. De este modo, en el Capítulo 2 se analizan con exhaustividad los diferentes tratamientos (tanto químicos como térmicos) que deben seguir éstos para garantizar una superficie óptima sobre la que crecer epitaxialmente el resto de la estructura. Ya centrados en el diseño de la célula inferior, el Capítulo 3 aborda la formación de la unión p-n. En primer lugar se analiza qué configuración de emisor (en términos de dopaje y espesor) es la más adecuada para sacar el máximo rendimiento de la célula inferior. En este primer estudio se compara entre las diferentes alternativas existentes para la creación del emisor, evaluando las ventajas e inconvenientes que cada aproximación ofrece frente al resto. Tras ello, se presenta un modelo teórico capaz de simular el proceso de difusión de fosforo en silicio en un entorno MOVPE por medio del software Silvaco. Mediante este modelo teórico podemos determinar qué condiciones experimentales son necesarias para conseguir un emisor con el diseño seleccionado. Finalmente, estos modelos serán validados y constatados experimentalmente mediante la caracterización por técnicas analíticas (i.e. ECV o SIMS) de uniones p-n con emisores difundidos. Uno de los principales problemas asociados a la formación del emisor por difusión de fósforo, es la degradación superficial del substrato como consecuencia de su exposición a grandes concentraciones de fosfina (fuente de fósforo). En efecto, la rugosidad del silicio debe ser minuciosamente controlada, puesto que éste servirá de base para el posterior crecimiento epitaxial y por tanto debe presentar una superficie prístina para evitar una degradación morfológica y cristalográfica de las capas superiores. En este sentido, el Capítulo 4 incluye un análisis exhaustivo sobre la degradación morfológica de los substratos de silicio durante la formación del emisor. Además, se proponen diferentes alternativas para la recuperación de la superficie con el fin de conseguir rugosidades sub-nanométricas, que no comprometan la calidad del crecimiento epitaxial. Finalmente, a través de desarrollos teóricos, se establecerá una correlación entre la degradación morfológica (observada experimentalmente) con el perfil de difusión del fósforo en el silicio y por tanto, con las características del emisor. Una vez concluida la formación de la unión p-n propiamente dicha, se abordan los problemas relacionados con el crecimiento de la capa de nucleación de GaP. Por un lado, esta capa será la encargada de pasivar la subcélula de silicio, por lo que su crecimiento debe ser regular y homogéneo para que la superficie de silicio quede totalmente pasivada, de tal forma que la velocidad de recombinación superficial en la interfaz GaP/Si sea mínima. Por otro lado, su crecimiento debe ser tal que minimice la aparición de los defectos típicos de una heteroepitaxia de una capa polar sobre un substrato no polar -denominados dominios de antifase-. En el Capítulo 5 se exploran diferentes rutinas de nucleación, dentro del gran abanico de posibilidades existentes, para conseguir una capa de GaP con una buena calidad morfológica y estructural, que será analizada mediante diversas técnicas de caracterización microscópicas. La última parte de esta Tesis está dedicada al estudio de las propiedades fotovoltaicas de la célula inferior. En ella se analiza la evolución de los tiempos de vida de portadores minoritarios de la base durante dos etapas claves en el desarrollo de la estructura Ill-V/Si: la formación de la célula inferior y el crecimiento de las capas III-V. Este estudio se ha llevado a cabo en colaboración con la Universidad de Ohio, que cuentan con una gran experiencia en el crecimiento de materiales III-V sobre silicio. Esta tesis concluye destacando las conclusiones globales del trabajo realizado y proponiendo diversas líneas de trabajo a emprender en el futuro. ABSTRACT This thesis pursues the development and growth of hybrid solar cells -through Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE)- formed by III-V semiconductors on silicon substrates. This integration aims to provide an alternative to current III-V cells, which, despite hold the efficiency record for photovoltaic devices, their cost is, today, too high to be economically competitive to conventional silicon cells. Accordingly, the target of this project is to link the already demonstrated efficiency potential of III-V semiconductor multijunction solar cell architectures with the low cost and unconstrained availability of silicon substrates. Within the existing alternatives for the integration of III-V semiconductors on silicon substrates, this thesis is based on the metamorphic approach for the development of GaAsP/Si dual-junction solar cells. In this approach, the accommodation of the lattice mismatch is handle through the appearance of crystallographic defects (namely dislocations), which will be confined through the incorporation of a graded buffer layer. The resulting surface will have, on the one hand a good structural quality; and on the other hand the desired lattice parameter. Different research groups have been working in the last years in a structure similar to the one here described, being most of their efforts directed towards the optimization of the heteroepitaxial growth of III-V compounds on Si, with the primary goal of minimizing the appearance of crystal defects. However, none of these groups has paid much attention to the development and optimization of the bottom silicon cell, which, indeed, will play an important role on the overall solar cell performance. In this respect, the idea of this thesis is to complete the work done so far in this field by focusing on the design and optimization of the bottom silicon cell, to harness its efficiency. This work is divided into six chapters, organized according to the natural progress of the bottom cell development. After a brief introduction to the growth of III-V semiconductors on Si substrates, pointing out the different alternatives for their integration; we move to the experimental part, which is initiated by an extensive description and characterization of silicon substrates -the base of the III-V structure-. In this chapter, a comprehensive analysis of the different treatments (chemical and thermal) required for preparing silicon surfaces for subsequent epitaxial growth is presented. Next step on the development of the bottom cell is the formation of the p-n junction itself, which is faced in Chapter 3. Firstly, the optimization of the emitter configuration (in terms of doping and thickness) is handling by analytic models. This study includes a comparison between the different alternatives for the emitter formation, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. After the theoretical design of the emitter, it is defined (through the modeling of the P-in-Si diffusion process) a practical parameter space for the experimental implementation of this emitter configuration. The characterization of these emitters through different analytical tools (i.e. ECV or SIMS) will validate and provide experimental support for the theoretical models. A side effect of the formation of the emitter by P diffusion is the roughening of the Si surface. Accordingly, once the p-n junction is formed, it is necessary to ensure that the Si surface is smooth enough and clean for subsequent phases. Indeed, the roughness of the Si must be carefully controlled since it will be the basis for the epitaxial growth. Accordingly, after quantifying (experimentally and by theoretical models) the impact of the phosphorus on the silicon surface morphology, different alternatives for the recovery of the surface are proposed in order to achieve a sub-nanometer roughness which does not endanger the quality of the incoming III-V layers. Moving a step further in the development of the Ill-V/Si structure implies to address the challenges associated to the GaP on Si nucleation. On the one hand, this layer will provide surface passivation to the emitter. In this sense, the growth of the III-V layer must be homogeneous and continuous so the Si emitter gets fully passivated, providing a minimal surface recombination velocity at the interface. On the other hand, the growth should be such that the appearance of typical defects related to the growth of a polar layer on a non-polar substrate is minimized. Chapter 5 includes an exhaustive study of the GaP on Si nucleation process, exploring different nucleation routines for achieving a high morphological and structural quality, which will be characterized by means of different microscopy techniques. Finally, an extensive study of the photovoltaic properties of the bottom cell and its evolution during key phases in the fabrication of a MOCVD-grown III-V-on-Si epitaxial structure (i.e. the formation of the bottom cell; and the growth of III-V layers) will be presented in the last part of this thesis. This study was conducted in collaboration with The Ohio State University, who has extensive experience in the growth of III-V materials on silicon. This thesis concludes by highlighting the overall conclusions of the presented work and proposing different lines of work to be undertaken in the future.
Top-illuminated metamorphic InGaAs p-i-n photodetectors (PDs) with 50% cut-off wavelength of 1.75 mu m at room temperature are fabricated on GaAs substrates. The PDs are grown by a solid-source molecular beam epitaxy system. The large lattice mismatch strain is accommodated by growth of a linearly graded buffer layer to create a high quality virtual InP substrate indium content in the metamorphic buffer layer linearly changes from 2% to 60%. The dark current densities are typically 5 x 10(-6) A/cm(2) at 0 V bias and 2.24 x 10(-4) A/cm(2) at a reverse bias of 5 V. At a wavelength of 1.55 mu m, the PDs have an optical responsivity of 0.48 A/W, a linear photoresponse up to 5 mW optical power at -4 V bias. The measured -3 dB bandwidth of a 32 mu m diameter device is 7 GHz. This work proves that InGaAs buffer layers grown by solid source MBE are promising candidates for GaAs-based long wavelength devices.
We demonstrate the 1.58 mu m emission at room temperature from a metamorphic In0.6Ga0.4As quantum well laser grown on GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy. The large lattice mismatch was accommodated through growth of a linearly graded buffer layer to create a high quality virtual In0.32Ga0.68As substrate. Careful growth optimization ensured good optical and structural qualities. For a 1250x50 mu m(2) broad area laser, a minimum threshold current density of 490 A/cm(2) was achieved under pulsed operation. This result indicates that metamorphic InGaAs quantum wells can be an alternative approach for 1.55 mu m GaAs-based lasers. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
We demonstrate 1.25-1.29 mu m metamorphic laser diodes grown on GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) using an alloy-graded buffer layer (GBL). Use of Be in the GBL is effective to reduce surface/interface roughness and improves optical quality. The RMS surface roughness of the optimized metamorphic laser is only two atomic monolayers for 1 x 1 mu m(2). Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images confirm that most dislocations are blocked in the GBL. Ridge waveguide lasers with 4 mu m wide ridge were fabricated and characterized. The average threshold current under the pulsed excitation is in 170-200 mA for a cavity length of 0.9-1.5 mm. This value can be further reduced to about 100 mA by high-reflectivity coating. Lasers can work in an ambient temperature up to at least 50 degrees C. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Petroleum and natural gas is an important strategic resources. The short of the reserves will block the development of economy and threaten the safety of nation, along with the main oil fields of our country coming to the height of power and splendor of the exploitation and exploration. Therefore, it makes a great sense to inaugurate new explorative field and increase the reserves of petroleum and natural gas. Magnetic exploration is a main method of geophysics exploration. the developing observation apparatus and the perfect processing method provide wide space for magnetic exploration in these years. The method of magnetic bright spot is an application of magnetic exploration. The vertical migration of the hydrocarbon changes physical and chemical environment above the hydrocarbon reservoir, the new environment make tervalent iron translate into bivalent iron, that produce small scale magnetic anomaly, that is magnetic bright spot. The method of magnetic bright spot explores oil and gas field by the relation between the hydrocarbon and magnetic anomaly. This paper systemically research to pick-up and identify magnetic bright spot combining an oil field item, then point out advantaged area. In order to test the result, the author use the seismic information to superpose the magnetic bright spot, that prove the magnetic bright spot is reliable. then, the author complete a software to pick and identify the magnetic bright spot. The magnetic basement is very important to research forming and evolvement of the basin, especially, it is a crucial parameter of exploring residual basin in the research on pre-Cenozoic residual. This paper put forward a new method to inverse the interface of the magnetic layer on the basis of previous work, that is the method of separation of magnetic field step by step. The theory of this method is to translate the result of magnetic layer fluctuation to the result of magnetization density change, and the magnetic layer is flat, the paper choose thickness of magnetic layer as unit thickness, and define magnetic layer as a unit-thickness layer in order to convenient calculation, at the same time, define the variational magnetization density as equivalent magnetic density. Then we translate the relation between magnetic field and layer fluctuation to the relation between magnetic field and equivalent magnetic density, then, we can obtain the layer fluctuation through calculating equivalent magnetic density. Contrast to conventional parker method, model experimentation and example checkout prove this method is effective. The merit of this method is to avoid flat result in a strongly fluctuant area because of using a uniform average depth, the result of this method is closer to the fact, and this method is to inverse equivalent magnetic density, then translate equivalent magnetic density to layer fluctuation, this lays a foundation to inverse variational magnetic density in the landscape orientation and portrait.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We have analyzed the structural and magnetic properties of as-grown and annealed [TbFe2/Fe3Ga]n heterostructures grown by sputtering. Evidence of the bcc structure in the Fe3Ga layers has been found. The diffraction peak related to this structure shifts to high angles with the annealing temperature. Also, we have observed a change in the microstructure of the Tb-Fe layers when the thickness layer is reduced in the as-grown heterostructures. Moreover, the Tb content is lower than 33% of the TbFe2 Laves phase and it depends on the layer thickness. The thermal treatments promote the increase of the Tb content, but only in the heterostructures with thick layers. The strong lattice mismatch between the Tb-Fe and Fe-Ga layers seems to prevent a complete Tb diffusion upon the annealing process. Thus, the crystallization of the TbFe2 Laves phase is inhibited in the heterostructures with thin layers, although our experimental results indicate the presence of potential magnetostrictive TbFeGa alloys
Purpose To evaluate the association between retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness and diabetic peripheral neuropathy in people with type 2 diabetes, and specifically those at higher risk of foot ulceration. Methods RNFL thicknesses was measured globally and in four quadrants (temporal, superior, nasal and inferior) at 3.45 mm diameter around the optic nerve head using optical coherence tomography (OCT). Severity of neuropathy was assessed using the Neuropathy Disability Score (NDS). Eighty-two participants with type 2 diabetes were stratified according to NDS scores (0-10) as: none, mild, moderate, and severe neuropathy. A control group was additionally included (n=17). Individuals with NDS≥ 6 (moderate and severe neuropathy) have been shown to be at higher risk of foot ulceration. A linear regression model was used to determine the association between RNFL and severity of neuropathy. Age, disease duration and diabetic retinopathy levels were fitted in the models. Independent t-test was employed for comparison between controls and the group without neuropathy, as well as for comparison between groups with higher and lower risk of foot ulceration. Analysis of variance was used to compare across all NDS groups. Results RNFL thickness was significantly associated with NDS in the inferior quadrant (b= -1.46, p=0.03). RNFL thicknesses globally and in superior, temporal and nasal quadrants did not show significant associations with NDS (all p>0.51). These findings were independent of the effect of age, disease duration and retinopathy. RNFL was thinner for the group with NDS ≥ 6 in all quadrants but was significant only inferiorly (p<0.005). RNFL for control participants was not significantly different from the group with diabetes and no neuropathy (superior p=0.07, global and all other quadrants: p>0.23). Mean RNFL thickness was not significantly different between the four NDS groups globally and in all quadrants (p=0.08 for inferior, P>0.14 for all other comparisons). Conclusions Retinal nerve fibre layer thinning is associated with neuropathy in people with type 2 diabetes. This relationship is strongest in the inferior retina and in individuals at higher risk of foot ulceration.
Purpose To examine macular retinal thickness and retinal layer thickness with spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) in a population of children with normal ocular health and minimal refractive errors. Methods High resolution macular OCT scans from 196 children aged from 4 to 12 years (mean age 8 ± 2 years) were analysed to determine total retinal thickness and the thickness of 6 different retinal layers across the central 5 mm of the posterior pole. Automated segmentation with manual correction was used to derive retinal thickness values. Results The mean total retinal thickness in the central 1 mm foveal zone was 255 ± 16 μm, and this increased significantly with age (mean increase of 1.8 microns per year) in childhood (p<0.001). Age-related increases in thickness of some retinal layers were also observed, with changes of highest statistical significance found in the outer retinal layers in the central foveal region (p<0.01). Significant topographical variations in thickness of each of the retinal layers were also observed (p<0.001). Conclusions Small magnitude, statistically significant increases in total retinal thickness and retinal layer thickness occur from early childhood to adolescence. The most prominent changes appear to occur in the outer retinal layers of the central fovea.