555 resultados para GaN
The diluted magnetic semiconductors are promising materials for spintronic applications. Usually one intents to find the ferromagnetic state but recently the antiferromagnetism (AFM) was proposed to have some advantages. In this work, we verify the possibility to obtain spin polarization with an AFM state. In particular, we studied GaN 5% double doped with two different transition metals atoms (Mn and Co or Cr and Ni), forming the Mn(x)Co(0.056-x)Ga(0.944)N and Cr(x)Ni(0.056-x)Ga(0.944)N quaternary alloys. In order to simulate these systems in a more realistic way, and take into account composition fluctuations, we adapted the generalized quasichemical approach to diluted alloys, which is used in combination with spin density-functional theory. We find that is possible to obtain an AFM ground state up to 70% spin polarization.
We present structural, optical and transport data on GaN samples grown by hybrid, two-step low temperature pulsed laser deposition. The band gap of samples with good crystallinity has been deduced from optical spectra. Large below gap band tails were observed. In samples with the lowest crystalline quality the PL spectra are quite dependent on spot laser incidence. The most intense PL lines can be attributed to excitons bounded to stacking faults. When the crystalline quality of the samples is increased the ubiquitous yellow emission band can be detected following a quenching process described by a similar activation energy to that one found in MOCVD grown samples. The samples with the highest quality present, besides the yellow band, show a large near band edge emission which peaked at 3.47 eV and could be observed up to room temperature. The large width of the NBE is attributed to effect of a wide distribution of band tail states on the excitons. Photoconductivity data supports this interpretation.
Galliumnitrid, elektrische und photoelektrische Eigenschaften, Heterostrukturen, Störstellen, Defekte, Dotierung, Ionenimplantation, Schottky-Raumladung
Growth of semi-polar GaN on high index silicon (11h) substrates by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2014
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2014
We have studied the effects of rapid thermal annealing at 1300¿°C on GaN epilayers grown on AlN buffered Si(111) and on sapphire substrates. After annealing, the epilayers grown on Si display visible alterations with craterlike morphology scattered over the surface. The annealed GaN/Si layers were characterized by a range of experimental techniques: scanning electron microscopy, optical confocal imaging, energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis, Raman scattering, and cathodoluminescence. A substantial Si migration to the GaN epilayer was observed in the crater regions, where decomposition of GaN and formation of Si3N4 crystallites as well as metallic Ga droplets and Si nanocrystals have occurred. The average diameter of the Si nanocrystals was estimated from Raman scattering to be around 3¿nm. Such annealing effects, which are not observed in GaN grown on sapphire, are a significant issue for applications of GaN grown on Si(111) substrates when subsequent high-temperature processing is required.
The self-assembled growth of GaN nanorods on Si (111) substrates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy under nitrogen-rich conditions is investigated. An amorphous silicon nitride layer is formed in the initial stage of growth that prevents the formation of a GaN wetting layer. The nucleation time was found to be strongly influenced by the substrate temperature and was more than 30 min for the applied growth conditions. The observed tapering and reduced length of silicon-doped nanorods is explained by enhanced nucleation on nonpolar facets and proves Ga-adatom diffusion on nanorod sidewalls as one contribution to the axial growth. The presence of Mg leads to an increased radial growth rate with a simultaneous decrease of the nanorod length and reduces the nucleation time for high Mg concentrations.
In this work GaN and AlGaN layers were grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on sapphire substrates. The research was carried out at Micro and Nanoscience Laboratory of Helsinki University of Technology. The objective of this thesis is the study of MOCVD technique for the growth of GaN and AlGaN films and optimization of growth parameters in purpose to improve crystal quality of the films. The widely used two-step and the new multistep methods have been used for GaN, AlGaN MOCVD growth on c-plane sapphire. Properties of the GaN and AlGaN layers were studied using in-situ reflectance monitoring during MOCVD growth, atomic force microscopy and x-ray diffraction. Compared to the two step method, the multistep method has produced even better qualities of the GaN and AlGaN layers and significant reduction of threading dislocation density.
A computational method to simulate the changes in the electronic structure of Ga1-xMn xN was performed in order to improve the understanding of the indirect contribution of Mn atoms. This periodic quantum-mechanical method is based on density functional theory at B3LYP level. The electronic structures are compared with experimental data of the absorption edge of the GaMnN. It was observed that the indirect influence of Mn through the structural parameters can account for the main part of the band gap variation for materials in the diluted regime (x<0.08), and is still significant for higher compositions (x~0.18).
In this work parameters of Mg-doped GaN samples were studied using positron annihilation spectroscopy and analyzed. It is shown that gallium vacancies exist in an unintentionally doped sample. Next, the sample with higher concentration of Mg and low growth temperature contains vacancy clusters. In case of low concentration of Mg the growth temperature does not affect the formation of defects. Analog electronics can be replaced by a modern digital device. While promising a high quantity of benefits, the performance of these digitizers requires thorough adjustment. A 14-bit two channel digitizer has been tested in order to achieve better performance than the one of a traditional analog setup, and the adjustment process is described. It has been shown that the digital device is unable to achieve better energy resolution, but it is quite close to the corresponding attribute of the available analog system, which had been used for measurements in Mg-doped GaN.
Yhdistepuolijohde galliumnitridi (GaN) on energiatehokkaiden valkoisten ledien päämateriaali. GaN on kestävä materiaali; sillä on muun muassa alhainen säteilyreagointi ja suuri jännitekestävyys, minkä vuoksi GaN soveltuu hyvin myös maanpuolustus- ja avaruussovelluksiin. Sen iso energia-aukko mahdollistaa materiaalin käytön suurteho- ja suurtaajuussovelluksissa, ja sen suuri lämpökapasiteetti ja lämmönjohtavuuskyky avaavat edelleen uusia mahdollisuuksia materiaalin käytölle muun muassa tehovahvistimissa mikroaaltotaajuudella. GaN:ä käytetään myös sinisten ja violettien ledien valmistuksessa. Kun yhdisteeseen lisätään alumiinia, saadaan alumiinigalliumnitridin (AlGaN) energia-aukkoa ja muita ominaisuuksia säädeltyä alumiinin määrää muuttamalla. AlGaN-pintojen ominaisuuksia on tutkittu suhteellisen vähän, vaikka niiden merkitys kasvaa jatkuvasti kehitettäessä nanoteknologian sovelluksia. AlGaN-pintojen tutkiminen on tärkeää, koska monissa sovelluksissa juuri pinnat ja rajapinnat ovat huomattavassa asemassa laitteiden toiminnan kannalta. Pinnoilla sijaitseva atomien epäjärjestys, kidevirheet ja epäpuhtausatomit sekä atomien kemiallinen sidosympäristö kiinnostavat tutkijoita. Myös erilaisten pintakäsittelyjen vaikutusten tunteminen edellä mainittuihin ominaisuuksiin on tärkeää hyvien pintojen valmistuksen saavuttamiseksi. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman on tarkoitus tutustua III–V-puolijohteiden GaN:n ja AlGaN:n pintaominaisuuksiin ja niiden muokkaukseen materiaalifysiikan pintatieteen menetelmillä. Mg-piristeisille Al0,5Ga0,5N-näytteille tehdyt LEED- ja STM-mittaukset osoittavat, että AlGaN-pinnat tarjoavat hyvän lähtökohdan bulkille tyypillisten ominaisuuksien tutkimiseen. XPS- ja SR-PES-mittaukset osoittavat, että Mg-piristys vaikuttaa aktivoituvan noin 700 °C:n lämmityksessä, ja näytteet sisältävät aiemmissa tutkimuksissa havaitun vedyn lisäksi happea ja hiiltä, jotka vaikuttavat magnesiumin aktivoitumiseen ja siitä syntyvään aukkokonsentraatioon. LEED-, STM- ja resistiivisyysmittaukset tukevat tehtyjä XPS- ja SR-PES-mittauksia. Al0,5Ga0,5N-näytteen energia-aukossa sijaitsevien aktiivisten vastaanottajatilojen määritettiin sijaitsevan 200–600 meV valenssivyön maksimin yläpuolella riippuen jälkilämmityksen kestosta.
Nous étudions la recombinaison radiative des porteurs de charges photogénérés dans les puits quantiques InGaN/GaN étroits (2 nm). Nous caractérisons le comportement de la photoluminescence face aux différentes conditions expérimentales telles la température, l'énergie et la puissance de l'excitation et la tension électrique appliquée. Ces mesures montrent que l'émission provient d'états localisés. De plus, les champs électriques, présents nativement dans ces matériaux, n'ont pas une influence dominante sur la recombinaison des porteurs. Nous avons montré que le spectre d'émission se modifie significativement et subitement lorsque la puissance de l'excitation passe sous un certain seuil. L'émission possède donc deux ``phases'' dont nous avons déterminé le diagramme. La phase adoptée dépend à la fois de la puissance, de la température et de la tension électrique appliquée. Nous proposons que la phase à basse puissance soit associée à un état électriquement chargé dans le matériau. Ensuite, nous avons caractérisé la dynamique temporelle de notre échantillon. Le taux de répétition de l'excitation a une influence importante sur la dynamique mesurée. Nous concluons qu'elle ne suit pas une exponentielle étirée comme on le pensait précédemment. Elle est exponentielle à court temps et suit une loi de puissance à grand temps. Ces deux régimes sont lié à un seul et même mécanisme de recombinaison. Nous avons développé un modèle de recombinaison à trois niveaux afin d'expliquer le comportement temporel de la luminescence. Ce modèle suppose l'existence de centres de localisation où les porteurs peuvent se piéger, indépendamment ou non. L'électron peut donc se trouver sur un même centre que le trou ou sur n'importe quel autre centre. En supposant le transfert des porteurs entre centres par saut tunnel on détermine, en fonction de la distribution spatiale des centres, la dynamique de recombinaison. Ce modèle indique que la recombinaison dans les puits InGaN/GaN minces est liée à des agglomérats de centre de localisation.
Mesures effectuées dans le laboratoire de caractérisation optique des semi-conducteurs du Prof. Richard Leonelli du département de physique de l'université de Montréal. Les nanofils d'InGaN/GaN ont été fournis par le groupe du Prof. Zetian Mi du département de génie électrique et informatique de l'université McGill.