993 resultados para Function spaces


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A composition operator is a linear operator between spaces of analytic or harmonic functions on the unit disk, which precomposes a function with a fixed self-map of the disk. A fundamental problem is to relate properties of a composition operator to the function-theoretic properties of the self-map. During the recent decades these operators have been very actively studied in connection with various function spaces. The study of composition operators lies in the intersection of two central fields of mathematical analysis; function theory and operator theory. This thesis consists of four research articles and an overview. In the first three articles the weak compactness of composition operators is studied on certain vector-valued function spaces. A vector-valued function takes its values in some complex Banach space. In the first and third article sufficient conditions are given for a composition operator to be weakly compact on different versions of vector-valued BMOA spaces. In the second article characterizations are given for the weak compactness of a composition operator on harmonic Hardy spaces and spaces of Cauchy transforms, provided the functions take values in a reflexive Banach space. Composition operators are also considered on certain weak versions of the above function spaces. In addition, the relationship of different vector-valued function spaces is analyzed. In the fourth article weighted composition operators are studied on the scalar-valued BMOA space and its subspace VMOA. A weighted composition operator is obtained by first applying a composition operator and then a pointwise multiplier. A complete characterization is given for the boundedness and compactness of a weighted composition operator on BMOA and VMOA. Moreover, the essential norm of a weighted composition operator on VMOA is estimated. These results generalize many previously known results about composition operators and pointwise multipliers on these spaces.


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Toeplitz operators are among the most important classes of concrete operators with applications to several branches of pure and applied mathematics. This doctoral thesis deals with Toeplitz operators on analytic Bergman, Bloch and Fock spaces. Usually, a Toeplitz operator is a composition of multiplication by a function and a suitable projection. The present work deals with generalizing the notion to the case where the function is replaced by a distributional symbol. Fredholm theory for Toeplitz operators with matrix-valued symbols is also considered. The subject of this thesis belongs to the areas of complex analysis, functional analysis and operator theory. This work contains five research articles. The articles one, three and four deal with finding suitable distributional classes in Bergman, Fock and Bloch spaces, respectively. In each case the symbol class to be considered turns out to be a certain weighted Sobolev-type space of distributions. The Bergman space setting is the most straightforward. When dealing with Fock spaces, some difficulties arise due to unboundedness of the complex plane and the properties of the Gaussian measure in the definition. In the Bloch-type spaces an additional logarithmic weight must be introduced. Sufficient conditions for boundedness and compactness are derived. The article two contains a portion showing that under additional assumptions, the condition for Bergman spaces is also necessary. The fifth article deals with Fredholm theory for Toeplitz operators having matrix-valued symbols. The essential spectra and index theorems are obtained with the help of Hardy space factorization and the Berezin transform, for instance. The article two also has a part dealing with matrix-valued symbols in a non-reflexive Bergman space, in which case a condition on the oscillation of the symbol (a logarithmic VMO-condition) must be added.


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We give an example of a complete locally convex m-topology on the algebra of infinite differentiable functions on [0, 1] which is strictly coarser than the natural Frechet-topology but finer than the topology of pointwise convergence. A similar construction works on the algebra of continuous functions on [0, 1]. Using this examples we can separate different notions of diffotopy and homotopy.


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Let a compact Hausdorff space X contain a non-empty perfect subset. If α < β and β is a countable ordinal, then the Banach space Bα (X) of all bounded real-valued functions of Baire class α on X is a proper subspace of the Banach space Bβ (X). In this paper it is shown that: 1. Bα (X) has a representation as C(bα X), where bα X is a compactification of the space P X – the underlying set of X in the Baire topology generated by the Gδ -sets in X. 2. If 1 ≤ α < β ≤ Ω, where Ω is the first uncountable ordinal number, then Bα (X) is uncomplemented as a closed subspace of Bβ (X). These assertions for X = [0, 1] were proved by W. G. Bade [4] and in the case when X contains an uncountable compact metrizable space – by F.K.Dashiell [9]. Our argumentation is one non-metrizable modification of both Bade’s and Dashiell’s methods.


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There are two main aims of the paper. The first one is to extend the criterion for the precompactness of sets in Banach function spaces to the setting of quasi-Banach function spaces. The second one is to extend the criterion for the precompactness of sets in the Lebesgue spaces $L_p(\Rn)$, $1 \leq p < \infty$, to the so-called power quasi-Banach function spaces. These criteria are applied to establish compact embeddings of abstract Besov spaces into quasi-Banach function spaces. The results are illustrated on embeddings of Besov spaces $B^s_{p,q}(\Rn)$, $0spaces.


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The topic of this dissertation is the geometric and isometric theory of Banach spaces. This work is motivated by the known Banach-Mazur rotation problem, which asks whether each transitive separable Banach space is isometrically a Hilbert space. A Banach space X is said to be transitive if the isometry group of X acts transitively on the unit sphere of X. In fact, some weaker symmetry conditions than transitivity are studied in the dissertation. One such condition is an almost isometric version of transitivity. Another investigated condition is convex-transitivity, which requires that the closed convex hull of the orbit of any point of the unit sphere under the rotation group is the whole unit ball. Following the tradition developed around the rotation problem, some contemporary problems are studied. Namely, we attempt to characterize Hilbert spaces by using convex-transitivity together with the existence of a 1-dimensional bicontractive projection on the space, and some mild geometric assumptions. The convex-transitivity of some vector-valued function spaces is studied as well. The thesis also touches convex-transitivity of Banach lattices and resembling geometric cases.


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Nesta tese são estudados espaços de Besov de suavidade generalizada em espaços euclidianos, numa classe de fractais designados conjuntos-h e em estruturas abstractas designadas por espaços-h. Foram obtidas caracterizações e propriedades para estes espaços de funções. Em particular, no caso de espaços de Besov em espaços euclidianos, foram obtidas caracterizações por diferenças e por decomposições em átomos não suaves, foi provada uma propriedade de homogeneidade e foram estudados multiplicadores pontuais. Para espaços de Besov em conjuntos-h foi obtida uma caracterização por decomposições em átomos não suaves e foi construído um operador extensão. Com o recurso a cartas, os resultados obtidos para estes espaços de funções em fractais foram aplicados para definir e trabalhar com espaços de Besov de suavidade generalizada em estruturas abstractas. Nesta tese foi também estudado o laplaciano fractal, considerado a actuar em espaços de Besov de suavidade generalizada em domínios que contêm um conjunto-h fractal. Foram obtidos resultados no contexto de teoria espectral para este operador e foi estudado, à custa deste operador, um problema de Dirichlet fractal no contexto de conjuntos-h.


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For a topological property P, we say that a space X is star Pif for every open cover Uof the space X there exists Y aS, X such that St(Y,U) = X and Y has P. We consider star countable and star Lindelof spaces establishing, among other things, that there exists first countable pseudocompact spaces which are not star Lindelof. We also describe some classes of spaces in which star countability is equivalent to countable extent and show that a star countable space with a dense sigma-compact subspace can have arbitrary extent. It is proved that for any omega (1)-monolithic compact space X, if C (p) (X)is star countable then it is Lindelof.


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The present thesis is a contribution to the theory of algebras of pseudodifferential operators on singular settings. In particular, we focus on the $b$-calculus and the calculus on conformally compact spaces in the sense of Mazzeo and Melrose in connection with the notion of spectral invariant transmission operator algebras. We summarize results given by Gramsch et. al. on the construction of $Psi_0$-and $Psi*$-algebras and the corresponding scales of generalized Sobolev spaces using commutators of certain closed operators and derivations. In the case of a manifold with corners $Z$ we construct a $Psi*$-completion $A_b(Z,{}^bOmega^{1/2})$ of the algebra of zero order $b$-pseudodifferential operators $Psi_{b,cl}(Z, {}^bOmega^{1/2})$ in the corresponding $C*$-closure $B(Z,{}^bOmega^{12})hookrightarrow L(L^2(Z,{}^bOmega^{1/2}))$. The construction will also provide that localised to the (smooth) interior of Z the operators in the $A_b(Z, {}^bOmega^{1/2})$ can be represented as ordinary pseudodifferential operators. In connection with the notion of solvable $C*$-algebras - introduced by Dynin - we calculate the length of the $C*$-closure of $Psi_{b,cl}^0(F,{}^bOmega^{1/2},R^{E(F)})$ in $B(F,{}^bOmega^{1/2}),R^{E(F)})$ by localizing $B(Z, {}^bOmega^{1/2})$ along the boundary face $F$ using the (extended) indical familiy $I^B_{FZ}$. Moreover, we discuss how one can localise a certain solving ideal chain of $B(Z, {}^bOmega^{1/2})$ in neighbourhoods $U_p$ of arbitrary points $pin Z$. This localisation process will recover the singular structure of $U_p$; further, the induced length function $l_p$ is shown to be upper semi-continuous. We give construction methods for $Psi*$- and $C*$-algebras admitting only infinite long solving ideal chains. These algebras will first be realized as unconnected direct sums of (solvable) $C*$-algebras and then refined such that the resulting algebras have arcwise connected spaces of one dimensional representations. In addition, we recall the notion of transmission algebras on manifolds with corners $(Z_i)_{iin N}$ following an idea of Ali Mehmeti, Gramsch et. al. Thereby, we connect the underlying $C^infty$-function spaces using point evaluations in the smooth parts of the $Z_i$ and use generalized Laplacians to generate an appropriate scale of Sobolev spaces. Moreover, it is possible to associate generalized (solving) ideal chains to these algebras, such that to every $ninN$ there exists an ideal chain of length $n$ within the algebra. Finally, we discuss the $K$-theory for algebras of pseudodifferential operators on conformally compact manifolds $X$ and give an index theorem for these operators. In addition, we prove that the Dirac-operator associated to the metric of a conformally compact manifold $X$ is not a Fredholm operator.


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The main task of this work is to present a concise survey on the theory of certain function spaces in the contexts of Hörmander vector fields and Carnot Groups, and to discuss briefly an application to some polyharmonic boundary value problems on Carnot Groups of step 2.


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Many classical as well as modern optimization techniques exist. One such modern method belonging to the field of swarm intelligence is termed ant colony optimization. This relatively new concept in optimization involves the use of artificial ants and is based on real ant behavior inspired by the way ants search for food. In this thesis, a novel ant colony optimization technique for continuous domains was developed. The goal was to provide improvements in computing time and robustness when compared to other optimization algorithms. Optimization function spaces can have extreme topologies and are therefore difficult to optimize. The proposed method effectively searched the domain and solved difficult single-objective optimization problems. The developed algorithm was run for numerous classic test cases for both single and multi-objective problems. The results demonstrate that the method is robust, stable, and that the number of objective function evaluations is comparable to other optimization algorithms.


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We study a family of chaotic maps with limit cases-the tent map and the cusp map (the cusp family). We discuss the spectral properties of the corresponding Frobenius-Perron operator in different function spaces including spaces of analytical functions and study numerically the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.


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In dieser Arbeit werden nichtüberlappende Gebietszerlegungsmethoden einerseits hinsichtlich der zu lösenden Problemklassen verallgemeinert und andererseits in bisher nicht untersuchten Kontexten betrachtet. Dabei stehen funktionalanalytische Untersuchungen zur Wohldefiniertheit, eindeutigen Lösbarkeit und Konvergenz im Vordergrund. Im ersten Teil werden lineare elliptische Dirichlet-Randwertprobleme behandelt, wobei neben Problemen mit dominantem Hauptteil auch solche mit singulärer Störung desselben, wie konvektions- oder reaktionsdominante Probleme zugelassen sind. Der zweite Teil befasst sich mit (gleichmäßig) monotonen koerziven quasilinearen elliptischen Dirichlet-Randwertproblemen. In beiden Fällen wird das Lipschitz-Gebiet in endlich viele Lipschitz-Teilgebiete zerlegt, wobei insbesondere Kreuzungspunkte und Teilgebiete ohne Außenrand zugelassen sind. Anschließend werden Transmissionsprobleme mit frei wählbaren $L^{\infty}$-Parameterfunktionen hergeleitet, wobei die Konormalenableitungen als Funktionale auf geeigneten Funktionenräumen über den Teilrändern ($H_{00}^{1/2}(\Gamma)$) interpretiert werden. Die iterative Lösung dieser Transmissionsprobleme mit einem Ansatz von Deng führt auf eine Substrukturierungsmethode mit Robin-artigen Transmissionsbedingungen, bei der eine Auswertung der Konormalenableitungen aufgrund einer geschickten Aufdatierung der Robin-Daten nicht notwendig ist (insbesondere ist die bekannte Robin-Robin-Methode von Lions als Spezialfall enthalten). Die Konvergenz bezüglich einer partitionierten $H^1$-Norm wird für beide Problemklassen gezeigt. Dabei werden keine über $H^1$ hinausgehende Regularitätsforderungen an die Lösungen gestellt und die Gebiete müssen keine zusätzlichen Glattheitsvoraussetzungen erfüllen. Im letzten Kapitel werden nichtmonotone koerzive quasilineare Probleme untersucht, wobei das Zugrunde liegende Gebiet nur in zwei Lipschitz-Teilgebiete zerlegt sein soll. Das zugehörige nichtlineare Transmissionsproblem wird durch Kirchhoff-Transformation in lineare Teilprobleme mit nichtlinearen Kopplungsbedingungen überführt. Ein optimierungsbasierter Lösungsansatz, welcher einen geeigneten Abstand der rücktransformierten Dirichlet-Daten der linearen Teilprobleme auf den Teilrändern minimiert, führt auf ein optimales Kontrollproblem. Die dabei entstehenden regularisierten freien Minimierungsprobleme werden mit Hilfe eines Gradientenverfahrens unter minimalen Glattheitsforderungen an die Nichtlinearitäten gelöst. Unter zusätzlichen Glattheitsvoraussetzungen an die Nichtlinearitäten und weiteren technischen Voraussetzungen an die Lösung des quasilinearen Ausgangsproblems, kann zudem die quadratische Konvergenz des Newton-Verfahrens gesichert werden.


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We had previously shown that regularization principles lead to approximation schemes, as Radial Basis Functions, which are equivalent to networks with one layer of hidden units, called Regularization Networks. In this paper we show that regularization networks encompass a much broader range of approximation schemes, including many of the popular general additive models, Breiman's hinge functions and some forms of Projection Pursuit Regression. In the probabilistic interpretation of regularization, the different classes of basis functions correspond to different classes of prior probabilities on the approximating function spaces, and therefore to different types of smoothness assumptions. In the final part of the paper, we also show a relation between activation functions of the Gaussian and sigmoidal type.