300 resultados para Flanders
For almost ten years several companies located in De Zaubeek Business Park in Flanders have been collaborating with the goal of creating a more sustainable industrial zone. Many initiatives have been developed in this business park, many successful, but some clearly pointed to constraints that require action beyond the reach of the companies or the business association. The former chairman of the association has been involved in several of these initiatives and we asked him to tell his story.
Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999 E38 D56 1992
Análisis y comparación de la interacción profesor-alumno, en los sistemas de observación en el aula Ashner-Gallagher y Flanders. Los sistemas de observación en el aula Ashner-Gallagher y Flanders, en segundo de EGB. Análisis cualitativo de los sistemas de observación en el aula de Clain, Gonzalo Vázquez, Ashner-Gallagher y Flanders. Comparación cuantitativa de los sistemas Ashner-Gallagher y Flanders. Creación de un nuevo sistema: el BGBQ. Grabaciones en cinta de clases de segundo nivel de EGB. Frecuencias. Coeficiente de contingencia. Representaciones gráficas. El coeficiente de contingencia hallado en la comparación, es muy elevado (0,8842), lo que significa que la concomitancia entre estos dos sistemas es altamente positiva. No quiere decir que pueda usarse indistintamente uno u otro. El análisis de las intervenciones alumno-profesor sólo sería posible en el Flanders, mientras que el estudio detallado de la gestión sólo sería adecuado mediante el sistema Ashner. El autor monta un sistema nuevo basado en los cuatro sistemas analizados, compaginando los objetivos de cada uno de ellos, que denomina BGBQ. Fecha finalización tomada del código del documento.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: "??De nuevo con el abandono escolar? : un an??lisis de pol??ticas, pr??cticas y subjetividades"
From the early Roman period, there is archaeological evidence for the exploitation of the Flemish coastal plain (Belgium) for a range of activities, such as sheep herding on the then developing salt-marshes and salt-meadows for the production of wool. During the early Middle Ages, this culminated in the establishment of dedicated ‘sheep estates’. This phase of exploitation was followed by extensive drainage and land reclamation measures in the high Medieval period, transforming areas into grassland, suited for cattle breeding. As part of a larger project investigating the onset, intensification and final decline of sheep management in coastal Flanders in the historical period, this pilot study presents the results of sequential sampling and oxygen isotope analysis of a number of sheep teeth (M2, n = 8) from four late Roman and Medieval sites (dating from 4th to 15th century AD), in order to assess potential variations in season of birth between the different sites and through time. In comparison with published data from herds of known birth season, incremental enamel data from the Flemish sites are consistent with late winter/spring births, with the possibility of some instances of slightly earlier parturition. These findings suggest that manipulation of season of birth was not a feature of the sheep husbandry-based economies of early historic Flanders, further evidencing that wool production was the main purpose of contemporary sheep rearing in the region. Manipulation of season of birth is not likely to have afforded economic advantage in wool-centred economies, unlike in some milk- or meat-based regimes.
As a highly urbanized and flood prone region, Flanders has experienced multiple floods causing significant damage in the past. In response to the floods of 1998 and 2002 the Flemish Environment Agency, responsible for managing 1 400 km of unnavigable rivers, started setting up a real time flood forecasting system in 2003. Currently the system covers almost 2 000 km of unnavigable rivers, for which flood forecasts are accessible online (www.waterinfo.be). The forecasting system comprises more than 1 000 hydrologic and 50 hydrodynamic models which are supplied with radar rainfall, rainfall forecasts and on-site observations. Forecasts for the next 2 days are generated hourly, while 10 day forecasts are generated twice a day. Additionally, twice daily simulations based on percentile rainfall forecasts (from EPS predictions) result in uncertainty bands for the latter. Subsequent flood forecasts use the most recent rainfall predictions and observed parameters at any time while uncertainty on the longer-term is taken into account. The flood forecasting system produces high resolution dynamic flood maps and graphs at about 200 river gauges and more than 3 000 forecast points. A customized emergency response system generates phone calls and text messages to a team of hydrologists initiating a pro-active response to prevent upcoming flood damage. The flood forecasting system of the Flemish Environment Agency is constantly evolving and has proven to be an indispensable tool in flood crisis management. This was clearly the case during the November 2010 floods, when the agency issued a press release 2 days in advance allowing water managers, emergency services and civilians to take measures.
Os fenômenos da tradução, assim como vários dos diversos percursos históricos e teóricos apresentados ao longo da História sobre o tema, serão explicitados e discutidos. A avaliação comparatista de duas traduções de Moll Flanders, de autoria de Daniel Defoe, será desenvolvida, levando-se em consideração as concepções mais atuais dos Estudos de Tradução, como a teoria da Reescritura de Andre Lefevere. Aspectos como o status do tradutor, assim como o sistema literário do qual este provém, são fatores que também serão pertinentes às referidas análises críticas.