994 resultados para Filtered x-LMS
This paper presents a novel adaptive control scheme. with improved convergence rate, for the equalization of harmonic disturbances such as engine noise. First, modifications for improving convergence speed of the standard filtered-X LMS control are described. Equalization capabilities are then implemented, allowing the independent tuning of harmonics. Eventually, by providing the desired order vs. engine speed profiles, the pursued sound quality attributes can be achieved. The proposed control scheme is first demonstrated with a simple secondary path model and, then, experimentally validated with the aid of a vehicle mockup which is excited with engine noise. The engine excitation is provided by a real-time sound quality equivalent engine simulator. Stationary and transient engine excitations are used to assess the control performance. The results reveal that the proposed controller is capable of large order-level reductions (up to 30 dB) for stationary excitation, which allows a comfortable margin for equalization. The same holds for slow run-ups ( > 15s) thanks to the improved convergence rate. This margin, however, gets narrower with shorter run-ups (<= 10s). (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The paper analyzes the performance of the unconstrained filtered-x LMS (FxLMS) algorithm for active noise control (ANC), where we remove the constraints on the controller that it must be causal and has finite impulse response. It is shown that the unconstrained FxLMS algorithm always converges to, if stable, the true optimum filter, even if the estimation of the secondary path is not perfect, and its final mean square error is independent of the secondary path. Moreover, we show that the sufficient and necessary stability condition for the feedforward unconstrained FxLMS is that the maximum phase error of the secondary path estimation must be within 90°, which is the only necessary condition for the feedback unconstrained FxLMS. The significance of the analysis on a practical system is also discussed. Finally we show how the obtained results can guide us to design a robust feedback ANC headset.
This paper investigates the robustness of a hybrid analog/digital feedback active noise cancellation (ANC) headset system. The digital ANC systems with the filtered-x least-mean-square (FXLMS) algorithm require accurate estimation of the secondary path for the stability and convergence of the algorithm. This demands a great challenge for the ANC headset design because the secondary path may fluctuate dramatically such as when the user adjusts the position of the ear-cup. In this paper, we analytically show that adding an analog feedback loop into the digital ANC systems can effectively reduce the plant fluctuation, thus achieving a more robust system. The method for designing the analog controller is highlighted. A practical hybrid analog/digital feedback ANC headset has been built and used to conduct experiments, and the experimental results show that the hybrid headset system is more robust under large plant fluctuation, and has achieved satisfactory noise cancellation for both narrowband and broadband noises.
Abstract Objective: Derive filtered tungsten X-ray spectra used in digital mammography systems by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Materials and Methods: Filtered spectra for rhodium filter were obtained for tube potentials between 26 and 32 kV. The half-value layer (HVL) of simulated filtered spectra were compared with those obtained experimentally with a solid state detector Unfors model 8202031-H Xi R/F & MAM Detector Platinum and 8201023-C Xi Base unit Platinum Plus w mAs in a Hologic Selenia Dimensions system using a direct radiography mode. Results: Calculated HVL values showed good agreement as compared with those obtained experimentally. The greatest relative difference between the Monte Carlo calculated HVL values and experimental HVL values was 4%. Conclusion: The results show that the filtered tungsten anode X-ray spectra and the EGSnrc Monte Carlo code can be used for mean glandular dose determination in mammography.
PURPOSE: To determine the lower limit of dose reduction with hybrid and fully iterative reconstruction algorithms in detection of endoleaks and in-stent thrombus of thoracic aorta with computed tomographic (CT) angiography by applying protocols with different tube energies and automated tube current modulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The calcification insert of an anthropomorphic cardiac phantom was replaced with an aortic aneurysm model containing a stent, simulated endoleaks, and an intraluminal thrombus. CT was performed at tube energies of 120, 100, and 80 kVp with incrementally increasing noise indexes (NIs) of 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, and 70 and a 2.5-mm section thickness. NI directly controls radiation exposure; a higher NI allows for greater image noise and decreases radiation. Images were reconstructed with filtered back projection (FBP) and hybrid and fully iterative algorithms. Five radiologists independently analyzed lesion conspicuity to assess sensitivity and specificity. Mean attenuation (in Hounsfield units) and standard deviation were measured in the aorta to calculate signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Attenuation and SNR of different protocols and algorithms were analyzed with analysis of variance or Welch test depending on data distribution. RESULTS: Both sensitivity and specificity were 100% for simulated lesions on images with 2.5-mm section thickness and an NI of 25 (3.45 mGy), 34 (1.83 mGy), or 43 (1.16 mGy) at 120 kVp; an NI of 34 (1.98 mGy), 43 (1.23 mGy), or 61 (0.61 mGy) at 100 kVp; and an NI of 43 (1.46 mGy) or 70 (0.54 mGy) at 80 kVp. SNR values showed similar results. With the fully iterative algorithm, mean attenuation of the aorta decreased significantly in reduced-dose protocols in comparison with control protocols at 100 kVp (311 HU at 16 NI vs 290 HU at 70 NI, P ≤ .0011) and 80 kVp (400 HU at 16 NI vs 369 HU at 70 NI, P ≤ .0007). CONCLUSION: Endoleaks and in-stent thrombus of thoracic aorta were detectable to 1.46 mGy (80 kVp) with FBP, 1.23 mGy (100 kVp) with the hybrid algorithm, and 0.54 mGy (80 kVp) with the fully iterative algorithm.
Impressive developments in X-ray imaging are associated with X-ray phase contrast computed tomography based on grating interferometry, a technique that provides increased contrast compared with conventional absorption-based imaging. A new "single-step" method capable of separating phase information from other contributions has been recently proposed. This approach not only simplifies data-acquisition procedures, but, compared with the existing phase step approach, significantly reduces the dose delivered to a sample. However, the image reconstruction procedure is more demanding than for traditional methods and new algorithms have to be developed to take advantage of the "single-step" method. In the work discussed in this paper, a fast iterative image reconstruction method named OSEM (ordered subsets expectation maximization) was applied to experimental data to evaluate its performance and range of applicability. The OSEM algorithm with different subsets was also characterized by comparison of reconstruction image quality and convergence speed. Computer simulations and experimental results confirm the reliability of this new algorithm for phase-contrast computed tomography applications. Compared with the traditional filtered back projection algorithm, in particular in the presence of a noisy acquisition, it furnishes better images at a higher spatial resolution and with lower noise. We emphasize that the method is highly compatible with future X-ray phase contrast imaging clinical applications.
We show both theoretical and experimental evidences of the appearance of ferromagnetism in MgO thin films. First-principles calculations allow predicting the possibility of the formation of a local moment in MgO, provided the existence of Mg vacancies which create holes on acceptor levels near the O 2p-dominated valence band. Magnetic measurements evidence of the existence of room-temperature ferromagnetism in MgO thin films. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy demonstrates the existence of cation vacancies in our samples. Finally, by applying the element specificity of the x-ray magnetic circular dichroism technique, we also demonstrate that the magnetic moments of the system arise from the spin polarization of the 2p electrons of oxygen atoms surrounding Mg vacancies.
In this thesis the X-ray tomography is discussed from the Bayesian statistical viewpoint. The unknown parameters are assumed random variables and as opposite to traditional methods the solution is obtained as a large sample of the distribution of all possible solutions. As an introduction to tomography an inversion formula for Radon transform is presented on a plane. The vastly used filtered backprojection algorithm is derived. The traditional regularization methods are presented sufficiently to ground the Bayesian approach. The measurements are foton counts at the detector pixels. Thus the assumption of a Poisson distributed measurement error is justified. Often the error is assumed Gaussian, altough the electronic noise caused by the measurement device can change the error structure. The assumption of Gaussian measurement error is discussed. In the thesis the use of different prior distributions in X-ray tomography is discussed. Especially in severely ill-posed problems the use of a suitable prior is the main part of the whole solution process. In the empirical part the presented prior distributions are tested using simulated measurements. The effect of different prior distributions produce are shown in the empirical part of the thesis. The use of prior is shown obligatory in case of severely ill-posed problem.
Joidenkin tutkimusten mukaan naisten vähäinen määrä johdossa voi olla uhka organisaatiolle. Lasikattoilmiöllä tarkoitetaan naisten urakehityksen katkeamista tietylle tasolle ylimmän johdon alapuolelle ikään kuin naisten ja tuon ylimmän tason välissä olisi lasinen, näkymätön katto, sukupuolistereotypioiden muodostama este. Yksi yleinen lasikaton selitysten kolmijako on henkilökohtaiset, organisatoriset ja yhteiskunnalliset tekijät. (Lämsä & Hautala 2004, 252). Hoyt (2007, 270-278) tekee kolmijaon seuraavasti: inhimillinen pääoma, sukupuolierot ja ennakkoluulot. Yritys X:n keskijohdossa työskentelee yksi nainen, ylimmässä johdossa ei yhtäkään. Tutkimuksessa halu-taan selvittää miesjohtajien ja ei-johtavassa asemassa olevien naisten käsitystä siitä, onko yritys x:ssä lasi-kattoa, miksi naisjohtajia on niin vähän ja "mitä siitä" ts. onko mitään ongelmaa olemassakaan. Tässä tutkimuksessa pohditaan diskurssianalyysin keinoin, miten yritys X:ssä puhutaan naisjohtajuusaiheesta, millai-seksi sukupuolen merkitys työelämässä määritellään ja mitä ajatellaan naisten kykenevyydestä johtajiksi. Naturalisoiva diskurssi oli vahva niin miesjohtajien ja ei-johtavassa asemassa olevien naisten puheessa. Sen lisäksi hahmotellaan familistista, empiiristä, humanistista ja historiallista diskurssia naisjohtajuuspuheesta. Diskurssien yhteenkietominen hegemonisoimisstrategiana kuvaa tapaa, jolla palasia muista diskursseista käytetään tukemaan tiettyä toista diskurssia (Jokinen et al. 1993c, 95) Miesjohtajien puheessa naisten keskeiset, ominaisuudet - liiallinen tarkkuus ja huolellisuus yhdistettynä epävarmuuteen - ovat ongelmallisia johtajanuran kannalta. Jos näistä johtajuuden kannalta negatiivisista ominaisuuksista ei jostain syystä kuitenkaan muodostuisi uralla etenemisen estettä, äitiys ja perheellisyys "luonnollisesti" tekee tämän. Aiheet myös kietoutuvat yhteen: äitiys ja vastuu perheestä lisäävät naisten huolellisuutta, tarkkuutta ja epävarmuutta entisestään. Lisäksi äitiyslomat ja työhön käytettävissä oleva aika ja puut-tuva halu käyttää elämästä iso osa uranluomiseen ovat johtajaksi etenemisen esteitä. Miesjohtajien mukaan tämä on jossain määrin ongelma, kun heterogeenisyyttä johtamiseen kuitenkin tarvittaisiin, mutta loppujen lopuksi kuitenkin melko epäkiinnostava ja pieni ongelma; ongelma ei miesten mielestä johdu miesten tai yhteiskunnallisista asenteista, vaan naisista itsestään ja he tarvitsevat uralla edetäkseen tukea, rohkaisua ja henkilöstöpankkeja, joita miesjohtajat voivat tuottaa. Johtaminen ylipäänsä ei ole miesjohtajien mielestä hirveän kiinnostavaa. Jos naiset (kaikesta edellä sanotusta huolimatta) etenevät yritysten johtoon, eivät he tule siellä toimeen keskenään. Kaiken kaikkiaan koko naisjohtajuusaihe ei ole kovin kiinnostava ja naisjohtajuuden vähäisyyden (mahdollisen) ongelman ratkaisee aika uuden, tasa-arvoisemman sukupolven myötä. Naishaastateltujen näkökulmasta sen sijaan naisilla on pyrkyä johtotehtäviin - joskaan ei samassa määrin kuin miehillä. Naishaastateltujen mukaan miehet suosivat toisiaan työelämässä ja naiset kohtaavat asenteita, joita vastaan joutuvat taistelemaan ja tästä syystä johtajien joukossa on niin vähän naisia. Historialliset tekijät pitävät asenteita yllä. Perheellisyys on naisille suurempi uraeste kuin miehille, "luonnollisesti". Naishaastateltujen mielestä naisten vähäisyys johdossa on merkittävä ongelma, koska naisilla on erityislaatuisia ominaisuuksia, joista olisi hyötyä tehtävässä. Naishaastateltujen puheessa miesten ominaisuuksia vastaavasti vähäteltiin. Naisjohtajien vähäisyyden ongelmalle ei naishaastateltujen mielestä kuitenkaan ole tehtävissä paljonkaan: miesten ja yhteiskunnan asenteiden pitäisi muuttua, mutta keinoja tähän ei esitetä, sen sijaan naisten itsensä pitäisi vain "yrittää vielä kovemmin".
Número monográfico dedicado a las I Jorandas Telspain de Proyectos de I + D en Tecnologías para el Aprendizaje en España.Resumen basado en el de la publicación
A estatística nos dias de hoje está incorporada de uma forma generalizada no currículo da matemática no ensino básico e secundário e em diferentes cursos do ensino superior.Este interesse, não é exclusivo da comunidade de educação matemática, mas sim da sociedade em geral, pois a sua apropriação permite contribuir para um melhor espirito crítico sobre a informação e logo um exercicio de melhor cidadania. Esta experiência realizou-se no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Introdução à Estatística da licenciatura em Educação Básica da Escola Superior de Educação Paula Frassinetti , a qual contou com a participação de 74 estudantes inscritos na unidade curricular.Tendo como referência as diretrizes para o ensino superior impulsionadas por o processo de Bolonha que apontam para a centralidade do estudante no processo autónomo de aprendizagem ao longo da vida implementamos uma metodologia de b-learning alicerçada na plataforma moodle usando o fórum de forma a potenciar o pensamento crítico.Do ponto de vista pedagógico, utilizamos o modelo Community of Inquiry desenvolvido por Garrison, Anderson e Archer.Os posts que lançamos para a discussão, eram notícias dos meios de comunicação fazendo um pequeno comentário de forma a fomentar o sentido crítico face ao modo como a informação é apresentada e a aptidão para ler e interpretar tabelas e gráficos à luz das situações a que dizem respeito, com o objetivo de desenvolver skills interpretativos e a literacia estatística, desenvolver a capacidade para comunicar estatisticamente e desenvolver disposições estatísticas úteis.Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma análise qualitativa e quantitativa dos vários indicadores que caracterizam a formação de futuros professores da educação básica em estatística,recolhendo os dados das interações do fórum, monitorizados com o software SNAPP e a análise dos mesmos com o Netdraw e SPSS.E ainda, a interpretabilidade de diversos fatores, de acordo com a estrutura e conceção do instrumento a respeito de como o estudante perceciona a presença cognitiva relativamente à construção do significado e compreensão da matéria da unidade curricular.Concluímos que a maioria dos estudantes apesar de saber calcular medidas de localização e dispersão, tem dificuldade em apresentar argumentos em que as explicite, pois ainda não conseguiu interpretar, interiorizar as medidas, para que possa inseri-los e articulá-los numa argumentação.
We compared the effects of medium light roast (MLR) and medium roast (MR) paper-filtered coffee on antioxidant capacity and lipid peroxidation in healthy volunteers. In a randomized crossover study, 20 volunteers consumed 482 +/- 61 ml/day of MLR or MR for four weeks. Plasma total antioxidant status (TAS), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), oxidized LDL and 8-epi-prostaglandin F2 alpha, erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and catalase (CAT) activity were measured at baseline and after the interventions. MLR had higher chlorogenic acids-(CGA; 334 mg/150 mL) and less caffeine (231 mg/150 ml) than MR had (210 and 244 mg/150 ml, respectively). MLR also had fewer Maillard reaction products (MRP) than MR had. Compared with baseline, subjects had an increase of 21 and 26 % in TAS, 13 and 13 % in CAT, 52 and 75 % in SOD, and 62 and 49 % in GPx after MLR and MR consumption (P < 0.001), respectively. ORAC increased after MLR (P = 0.004). No significant alteration in lipid peroxidation biomarkers was observed. Both coffees had antioxidant effects. Although MLR contained more CGA, there were similar antioxidant effects between the treatments. MRP may have contributed as an antioxidant. These effects may be important in protecting biological systems and reducing the risk of diseases related to oxidative stress.
Il presente lavoro di tesi, svolto presso i laboratori dell'X-ray Imaging Group del Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia dell'Università di Bologna e all'interno del progetto della V Commissione Scientifica Nazionale dell'INFN, COSA (Computing on SoC Architectures), ha come obiettivo il porting e l’analisi di un codice di ricostruzione tomografica su architetture GPU installate su System-On-Chip low-power, al fine di sviluppare un metodo portatile, economico e relativamente veloce. Dall'analisi computazionale sono state sviluppate tre diverse versioni del porting in CUDA C: nella prima ci si è limitati a trasporre la parte più onerosa del calcolo sulla scheda grafica, nella seconda si sfrutta la velocità del calcolo matriciale propria del coprocessore (facendo coincidere ogni pixel con una singola unità di calcolo parallelo), mentre la terza è un miglioramento della precedente versione ottimizzata ulteriormente. La terza versione è quella definitiva scelta perché è la più performante sia dal punto di vista del tempo di ricostruzione della singola slice sia a livello di risparmio energetico. Il porting sviluppato è stato confrontato con altre due parallelizzazioni in OpenMP ed MPI. Si è studiato quindi, sia su cluster HPC, sia su cluster SoC low-power (utilizzando in particolare la scheda quad-core Tegra K1), l’efficienza di ogni paradigma in funzione della velocità di calcolo e dell’energia impiegata. La soluzione da noi proposta prevede la combinazione del porting in OpenMP e di quello in CUDA C. Tre core CPU vengono riservati per l'esecuzione del codice in OpenMP, il quarto per gestire la GPU usando il porting in CUDA C. Questa doppia parallelizzazione ha la massima efficienza in funzione della potenza e dell’energia, mentre il cluster HPC ha la massima efficienza in velocità di calcolo. Il metodo proposto quindi permetterebbe di sfruttare quasi completamente le potenzialità della CPU e GPU con un costo molto contenuto. Una possibile ottimizzazione futura potrebbe prevedere la ricostruzione di due slice contemporaneamente sulla GPU, raddoppiando circa la velocità totale e sfruttando al meglio l’hardware. Questo studio ha dato risultati molto soddisfacenti, infatti, è possibile con solo tre schede TK1 eguagliare e forse a superare, in seguito, la potenza di calcolo di un server tradizionale con il vantaggio aggiunto di avere un sistema portatile, a basso consumo e costo. Questa ricerca si va a porre nell’ambito del computing come uno tra i primi studi effettivi su architetture SoC low-power e sul loro impiego in ambito scientifico, con risultati molto promettenti.
Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) were measured during early austral Spring 1992 at a number of stations along the 6°W meridian between 47° and 60°S. This included the Polar Front in the north, the zone of melting sea-ice in the south, and waters of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in between. Concentrations of DOC were low in deep water (34-38 ?M) with generally similar or slightly higher values in the surface mixed layer (38-55 ?M). DOC:DON ratios are wider in surface water than in deep water, i.e. surface accumulations contain relatively C-rich dissolved organic matter. The highly variable distribution of the surface DOC was not related to hydrographic or biotic features (fronts, plankton development) indicating the lability and transient occurrence of this material. Growth rates of bacteria were determined in subsamples from 51 0.8-?m-filtered batches of seawater incubated in the dark at in-situ temperature. Thymidine and leucine uptake and bacterial biomass change as well as changes in dissolved organic carbon in the batches, and oxygen consumption in parallel incubations correlated linearly over 2 weeks of incubation which allowed extrapolation to in-situ conditions. Bacterial growth in these experiments depended strongly on the amount of initial DOC. Growth in water from greater depth (1000 m) containing 38 ?M DOC was minimal, as were DOC-decrease and oxygen consumption. Higher rates were observed in surface water slightly enriched with DOC, and highest rates in surface water amended with DOC-rich melted sea ice. Bacterial growth efficiencies (biomass C-increase vs DOC consumed) were about 30%. The experiments showed that at least 40-60% of the DOC in excess of deep water concentrations was available to bacteria.
A new version of the TomoRebuild data reduction software package is presented, for the reconstruction of scanning transmission ion microscopy tomography (STIMT) and particle induced X-ray emission tomography (PIXET) images. First, we present a state of the art of the reconstruction codes available for ion beam microtomography. The algorithm proposed here brings several advantages. It is a portable, multi-platform code, designed in C++ with well-separated classes for easier use and evolution. Data reduction is separated in different steps and the intermediate results may be checked if necessary. Although no additional graphic library or numerical tool is required to run the program as a command line, a user friendly interface was designed in Java, as an ImageJ plugin. All experimental and reconstruction parameters may be entered either through this plugin or directly in text format files. A simple standard format is proposed for the input of experimental data. Optional graphic applications using the ROOT interface may be used separately to display and fit energy spectra. Regarding the reconstruction process, the filtered backprojection (FBP) algorithm, already present in the previous version of the code, was optimized so that it is about 10 times as fast. In addition, Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximization (MLEM) and its accelerated version Ordered Subsets Expectation Maximization (OSEM) algorithms were implemented. A detailed user guide in English is available. A reconstruction example of experimental data from a biological sample is given. It shows the capability of the code to reduce noise in the sinograms and to deal with incomplete data, which puts a new perspective on tomography using low number of projections or limited angle.