53 resultados para FLS


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Depuis les années 1990, les formations à visée professionnelle, comme l’enseignement, adoptent le paradigme du praticien réflexif. Au Québec, le référentiel de compétences proposé par le ministère de l’Éducation introduit l’idée que tout futur enseignant doit apprendre à « réfléchir sur sa pratique » (MEQ, 2001). Malgré de nombreuses études sur la réflexion, le concept reste flou et polysémique. Comment, dans ces conditions, « faire réfléchir » ? Des chercheurs contemporains, dans la mouvance éducative, humaniste et pragmatique de Dewey (1933), aboutissent à des conceptions convergentes de l’apprentissage par réflexion sur l’expérience (Osterman et Kottkamp, 2004; Brouwer et Korthagen, 2005; Loughran, 2006; Brockbank et McGill, 2007; Donnay et Charlier, 2008, entre autres). De leurs points communs est synthétisée une définition de la réflexion qui peut aider à clarifier son rôle en formation. La recherche se donne comme objectif de « saisir » des événements réflexifs pour élucider comment des formations universitaires contribuent à développer des mécanismes de réflexion favorables à un autorenouvellement professionnel à long terme. La démarche est qualitative, l’approche interprétative-compréhensive. Des entrevues semi-structurées ont permis de recueillir des données auprès de finissants en enseignement du français langue seconde (FLS), en coopération internationale, à l’Université de Montréal, ainsi que d’enseignants de FLS expérimentés d’une université québécoise. Du corpus d’« occurrences de réflexion » ont émergé les significations que les acteurs donnaient à leur expérience d’apprentissage ou de travail. Les résultats sont présentés en trois articles. Le premier décrit la méthodologie construite pour repérer des occurrences de réflexion. Le second révèle deux grandes caractéristiques de dispositifs qui la stimulent particulièrement: 1) l’agir en situation de travail authentique ou vraisemblable; 2) la confrontation interactive à l’altérité (pairs, clientèle). Le troisième article aborde les représentations plus riches, nuancées et critiques de la profession, l’Autre et soi-même sur lesquelles débouche la réflexion. L’étude documente aussi les effets de ces reconceptualisations sur l’acteur et l’action, et produit des typologies des préoccupations des (futurs) professionnels et des objets réfléchis Des pistes de recherche et d’application sont dégagées pour les formations professionnalisantes et le développement professionnel en milieu de travail.


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El propósito de la presente investigación fue realizar la adaptación inicial del instrumento Espacio de Vida de la Familia (FLS) en el contexto de la localidad de Kennedy. La investigación tomó desde la teoría los pasos para la adaptación de pruebas e instrumentos sugeridos por autores reconocidos, además definió las dimensiones y factores del instrumento; contó con el concepto de tres jueces expertos para determinar el nivel de acuerdo de los factores del mismo; en la aplicación piloto se administraron los instrumentos espacio de vida de la familia FLS y el Inventario de satisfacción marital en la versión adaptada ACI para esta investigación; esto permitió hacer los ajustes para la aplicación en la muestra de 5 parejas en crisis y en 5 parejas que no estaban en crisis. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron una asociación fuerte entre los 2 instrumentos y al realizar la prueba de U de Mann-Whitney se evidenciaron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos salvo en el factor de relaciones con otras personas. Concluyendo que el instrumento espacio de vida de la familia FLS no permite diferenciar el factor de relación con otras personas y por tanto no se ajusta al contexto local. Finalmente la investigación estableció unas normas de administración y aplicación del instrumento espacio de vida de la familia FLS.


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Background In Australia and other developed countries, there are consistent and marked socioeconomic inequalities in health. Diet is a major contributing factor to the poorer health of lower socioeconomic groups: the dietary patterns of disadvantaged groups are least consistent with dietary recommendations for the prevention of diet-related chronic diseases compared with their more advantaged counterparts. Part of the reason that lower socioeconomic groups have poorer diets may be their consumption of takeaway foods. These foods typically have nutrient contents that fail to comply with the dietary recommendations for the prevention of chronic disease and associated risk factors. A high level of takeaway food consumption, therefore, may negatively influence overall dietary intakes and, consequently, lead to adverse health outcomes. Despite this, little attention has focused on the association between socioeconomic position (SEP) and takeaway food consumption, with the limited number of studies showing mixed results. Additionally, studies have been limited by only considering a narrow range of takeaway foods and not examining how different socioeconomic groups make choices that are more (or less) consistent with dietary recommendations. While a large number of earlier studies have consistently reported socioeconomically disadvantaged groups consume a lesser amount of fruit and vegetables, there is limited knowledge about the role of takeaway food in socioeconomic variations in fruit and vegetable intake. Furthermore, no known studies have investigated why there are socioeconomic differences in takeaway food consumption. The aims of this study are to: examine takeaway food consumption and the types of takeaway food consumed (healthy and less healthy) by different socioeconomic groups, to determine whether takeaway food consumption patterns explain socioeconomic variations in fruit and vegetable intake, and investigate the role of a range of psychosocial factors in explaining the association between SEP and takeaway food consumption and the choice of takeaway food. Methods This study used two cross-sectional population-based datasets: 1) the 1995 Australian National Nutrition Survey (NNS) which was conducted among a nationally representative sample of adults aged between 25.64 years (N = 7319, 61% response rate); and 2) the Food and Lifestyle Survey (FLS) which was conducted by the candidate and was undertaken among randomly selected adults aged between 25.64 years residing in Brisbane, Australia in 2009 (N = 903, 64% response rate). The FLS extended the NNS in several ways by describing current socioeconomic differences in takeaway food consumption patterns, formally assessing the mediated effect of takeaway food consumption to socioeconomic inequalities in fruit and vegetable intake, and also investigating whether (and which) psychosocial factors contributed to the observed socioeconomic variations in takeaway food consumption patterns. Results Approximately 32% of the NNS participants consumed takeaway food in the previous 24 hours and 38% of the FLS participants reported consuming takeaway food once a week or more. The results from analyses of the NNS and the FLS were somewhat mixed; however, disadvantaged groups were likely to consume a high level of �\less healthy. takeaway food compared with their more advantaged counterparts. The lower fruit and vegetable intake among lower socioeconomic groups was partly mediated by their high consumption of �\less healthy. takeaway food. Lower socioeconomic groups were more likely to have negative meal preparation behaviours and attitudes, and weaker health and nutrition-related beliefs and knowledge. Socioeconomic differences in takeaway food consumption were partly explained by meal preparation behaviours and attitudes, and these factors along with health and nutrition-related beliefs and knowledge appeared to contribute to the socioeconomic variations in choice of takeaway foods. Conclusion This thesis enhances our understanding of socioeconomic differences in dietary behaviours and the potential pathways by describing takeaway food consumption patterns by SEP, explaining the role of takeaway food consumption in socioeconomic inequalities in fruit and vegetable intake, and identifying the potential impact of psychosocial factors on socioeconomic differences in takeaway food consumption and the choice of takeaway food. Some important evidence is also provided for developing policies and effective intervention programs to improve the diet quality of the population, especially among lower socioeconomic groups. This thesis concludes with a discussion of a number of recommendations about future research and strategies to improve the dietary intake of the whole population, and especially among disadvantaged groups.


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We employed a Hidden-Markov-Model (HMM) algorithm in loss of heterozygosity (LOH) analysis of high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array data from Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) entities, follicular lymphoma (FL), and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). This revealed a high frequency of LOH over the chromosomal region 11p11.2, containing the gene encoding the protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type J (PTPRJ). Although PTPRJ regulates components of key survival pathways in B-cells (i.e., BCR, MAPK, and PI3K signaling), its role in B-cell development is poorly understood. LOH of PTPRJ has been described in several types of cancer but not in any hematological malignancy. Interestingly, FL cases with LOH exhibited down-regulation of PTPRJ, in contrast no significant variation of expression was shown in DLBCLs. In addition, sequence screening in Exons 5 and 13 of PTPRJ identified the G973A (rs2270993), T1054C (rs2270992), A1182C (rs1566734), and G2971C (rs4752904) coding SNPs (cSNPs). The A1182 allele was significantly more frequent in FLs and in NHLs with LOH. Significant over-representation of the C1054 (rs2270992) and the C2971 (rs4752904) alleles were also observed in LOH cases. A haplotype analysis also revealed a significant lower frequency of haplotype GTCG in NHL cases, but it was only detected in cases with retention. Conversely, haplotype GCAC was over-representated in cases with LOH. Altogether, these results indicate that the inactivation of PTPRJ may be a common lymphomagenic mechanism in these NHL subtypes and that haplotypes in PTPRJ gene may play a role in susceptibility to NHL, by affecting activation of PTPRJ in these B-cell lymphomas.


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A fuzzy logic system (FLS) with a new sliding window defuzzifier is proposed for structural damage detection using modal curvatures. Changes in the modal curvatures due to damage are fuzzified using Gaussian fuzzy sets and mapped to damage location and size using the FLS. The first four modal vectors obtained from finite element simulations of a cantilever beam are used for identifying the location and size of damage. Parametric studies show that modal curvatures can be used to accurately locate the damage; however, quantifying the size of damage is difficult. Tests with noisy simulated data show that the method detects damage very accurately at different noise levels and when some modal data are missing.


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Uncertainties associated with the structural model and measured vibration data may lead to unreliable damage detection. In this paper, we show that geometric and measurement uncertainty cause considerable problem in damage assessment which can be alleviated by using a fuzzy logic-based approach for damage detection. Curvature damage factor (CDF) of a tapered cantilever beam are used as damage indicators. Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) is used to study the changes in the damage indicator due to uncertainty in the geometric properties of the beam. Variation in these CDF measures due to randomness in structural parameter, further contaminated with measurement noise, are used for developing and testing a fuzzy logic system (FLS). Results show that the method correctly identifies both single and multiple damages in the structure. For example, the FLS detects damage with an average accuracy of about 95 percent in a beam having geometric uncertainty of 1 percent COV and measurement noise of 10 percent in single damage scenario. For multiple damage case, the FLS identifies damages in the beam with an average accuracy of about 94 percent in the presence of above mentioned uncertainties. The paper brings together the disparate areas of probabilistic analysis and fuzzy logic to address uncertainty in structural damage detection.


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Composite materials are very useful in structural engineering particularly in weight sensitive applications. Two different test models of the same structure made from composite materials can display very different dynamic behavior due to large uncertainties associated with composite material properties. Also, composite structures can suffer from pre-existing imperfections like delaminations, voids or cracks during fabrication. In this paper, we show that modeling and material uncertainties in composite structures can cause considerable problein in damage assessment. A recently developed C-0 shear deformable locking free refined composite plate element is employed in the numerical simulations to alleviate modeling uncertainty. A qualitative estimate of the impact of modeling uncertainty on the damage detection problem is made. A robust Fuzzy Logic System (FLS) with sliding window defuzzifier is used for delamination damage detection in composite plate type structures. The FLS is designed using variations in modal frequencies due to randomness in material properties. Probabilistic analysis is performed using Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) on a composite plate finite element model. It is demonstrated that the FLS shows excellent robustness in delamination detection at very high levels of randomness in input data. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A detailed study on analyzing the crosstalk in a wavelength division multiplexed fiber laser sensor array system based on a digital phase generated carrier interferometric interrogation scheme is reported. The crosstalk effects induced by the limited optical channel isolation of a dense wavelength division demultiplexer (DWDM) are presented, and the necessary channel isolation to keep the crosstalk negligible to the output signal was calculated via Bessel function expansion and demonstrated by a two serial fiber laser sensors system. Finally, a three-element fiber laser sensor array system with a 50-dB channel-isolation DWDM was built up. Experimental results demonstrated that there was no measurable crosstalk between the output channels.


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The Leaving Certificate (LC) is the national, standardised state examination in Ireland necessary for entry to third level education – this presents a massive, raw corpus of data with the potential to yield invaluable insight into the phenomena of learner interlanguage. With samples of official LC Spanish examination data, this project has compiled a digitised corpus of learner Spanish comprised of the written and oral production of 100 candidates. This corpus was then analysed using a specific investigative corpus technique, Computer-aided Error Analysis (CEA, Dagneaux et al, 1998). CEA is a powerful apparatus in that it greatly facilitates the quantification and analysis of a large learner corpus in digital format. The corpus was both compiled and analysed with the use of UAM Corpus Tool (O’Donnell 2013). This Tool allows for the recording of candidate-specific variables such as grade, examination level, task type and gender, therefore allowing for critical analysis of the corpus as one unit, as separate written and oral sub corpora and also of performance per task, level and gender. This is an interdisciplinary work combining aspects of Applied Linguistics, Learner Corpus Research and Foreign Language (FL) Learning. Beginning with a review of the context of FL learning in Ireland and Europe, I go on to discuss the disciplinary context and theoretical framework for this work and outline the methodology applied. I then perform detailed quantitative and qualitative analyses before going on to combine all research findings outlining principal conclusions. This investigation does not make a priori assumptions about the data set, the LC Spanish examination, the context of FLs or of any aspect of learner competence. It undertakes to provide the linguistic research community and the domain of Spanish language learning and pedagogy in Ireland with an empirical, descriptive profile of real learner performance, characterising learner difficulty.


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O olival de regadio tem tido grande expansão nos últimos anos no Alentejo, sendo a administração da rega mais adequada às necessidades hídricas um dos fatores determinantes da sua boa gestão. No presente trabalho, avaliou-se a resposta de duas variedades de Olea europaea, Cobrançosa e Arbequina, em regime intensivo e super- intensivo, respetivamente, a duas dotações de rega, a normalmente utilizada pelo agricultor (RA) e outra experimental, com dotações acima (RA+) ou abaixo (RA−) das praticados em RA. Mediram-se os principais parâmetros hídricos das plantas e o teor em clorofilas, e registou-se a assinatura espectral em folhas adultas e jovens, ao meio- dia solar, em três épocas do ano, primavera, final do verão e inverno de 2011. Em Outubro foi feita a colheita, tendo-se quantificado a produção em termos de produção total e teor de óleo na matéria seca, e a qualidade do azeite em termos de acidez e oxidação. Face aos resultados, conclui-se que no olival intensivo de Cobrançosa, na rega experimental (RA+), acima da praticada pelo agricultor, não se verificou diferenças significativas na produção total nem no teor de óleo na matéria seca. Não se verificaram também diferenças significativas entre as regas nos parâmetros hídricos avaliados. Quanto ao olival super-intensivo de Arbequina, a rega experimental (RA−), deficitária relativamente à do agricultor (RA), acarretou menor produção, associada a menor teor relativo de água nas folhas, potenciais hídricos mais negativos e menor condutância estomática no final do verão e inverno, mantendo-se no entanto o teor de óleo nos frutos. O teor em clorofilas e alguns índices de vegetação foram influenciados pelo regime de rega apenas em algumas das datas. Nos dois olivais, as regas experimentais não influenciaram a qualidade do azeite, tendo-se obtido azeites extra virgem com propriedades semelhantes aos das modalidades RA. O estudo prossegue em 2012.


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A pegada hídrica de uma cultura representa o volume de água necessário para produzir, relacionando as necessidades hídricas da cultura com a produção. As suas componentes, pegadas hídricas azul, verde e cinzenta, referem-se respectivamente aos volumes de água superficial e subterrânea, precipitação e de água necessária para assimilar a poluição utilizados pela cultura. A determinação das pegadas hídricas azul e verde é normalmente conseguida através da estimativa da evapotranspiração cultural, aplicando coeficientes culturais a uma evapotranspiração de referência, calculada a partir de dados meteorológicos. No presente estudo foram utilizadas medições da evapotranspiração para estimar a pegada hídrica de um olival super-intensivo na região de Évora. As necessidades hídricas foram medidas utilizando um método de fluxo de seiva para determinar a transpiração e o método micrometeorológico das flutuações instantâneas para medir directamente a evapotranspiração. Esta técnica foi utilizada durante um período de tempo limitado, enquanto as medições do fluxo de seiva, que foram efectuadas para períodos alargados, permitiram a extensão dos registos. A evapotranspiração medida directamente apresentou valores de cerca de 3 mm d-1 e o quociente entre evapotranspiração real e evapotranspiração de referência é próximo de 0,6 para o mesmo período. Comparou-se a estimativa da pegada hídrica obtida com o procedimento habitual com a resultante de medições in-situ e utilizando técnicas de deteção remota. A pegada hídrica do olival sob estudo foi inferior às simulações encontradas na literatura, o que pode ser explicado por diferenças na densidade de plantação, produção e gestão da rega. O olival em estudo obteve uma produção elevada, com um azeite que preencheu as características essenciais à classificação de azeite extra virgem, o mais valorizado, o que contraria o efeito do elevado consumo de água, resultando numa pegada hídrica inferior à de olivais não regados ou com menor densidade de plantação.


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Introduction. L’ostéoporose est une maladie chronique habituellement asymptomatique jusqu’à ce qu’il y ait fracture de fragilisation (FF). Ces fractures engendrent des coûts importants dont une partie pourrait être évitée par la prise en charge de ces patients pour l’ostéoporose. L’implantation d’un programme de prévention des fractures subséquentes géré par des infirmières en orthopédie pourrait permettre de parer à ces problèmes. Objectifs. L’objectif principal de ce projet était de déterminer si une infirmière peut gérer de façon efficace et sécuritaire un service de liaison pour fracture. Méthode. Les décisions cliniques d’infirmières entre 2010 et 2012 pour 525 patients d’un service de liaison pour fracture à l’étude ont été évaluées par deux médecins spécialistes indépendants avec expertise dans les soins pour l’ostéoporose. Résultats. Les infirmières ont pu identifier la totalité des sujets à risque et référer 26.7% de ceux-ci à un spécialiste. L’accord entre chacun des évaluateurs et les infirmières était de >97%. Les évaluateurs ont donné les mêmes réponses à >96% pour chaque type de décision et le niveau d’accord inter-juge était presque parfait (AC1 >0.960). Aucune référence n’a été jugée inutile. Les comorbidités majeures ont toutes été prises en charge. Conclusion. L’accord élevé entre les décisions cliniques des infirmières et des médecins évaluateurs démontre que la prise en charge par une infirmière est sécuritaire et recommandable pour les patients avec FF. Ce type d’intervention pourrait contribuer à résoudre les problèmes d’accessibilité aux soins chez les patients avec fragilité osseuse, ainsi qu’à diminuer le fardeau économique que représente le traitement des FF pour la société.


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The research problem selected for this study is one of the important issues in the field of financial market and its marketing dimensions on which researchers and academicians encourage more research studies. This research study may be relevant considering its significance in terms of some possible findings which may be useful to Fls in framing successful market segmentation approach to turn their dissatisfied and ‘merely' satisfied customers into ‘delighted’ customers, which in turn can result in better savings mobilisation. The household segments may also be benefited from the research findings if they bring about an attitudinal change in their savings behaviour. The importance of the study may be briefly highlighted in the following points. The research study examines existing theories on market segmentation by Fls and the findings might supplement the existing theories on this topic. The study brings to light certain clues to strengthen market segmentation approach of Fls.The study throws light on the existing beliefs and perceptions on customer behaviour which may be useful in effecting some positive changes in market segmentation approach by Fls. The study suggests certain relationship between market segmentation variables and customer behaviour in the context of marketing of financial products by Fls. The study supplements the existing knowledge on different dimension of market segmentation in the financial market which might encourage future research in the field.


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The timing of flag leaf senescence (FLS) is an important determinant of yield under stress and optimal environments. A doubled haploid population derived from crossing the photo period-sensitive variety Beaver,with the photo period-insensitive variety Soissons, varied significantly for this trait, measured as the percent green flag leaf area remaining at 14 days and 35 days after anthesis. This trait also showed a significantly positive correlation with yield under variable environmental regimes. QTL analysis based on a genetic map derived from 48 doubled haploid lines using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, revealed the genetic control of this trait. The coincidence of QTL for senescence on chromosomes 2B and 2D under drought-stressed and optimal environments, respectively, indicate a complex genetic mechanism of this trait involving the re-mobilisation of resources from the source to the sink during senescence.


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This paper explores the collection and collecting activity of the Hawke’s Bay Ph ilosophical Institute of Napier, New Zealand. It examines the development of the Institute’s museum and considers the motivations, intentions and interests of the collectors and their activity within the broader scientific and museum context. The work of two significant collectors is examined in detail: William Colenso, FLS, FRS, missionary, explorer and enthusiastic botanist, who engaged in over fifty years of correspondence and botanical exchange with Sir Joseph Hooker at Kew Gardens; and Augustus Hamilton, the curator of the museum who later became Director of New Zealand’s national collection at the Colonial Museum in Wellington. Through consideration of the Institute’s activities during the period 1874 to 1899, it is proposed that within the collection, the emergence of a distinct local identity can be discerned, during the early colonial period of Hawke’s Bay.