898 resultados para Estudante com deficiência


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Inclusion of students with disabilities is a recent case that has been discussed in school contexts, but the current policy of inclusion for access and retention of students in higher education is still a problem face there is much to do, therefore, are incipient studies in which this student body is involved. Accordingly, what is happening is that the most studies deal with on these students and little is said about them. For inclusive education thus the institution should prepare to receive students, having as one of its premises their point of views about what actually experience aiming at promoting education for all. Therefore, this study deals with the process of inclusion of students with disabilities regularly enrolled in undergraduate courses at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN.They were used the assumptions of qualitative research enabled by the case study method and semi-structured interviews. It has been analyzed by guiding actions and teaching practices, under the views of disabled students and teachers, the conditions of access and permanence offered by UFRN. Twelve students with physical, visual, hearing disabilities participated and five teachers from the acedemic centers that in academic year 2008 taught to these students. For data analysis it was used the technique of content analysis. It was extracted two themes: access and retention of students with disabilities in UFRN, in which emerged the categories described and analyzed in the course of this work. The results show the difficulties of access and retention of students with disabilities within the UFRN, such as attitudinal, pedagogical and architectural barriers. However, as it has also turned out, initial advances in the quest for achieving more effective actions to guarantee access and permanence of these students in UFRN. It has concluded that the scope for the exercise of citizenship in the pupils with disabilities who need this Higher Education Institution has an inclusive education Project, wide and consolidated, for the actions undertaken by the Ministry of Education - MEC, by itself, are not guaranteed to all students due to mobility, autonomy and security. It has hoped this work will bring benefits for new studies to develop features that were located, but were not our focus, because then the UFRN may advance the inclusive process of disabled students


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de mestre no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.


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A tese trata da política de ações afirmativas para pessoas com limitações oriundas de deficiência na educação superior problematizando os fatores que dão sustentabilidade, aperfeiçoam ou dificultam o acesso, a acessibilidade e a permanência de estudantes com tais características neste nível educacional. Valendo-se de fontes bibliográficas, documentais e orais caracteriza-se como pesquisa qualitativa do tipo exploratória. Seus objetivos são: apresentar elementos de referência para a construção de protocolos que dêem sustentabilidade a inclusão deste grupo na educação superior; discutir as bases sobre as quais se assentam o direito à reserva de vaga para este grupo social; investigar, aportada na acessibilidade, fatores facilitadores e dificultadores para o acesso e a permanência de estudantes cotistas com deficiência ao longo do processo de formação. O cenário de investigação é a Universidade do Estado de Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Campus Francisco Negrão de Lima (Maracanã) e os atores são estudantes com limitações por deficiência ingressantes através da reserva de 5% das vagas (vestibulares 2004/2005). O percurso metodológico compreendeu: entrevista de aproximação; construção de roteiro para entrevista composta de questões semi-estruturadas; oitiva destes estudantes através de entrevista e; análise hermenêutica (MINAYO, 1996, 1999, 2005) para interpretar as informações e apreender as dimensões em que se elaboram os sentidos sobre as ações afirmativas na UERJ. Privilegiamos a narrativa (QUEIROZ, 2004) como prática de linguagem que oportunizou abordar textos científicos, documentos e depoimentos como resultado de processos resultantes de múltiplas determinações e significados específicos expressos em linguagens. As conclusões apontam para a relativa invisibilidade dos estudantes cotistas com deficiência no contexto da UERJ. Tal invisibilidade deve ser pensada como construção na qual participam a Instituição - que se encontra em uma espécie ‗zona de conforto quanto às necessidades formativas destes sujeitos e a própria forma como eles se inserem na Universidade. Os estudantes têm escassa participação cultural, não integram redes de sociabilidade, não se reconhecem como parte de um coletivo (de estudantes cotistas com deficiência) e enfrentam problemas relacionados à pedagogia acadêmica, conforme a gravidade das limitações e os estigmas decorrentes. No tocante a UERJ, verificou-se a convivência de dois movimentos: um, que busca avançar no processo da permanência e conclusão do curso de tais estudantes e outro, que ignora tais necessidades podendo ser caracterizado como não-movimento. Esperamos contribuir para a construção de protocolos de sustentabilidade da inclusão de estudantes deficientes e cooperar para o funcionamento inclusivo das IESPs em dimensões culturais, técnicas, organizacionais e sócio-pedagógicas


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This work aims to discuss and analyze the process of school inclusion of a blind person in the Bachelor's Degree in Music, at the School of Music at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, as well as reflect on the importance of establishing systems of support and to ensure university inclusive process of people with visual impairments. In pursuit to achieve these objectives, this research chose a qualitative methodological approach, the case study, using as procedures for data construction an interview, observation, analysis of documents and photographs. Joined the group of participants in this study, a blind student in the class of 2009.1of the EMUFRN Bachelor's Degree in Music, teachers from two disciplines complied by the student, two classmates, a monitor support in music theory, the course coordinator and school principal, and two other individuals who contributed to the inclusion process in actions not formalized institutionally. The results indicate UFRN proposed initiatives that contribute to inclusion of students with disabilities in this institution, the main one is the creation of the Standing Committee of Support for Students with Special Educational Needs (CAENE), a group that guides administrative sectors, teachers, principals, coordinators and students on the measures needed to enter and remain in quality education for all. Physical accessibility is still under construction at UFRN, and many access and sectors see it being adapted for students with physical or visual disabilities, and those with mobility impairments, have access to various parts of the university, however, as shown in this study, some points need to be reconsidered, as there are several places where the installation of tactile floor does not fully follow the guidelines proposed in the legislation. The proposals for access to the curriculum, mediated by EMUFRN, are actions that propose the inclusion of the blind student, as the existence of an educational monitor to help in the study of music theory, however, we need to rethink these proposals to not became actions of reactive intervention. Assuming a more proactive posture, the EMUFRN will be prepared to receive the diversity of students that expects. The study also points out that the blind student is part of a group of students that are practical musicians, who must work in events and evening shows, and who have little knowledge in music theory, leading, respectively, in low frequency classes and learning difficulties in certain curricular components, which may cause the closing of such components. In this case, the challenge of EMUFRN, considering the inclusive perspective, it is not specifically fit for the academic host a blind student, but to develop an accessibility project curriculum to consider effectively the diversity of all its students, taking into account mainly the economic and cultural conditions. This implies a process of resizing academic practices that be guided for collaborative and coordinated actions involving the various educational actors at EMUFRN and UFRN


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de mestre em intervenção comunitária, especialização em contextos de risco


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Aprova o texto da Convenção sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência e de seu Protocolo Facultativo, assinados em Nova York, em 30 de março de 2007.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XVI - Saúde Pública e Sanitarismo.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XVI - Saúde Pública, Sanitarismo.


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Análise comparativa da legislação sobre pessoas com deficiência física na área de saúde no Brasil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguai, Uruguai, Espanha, França, Espanha, Portugal e Reino Unido.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XXI - Previdência e Direito Previdenciário.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XXI - Previdência e Direito Previdenciário.