983 resultados para Education for peace


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Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: "La educaci??n como quehacer de convicciones : homenaje acad??mico a Jos?? Antonio Ib????ez-Mart??n"


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The objective of this paper on peace education is to generate a reflection, through the metaphor of the butterfly effect, on the importance of educating for peace during the change process of human beings and society.  It proposes education for peace as a human right, an experience and learning process that is put into practice by human beings.  It aims at changing attitudes and actions to create harmonious relationships based on the respect and recognition of human rights, and the freedom and dignity of every person.


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The multiple forms of violence associated with protracted conflict disproportionately affect young people. Literature on conflict-affected children often focuses on the need to provide stability and security through institutions such as schools but rarely considers how young people themselves see these sites as part of their everyday lives. The enduring, pervasive, and complex nature of Colombia’s conflict means many young Colombians face the challenges of poverty, persistent social exclusion, and violence. Such conditions are exacerbated in ‘informal’ barrio communities such as los Altos de Cazucá, just south of the capital Bogotá. Drawing on field research in this community, particularly through interviews conducted with young people aged 10 to 17 this article explores how young people themselves understand the roles of the local school and ngo in their personal conceptualisations of the violence in their everyday lives. The evidence indicates that children use spaces available to them opportunistically and that these actions can and should be read as contributing to local, everyday forms of peacebuilding. The ways in which institutional spaces are understood and used by young people as ‘sites of opportunity’ challenges the assumed illegitimacy of young people’s voices and experiences in these environments.


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Der Beitrag gibt einen kurzen Einblick in ein neues Masterprogramm zu Global Citizenship Education und die damit verbundene Konzeptentwicklung, die sich um eine enge Verknüpfung von Globalem Lernen, Politischer Bildung und Friedenspädagogik bemüht. Dabei werden auch Spannungsfelder und Perspektiven für Kompetenzorientierung und -entwicklung in einer global orientierten politischen Bildung beleuchtet. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Abstrac: Today our society is constantly facing the need to adapt to a globalized world; ever changing life styles increase social differences; this circumstance leads to critical situations such as: extreme poverty, undernourishment, the need of a dignified life, shelter, clothing and labor; elements that become obstacles in building a culture of peace. Among the multiplicity of activities that contribute to peace; we will focus on highlighting the importance of sport as a bond of peace in which human beings find the ability to live and coexist peacefully. Considering including education for peace through sports, as it is a global medium that is not distinguished among cultures and which can be achieved with study, practice and internalization of values, lifestyles and education, would mean building a sense of enduring peace in our daily lives. En la actualidad nuestra sociedad se enfrenta constantemente a la necesidad de adaptación en un mundo globalizado; los cambios de ritmos de vida y el crecimiento de las diferencias sociales, son circunstancias que han generado situaciones críticas como la pobreza extrema, desnutrición, necesidad de una vida digna, vivienda, vestido y trabajo, elementos que se convierten en obstáculos en la construcción de una cultura de paz. Dentro de la multiplicidad de actividades que contribuyen a la paz, nos centraremos en destacar la relevancia del deporte como vínculo de paz en el que los seres humanos encuentran esa capacidad de vivir y convivir pacíficamente. Consideramos incluso la educación para la paz a través de los deportes, ya que son un medio global que no distingue entre culturas y que se puede lograr con el estudio, la práctica y la interiorización de valores, estilos de vida y educación, con lo cual estaríamos construyendo una idea de paz perdurable en nuestra vida diaria.


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This research is responsible for the investigation and problematization of the violence production process in children and teenagers through deviant behaviour, especially the drug s use and traffic, given that the deviant behaviour named juvenile criminality is something built and that can t be disassociated from the social and institutional relations that are ideological and violent, as well as the construction of, social and individual, positive identities can become important instruments for the process of democratization and the effective juvenile citizenship. In relation to the teorical referential, the work was developed from readings beyond the social science camp, without getting far from it, searching for support in other scientific camps and making your bases on Manuel Castells formulations about the power of the identity, and on Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth in relation to the recognition struggle. In the empiric field, the discourses and graphic representations from twenty four children and teenagers that attend a social project were privileged, and compared to those shown at the documentary and the book Falcão Meninos do Tráfico produced by MV Bill, in relation to the social profile and life trajectory. From the study subjects' perspective, the data suggest that the children and the teenagers conceive violence as a natural thing, either as victims or persecutors. However, the research shows that, despite the subjects of the two studied groups reveled in your discourses the influence of the violent relations in their daily lives, the subjects got recognition during the process of identity construction by the groups with which they maintained the sense of belonging, either it being the family, the community or the school, they were positively influenced and established a positive representation of themselves and didn t show any deviant and violent tendency or behaviour. Therefore, we demonstrate the role of the school for an education for peace, as well as the participation of the family, the community and the stimulation of the juvenile protagonism as transforming practices, capable of awaking the citizenship and avoiding the construction of people that reproduce deviant and violent behaviour


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Na preocupação com o processo de formação profissional o olhar deste estudo em questão voltou-se para o processo de formação continuada, em especial um curso de extensão denominado “Escola de Educadores” que tem como temática a compreensão da fraternidade e da educação para paz como possibilidades pedagógicas. Sendo assim, o objetivo da pesquisa foi esclarecer a proposta do curso e averiguar a produção de material dos participantes e a relação com a temática em questão. Trata-se de um estudo que tem na abordagem de análise qualitativa o seu ponto de referência, privilegiando o estudo exploratório. Como resultado aponta-se que o curso possui uma estrutura coerente com seus objetivos e apresenta ações pedagógicas planejadas e sistematizadas, de caráter teórico e/ou prático que não são inseridas na estrutura curricular dos cursos regulares de graduação ou pós e possibilitam o “repensar pedagógico” do professor. Sobre a produção de material, notou-se a incorporação das temáticas trabalhadas pelo curso na leitura dos trabalhos de conclusão e iniciativas inovadoras nos estágios. Em caráter de conclusão entende-se que o curso de extensão, apresenta-se como uma oportunidade de formação, mas também um universo de novas experiências e desafios.


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The present thesis has as its object of study a project called “Education towards Peace and No Violence”, developed in the town of Altinópolis, in the inner part of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Based on the analysis and the studies that were carried out, it was possible to identify the difficulties in the implementation of the project, as well as the positive results evidenced by the reduction of the reports of violence in the town. Through a careful research of the historical facts, it shall be demonstrated the progress of education, particularly in Brazil, throughout the years. In addition, a panoramic view of the studies and programs for peace developed in North America and Occidental Europe will be presented. The education for peace based in the holistic concept of human development appeared as a new educational paradigm that works as a crucial instrument in the construction process towards a peaceful and more human society based in social justice.


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Trabalho de projeto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre na área de Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária


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Trabalho de projeto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre na área de Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária