706 resultados para Documentary Heritage Collections
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This paper discusses documentary heritage collection enrichment programs run with community participation. Two library programs at the State Library of Queensland (SLQ) are explored as examples. The programs are the Flood and Cyclone Mosaic and Pitch in! The challenges for the implementation of such programs in Indonesia are also discussed in the last section of the paper. This paper provides better understanding of documentary heritage collection enrichment strategies conducted by a public library in Queensland, Australia. It is expected that this paper will inspire public libraries in Indonesia to maximise their documentary collection enrichment strategies with community participation. This paper can also help the National Library of Indonesia (PNRI) in designing their documentary heritage collections enrichment strategies in its role as the Web portal provider of the national documentary heritage repository. Tulisan ini membahas program pengayaan koleksi warisan dokumenter yang dilaksanakan dengan partisipasi masyarakat. Dua program perpustakaan di the State Library of Queensland (SLQ) dieksplorasi sebagai contoh. Program-program yang dibahas adalah Flood and Cyclone Mosaic dan Pitch In! Tantangan yang harus dihadapi untuk penerapan program semacam di Indonesia juga dibahas di bagian akhir tulisan. Tulisan ini memberikan pemahaman mengenai strategi pengayaan koleksi warisan dokumenter yang dilakukan oleh sebuah perpustakaan umum di Queensland, Australia. Diharapkan tulisan ini dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi perpustakaan umum di Indonesia untuk dapat memaksimalkan strategi pengayaan koleksi dokumenter mereka dengan melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat. Tulisan ini juga dapat membantu Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (PNRI) dalam merancang strategi pengayaan koleksi warisan dokumenter mereka dalam perannya sebagai penyedia portal Web repositori warisan dokumenter bangsa.
Resource discovery is one of the key services in digitised cultural heritage collections. It requires intelligent mining in heterogeneous digital content as well as capabilities in large scale performance; this explains the recent advances in classification methods. Associative classifiers are convenient data mining tools used in the field of cultural heritage, by applying their possibilities to taking into account the specific combinations of the attribute values. Usually, the associative classifiers prioritize the support over the confidence. The proposed classifier PGN questions this common approach and focuses on confidence first by retaining only 100% confidence rules. The classification tasks in the field of cultural heritage usually deal with data sets with many class labels. This variety is caused by the richness of accumulated culture during the centuries. Comparisons of classifier PGN with other classifiers, such as OneR, JRip and J48, show the competitiveness of PGN in recognizing multi-class datasets on collections of masterpieces from different West and East European Fine Art authors and movements.
La conservación preventiva se ha convertido en la única vía para salvaguardar la memoria histórica de los pueblos. Existen múltiples definiciones de conservación preventiva, lo que con frecuencia la convierten en centro de discusiones interminables, pero casi todos coincidimos en que por conservación preventiva podemos entender todas las acciones que se dirigen a disminuir el riesgo de deterioro de las colecciones. Y he aquí que el término riesgo ocupa un sitio de gran importancia para la conservación. Entendemos por riesgo la contingencia ó proximidad de un daño, en otras palabras la probabilidad de sufrir un evento peligroso ó indeseable, que en el caso del patrimonio documental se traduce en deterioro o pérdida de valores.El riesgo de deterioro de un documento, esta dado por la relación de dos aspectos, la vulnerabilidad del objeto, y las amenazas a la que está expuesto.
The Directed Practice Seminar was developed under the theme Document Control in Canton Puriscal, San Jose Costa Rica. The practice consisted of a process of identification, collection, description, analysis and typing of documents Puriscal of historical, scientific and cultural, to publicize the county's documentary heritage, thus contributing to the Costa Rican national literature, and also promote the rescue culture of the peoples, a task that performs modern librarianship.The search, identification and collection of documents that have been published or not, in and to the Canton Puriscal was thorough and in all possible formats: books, journals, letters, brochures, memos, videos, newspaper articles, manuscripts , periodicals, electronic resources, among others.
Bystander is a multi-user, immersive, interactive environment intended for public display in a museum or art gallery. It is designed to make available heritage collections in novel and culturally responsible ways. We use its development as a case study to examine the role played in that process by a range of tools and techniques from participatory design traditions. We describe how different tools were used within the design process, specifically: the ways in which the potential audience members were both included and represented; the prototypes that have been constructed as a way of envisioning how the final work might be experienced; and how these tools have been brought together in ongoing designing and evaluation. We close the paper with some reflections on the extension of participatory commitments into still-emerging areas of technology design that prioritise the design of spaces for human experience and reflective interaction.
A collection of oral history recordings, photographs, hand drawn maps, videos and speech notes relating to the 2011 Queensland floods and the major flood event that occurred in Toowoomba and the Lockyer Valley region on 10 January 2011: a flash flood (described as an 'inland tsunami') which devastatingly took 21 human lives. The collection, amassed by Toowoomba-based journalist Amanda Gearing for her Master of Arts degree, includes 86 oral history recordings of flood survivors and rescuers in Spring Bluff, Murphys Creek, Toowoomba, Withcott, Postmans Ridge, Helidon, Carpendale and Grantham as well as digital photographs and videos taken by a number of those interviewed including those taken by Amanda Gearing and other locals. The interviews are very personal and powerful recollections of the experience of the flood event. Some recall feelings of fear and despair and tell of trauma and loss which continues well after the flood event. All are stories of resilience and hope, of rebuilding lives, of lessons learnt, and recommendations in order to avoid the same devastating results in future disasters.
[ES] Como parte de este proyecto de investigación se realizó el siguiente proyecto fin de carrera:
Cap. 1. La reinvención del museo etnológico. Xavier Roigé i Ventura Cap. 2. La mise en patrimoine du catharisme. Enjeux de territoire, enjeux d’identité. Marie-Carmen Garcia. Cap. 3. Más allá del museo. Las activaciones económicas del patrimonio: de los parques naturales a las fiestas temáticas. Agustí Andreu i Tomàs. Cap. 4. La patrimonialización de un territorio a través de los museos etnográficos: el caso de Extremadura. Aniceto Delgado Méndez. Cap. 5. La situación de los museos, colecciones, centros de interpretación y otros equipamientos patrimoniales del Alto Pirineo catalán. Jordi Abella Pons. Cap. 6. Patrimonio, conocimiento y dinamización. Una experiencia de trabajo en el Priorat (Catalunya). Salvador Palomar. Cap. 7. Experiencias de desarrollo local en el Pirineo aragonés basadas en la valorización del patrimonio. Aurelio García Gállego. Cap. 8. Las dimensiones sociales y culturales del patrimonio edificado: una propuesta para su estudio. Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea.
O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar o arquivo pessoal de Arthur Ramos, intelectual que teve uma destacada participação nos debates sobre a democracia racial e na institucionalização das Ciências Sociais no Brasil nas décadas de 1930 e 1940. Através de seu acervo, custodiado pela Divisão de Manuscritos da Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, procurou-se perceber quais processos sociológicos que podem incidir sobre a formação do patrimônio documental, além das estratégias de construção e re-elaboração desta memória. Foram debatidas as teorias e práticas da arquivista para mapear diferentes formas de deslocamentos, ressignificação e reclassificação dos arquivos em geral e desse caso particular. Para isto, foram analisados o processo de compra do fundo Arthur Ramos, os relatórios de atividades, o inventário analítico do fundo, além de entrevistas informais.
Depuis quelques décennies, l'intérêt pour l’étude de la fonction d’évaluation s’est diversifié pour approfondir les principes théoriques (Jenkinson, 1922; Schellenberg, 1956; Samuels, 1992; Cook, 1992b; Eastwood, 1992b; Duranti, 1994; Couture, 1999), les stratégies (Booms, 1972; Samuels, 1986; Cook, 1992b; Eastwood, 1992b; Couture, 1999) et les dispositifs de leur processus d’application (Ham, 1984; Boles & Young, 1991; Cook, 2001a, 2001b). Mais, toutes ces contributions n'ont pas encore étudié la nature des résultats de l'évaluation que sont les archives définitives. Du point de vue patrimonial, l’absence d’études sur la définition et la mesure des qualités des archives définitives ne permet pas de vérifier si ces archives constituent un patrimoine documentaire significatif. Sur le plan administratif, l’état actuel de la pratique de l'évaluation n'a pas encore investi dans l'examen méticuleux de la nature de ses résultats. Au plan économique, le manque de méthodes et d'outils pour la mesure des qualités des archives ne permet pas de juger si ces archives valent l’investissement matériel, technique, financier et humain que leur conservation implique. Du point de vue professionnel, l’absence de méthodes et d’instruments d’évaluation des qualités des archives ne permet pas aux professionnels d’appuyer leur décision en matière d’évaluation des archives. Afin de remédier à cette situation, notre recherche vise à définir et à mesurer les qualités des archives définitives issues de l’évaluation. Pour ce faire, nous privilégions une méthodologie quantitative de nature descriptive, appropriée lorsqu’il s’agit d’étudier un sujet peu abordé (Fortin, 2006) tel que l'opérationnalisation des qualités des archives définitives. La stratégie de la recherche a comporté deux phases. La phase conceptuelle a permis d’identifier et de définir quatre qualités soit l’« Unicité », la « Preuve crédible », l’« Exploitabilité » et la « Représentativité ». La phase empirique consistait à vérifier la mesurabilité, à titre d’exemple, des variables découlant de deux des quatre dimensions de qualité dans le contexte des archives définitives, soit la « Preuve crédible » et l’« Exploitabilité ». Le mode de collecte des données réside dans l’application d’une grille de mesure conçue spécialement aux fins de cette étude. La réalisation de la collecte de données qui s’est déroulée à Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec a permis l’opérationnalisation de 10 indicateurs spécifiques sur 13 appartenant à deux dimensions de qualité : la « Preuve crédible » et l’« Exploitabilité » des archives définitives. Ainsi, trois indicateurs spécifiques sur l’ensemble de 13 sont restés sans mesures à cause d’une certaine faiblesse liée à leur mesure que nous avons pu identifier et vérifier lors des pré-tests de la recherche. Ces trois indicateurs spécifiques sont le « Créateur » dans le cadre de la dimension de la « Preuve crédible », ainsi que la « Compréhensibilité » et la « Repérabilité » dans le cadre de la dimension de l’« Exploitabilité ». Les mesures obtenues pour les 10 indicateurs ont mené à l’identification des avantages et des points à améliorer concernant différentes variables liées au créateur, au service de conservation ou encore à l’état et à la nature du support. Cibler l’amélioration d’un produit ou d’un service représente, comme démontré dans la revue de la littérature, le but ultime d’une étude sur les dimensions de qualité. Trois types de contributions découlent de cette recherche. Au plan théorique, cette recherche offre un cadre conceptuel qui permet de définir le concept de qualité des archives définitives dans une perspective d’évaluation archivistique. Au plan méthodologique, elle propose une méthode de mesure des qualités applicables aux archives définitives ainsi que les instruments et le guide qui expliquent sa réalisation. Au plan professionnel, d'une part, elle permet d’évaluer les résultats de l’exercice de l’évaluation archivistique; d'autre part, elle offre aux professionnels non seulement une grille de mesure des qualités des archives définitives déjà testée, mais aussi le guide de son application.
The present article has as objectives to show the organization and the functioning of the central administration of the state of Boyacá, as manifested through the President of the state and the secretaries of dispatch, to examine how they operated and which functions were assigned to them during the period of 1857 to 1886. These will be examined through the lenses of the 1857, 1863 and 1869 constitutions and their subsequent normative development as well as through the roles given them by the Legislative Assembly and the State President. Likewise, it will study the progress of the state as seen through the reports presented by the president and the secretaries of dispatch. It must be kept in mind that until now nothing has been written on this topic; the text is innovative in that it allows us to reconstruct a part of our national documentary heritage.
Em 1870, o jovem e praticamente desconhecido Benjamin Franklin Ramiz Galvão foi nomeado para ocupar o cargo de diretor da Biblioteca Nacional, posto do qual saiu doze anos depois, já como intelectual consagrado, para assumir a função de tutor dos netos de D. Pedro II. Durante o período em que esteve à frente desta instituição, Ramiz Galvão projetou fazer daquele espaço a biblioteca da nação brasileira. Isso significava construir uma instituição cuja função fosse salvaguardar o patrimônio documental brasileiro, torná-lo disponível a um público especializado e estimular estudos sobre a história e a geografia do país. O objetivo era fazer da Biblioteca Nacional um lugar de referência, sintonizada com suas congêneres europeias e em diálogo com os meios letrados nacionais. Nesse sentido, a atuação de Galvão foi fundamental para a construção de uma rede de sociabilidade que o ligava a estudiosos, livreiros, bibliófilos e bibliotecários de diversos lugares do Brasil, da América e da Europa. Esta tese analisa a proposta de reformulação da Biblioteca Nacional empreendida por Ramiz Galvão, buscando associá-la a um projeto maior de construção da nação brasileira. Para isso, investigaremos três elementos que consideramos principais desse trabalho de edificação de uma Biblioteca nacional: 1) a construção de uma rotina de serviços, que foi capaz de transformar o pequeno espaço com livros da antiga Biblioteca Real na mais importante biblioteca do Brasil; 2) o esforço de aquisição e de seleção de um patrimônio documental brasileiro e sua divulgação em publicações como os Anais da Biblioteca Nacional e o Catálogo da Exposição de História do Brasil, dois de seus mais importantes empreendimentos como diretor; 3) a atuação de Ramiz Galvão como mediador cultural no ambiente letrado brasileiro do final do século XIX.
This work seeks to develop an observation about the monumental historical heritage from the perspective of Information Science, and still draw a possible connection between the context of the monumental heritage and documents, focus on the archival (manuscripts), in the intention of justifying the inclusion of the latter together the first, among the units legally and socially understood as forms of representation of history, collective memory and identity. For this, we support in the literature in the fields of anthropology, history and architecture, to contextualize the monuments, and Information Science and Archival Science to understood documents and information, and set up a projection.