932 resultados para Distributed project team
This study examined team processes and outcomes among 12 multi-university distributed project teams from 11 universities during its early and late development stages over a 14-month project period. A longitudinal model of team interaction is presented and tested at the individual level to consider the extent to which both formal and informal network connections—measured as degree centrality—relate to changes in team members’ individual perceptions of cohesion and conflict in their teams, and their individual performance as a team member over time. The study showed a negative network centrality-cohesion relationship with significant temporal patterns, indicating that as team members perceive less degree centrality in distributed project teams, they report more team cohesion during the last four months of the project. We also found that changes in team cohesion from the first three months (i.e., early development stage) to the last four months (i.e., late development stage) of the project relate positively to changes in team member performance. Although degree centrality did not relate significantly to changes in team conflict over time, a strong inverse relationship was found between changes in team conflict and cohesion, suggesting that team conflict emphasizes a different but related aspect of how individuals view their experience with the team process. Changes in team conflict, however, did not relate to changes in team member performance. Ultimately, we showed that individuals, who are less central in the network and report higher levels of team cohesion, performed better in distributed teams over time.
A manutenção é uma área extremamente importante, principalmente na indústria. Devidamente organizada, permitirá um fluxo produtivo devidamente planeado e executado, que permitirá a qualquer empresa manter o nível de facturação desejado e o prazo de entrega acordado com os clientes. De outra forma, poderá originar o caos. No entanto, os desafios de gestão da produção mais correntes, nomeadamente através do Lean Manufacturing, passam a exigir um pouco mais do que uma simples manutenção. Torna-se obrigatório fazer análises económicas que permitam averiguar quando cada equipamento passa a exigir custos de manutenção excessivos, os quais poderão obrigar a um recondicionamento mais acentuado do equipamento, o qual pode passar inclusivamente por uma melhoria da sua performance. Nestes casos, terá que existir uma “cumplicidade” entre a Direcção de Produção e a Manutenção, no sentido de averiguar o melhor momento para proceder a uma melhoria do equipamento, numa perspectiva de funcionamento global em linha de produção, adaptando-o à performance que será exigida ao conjunto. Neste domínio, o Projecto passa a prestar um serviço valiosíssimo à empresa, integrando-se no conjunto Produção + Manutenção, criando valor na intervenção, através do desenvolvimento de um trabalho que permite não só repor o estado natural da produção, mas sim promover uma melhoria sustentada da mesma. Este trabalho pretende reflectir e avaliar a relevância do Projecto neste tipo de operações, contribuindo de uma forma sistemática e sustentada para a melhoria contínua dos processos de fabrico. É apresentado um caso de estudo que pretende validar todo o desenvolvimento anteriormente realizado na matéria.
Minutes of the Meeting of the Public Health Functions Project Team 21 February 2006
Short-term project teams do not have the advantage of prior performance or long-term membership to facilitate development of effective team performance. Research suggests interpersonal skills are crucial to success but this is under researched longitudinally. Evolutionary psychology can provide a lens to explain how people develop differing levels of interpersonal skills via the relationship between fluctuating asymmetry and pro-social behaviours. This research aims to investigate the relationship between fluctuating asymmetry and interpersonal skills, the impact of training and to further the evolutionary psychology field by embedding research in a real-world context as opposed to solely in laboratory or student settings.
Dans un contexte où le monde du travail s’internationalise et où l’innovation est fondamentale, les organisations d’aujourd’hui doivent structurer le travail en tenant compte des distances géographiques et du besoin de bien performer dans les tâches reliées aux différents projets. Toutefois, le recours à des projets innovants et l’accès à des moyens de communication ne sont pas des conditions suffisantes pour assurer une performance adéquate. Différents facteurs, comme les compétences adaptées au travail virtuel et le degré de virtualité qui sépare les gens, doivent être pris en compte pour favoriser l’atteinte d’une bonne performance. De plus, afin de sélectionner les candidats qui seront en mesure de bien performer dans ce contexte, le recours à des outils d’évaluation appropriés et disponibles dans plusieurs langues est essentiel. Cette thèse présente en premier lieu un processus de traduction, d’adaptation et de validation en français et en anglais d’un outil en allemand visant l’évaluation des compétences requises lorsque le travail est organisé en mode distribué. Un premier article présente les limites fréquemment observées dans les études qui effectuent de telles adaptations. Un deuxième article met ensuite en lumière l’importance relative d’un ensemble de compétences liées à deux types de performances individuelles appropriées au travail en projet virtuel. Les résultats montrent que la créativité, l’autonomie, l’intégrité, la loyauté et la minutie sont directement liées à la performance proactive. Il est cependant nécessaire de prendre en compte l’effet positif de la perception de collaboration et l’effet négatif du degré de virtualité pour comprendre comment les compétences que constituent la motivation à apprendre, l’autonomie, l’intégrité, la loyauté et la minutie agissent sur la performance adaptative. En somme, cette thèse propose d’abord un processus rigoureux permettant l’adaptation, la traduction et la validation d’outils dans plusieurs langues. Ce processus permet d’éviter les limites auxquelles se buteraient des méthodes plus simples dans un contexte international où il est primordial d’avoir une très grande confiance en l’équivalence des instruments. Cette thèse représente également un avancement intéressant en ce qui a trait à la compréhension des différents déterminants de la performance individuelle lorsque le travail est organisé en projets virtuels. Des recommandations sont présentées afin de favoriser la performance individuelle, et des pistes de recherches futures sont également amenées pour continuer à approfondir les connaissances sur le sujet.
This paper presents ELECON - Electricity Consumption Analysis to Promote Energy Efficiency Considering Demand Response and Non-technical Losses, an international research project that involves European and Brazilian partners. ELECON focuses on energy efficiency increasing through consumer´s active participation which is a key area for Europe and Brazil cooperation. The project aims at significantly contributing towards the successful implementation of smart grids, focussing on the use of new methods that allow the efficient use of distributed energy resources, namely distributed generation, storage and demand response. ELECON puts together researchers from seven European and Brazilian partners, with consolidated research background and evidencing complementary competences. ELECON involves institutions of 3 European countries (Portugal, Germany, and France) and 4 Brazilian institutions. The complementary background and experience of the European and Brazilian partners is of main relevance to ensure the capacities required to achieve the proposed goals. In fact, the European Union (EU) and Brazil have very different resources and approaches in what concerns this area. Having huge hydro and fossil resources, Brazil has not been putting emphasis on distributed renewable based electricity generation. On the contrary, EU has been doing huge investments in this area, taking into account environmental concerns and also the economic EU external dependence dictated by huge requirements of energy related products imports. Sharing these different backgrounds allows the project team to propose new methodologies able to efficiently address the new challenges of smart grids.
This phase of the electronic collaboration project involved two major efforts: 1) implementation of AEC Sync (formerly known as Attolist), a web-based project management system (WPMS), on the Broadway Viaduct Bridge Project and the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge Project and 2) development of a web-based project management system for bridge and highway construction projects with less than $10 million in contract value. During the previous phase of this project (fiscal year 2010), the research team helped with the implementation process for AEC Sync and collected feedback from the Broadway Viaduct project team members before the start of the project. During the 2011 fiscal year, the research team collected the post-project surveys from the Broadway Viaduct project members and compared them to the pre-project survey results. The results of the AEC Sync implementation on the Broadway project were positive. The project members were satisfied with the performance of the AEC Sync software and how it facilitated document management and its transparency. In addition, the research team distributed, collected, and analyzed the pre-project surveys for the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge Project. The implementation of AEC Sync for the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge Project appears to also be positive, based on the pre-project surveys. The fourth phase of this electronic collaboration project involves the identification and implementation of a WPMS solution for smaller bridge and highway projects. The workflow for the shop drawing approval process for sign truss projects was documented and used to identify possible WPMS solutions. After testing and evaluating several WPMS solutions, Microsoft SharePoint Foundation’s site pages were selected to be pilot-tested on sign truss projects. Due to the limitation on the SharePoint license that the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) has, a file transfer protocol (FTP) site will be developed alongside this site to allow contractors to upload shop drawings to the Iowa DOT. The SharePoint site pages are expected to be ready for implementation during the 2012 calendar year.
This phase of the research project involved two major efforts: (1) Complete the implementation of AEC-Sync (formerly known as Attolist) on the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge project and (2) develop a web-based project management system (WPMS) for projects under $10 million. For the first major effort, AEC-Sync was provided for the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) in a software as a service agreement, allowing the Iowa DOT to rapidly implement the solution with modest effort. During the 2010 fiscal year, the research team was able to help with the implementation process for the solution. The research team also collected feedback from the Broadway Viaduct project team members before the start of the project and implementation of the solution. For the 2011 fiscal year, the research team collected the post-project surveys from the Broadway Viaduct project members and compared them to the pre-project survey results. The result of the AEC-Sync implementation in the Broadway Viaduct project was a positive one. The project members were satisfied with the performance of AEC-Sync and how it facilitated document management and transparency. In addition, the research team distributed, collected, and analyzed the pre-project surveys for the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge project. During the 2012 fiscal year, the research team analyzed the post-project surveys for the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge project AEC-Sync implementation and found a positive outcome when compared to the pre-project surveys. The second major effort for this project involved the identification and implementation of a WPMS solution for smaller bridge and highway projects. During the 2011 fiscal year, Microsoft SharePoint was selected to be implemented on these smaller highway projects. In this year, workflows for the shop/working drawings for the smaller highway projects specified in Section 1105 of the Iowa DOT Specifications were developed. These workflows will serve as the guide for the development of the SharePoint pages. In order to implement the Microsoft SharePoint pages, the effort of an integrated team proved to be vital because it brought together the expertise required from researchers, programmers, and webpage developers to develop the SharePoint pages.
Hajautetulla järjestelmäkehityksellä tarkoitetaan tietojärjestelmän kehitysprojektin hajauttamista maantieteellisesti jakamalla projektiryhmä virtuaalitiimeiksi eri paikkakunnille tai eri maihin. Tässä diplomityössä tutustutaan hajautettuun järjestelmäkehitykseen käsitteenä sekä perehdytään kehitysprosessin hajauttamisen ja virtuaalitiimien käytön potentiaalisiin hyötyihin ja ongelmiin sekä kirjallisuuden että eräässä yrityksessä toteutetun projektin pohjalta, sekä kirjallisuudessaesiintyviin ratkaisuihin riskien pitämiseksi mahdollisimman pieninä. Tältä pohjalta etsitään keskeisimmät projektin onnistumiseen vaikuttavat tekijät. Työssä haetaan kirjallisuudessa esitettyjä keinoja yhdistämällä ratkaisuja virtuaalitiimien potentiaalisten hyötyjen toteuttamiseksi ja riskien välttämiseksi. Kehitettyjä ratkaisuja tarkastellaan sekä kirjallisuuden esimerkkitapausten, että hajautetusta järjestelmäkehitysprojektista saatujen omakohtaisten käytännön kokemusten valossa. Työssä luodaan myös silmäys hajautettua työskentelyätukeviin työkaluihin. Kirjallisuuden ja osin myös käytännön kokemusten pohjalta merkittävimmiksi hajautetun järjestelmäkehitystyön tukemisessa osoittautuivat työryhmän viestinnän tukeminen, erityisesti silloin kun ryhmänjäsenet eivät voi käyttää äidinkieltään, ryhmän jäsenten välisen luottamuksen ja yhteenkuuluvuuden luominen, sekä työn koordinointi.
The purpose of the Master’s Thesis is to study the best practices to virtual project management from the project manager’ point of view. The best practices are divided according to a five-phase virtual project life cycle model. Each phase include concrete suggestions for actions. Research’s theoretical background is wide because of the broad subject matter. In the theoretical part topics such as virtual working, virtual project management challenges are examined and some concrete actions to tackle these challenges are introduced. Thesis’ approach is constructive, where a known problem is solved piece by piece after creating a pre-understanding of the topic. Existing research work is utilized when creating a model for virtual project team management. The basis of the model comes from various best practices read from literature and from the interviews conducted on experienced virtual project managers in the case organization. As a result the model combines both previous research and the organizations empirical experience. As an output of the thesis a model for virtual project team management is developed, which can be used as a guideline by the virtual project managers in their work. The model includes actions and practices what can be used to overcome the challenges of virtual project management.