990 resultados para Crisis Communication
The purpose of this this study is to examine the effects that a celebrity CEO’s crisis communication has on the crisis outcome and further on the quick decision response, resource mobilization and information flow during a crisis. The research was conducted using a multiple embedded case method, with four cases that represent different kinds of crisis that have all involved a celebrity CEO. The cases have been collected from various secondary data sources. The results of the study indicate that in crisis situations the celebrity CEO is expected to take responsibility of the crisis communication. The CEO needs to understand how and what to communicate in these situations and they need to make quick decisions even with limited information available. Crisis outcome is highly dependent on the golden hour crisis communication and there the performance of the celebrity CEO is crucial.
A reputação é considerada o ativo mais importante das empresas. Ela permite o estabelecimento de relações comerciais e garante um bom funcionamento da organização. Quando um evento inesperado surge, a reputação pode ser ameaçada. Os gerentes, líderes da organização, têm então que demonstrar reatividade e capacidade em responder as necessidades dos stakeholders, e capacidade de detectar e consertar as falhas dentro da organização através de um processo de aprendizagem, para evitar conseqüências negativas que poderiam danificar a reputação e impactar o desenvolvimento operacional da empresa. Através da comunicação de crise, observamos que depois da queda do avião AF 447, a companhia Air France adotou diferentes posturas adaptadas ao pedido dos stakeholders e ao grau de ameaça sofrido. Logo depois do acidente, a empresa decidiu adotar a estratégia do reconhecimento, assumindo uma responsabilidade simbólica e comunicando prioritariamente para as famílias das vitimas e para a mídia. Nas seguintes semanas ela utilizou a estratégia do silêncio que consiste em não comunicar diretamente a mídia. Finalmente, ela usou a estratégia do “bode expiatório” quando ela foi sujeita a ataques diretos. As reações da empresa somadas ao avanço das investigações judiciais revelaram falhas organizacionais “históricas” dentro da própria empresa, como por exemplo, a falta de comunicação entre pilotos e gerentes ou uma falha de sensibilidade técnica e operacional da parte dos gerentes. Apesar de problemas interno e externo, a Air France demonstrou que uma comunicação de crise bem gerenciada limita os impactos financeiros e de reputação. As conseqüências negativas sofridas pela companhia Air France foram limitadas.
Over the past two years there have been several large-scale disasters (Haitian earthquake, Australian floods, UK riots, and the Japanese earthquake) that have seen wide use of social media for disaster response, often in innovative ways. This paper provides an analysis of the ways in which social media has been used in public-to-public communication and public-to-government organisation communication. It discusses four ways in which disaster response has been changed by social media: 1. Social media appears to be displacing the traditional media as a means of communication with the public during a crisis. In particular social media influences the way traditional media communication is received and distributed. 2. We propose that user-generated content may provide a new source of information for emergency management agencies during a disaster, but there is uncertainty with regards to the reliability and usefulness of this information. 3. There are also indications that social media provides a means for the public to self-organise in ways that were not previously possible. However, the type and usefulness of self-organisation sometimes works against efforts to mitigate the outcome of the disaster. 4. Social media seems to influence information flow during a disaster. In the past most information flowed in a single direction from government organisation to public, but social media negates this model. The public can diffuse information with ease, but also expect interaction with Government Organisations rather than a simple one-way information flow. These changes have implications for the way government organisations communicate with the public during a disaster. The predominant model for explaining this form of communication, the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC), was developed in 2005 before social media achieved widespread popularity. We will present a modified form of the CERC model that integrates social media into the disaster communication cycle, and addresses the ways in which social media has changed communication between the public and government organisations during disasters.
Over the past two years there have been several large-scale disasters (Haitian earthquake, Australian floods, UK riots, and the Japanese earthquake) that have seen wide use of social media for disaster response, often in innovative ways. This paper provides an analysis of the ways in which social media has been used in public-to-public communication and public-to-government organisation communication. It discusses four ways in which disaster response has been changed by social media: 1. Social media appears to be displacing the traditional media as a means of communication with the public during a crisis. In particular social media influences the way traditional media communication is received and distributed. 2. We propose that user-generated content may provide a new source of information for emergency management agencies during a disaster, but there is uncertainty with regards to the reliability and usefulness of this information. 3. There are also indications that social media provides a means for the public to self-organise in ways that were not previously possible. However, the type and usefulness of self-organisation sometimes works against efforts to mitigate the outcome of the disaster. 4. Social media seems to influence information flow during a disaster. In the past most information flowed in a single direction from government organisation to public, but social media negates this model. The public can diffuse information with ease, but also expect interaction with Government Organisations rather than a simple one-way information flow. These changes have implications for the way government organisations communicate with the public during a disaster. The predominant model for explaining this form of communication, the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC), was developed in 2005 before social media achieved widespread popularity. We will present a modified form of the CERC model that integrates social media into the disaster communication cycle, and addresses the ways in which social media has changed communication between the public and government organisations during disasters.
Crisis communication is a widely treated field. There are lot of works and guides which provide helpful information in order to face crisis situations successfully (Alcat, 2005, Benoit, 1997) and articles about case studies (Nespereira, 2014, Blaney y Benoit 2001). Nonetheless, most of times, these guides are focused on business or corporations (Abeler, 2010) and there are not such information about crisis communications in politics (Gaspar e Ibeas, 2015). The field is smaller if we speak about forgiveness as restoration image tool in politics (Harris 2006). Despite all, we live in “forgiveness era” as Krauze said (1998) where people demand to politicians to apologize when they have mistakes (Harris et al. 2006:716). So, we will try to make an approach to forgiveness in politics as a image restoration tool and analyze its capabilities in order to face crisis management.
The authors identify several guidelines associated with effective crisis communication for the hospitality industry and explore the feasibility of these guidelines based upon the diverse resources available to hospitality organizations of all sizes
This study had three purposes. First, it aimed to re-conceptualize organization-public relationships (OPRs) in public relations and crisis communication. This OPR re-conceptualization helps find out when the OPR buffering effect or the OPR love-becomes-hate effect happens. Second, it aimed to examine how consumer emotions are influenced by OPRs and influence consumer behavioral intentions. Third, it aimed to address the current problematic operationalization of the concept of consumer. Three pilot studies and one main study were conducted. Apple and Whole Foods were the two brands examined. One crisis that undermined the self-defining attributes shared between the brand and its consumers and another crisis that did not were examined for each brand. Almost 500 Apple consumers and 400 Whole Foods consumers provided usable questionnaires. This study had several major findings. First, non-identifying relationship and identifying relationship were different constructs. Moreover, trust, satisfaction, and commitment were not conceptually separate dimensions of OPRs. Second, the non-identifying relationships offered buffering effects by increasing positive attitudes and tempering anger and disappointment. The identifying relationships primarily offered the love-becomes-hate effects by increasing anger and disappointment. Third, if the crisis was relevant to consumers’ daily lives, brand response strategies were less effective at mitigating consumer negative reactions. Moreover, apology-compensation-reminder strategy was more effective compared to no-comment strategy. However, the apology-compensation-reminder strategy was no more effective than other strategies as long as brands compensate to the victims. Identifying relationships increased the effectiveness of response strategies. If the crisis did not undermine the self-defining attributes shared between consumers and brands, the response strategies worked even better. This study contributes to crisis communication research in multiple ways. First, it advances the OPR conceptualization by demonstrating that non-identifying relationship and identifying relationship are different concepts. More importantly, it advances the theory building of OPRs’ influences on crises by finding out when the buffering effect and the love-becomes-hate effect happen. Second, it adds to emotion research by demonstrating that strong OPRs can lead to negative emotions and positive emotions can have negative behavioral consequences on organizations. Third, the precise operationalization of the concept of consumer gives more insights about consumer reactions to crises.
Na presente dissertação pretende-se compreender como é que a comunicação do risco é considerada pelos profissionais ligados à gestão do risco no domínio das calamidades naturais em Portugal. Para tal, além da fundamentação teórica acerca do objeto de estudo deste trabalho, ou seja, da comunicação do risco, pretende-se reunir algumas pistas que permitam compreender a visão que os profissionais ligados à gestão do risco, nomeadamente no âmbito das calamidades naturais têm desta disciplina de comunicação. É igualmente propósito desta dissertação aferir se a sociedade civil tem acesso a informação no que concerne a comportamentos redutores do risco no domínio da ocorrência de uma catástrofe natural, tais como um sismo ou um tornado. Neste sentido, pretende-se, portanto clarificar, em primeiro lugar, se existem, de facto, esforços de comunicação no que diz respeito à divulgação de informação sobre os riscos inerentes a um determinado fenómeno natural. E, segundo compreender o motivo pelo qual a sociedade civil portuguesa não tem um papel ativo no processo de gestão do risco: será que esta inércia se deve à falta de interesse (aliada à ignorância) da população no que concerne a temática do risco, em particular, no domínio da ocorrência de catástrofes naturais. Por fim, na presente dissertação é apresentado um guia de boas práticas para porta-vozes no domínio da comunicação do risco.
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Publicidade e Relações Públicas)
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä asioita organisaation tulisi huomioida tehokkaan, monikanavaisen kriisiviestintämallin suunnittelussa ja toteuttamisessa. Asiakasyritys Medi-IT Oy tukee terveydenhuollon ja sosiaalitoimen palveluntuottajien toimintaa tarjoamalla ja tuottamalla asiantuntija- ja tietotekniikkapalveluita. Tutkimuksessa keskitytään yrityksen tukipalveluyksikköön ja viestinnän lajeista häiriötilanteiden viestintään. Kriisiviestintämalli voidaan tarvittaessa lanseerata myös muihin yksiköihin. Medi-IT Oy:n kriisiviestintämallin kehittäminen aloitettiin kartoittamalla nykytilaa. Tämä tehtiin yrityksen nykyisiä toimintatapoja selvittämällä ja kysymällä asiakkaiden ja työntekijöiden mielipiteitä ja kokemuksia. Viestintään liittyvän puhelinkyselyn asiakkaille suoritti InnoLink-yritys. Kyselyn tuloksista nousi esiin viestinnän ongelmakohtia. Näihin paneutumalla löydettiin kehitettävät kohteet. Nämä kriisiviestinnän ja samalla tapahtumien hallinnan kehityskohteet on esitetty toimintojen tarkennuksina. Asiakasyritys on panostamassa prosessien laatuun ja on aloittamassa ITIL:in hyödyntämisen prosessien läpikäymisessä. Siksi myös ITIL:in periaatteita otettiin huomioon tässä kriisiviestinnän prosessimallissa. Työssä selvitettiin teoriakatsauksen pohjalta, mitkä ovat hyvän kriisiviestinnän ominaisuudet ja mitkä ovat monikanavaisuuden asettamat haasteet, edut ja haitat. Prosessin mallintamisessa käytettiin tapahtumien hallintaan keskittyvää työkalua. Työn lopputuloksena syntyi asiakasyritykselle monikanavaisen kriisiviestinnän kehittämismalli sekä kehittämistä vaativien toimintojen tarkennukset. Työhön sisältyy myös tulevaisuuden kriisiviestinnän prosessimalli, jonka toteutuminen ei ole vielä teknisesti täysin mahdollista.
The controversy of growth: a debate between economists and sociologists about the Swedish public sector Has the ‘Swedish model’ forced Sweden into stagnating economic growth? And has this caused Sweden to lag behind other comparable OECD-countries from the 1970s and onwards, i.e. since Sweden chose a welfare path different from many other countries? This has been the subject of a more than twenty year long controversy between Walter Korpi, professor of sociology and social policy, and leading Swedish mainstream economists. In a series of articles, especially during the years of economic crisis in the 1990s, Walter Korpi claimed that other reasons than the Swedish model has to be taken into account when comparing welfare states and their impact on economic growth, while the economists have persistently maintained the opposite view. These disputes over statistics and methodology have developed into what is here referred to as a science based controversy. This article analyzes the controversy between sociology and economy in accordance with controversy theory. In this way we can consider both the underlying social as well as political aspects of the debate, which leads to the conclusion that not every aspect of a science-based controversy is a byproduct of science itself.