979 resultados para Counter-Reformation.


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This dissertation analyzes a variety of religious texts such as catechisms, confession manuals, ecclesiastical legislation, saints' lives, and sermons to determine the definitions of orthodoxy held by the Spanish clergy and the origins of such visions. The conclusion posited by this research was that there was a definite continuity between the process of Catholic reform in Spain and the process of Catholic expansion into the New World in that the objectives and concerns of the Spanish clergy in Europe and the New World were very similar. This dissertation also analyzes sources that predated the Council of Trent and demonstrates that within the Iberian context the Council of Trent cannot be used as a starting date for the attempts at Catholic reform. In essence, this work concludes the Spanish clergy's activities were influenced by humanist concepts of models and model behaviour which is reflected in their attempt to form model Catholics in Spain and the New World and in their impulse to produce written texts as standards. ^


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Includes index.


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Spine title: Renaissance and Reformation.


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Includes bibliographical references and index.


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Enchanted by Sources. Henry Biaudet, Liisi Karttunen and Finnish Historical Research in Rome in the Early Twentieth Century This study traces the scholarly endeavours of Henry Biaudet (1870 1915) and Liisi Karttunen (1880 1957) and "La mission historique finlandaise à Rome" which they founded in 1909. They are forgotten in Finnish historiography, but remain internationally renowned for their contribution to the nunciature studies. By investigating their historical work on the Counter- Reformation era, their roles in the scientific communities of Helsinki and Rome as well as the intersection of politics and science in their scholarly practices the study explores the nature of historical research in general at the turn of the twentieth century. The work covers fields such as historiography, university history and the political use of history. Methodologically the research is based on the analysis and contextualization of published and unpublished sources (e.g. correspondences, university records, scholarly publications and reviews in academic journals). Henry Biaudet criticized the previous research on the Nordic Counter-Reformation for its narrow national scope and sources. He sought out a new approach, including the use of sources in archives all over Europe and the inclusion of the Catholic viewpoint. Accordingly, Biaudet and Karttunen searched for records in archives in Southern Europe. Their unorthodox interpretations were denounced in Finland since the picture they gave of late sixteenth-century Sweden was too different from the national narrative. Moreover, Finnish national identity was firmly rooted in Protestantism, and questioning the benevolence of the Reformation and its main actors was considered as an attack not only against historical truth but also national values. The comparison between Biaudet s and Karttunen s arguments and the accepted narrative in Finland shows how traditional interpretations of the Nordic Reformation were influenced by the Lutheran ethos and European anticlerical rhetoric. Historians have recently paid substantial attention to the political use of history, usually focusing on politicized constructions of the national past. This study shows how research that met the criteria of modern historiography also served political purposes. Conducting research in an international community of historians and publishing ambitious scholarly studies that interested an international audience were ways to create a positive image of Finland abroad. These were not uniquely Finnish ideas but rather ideas shared by the international community of historians in Rome. In this context, scientific pursuits were given a clear political meaning. This enhances our understanding of nineteenth-century historiography being firmly rooted between science and politics.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar uma das diversas alterações decorrentes da contrarreforma do Estado brasileiro que tem incidido diretamente sobre o campo das políticas sociais: a adoção dos modelos privatizantes de gestão. A despeito do acirramento da questão social e consequente aumento da demanda por serviços sociais, o Estado tem caminhado numa via oposta. Focaliza as políticas sociais, precariza os serviços já existentes e drena recursos da seguridade social para sustentação das altas taxas de juros e pagamento da dívida pública. Somado a isso, para possibilitar a criação de novos espaços lucrativos, o Estado tem reeditado repetidamente diferentes instrumentos de privatização das políticas sociais as Organizações Sociais, as Organizações da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público, as Fundações Estatais de Direito Privado e a Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares processando-se, desta forma, um duplo favorecimento do capital na apropriação do fundo público. Desse modo, conferimos especial destaque às Organizações Sociais, instrumento privilegiado da operacionalização da modernização da gestão da rede de serviços da atual gestão municipal da política de saúde carioca. Buscamos analisar as tendências da alocação dos recursos orçamentários da saúde no Rio de Janeiro (Função Saúde e Fundo Municipal), os contratos de gestão a fim de captar os processos de privatização, focalização e mercantilização da saúde, no período de 2009-2010. Nesse contexto, revelou-se uma profunda falta de transparência nos gastos públicos com a política de saúde carioca que perpassa os recursos destinados ao Fundo Municipal de Saúde, mas também se expressa nos inúmeros repasses financeiros muitas vezes elevados e sem justificativas palpáveis destinados às Organizações Sociais. Desse modo, a efetivação das ações e serviços do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) fica relegada ao segundo plano e põe-se na ordem do dia o favorecimento do capital através de uma apropriação cada vez maior do fundo público.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo trazer um estudo teórico-bibliográfico exploratório sobre a precarização do trabalho, dos direitos e da política previdenciária no contexto brasileiro. Baseado na teoria social de Marx, o esforço de análise parte do tratamento da figura do trabalho no que se refere à proteção social no decorrer do último século e na atualidade no cenário brasileiro. Busca também situar o processo de regulamentação das profissões como marca histórico-institucional da relação entre capital e trabalho, donde emerge inclusive a formulação da concepção de cidadania. Enfoca a questão da proteção social previdenciária em face da trajetória de conformação do mercado de trabalho brasileiro. Tal movimento induz à tentativa de reconstrução do processo de formação, de estruturação e recentemente de desestruturação do mercado de trabalho brasileiro, o qual, entende-se, tem suas raízes na formação social brasileira e na natureza das relações desenvolvidas entre capital e trabalho ao longo do último século. Verifica-se um adensamento das seqüelas sociais iniciadas no período e a redução das expectativas de consolidação da chamada sociedade salarial. Em tempos de Contra-Reforma, as drásticas alterações no mundo do trabalho e a flexibilização das relações de produção capitalistas se potencializam. Em relação à postura estatal, verifica-se ainda uma priorização dos interesses mercantis em detrimento das reais necessidades do Trabalho, o que se demonstra através dos Programas de Inclusão Previdenciária Plano Simplificado de Previdência e a cobertura ao Microempreendedor Individual -, como meio de resposta do Estado à questão da informalidade. As tendências identificadas a partir desta análise são de persistência e aprofundamento da precarização na cobertura, dada pela restrição ao acesso aos benefícios previdenciários, previstos em lei, que se traduz numa segmentação de direitos. O estudo realizado se consubstanciou em uma abordagem exploratória teórico-bibliográfica, onde se buscou estabelecer correlação entre o conteúdo bibliográfico, a legislação pertinente, dados estatísticos e outros documentos oficiais.


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It has been suggested that the presence of religious images and scenes in secular buildings of sixteenth-century date can be viewed as an expression of resistance by the native Irish to English colonial activity in the aftermath of the Munster Plantation (J. A. Delle, 1999, International Journal of Historical Archaeology 3: 11–35). Such images, however, may merely represent a continuation into the early modern period of a Medieval tradition of adorning secular houses with devotional images. If a religious symbol of native Catholic resistance to English colonization and Protestantism in Munster is to be sought then perhaps a more appropriate image would be the I.H.S. monogram—a symbol associated with the Counter Reformation and the Jesuits. The paper presents an example of the monogram located within a tower house at Gortnetubbrid in County Limerick, Ireland.


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En este artículo se focaliza el recurso de la alegoría como método exegético en la composición de los sermones panegíricos de Juan Espinosa Medrano (Perú, siglo XVII). Se traza el recorrido de la alegoría (y las humanidades en general) en relación –siempre tensa– con el cristianismo a lo largo de su historia; y se llega a la Contrarreforma y el uso exacerbado del método en la predicación barroca; particularmente en la oratoria sagrada de Espinosa Medrano, quien abarca elementos diversos y extraídos de distintas fuentes (filosofía natural, mitología clásica, tradición emblemática, relatos bíblicos), a los que hace funcionar como signos de otra verdad mayor, la sagrada. Si bien las preceptivas sagradas impulsaban una predicación más llana y simple, la profusión de alegorías mitológicas, que el autor resemantiza según su interés de guiar la interpretación, pueden explicarse por varias circunstancias, motivos de estudio en este trabajo.


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Cilliní—or children’s burial grounds—were the designated resting places for unbaptized infants and other members of Irish society who were considered unsuitable by the Roman Catholic Church for burial in consecrated ground. The sites appear to have proliferated from the seventeenth century onwards in the wake of the Counter-Reformation. While a number of previous studies have attempted to relate their apparently marginal characteristics to the liminality of Limbo, evidence drawn from the archaeological record and oral history accounts suggests that it was only the Roman Catholic Church that considered cilliní, and those interred within, to be marginal. In contrast, the evidence suggests that the families of the dead regarded the cemeteries as important places of burial and treated them in a similar manner to consecrated burial grounds.


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The complex of buildings at Struell Wells, near Downpatrick, Co. Down, is the most extensive at a holy well in Ireland. It comprises two wells, two bath-houses and the ruins of a church. Nearby is a natural rock feature known as St Patrick’s Chair. The earliest reference to the wells is likely to be in the 8th century Fíacc’s Hymn which records the site being visited by St Patrick. The earliest reference to their healing powers can be dated to the 11th/12th century and the site continued to be a focus of pilgrimage at midsummer until its suppression in the nineteenth century. The site seems to be unique in that bathing in the wells constituted an integral part of the rituals performed by pilgrims. A recent study of the holy well phenomenon in Ireland has suggested that the rituals associated with them have their origins in the Counter-Reformation (Carroll 1999). The evidence from Struell, however, strongly suggests that it was an important sacred site in pre-Christian times.


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Dans la France de l’Ancien Régime, si les représentations de la condition féminine légitiment les valeurs d’une traditionnelle phallocratie, on note néanmoins que le dogme chrétien accorde aux femmes une place dans l’économie du salut. Dans un contexte de Contre-Réforme, celle-ci déterminera notamment, sur le plan socio-littéraire, les modalités de l’expérience mystique et de l’héroïsme au féminin : l’éthique chrétienne érige paradoxalement en modèle des figures féminines qui transcendent leur humanité dans le sacrifice et la mort. Mais au XVIIe siècle, l’évolution des notions d’abnégation et d’amour-propre éradique ce triomphe éphémère. En nous intéressant plus particulièrement aux remaniements de l’hypotexte euripidien dans l’Iphygenie de Rotrou (1640) et dans l’Iphigénie de Racine (1674), nous verrons comment les deux pièces traduisent ce déclin. Au premier chapitre de notre mémoire, nous nous intéresserons à l’espace de liberté que le discours chrétien confère aux femmes à travers le culte de la virginité et l’hypothétique transfiguration des corps célestes. Réintégrant ces données théologiques, la mystique marque l’essor d’un charisme féminin que la notion d’amour-propre déconstruira à l’ère classique. Dans un second chapitre, nous explorerons les développements de l’éthique héroïque qui ont servi à l’essor d’un héroïsme au féminin. Le troisième chapitre portera enfin sur l’échec d’une héroïne mythique qui, mettant à profit le dogme chrétien, menace dangereusement l’équilibre d’un ordre patriarcal. La critique littéraire convient généralement de l’irréfutable vertu de l’héroïne de Rotrou et de Racine. Au terme de notre analyse, nous entendons démontrer qu’Iphigénie est, a contrario, tragiquement reconnue coupable d’amour-propre par les deux dramaturges.


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La question de recherche à la base de cette étude soulève le point de la nature paradoxale du canon de représentation égyptien qui démontre, simultanément, une certaine rigidité dans l’application de règles stylistiques et iconographiques établies, particulièrement dans l’art non commandité par l’État, et des preuves de transformation et d’intégration de motifs nouveaux. Partant de cette problématique, l’étude vise à identifier les mécanismes par lesquels ce canon permet, à la fois, l’innovation et le maintien d’une certaine tradition. L’approche est de nature double et consiste tout d’abord à identifier de grandes tendances et discontinuités stylistiques et iconographiques sur les bols de faïence du Moyen au Nouvel Empire. De plus, elle tente de déterminer si les transformations d’ordre sociopolitique et idéologique, survenant à ces périodes, peuvent être lues dans les variations stylistiques et iconographiques trouvées sur les bols de faïence. Après une description du champ conceptuel de la « représentation » en contexte égyptien, l’auteur effectue l’analyse iconographique exhaustive de ce qui constitue l’apport majeur de son étude, un corpus de 500 bols et fragments de faïence provenant de divers sites égyptiens du Moyen au Nouvel Empire. Les données ont été traitées par le biais de la méthode d’analyse iconologique proposée par Panofsky, qui lui permet de dévoiler un grand nombre de continuités et de transformations d’ordre stylistique et iconographique pour les différentes périodes. Plusieurs facteurs semblent avoir été à l’origine de ces transformations, dont la fluctuation entre un contexte de centralisation et de décentralisation politique de l’État, ainsi que l’intégration de motifs étrangers (proche-orientaux et égéens) résultant d’un contact accru entre l’Égypte et les régions voisines. De plus, les transformations idéologiques apportées par le règne d’Akhénaton et par la « contre-réforme » idéologique à la période ramesside, semblent avoir également contribué à des innovations au sein du canon, même si ce dernier maintient une certaine continuité légitimée par le pouvoir étatique. Le canon de représentation, devient ainsi une forme de langage dont l’État se sert et qui, parfois malgré lui, se transforme et fluctue selon les réalités des différentes périodes.


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À l’aide des écrits d’humanistes chrétiens, ayant exercé un contrôle sur la pratique des arts après le Concile de Trente, nous tenterons d’expliquer le développement du genre paysager en peinture. Le cardinal Federico Borromeo, Louis Richeôme ainsi que Jean Calvin figurent parmi les théologiens qui ont contribué à cette littérature chrétienne influente. Nous nous servirons surtout de l’historiographie récente afin de prouver le rôle essentiel joué par la pensée chrétienne dans le développement de la représentation de la nature en art. Prenant appui sur certaines études importantes, nous analyserons des exemples tant picturaux qu’architecturaux qui reflètent cette influence chrétienne sur la perception de la nature. Au préalable, nous tenterons de dresser un portrait de l’environnement culturel et religieux dans lequel ces humanistes chrétiens ont vécu et développé leur pensée. Notre objectif sera de prouver que l’humanisme chrétien a joué un rôle important pour l’essor du paysage à l’époque de la Contre-Réforme. Les sources contemporaines ainsi que leur interprétation par les historiens et les historiens d’art modernes permettront de mieux comprendre le rôle joué par la pensée chrétienne au sein de ce développement artistique.