917 resultados para Corrective maintenance
Existing studies of on-line process control are concerned with economic aspects, and the parameters of the processes are optimized with respect to the average cost per item produced. However, an equally important dimension is the adoption of an efficient maintenance policy. In most cases, only the frequency of the corrective adjustment is evaluated because it is assumed that the equipment becomes "as good as new" after corrective maintenance. For this condition to be met, a sophisticated and detailed corrective adjustment system needs to be employed. The aim of this paper is to propose an integrated economic model incorporating the following two dimensions: on-line process control and a corrective maintenance program. Both performances are objects of an average cost per item minimization. Adjustments are based on the location of the measurement of a quality characteristic of interest in a three decision zone. Numerical examples are illustrated in the proposal. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
For leased equipment, the lessor carries out the maintenance of the equipment. Usually, the contract of lease specifies the penalty for equipment failures and for repairs not being carried out within specified time limits. This implies that optimal preventive maintenance policies must take these penalty costs into account and properly traded against the cost of preventive maintenance actions. The costs associated with failures are high as unplanned corrective maintenance actions are costly and the resulting penalties due to lease contract terms being violated. The paper develops a model to determine the optimal parameters of a preventive maintenance policy that takes into account all these costs to minimize the total expected cost to the lessor for new item lease. The parameters of the policy are (i) the number of preventive maintenance actions to be carried out over the lease period, (ii) the time instants for such actions, and (iii) the level of action. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In the reliability literature, maintenance time is usually ignored during the optimization of maintenance policies. In some scenarios, costs due to system failures may vary with time, and the ignorance of maintenance time will lead to unrealistic results. This paper develops maintenance policies for such situations where the system under study operates iteratively at two successive states: up or down. The costs due to system failure at the up state consist of both business losses & maintenance costs, whereas those at the down state only include maintenance costs. We consider three models: Model A, B, and C: Model A makes only corrective maintenance (CM). Model B performs imperfect preventive maintenance (PM) sequentially, and CM. Model C executes PM periodically, and CM; this PM can restore the system as good as the state just after the latest CM. The CM in this paper is imperfect repair. Finally, the impact of these maintenance policies is illustrated through numerical examples.
This paper presents the design and results of the implementation of a model for the evaluation and improvement of maintenance management in industrial SMEs. A thorough review of the state of the art on maintenance management was conducted to determine the model variables; to characterize industrial SMEs, a questionnaire was developed with Likert variables collected in the previous step. Once validated the questionnaire, we applied the same to a group of seventy-five (75) SMEs in the industrial sector, located in Bolivar State, Venezuela. To identify the most relevant variables maintenance management, we used exploratory factor analysis technique applied to the data collected. The score obtained for all the companies evaluated (57% compliance), highlights the weakness of maintenance management in industrial SMEs, particularly in the areas of planning and continuous improvement; most SMEs are evaluated in corrective maintenance stage, and its performance standard only response to the occurrence of faults.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica na Especialidade de Manutenção e Produção
Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
i Gestão de Operações de um armazém Patrícia Raquel Freitas Gomes Relatório de estágio apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção de Grau de Mestre em Logística Orientado por: Prof. Doutora Maria Teresa Ribeiro Pereira Coorientado por: Eng.º César Emanuel Marinho Carvalho Teixeira
As empresas no século XXI têm necessidade de reduzir os seus custos de manutenção para serem competitivas num mercado cada vez mais global, implementando a Manutenção Lean no setor diretamente responsável pela Manutenção e também estender a toda a organização. Este trabalho foi realizado no âmbito do estágio efetuado na empresa Lameirinho, empresa líder de Têxtil-Lar, localizada na zona de Guimarães e que possui um Departamento de Manutenção onde a fiabilidade e disponibilidade dos equipamentos é um aspeto importante bem como a sua manutenção a custos reduzidos. Assim, tendo como objetivo a melhoria do Departamento de Manutenção da empresa Lameirinho foi efetuada uma auditoria de Manutenção Lean com o intuito de determinar o estado atual, foram identificados problemas e oportunidades de melhoria bem como foram apresentadas soluções para os mesmos. Os benefícios que se obtêm com a implementação das soluções são, entre outros: melhor planeamento das intervenções de Manutenção com alocação no momento necessário dos recursos humanos e a disponibilização de peças assim como as intervenções de manutenção serem efetuadas quando a Produção menos necessita do equipamento produtivo; redução e eliminação das intervenções de Manutenção Corretiva de Emergência; redução dos custos de Manutenção na globalidade da empresa através dos benefícios obtidos e com impacto direto nos resultados económicos da empresa.
Hallitsematon ja reaktiivinen kunnossapito on eräs tuotannon suurimpia kustannustekijöistä. Suunnitelmallisesti ja systemaattisesti johdettuna kunnossapito on tuotantotehokkuuden suurin vaikuttaja. Merkittävä osa tuotannon tehokkuuden ylläpidosta saavutetaan laitteiden käyttövarmuudella. Käyttövarmuuden saaminen hallintaan perustuu ennakoivan kunnossapidon määrän kasvattamiseen. Samalla korjaavan kunnossapidon kustannusriski laskee ja siihen käytetty panos vähenee. Huonolla kunnossapidon suunnitelmallisuudella on päinvastaiset vaikutukset. Tavoitteena on määritellä prosessilaitteiden käyttövarmuuksiin perustuva laitekriittisyys. Tutkimuksessa yhdistetään riskien arviointimenetelmiä, joilla keskimääräiset vikavälit ja seuraukset valmistukseen mallinnetaan. Kriittisyystekijöitä ovat käytettävyys, luotettavuus, kustannustekijät, turvallisuus ja ympäristövaikutukset. Tekijöiden arvottamiseen kehitettiin riksianalyysitaulukko. Kriittisyysluokat jaettiin kolmeen kategoriaan, joista A on kriittisin, B keskinkertainen ja C on matalin luokka. Lähtötietojen keräys toteutettiin triangulaatiomenetelmää soveltaen. Empiirisessä osassa HKScan Oy:n lihanjalostustehtaan jauheliha- ja kestomakkaraosastojen laitteet jaettiin A-, B- ja C-luokkiin. Kriittisimpiä laitteita oli 20 prosenttia analysoidusta laitemäärästä. Nämä A-luokkaan sijoitetut laitteet aiheuttavat 80 prosenttia kustannusriskeistä. B-luokkaan kuuluu 50 prosenttia ja C-luokkaan 30 prosenttia laitteista. Luokittelusta erotettiin havaitut turvallisuusriskit riskienhallinnan toimenpiteitä varten. Kustannustietoinen kriittisyysluokittelu on pohja kunnossapitostrategian rakentamiselle. Tämän avuksi esitettiin taulukot huolto-ohjelman luomiseen ja luokituksien hyödyntämiseen päivittäisessä toiminnassa.
The search for cultural heritage preservation should be a constant, in order to minimize the lost of historical and cultural identity of a country. As part of this cultural heritage, highlights the importance of historical buildings. For the principles of restoration are met its important to know the state of conservation and the existing materials. Given the above, this work aims to study the pathological manifestations of the mortar coating from the Grupo Escolar Augusto Severo. For this, was conducted historical survey of the building, on-site visits with visual observation, collecting samples of mortar coating and characterization through visual and laboratory analysis, XRF, XRD, TG/DTG, OM and SEM-EDS. From the observations, pathological manifestations were found as: cracks, detachment of the coating, dirt, use of inappropriate material basis of cement, efflorescence, mold and mildew and also incompatible material base of cement. It was found that the pathological manifestations were intensified due to lack of coverage in some spots and especially the abandonment of the building, that many years does not have restoration or any other type of preventive and corrective maintenance. The results of laboratory tests indicated that the mortars studied are based on lime, with calcitic nature, and siliceous aggregate, with the presence of clay in two samples. From the samples collected, two are composed of lime, sand and clay and two by lime and sand. In this regard, it is important to conduct periodic inspections and maintenance, as well as carrying out restoration with use of material compatible with the original
This work searches to offer a model to improve spare parts stock management for companies of urban passenger transport by bus, with the consequent progress in their maintenance management. Also known as MRO items (Maintenance, Repair and Operations), these spare parts, according their consumption and demand features, cost, criticity to operation, lead-time, quantity of suppliers, among other parameters, shouldn´t have managed their inventory like normal production items (work in process e final products), that because their features, are managed by more predictable models based, for example, in economic order quantity. In the case specifically of companies of urban passenger transport by bus, items MRO have significant importance in their assets and a bad management of these inventories can cause serious losses to company, leading it even bankrupticy business, in more severe situations which missing spare part provokes vehicles shutdown indefinitely. Given slight attention to the issue, which translates in little literature available about it when compared to that literature about normal items stocks, and due the fact that MRO items be critical to bus urban transport of passengers companies´, it is necessary, so, deepen in this theme searching to give technical and scientific subsidies to companies that work, in many times, empirically, with these so decisive inputs to their business. As a typical portfolio problem, in which there are n items, separated into critical and noncritical, while competing for the same resource, it was developed a new algorithm to aid in a better inventory management of spare parts used only in corrective maintenance (whose failures are unpredictable and random), by analyzing the cost-benefit ratio, which compares the level of service versus cost of each item. The model was tested in a company of urban passenger transport by bus from the city of Natal, who anonymously provided their real data to application in this work
Induction motors are one of the most important equipment of modern industry. However, in many situations, are subject to inadequate conditions as high temperatures and pressures, load variations and constant vibrations, for example. Such conditions, leaving them more susceptible to failures, either external or internal in nature, unwanted in the industrial process. In this context, predictive maintenance plays an important role, where the detection and diagnosis of faults in a timely manner enables the increase of time of the engine and the possibiity of reducing costs, caused mainly by stopping the production and corrective maintenance the motor itself. In this juncture, this work proposes the design of a system that is able to detect and diagnose faults in induction motors, from the collection of electrical line voltage and current, and also the measurement of engine speed. This information will use as input to a fuzzy inference system based on rules that find and classify a failure from the variation of thess quantities
One of the most important decisions to turn a substation automatic and no attended it relates to the communication media between this substation and Operation Center. Generally energy companies uses radio or optic fiber, depending of distances and infrastructure of each situation. This rule applies to common substations. Mobile substations are a particular case, therefore they are conceived for use at provisional situations, emergencies, preventive or corrective maintenance. Thus the telecommunication solution used at common substations are not applied so easily to mobile substations, due absence of infrastructure (media) or difficulty to insert the mobile substation data in existing automation network not long. The ideal media must supply covering in a great geographic area to satisfy presented requirements. The implantation costs of this big infrastructure are expensive, however a existing operator may be used. Two services that fulfill that requirements are satellite and cellular telephony. This work presents a solution for automation of mobile substations through satellite. It was successfully implanted at a brazilian electric energy concessionaire named COSERN. The operation became transparent to operators. Other gotten benefits had been operational security, quality in the supply of electric energy and costs reduction. The project presented is a new solution, designed to substations and general applications where few data should be transmitted, but there is difficulties in relation to the media. Despite the satellite having been used, the same resulted can be gotten using celullar telephony, through Short Messages or packet networks as GPRS or EDGE.