962 resultados para Cells culture
Dissertação de mestrado em Biofísica e Bionanossistemas
The present report describes an alternative method for in vitro detection of HIV-1 -specific antibody secretion in 24h of culture employing as stimulant of peripheral blood mononuclear cells the disrupted inactivated whole virus adsorbed onto microwells in a commercial ELISA kit plates. The results obtained from this technique have showed high sensitivity and specificity since it was capable of detecting HIV-1 infection early after birth. There were neither false-positivity nor false-negativity when blood samples obtained from HIV-1 seronegative asymptomatic individuals, and HIV-1 seropositive adult patients were analized. This rapid, low cost, simple, highly sensitive and specific assay can be extremely useful for early diagnosis of pediatric HIV infection.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The `biomimetic` approach to tissue engineering usually involves the use of a bioreactor mimicking physiological parameters whilst supplying nutrients to the developing tissue. Here we present a new heart valve bioreactor, having as its centrepiece a ventricular assist device (VAD), which exposes the cell-scaffold constructs to a wider array of mechanical forces. The pump of the VAD has two chambers: a blood and a pneumatic chamber, separated by an elastic membrane. Pulsatile air-pressure is generated by a piston-type actuator and delivered to the pneumatic chamber, ejecting the fluid in the blood chamber. Subsequently, applied vacuum to the pneumatic chamber causes the blood chamber to fill. A mechanical heart valve was placed in the VAD`s inflow position. The tissue engineered (TE) valve was placed in the outflow position. The VAD was coupled in series with a Windkessel compliance chamber, variable throttle and reservoir, connected by silicone tubings. The reservoir sat on an elevated platform, allowing adjustment of ventricular preload between 0 and 11 mmHg. To allow for sterile gaseous exchange between the circuit interior and exterior, a 0.2 mu m filter was placed at the reservoir. Pressure and flow were registered downstream of the TE valve. The circuit was filled with culture medium and fitted in a standard 5% CO(2) incubator set at 37 degrees C. Pressure and flow waveforms were similar to those obtained under physiological conditions for the pulmonary circulation. The `cardiomimetic` approach presented here represents a new perspective to conventional biomimetic approaches in TE, with potential advantages. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Studies investigating the immunopathological aspects of Jorge Lobo`s disease have shown that the inflammatory infiltrate consists mainly of histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells involving numerous yeast-like cells of Lacazia loboi, with the T lymphocytes more common than B lymphocytes and plasma cells. The quantification of cytokines in peripheral blood mononuclear cells culture supernatant has revealed alterations in the cytokines profile, characterized by predominance of a Th2 profile. In view of these findings and of the role of cytokines in cell interactions, the objective of the present study was to investigate the presence of the cytokines IL-10, TGF-ss 1 and TNF-alpha, as well as iNOS enzyme in granulomas induced by L. loboi. Histological sections obtained from skin lesions of 16 patients were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for the presence of these cytokines and iNOS. The results showed that TGF-ss 1 was the cytokine most frequently expressed by cells present in the inflammatory infiltrate, followed by IL-10. There was a minimum to discrete positivity of cells expressing TNF-alpha and iNOS. The results suggest that the presence of immunosuppressive cytokines in skin lesions of patients with the mycosis might be responsible for the lack of containment of the pathogen as demonstrated by the presence of numerous fungi in the granuloma.
A diarreia é a segunda causa de mortalidade em <5 anos e é responsável pela diminuição da produtividade na população economicamente ativa. Dentre os agentes infecciosos envolvidos, seis patotipos diarreiogênicos de Escherichia coli (DEC) merecem destaque: E. coli enteropatogênica (EPEC), E.coli enteroinvasora (EIEC), E. coli enterotoxigênica (ETEC), E. coli enteroemorrágica ou produtora de toxina de Shiga (EHEC/STEC), E. coli enteroagregativa (EAEC) e E. coli de aderência difusa (DAEC). O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a frequência dos patotipos de DEC e caracterizar fenotípica e genotipicamente EAEC, DAEC, aEPEC e E. coli chain-like adhesion (CLA) isolados de fezes indivíduos de todas as idades atendidos nas Unidades de Saúde do município de Vitória, ES, entre janeiro de 2008 e junho de 2011. Os isolados de E. coli foram submetidos à: (i) PCR para detecção dos genes eae, bfpA, aat, lt, st, ipaH, stx1 e stx2; (ii) hibridização de colônia com as sondas eae, aat e daaC; (iii) adesão em cultura de células HEp-2 para evidenciar padrão de aderência agregativa (AA), difusa (DA) e chain-like adhesion (CLA). PCR para detecção de genes de virulência foi realizado em isolados de EAEC, CLA, DAEC e aEPEC. Isolados de EAEC e CLA, foram submetidos a testes de formação de biofilme e de película. Foram obtidos 328 espécimes fecais e E. coli foi isolada de 85,7%. Os seguintes patotipos foram identificados: EAEC (18,3%), DAEC (11%), aEPEC (2,6%), ETEC (0,7%). CLA foi identificada em 4,9% e EIEC, tEPEC e STEC não foram detectados. Dos 60 isolados de EAEC (AA) (25% aat+ por PCR e 35% por hibridização), fímbrias de aderência agregativa foram evidenciadas em baixa frequência (aggA- 1,7%, aafA- 0%, agg3A- 11,7%, hdA- 8,3%). EAEC típica correspondeu a 31,7% dos isolados de EAEC (aggR+), e foram significantes nestas a formação de biofilme, escore 3+ de produção de película e presença dos genes aat, agg3A, hdA, aap, sat, pet, set1A e iucA. Todos os isolados CLA apresentaram o gene pet, 87,5%, foram aggR-, formaram película e nenhum produziu biofilme. Dentre dos 42 isolados de DAEC (DA), a sonda daaC detectou 52,4%. PCR evidenciou adesinas afa/Dr (daaD e afa) em 59,5% e adesina AIDA-I não foi encontrada, sugerindo que outras adesinas estejam envolvidas na adesão da DAEC. Isolados de DAEC afa/Dr + foram estatisticamente mais isolados de <5 anos. Em aEPEC, os genes da ilha de patogenicidade OI-122 pesquisados, nleE, efa1/lifA e paa foram evidenciados em 30% dos isolados, todos provenientes de <5 anos. Características de virulência de tEAEC e DAEC Afa/Dr sugerem que sejam subpopulações relacionadas com diarreia. CLA não parece ser variante de EAEC.
Molecular characterization of Dengue viruses type 1 and 2 isolated from a concurrent human infection
In 2001, an autochthonous case of dual viremia, resulting from naturally acquired dengue virus DEN-1 and DEN-2 infections was detected during the dengue outbreak that occurred in Barretos, a city with about 105,000 inhabitants in the North region of São Paulo State. Serotype identification was based on virus isolation to C6/36 mosquito cells culture and immunofluorescence assays using type-specific monoclonal antibodies. The double infection was also confirmed by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Comparative analysis of the 240-nucleotide sequences of E/NS1 gene junction region between the genome of DEN-1 and DEN-2 isolates of the corresponding reference Nauru and PR 159S1 strains, respectively, showed some nucleotide differences, mainly silent mutations in the third codon position. Results of maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis of E/NS1 gene sequences indicated that both genotypes of DEN-1 and DEN-2 viruses recovered from double infection in Barretos belonged to genotypes I and III, respectively.
Mayaro virus (MAYV) is an arbovirus (Togaviridae: Alphavirus) enzootic in tropical South America and maintained in a sylvan cycle involving wild vertebrates and Haemagogus mosquitoes. MAYV cases occur sporadically in persons with a history of recent activities inside or around forests. This paper reports three cases of MAYV fever detected in men infected in Camapuã, MS, Brazil. Serum samples collected at four days and two months after the onset of the symptoms and examined by hemagglutination inhibition test, revealed monotypic seroconversion to MAYV. Isolation of the virus was obtained from one of the samples by inoculation of the first blood samples into newborn mice. A suspension of the infected mouse brain was inoculated into C6/36 cells culture and the virus was identified by indirect immunofluorescent assay with alphavirus polyclonal antibodies. RT-PCR, performed with RNA extracted from the supernatant of C6/36 infected cells in the presence of alphavirus generic primers as well as specific MAYV primers, confirmed these results. The reported cases illustrate the importance of laboratory confirmation in establishing a correct diagnosis. Clinical symptoms are not always indicative of a disease caused by an arbovirus. Also MAYV causes febrile illness, which may be mistaken for dengue.
The precise nature of hormones and growth factors directly responsible for cartilage maturation is still largely unclear. Since longitudinal bone growth occurs through endochondral bone formation, excess or deficiency of most hormones and growth factors strongly influences final adult height. The structure and composition of the cartilaginous extracellular matrix have a critical role in regulating the behavior of growth plate chondrocytes. Therefore, the maintenance of the three-dimensional cell-matrix interaction is necessary to study the influence of individual signaling molecules on chondrogenesis, cartilage maturation and calcification. To investigate the effects of insulin on both proliferation and induction of hypertrophy in chondrocytes in vitro we used high-density micromass cultures of chick embryonic limb mesenchymal cells. Culture medium was supplemented with 1% FCS + 60 ng/ml (0.01 µM) insulin and cultures were harvested at regular time points for later analysis. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunoreactivity was widely detected in insulin-treated cultures and persisted until day 21 and [³H]-thymidine uptake was highest on day 14. While apoptosis increased in control cultures as a function of culture time, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL)-labeled cells were markedly reduced in the presence of insulin. Type II collagen production, alkaline phosphatase activity and cell size were also lower in insulin-treated cultures. Our results indicate that under the influence of 60 ng/ml insulin, chick chondrocytes maintain their proliferative potential but do not become hypertrophic, suggesting that insulin can affect the regulation of chondrocyte maturation and hypertrophy, possibly through an antiapoptotic effect.
La présence d’un récepteur de type RXR a récemment été rapporté chez la pensée de mer, Renilla koellikeri, de même que chez d’autres anthozoaires, et le NO semble jouer des différents rôles physiologiques, chez plusieurs cnidaires. L’acide rétinoïque (AR) et le monoxyde d’azote (NO) sont connus pour leur implication dans l’induction de la croissance des neurites chez les vertébrés ainsi que chez les invertébrés. Mais jusqu’à présent, aucun rôle de ces agents n’a encore été identifié chez ce phylum ancien des invertébrés. Dans le but de montrer que ces agents morphogénétiques ont un rôle dans le développement neuronal chez ces ancêtres des métazoaires bilatéraux, nous avons utilisé des cultures primaires de cellules du cnidaire anthozoaire Renilla koellikeri (pensée de mer), doté d’un système nerveux des plus primitif. Nous avons trouvé que les deux types d’acide rétinoïque, 9-cis et 11-trans, induisent une prolifération cellulaire dose-dépendante en fonction du temps dans les boîtes de pétri enduites de polylysine. Les cultures cellulaires exposées à l’acide rétinoïque dans les boîtes sans polylysine montrent une différenciation en des cellules épithéliales. D’autre part, le NO induit exclusivement une différenciation neuronale dans les boîtes enduites de polylysine. Aucun autre type de cellules subit un différenciation en présence de NO et la densité des cellules dédifférenciées a diminué. Les prolongements des neurones différenciés semblent s’enchevêtrer et former un réseau neuronal assez dense. L’ensemble de ces observations suggère que l’acide rétinoïque, contrairement à NO, est associé à l’activité mitotique, et que l’acide rétinoïque et le NO sont impliqués différemment dans la spécification cellulaire, respectivement épithéliale et neuronale, chez la pensée de mer. Le type d’action déclenchée, qu’il soit la mitogénèse ou la différenciation (épithéliale ou neuronale), varie alors selon l’état d’adhésion des cellules au substrat. Comme les données moléculaires et paléontologiques rapprochent les cnidaires, telle la pensée de mer, des ancêtres des eumétazoaires, nos résultats suggèrent que le rôle morphogénétique de l’acide rétinoïque et du NO est enraciné dans l’ancêtre commun de tous les métazoaires.
Among the pests that attack corn crop in Brazil, there is Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), known as fall armyworm, which is the major corn pest. Due to genetic instability during serial passage of baculoviruses in insect cell culture, the viral bioinseticides in vitro production development is the greatest challenge for mass production of this bioproduct. Successive passages of virus using extracellular viruses (BVs), necessary during viral bioinseticides production scaling up, leads to the appearance of aberrant forms of virus, a process so called as "passage effect ". The main consequence of passage effect is the production of occlusion bodies (OB) decrease, preventing its production using in vitro process. In this study, it was carried out a serial passage of baculovirus Spodoptera frugiperda multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus, isolate 18, using Sf21 cells. A decrease in the production of occlusion bodies from 170 to 92 in the third to fourth passage was observed. A factorial experimental design (22) was employed to verify the influence of two input variables, concentration of the hormone 20 - hydroxyecdysone (CH) and cholesterol (CC) on the values of response variables (volumetric and the specific OB production) of the process, seeking to define the optimum operating ranges trying to reverse or minimize the passage effect. The result indicated a negative influence of the cholesterol addition and positive effect in the hormone supplementation which the optimum range found for the concentrations studied were 8 to 10μg/mL and 5 to 6.5 mg / mL, for cholesterol and hormone concentrations respectively. New experiments were performed with addition of hormone and cholesterol in order to check the influence of these additives on the OB production independently. While the best result obtained from the factorial experiment was 9.4 x 107 OB/mL and 128.4 specific OB/cell, with the addition of only 6μg/mL 20-hydroxyecdysone these concentrations increased to 1.9 x 108 OB/mL and 182.9 OB/cell for volumetric and specific OB production, respectively. This result confirms that the addition of the hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone enhances the SfMNPV in vitro production process performance using Sf21 cells
Studies investigating the immunopathological aspects of Jorge Lobo's disease have shown that the inflammatory infiltrate consists mainly of histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells involving numerous yeast-like cells of Lacazia loboi, with the T lymphocytes more common than B lymphocytes and plasma cells. The quantification of cytokines in peripheral blood mononuclear cells culture supernatant has revealed alterations in the cytokines profile, characterized by predominance of a Th2 profile. In view of these findings and of the role of cytokines in cell interactions, the objective of the present study was to investigate the presence of the cytokines IL-10, TGF-ss 1 and TNF-alpha, as well as iNOS enzyme in granulomas induced by L. loboi. Histological sections obtained from skin lesions of 16 patients were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for the presence of these cytokines and iNOS. The results showed that TGF-ss 1 was the cytokine most frequently expressed by cells present in the inflammatory infiltrate, followed by IL-10. There was a minimum to discrete positivity of cells expressing TNF-alpha and iNOS. The results suggest that the presence of immunosuppressive cytokines in skin lesions of patients with the mycosis might be responsible for the lack of containment of the pathogen as demonstrated by the presence of numerous fungi in the granuloma.
Pós-graduação em Doenças Tropicais - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)