955 resultados para CEREVISIAE WINE YEASTS


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Glucose and fructose fermentations by industrial yeasts strains are strongly affected by both the structural complexity of the nitrogen Source and the availability of oxygen. In this Study two Saccharomyces cerevisiae industrial wine strains were grown, under shaken and static conditions, in a media containing either a) 20% (w/v) glucose, or b) 10% (w/v) fructose and 10% (w/v) glucose or c) 20% (w/v) fructose, all supplemented with nitrogen Sources varying from a single ammonium salt (ammonium Sulfate) to free amino acids (casamino acids) and peptides (peptone). Data Suggest that 1 complex Structured nitrogen source is not submitted to the same control mechanisms as those involved in the utilization of simpler structured nitrogen Sources, and mutual interaction between carbon and nitrogen Sources, including the mechanisms involved ill the regulation of aerobic/anaerobic metabolism, may play in important role in defining yeast fermentation performance and the differing response to the structural complexity of the nitrogen Source, with a strong impact oil fermentation performance.


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Yeast multi-copy vectors carrying the formaldehyde-resistance marker gene SFA have proved to be a valuable tool for research on industrially used strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The genetics of these strains is often poorly understood, and for various reasons it is not possible to simply subject these strains to protocols of genetic engineering that have been established for laboratory strains of S. cerevisiae. We tested our vectors and protocols using 10 randomly picked baker's and wine yeasts all of which could be transformed by a simple protocol with vectors conferring hyperresistance to formaldehyde. The application of formaldehyde as a selecting agent also offers the advantage of its biodegradation to CO2 during fermentation, i.e., the selecting agent will be consumed and therefore its removal during down-stream processing is not necessary. Thus, this vector provides an expression system which is simple to apply and inexpensive to use


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Maltose and glucose fermentations by industrial brewing and wine yeasts strains were strongly affected by the structural complexity of the nitrogen source. In this study, four Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, two brewing and two wine yeasts, were grown in a medium containing maltose or glucose supplemented with a nitrogen source varying from a single ammonium salt (ammonium sulfate) to free amino acids (casamino acids) and peptides (peptone). Diauxie was observed at low sugar concentration for brewing and wine strains, independent of nitrogen supplementation, and the type of sugar. At high sugar concentrations altered patterns of sugar fermentation were observed, and biomass accumulation and ethanol production depended on the nature of the nitrogen source and were different for brewing and wine strains. In maltose, high biomass production was observed under peptone and casamino acids for the brewing and wine strains, however efficient maltose utilization and high ethanol production was only observed in the presence of casamino acids for one brewing and one wine strain studied. Conversely, peptone and casamino acids induced higher biomass and ethanol production for the two other brewing and wine strains studied. With glucose, in general, peptone induced higher fermentation performance for all strains, and one brewing and wine strain produced the same amount of ethanol with peptone and casamino acids supplementation. Ammonium salts always induced poor yeast performance. The results described in this paper suggest that the complex nitrogen composition of the cultivation medium may create conditions resembling those responsible for inducing sluggish/stuck fermentation, and indicate that the kind and concentration of sugar, the complexity of nitrogen source and the yeast genetic background influence optimal industrial yeast fermentation performance.


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Four Saccharomyces cerevisiae Brazilian industrial ethanol production strains were grown, under shaken and static conditions, in media containing 22% (w/v) sucrose supplemented with nitrogen sources varying from a single ammonium salt (ammonium sulfate) to free amino acids (casamino acids) and peptides (peptone). Sucrose fermentations by Brazilian industrial ethanol production yeasts strains were strongly affected by both the structural complexity of the nitrogen source and the availability of oxygen. Data suggest that yeast strains vary in their response to the nitrogen source`s complex structure and to oxygen availability. In addition, the amount of trehalose produced could be correlated with the fermentation performance of the different yeasts, suggesting that efficient fuel ethanol production depends on finding conditions which are appropriate for a particular strain, considering demand and dependence on available nitrogen sources in the fermentation medium.


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The recently described respiratory strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae KOY.TM6*P is, to our knowledge, the only reported strain of S. cerevisiae which completely redirects the flux of glucose from ethanol fermentation to respiration, even at high external glucose concentrations (27). In the KOY.TM6*P strain, portions of the genes encoding the predominant hexose transporter proteins, Hxt1 and Hxt7, were fused within the regions encoding transmembrane (TM) domain 6. The resulting chimeric gene, TM6*. encoded a chimera composed of the amino-terminal half of Hxt1 and the carboxy-terminal half of Hxt7. It was subsequently integrated into the genome of an hxt null strain. In this study, we have demonstrated the transferability of this respiratory phenotype to the V5 hxt1-7Δ strain, a derivative of a strain used in enology. We also show by using this mutant that it is not necessary to transform a complete hxt null strain with the TM6* construct to obtain a nonethanol-producing phenotype. The resulting V5.TM6*P strain, obtained by transformation of the V5 hxt1-7Δ strain with the TM6* chimeric gene, produced only minor amounts of ethanol when cultured on external glucose concentrations as high as 5%. Despite the fact that glucose flux was reduced to 30% in the V5.TM6*P strain compared with that of its parental strain, the V5.TM6*P strain produced biomass at a specific rate as high as 85% that of the V5 wild-type strain. Even more relevant for the potential use of such a strain for the production of heterologous proteins and also of low-alcohol beverages is the observation that the biomass yield increased 50% with the mutant compared to its parental strain. Copyright © 2005, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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During must fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains thousands of volatile aroma compounds are formed. The objective of the present work was to adapt computational approaches to analyze pheno-metabolomic diversity of a S. cerevisiae strain collection with different origins. Phenotypic and genetic characterization together with individual must fermentations were performed, and metabolites relevant to aromatic profiles were determined. Experimental results were projected onto a common coordinates system, revealing 17 statistical-relevant multi-dimensional modules, combining sets of most-correlated features of noteworthy biological importance. The present method allowed, as a breakthrough, to combine genetic, phenotypic and metabolomic data, which has not been possible so far due to difficulties in comparing different types of data. Therefore, the proposed computational approach revealed as successful to shed light into the holistic characterization of S. cerevisiae pheno-metabolome in must fermentative conditions. This will allow the identification of combined relevant features with application in selection of good winemaking strains.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a l’Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, França, entre 2007 i 2009. Saccharomyces cerevisiae ha estat el llevat utilitzat durant mil.lenis en l'elaboració de vins. Tot i així, es té poc coneixement sobre les pressions de selecció que han actuat en la modelització del genoma dels llevats vínics. S’ha seqüenciat el genoma d'una soca vínica comercial, EC1118, obtenint 31 supercontigs que cobreixen el 97% del genoma de la soca de referència, S288c. S’ha trobat que el genoma de la soca vínica es diferencia bàsicament en la possessió de 3 regions úniques que contenen 34 gens implicats en funcions claus per al procés fermentatiu. A banda, s’han dut a terme estudis de filogènia i synteny (ordre dels gens) que mostren que una d'aquestes tres regions és pròxima a una espècie relacionada amb el gènere Saccharomyces, mentre que les altres dos regions tenen un origen no-Saccharomyces. S’ha identificat mitjançant PCR i seqüenciació a Zygosaccharomyces bailii, una espècie contaminant de les fermentacions víniques, com a espècie donadora d'una de les dues regions. Les hibridacions naturals entre soques de diferents espècies dins del grup Saccharomyces sensu stricto ja han estat descrites. El treball és el primer que presenta hibridacions entre espècies Saccharomyces i no-Saccharomyces (Z. bailii, en aquest cas). També s’assenyala que les noves regions es troben freqüent i diferencialment presents entre els clades de S. cerevisiae, trobant-se de manera gairebé exclusiva en el grup de les soques víniques, suggerint que es tracta d'una adquisició recent de transferència gènica. En general, les dades demostren que el genoma de les soques víniques pateix una constant remodelació mitjançant l'adquisició de gens exògens. Els resultats suggereixen que aquests processos estan afavorits per la proximitat ecològica i estan implicats en l'adaptació molecular de les soques víniques a les condicions d'elevada concentració en sucres, poc nitrogen i elevades concentracions en etanol.


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An extracellular ethanol-tolerant β-glucosidase from Sporidiobolus pararoseus was purified to homogeneity and characterized, and its potential use for the enhancement of wine aroma was investigated. The crude enzymatic extract was purified in four steps (concentration, dialysis, ultrafiltration, and chromatography) with a yield of around 40 % for total activity. The purified enzyme (designated Sp-βgl-P) showed a specific activity of approximately 20.0 U/mg, an estimated molecular mass of 63 kDa after sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and isoelectric point of 5.0 by isoelectric focusing. Sp-βgl-P has optimal activity at pH 4.0 and at 55 °C. It was stable in a broad pH range at low temperatures and it was tolerant to ethanol and glucose, indicating suitable properties for winemaking. The hydrolysis of glycosidic terpenes was analyzed by adding Sp-βgl-P directly to the wines. The released terpene compounds were evaluated by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The enzymatic treatment significantly increased the amount of free terpenes, suggesting that this enzyme could potentially be applicable in wine aroma improvement. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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In Hinsicht darauf, dass sich S. cerevisiae-Stämme im Laufe der Domestizierung und Anpassung an verschiedene Habitate genetisch verändert haben, wurde in dieser Arbeit eine repräsentative Auswahl von Labor-, kommerziellen und in der Natur vorkommenden Saccharomyces-Stämmen und ihren Interspezies-Hybriden auf die Verbreitung alleler Varianten der Hexokinase-Gene HXK1 und HXK2 getestet. Von den Hexose-Transportern stand Hxt3p im Mittelpunkt, da seine essentielle Rolle bei der Vergärung von Glucose und Fructose bereits belegt wurde.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass es bedeutende Unterschiede in der Vergärung von Glucose und Fructose zwischen Weinhefen der Gattung Saccharomyces gibt, die z.T. mit Struktur-Varianten des Hexose-Transporter Hxt3p korrelieren. rnInsgesamt 51 Hefestämme wurden auf ihre allele Variante des HXT3-Gens untersucht. Dabei haben sich drei Hauptgruppen (die Fermichamp®-Typ Gruppe, Bierhefen und Hybrid-Stämme) mit unterschiedlichem HXT3-Allel ergeben. Im Zusammenhang mit der Weinherstellung wurden signifikante Nukleotid-Substitutionen innerhalb des HXT3-Gens der robusten S. cerevisiae-Stämme (wie z.B. Sekthefen, kommerzielle Starterkulturen) und Hybrid-Stämmen festgestellt. Diese Hefen zeichneten sich durch die Fähigkeit aus, den Most trotz stressigen Umwelt-Bedingungen (wie hohe Ethanol-Konzentration, reduzierter Ammonium-Gehalt, ungünstiges Glucose:Fructose-Verhältnis) zu vergären. rnDie Experimente deuten darauf hin, dass die HXT3-Allel-Variante des als Starterkultur verwendbaren Stammes Fermichamp®, für den verstärkten Fructose-Abbau verantwortlich ist. Ein gleiches Verhalten der Stämme mit dieser Allel-Variante wurde ebenfalls beobachtet. Getestet wurden die S. cerevisiae-Stämme Fermichamp® und 54.41, die bezüglich Hxt3p-Aminosäuresequenz gleich sind, gegenüber zwei S. cerevisiae-Stämmen mit dem HXT3-Standard-Alleltyp Fermivin® und 33. Der Unterschied in der Hexose-Verwertung zwischen Stämmen mit Fermichamp®- und Standard-Alleltyp war in der Mitte des Gärverlaufs am deutlichsten zu beobachten. Beide Gruppen, sowohl mit HXT3 Fermichamp®- als auch Fermivin®-Alleltyp vergoren die Glucose schneller als die Fructose. Der Unterschied aber zwischen diesen HXT3-Alleltypen bei der Zucker-Verwertung lag darin, dass der Fermichamp®-Typ eine kleinere Differenz in der Abbau-Geschwindigkeit der beiden Hexosen zeigte als der Fermivin®-Typ. Die Zuckeraufnahme-Messungen haben die relativ gute Fructose-Aufnahme dieser Stämme bestätigt.rnEbenfalls korrelierte der fructophile Charakter des Triple-Hybrides S. cerevisiae x S. kudriavzevii x S. bayanus-Stamm HL78 in Transportexperimenten mit verstärkter Aufnahme von Fructose im Vergleich zu Glucose. Insgesamt zeigte dieser Stamm ähnliches Verhalten wie die S. cerevisiae-Stämme Fermichamp® und 54.41. rnIn dieser Arbeit wurde ein Struktur-Modell des Hexose-Transporters Hxt3p erstellt. Als Basis diente die zu 30 % homologe Struktur des Proton/Xylose-Symporters XylE aus Escherichia coli. Anhand des Hxt3p-Modells konnten Sequenzbereiche mit hoher Variabilität (Hotspots) in drei Hxt3p-Isoformen der Hauptgruppen (die Fermichamp®-Typ Gruppe, Bierhefen und Hybrid-Stämme) detektiert werden. Diese signifikanten Aminosäure-Substitutionen, die eine mögliche Veränderung der physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften des Carriers mit sich bringen, konzentrieren sich auf drei Bereiche. Dazu gehören die Region zwischen den N- und C-terminalen Domänen, die cytosolische Domäne und der Outside-Loop zwischen Transmembranregion 9 und Transmembranregion 10. rnObwohl die Transportmessungen keinen Zusammenhang zwischen Stämmen mit unterschiedlichen HXT3-Allelen und ihrer Toleranz gegenüber Ethanol ergaben, wurde ein signifikanter Anstieg in der Zuckeraufnahme nach vorheriger 24-stündiger Inkubation mit 4 Vol% Ethanol bei den Teststämmen beobachtet. rnInsgesamt könnten allele Varianten von HXT3-Gen ein nützliches Kriterium bei der Suche nach robusten Hefen für die Weinherstellung oder für andere industrielle Anwendungen sein. Die Auswirkung dieser Modifikationen auf die Struktur und Effizienz des Hexose-Transporters, sowie der mögliche Zusammenhang mit Ethanol-Resistenz müssen weiter ausführlich untersucht werden. rnEin Zusammenhang zwischen den niedrig variablen Allel-Varianten der Hexokinase-Gene HXK1 und HXK2 und dem Zucker-Metabolismus wurde nicht gefunden. Die Hexokinasen der untersuchten Stämme wiesen allerdings generell eine signifikante geringere Affinität zu Fructose im Vergleich zu Glucose auf. Hier liegt sicherlich eine Hauptursache für den Anstieg des Fructose:Glucose-Verhältnisses im Laufe der Vergärung von Traubenmosten.rn


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Pouco se sabe sobre o efeito do substrato e a interação entre as leveduras selvagens e bactérias do gênero Lactobacillus na fermentação alcoólica, pois os estudos tem se concentrado na avaliação dos efeitos da contaminação por um ou outro contaminante separadamente. Diante disso, este trabalho teve como objetivos estudar o efeito do substrato e das condições de tratamento do fermento sobre as fermentações contaminadas com ambos os micro-organismos, leveduras S. cerevisiae selvagens (três linhagens apresentando colônias rugosas e células dispostas em pseudohifas) e Lactobacillus fermentum, tendo a linhagem industrial de S. cerevisiae PE-2 como levedura do processo. Foram realizadas fermentações em batelada em mosto de caldo e de melaço, sem reciclo e com reciclo celular, utilizando tanto a cultura pura da linhagem PE-2 quanto as culturas mistas com as linhagens rugosas e ou L. fermentum. Foram avaliadas modificações no tratamento ácido do fermento, visando o controle do crescimento dos contaminantes sem afetar a levedura do processo. Em seguida, foram conduzidas fermentações contaminadas e não contaminadas submetidas ao tratamento ácido combinado com adição de etanol, tanto em caldo quanto em melaço, utilizando-se PE-2, uma das linhagens rugosas e L. fermentum. A atividade da invertase extracelular foi também avaliada em ambos os substratos para os micro-organismos estudados, em condições de crescimento. Concluiu-se que o tipo de substrato de fermentação, caldo de cana ou melaço, influenciou o desempenho da linhagem industrial PE-2 assim como afetou o desenvolvimento das contaminações com as leveduras rugosas S. cerevisiae na presença ou ausência da bactéria L. fermentum, em fermentações sem reciclo celular. O efeito da contaminação foi mais evidente quando se utilizou caldo de cana do que melaço como substrato, no caso da contaminação com leveduras rugosas, e o inverso no caso da contaminação com L. fermentum. O efeito da contaminação sobre a eficiência fermentativa foi maior na presença da levedura rugosa do que com a bactéria, e a contaminação dupla (tanto com a levedura rugosa quanto com a bactéria) não teve efeito maior sobre a eficiência fermentativa do que a contaminação simples, por um ou por outro micro-organismo isoladamente, especialmente na fermentação em batelada com reciclo celular, independentemente do substrato. Nas fermentações com reciclo de células, o efeito do substrato foi menos evidente. O controle do crescimento das linhagens rugosas pode ser realizado modificando o tratamento ácido normalmente realizado na indústria, seja pela adição de etanol à solução ácida ou pelo abaixamento do pH, dependendo da linhagem rugosa. O tratamento combinado baixo pH (2,0) + 13% etanol afetou a fisiologia da linhagem industrial, trazendo prejuízos à fermentação com reciclo celular, com pequeno controle sobre o crescimento da levedura rugosa e causando morte celular à L. fermentum. A diferença na atividade invertásica entre as linhagens rugosas e industrial de S. cerevisiae pode ser a responsável pela fermentação lenta apresentada pelas linhagens rugosas quando presentes na fermentação, sendo não significativa a influência do substrato sobre a atividade dessa enzima.


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Mestrado Vinifera Euromaster - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL