49 resultados para BACTERIOCINS


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Aims: To examine the prevalence of bacteriocin production in Streptococcus bovis isolates from Australian ruminants and the feasibility of industrial production of bacteriocin. Methods and Results: Streptococcus bovis strains were tested for production of bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances (BLIS) by antagonism assay against Lactococcus lactis. BLIS production was associated with source animal location (i.e. proximity of other bacteriocin-positive source animals) rather than ruminant species/breed or diet. One bacteriocin showing strong inhibitory activity (Sb15) was isolated and examined. Protein sequence, stability and activity spectrum of this bovicin were very similar to bovicin HC5. Production could be increased through serial culturing, and increased productivity could be partially maintained during cold storage of cultures. Conclusions: BLIS production is geographically widely distributed in Eastern Australia, and it appears that the bacteriocin+ trait is maintained in animals at the same location. The HC5-like bacteriocin, originally identified in North America, is also found in Australia. Production of bacteriocin can be increased through serial culturing. Significance and Impact of the Study: The HC5-like bacteriocins appear to have a broad global distribution. Serial culturing may provide a route towards commercial manufacturing for use in industrial applications, and purified bacteriocin from S. bovis Sb15 could potentially be used to prevent food spoilage or as a feed additive to promote growth in ruminant species.


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Pathogenic microorganisms such as Bacillus cereus, Listeria Monocytogenes and Staphylococcus sp have caused serious diseases, and consequently contributed to considerable economic loss in the food and agricultural industries. Antibiotics have been practically used to treat these pathogens since penicillin G was discovered more than half a century ago. Many different types of antibiotics have been discovered or synthesized to control pathogenic microorganisms. Repetitive use and misuse of antibiotics by the agricultural and pharmaceutical industries have caused the emergence of multidrug-resistant microorganisms, even to the strongest antibiotics currently available; therefore, the rapid development of more effective antimicrobial compounds is required to keep pace with demand. Bacteria were isolated from marine water and sediment samples collected from various locations off the coast of Cochin and salt pans of Tuticorin using pour plate technique. One hundred and twelve isolates were obtained. Seventeen isolates exhibiting antimicrobial activity were segregated after primary screening. The secondary screening which was aimed at selection of bacteria that produce proteinaceous inhibitory compounds, helped to select five strains viz. BTFK101, BTHT8, BTKM4, BTEK16 and BTSB22. The five isolates inhibited the growth of six Gram positive test organisms viz. B. cereus, B. circulans, B. coagulans, B. pumilus, Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium perfringens. After quantitative estimation of the bacteriocin production, the two strains BTFK101 and BTHT8 were selected for further study.


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Xylella fastidiosa is the etiologic agent of a wide range of plant diseases, including citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC), a major threat to citrus industry. The genomes of several strains of this phytopathogen were completely sequenced, enabling large-scale functional studies. DNA microarrays representing 2,608 (91.6%) coding sequences (CDS) of X. fastidiosa CVC strain 9a5c were used to investigate transcript levels during growth with different iron availabilities. When treated with the iron chelator 2,2`-dipyridyl, 193 CDS were considered up-regulated and 216 were considered down-regulated. Upon incubation with 100 mu M ferric pyrophosphate, 218 and 256 CDS were considered up- and down-regulated, respectively. Differential expression for a subset of 44 CDS was further evaluated by reverse transcription-quantitative PCR. Several CDS involved with regulatory functions, pathogenicity, and cell structure were modulated under both conditions assayed, suggesting that major changes in cell architecture and metabolism occur when X. fastidiosa cells are exposed to extreme variations in iron concentration. Interestingly, the modulated CDS include those related to colicin V-like bacteriocin synthesis and secretion and to functions of pili/fimbriae. We also investigated the contribution of the ferric uptake regulator Fur to the iron stimulon of X. fastidiosa. The promoter regions of the strain 9a5c genome were screened for putative Fur boxes, and candidates were analyzed by electrophoretic mobility shift assays. Taken together, our data support the hypothesis that Fur is not solely responsible for the modulation of the iron stimulon of X fastidiosa, and they present novel evidence for iron regulation of pathogenicity determinants.


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The differences between Escherichia coli strains associated with symptomatic and asymptomatic urinary tract infections (UTIs) remain to be properly determined. Here we examined the prevalence of plasmid types and bacteriocins, as well as genetic relatedness, in a defined collection of E. coli strains that cause UTIs. Comparative analysis identified a subgroup of strains with a high number of virulence genes (VGs) and microcins M/H47. We also identified associations between microcin genes, VGs, and specific plasmid types.


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Bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria and their isolated peptide bacteriocins are of value to control pathogens and spoiling microorganisms in foods and feed. Nisin is the only bacteriocin that is commonly accepted as a food preservative and has a broad spectrum of activity against Gram-positive organisms including spore forming bacteria. In this study nisin induction was studied from two perspectives, induction from inside of the cell and selection of nisin inducible strains with increased nisin induction sensitivity. The results showed that a mutation in the nisin precursor transporter NisT rendered L. lactis incapable of nisin secretion and lead to nisin accumulation inside the cells. Intracellular proteolytic activity could cleave the N-terminal leader peptide of nisin precursor, resulting in active nisin in the cells. Using a nisin sensitive GFP bioassay it could be shown, that the active intracellular nisin could function as an inducer without any detectable release from the cells. The results suggested that nisin can be inserted into the cytoplasmic membrane from inside the cell and activate NisK. This model of two-component regulation may be a general mechanism of how amphiphilic signals activate the histidine kinase sensor and would represent a novel way for a signal transduction pathway to recognize its signal. In addition, nisin induction was studied through the isolation of natural mutants of the GFPuv nisin bioassay strain L. lactis LAC275 using fl uorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). The isolated mutant strains represent second generation of GFPuv bioassay strains which can allow the detection of nisin at lower levels. The applied aspect of this thesis was focused on the potential of bacteriocins in chicken farming. One aim was to study nisin as a potential growth promoter in chicken feed. Therefore, the lactic acid bacteria of chicken crop and the nisin sensitivity of the isolated strains were tested. It was found that in the crop Lactobacillus reuteri, L. salivarius and L. crispatus were the dominating bacteria and variation in nisin resistance level of these strains was found. This suggested that nisin may be used as growth promoter without wiping out the dominating bacterial species in the crop. As the isolated lactobacilli may serve as bacteria promoting chicken health or reducing zoonoosis and bacteriocin production is one property associated with probiotics, the isolated strains were screened for bacteriocin activity against the pathogen Campylobacter jejuni. The results showed that many of the isolated L. salivarius strains could inhibit the growth of C. jejuni. The bacteriocin of the L. salivarius LAB47 strain, with the strongest activity, was further characterized. Salivaricin 47 is heat-stable and active in pH range 3 to 8, and the molecular mass was estimated to be approximately 3.2 kDa based on tricine SDS-PAGE analysis.


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The chemical composition of breast milk has been studied in detail in the past decades. Hundreds of new antibacterial and antiviral components have been found. Several molecules have been found to promote the proper function of neonatal intestine. However, microbiological studies of breast milk have been, until recently, focused mainly on detecting harmful and pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Natural microbial diversity of human milk has not been widely studied before the work reported in this thesis. This is mainly because breast milk has traditionally been thought to be sterile - even if a certain amount of commensal bacteria have usually been detected in milk samples. The first part of this licentiate thesis contains a short literature review about the anatomy and physiology of breast feeding, human milk chemical and microbiological composition, mastitis, intestinal flora and bacteriocins. The second part reports on the experiments of the licentiate work, concentrating on the microbial diversity in the milk of healthy breast-feeding mothers, and the ability of these bacteria to produce antibacterial substances against pathogenic bacteria. The results indicate that human milk is a source of commensal bacteria for infant intestine. 509 random isolates from 40 breast milk samples were isolated and identified by 16S rRNA sequencing. Median bacterial count was about 600 colony forming units per milliliter. Over half of the isolates were staphylococci, and almost one third streptococci. The most common species were skin bacteria Staphylococcus epidermidis and oral bacteria Streptococcus salivarius and Streptococcus mitis. Lactic acid bacteria, identified as members of Lactobacillus-, Lactococcus- and Leuconostoc -genera, were found in five milk samples. Enterococci were found in three samples. A novel finding in this study is the capability of these commensal bacteria to inhibit the growth of pathogens. In 90 precent of the milk samples commensal bacteria inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus were found. In 40 precent of samples the colonies could block the growth completely. One fifth of the isolated Staph. epidermidis strains, half of Str. salivarius strains, and all lactic acid bacteria and enterococci could inhibit or block the growth of Staph. aureus. In further study also Listeria innocua- and Micrococcus luteus active isolates were found in 33 and 11 precent of milk samples (out of 140). Furthermore, two Lactococcus lactis isolates from the breast milk were shown to produce bacteriocin nisin, which is an antimicrobial molecule used as a food preservative. The importance of these human milk commensal bacteria in the development of newborn intestinal flora and immune system, as well as in preventing maternal breast infections, should be further explored.


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Lacticin 3147, enterocin AS-48, lacticin 481, variacin, and sakacin P are bacteriocins offering promising perspectives in terms of preservation and shelf-life extension of food products and should find commercial application in the near future. The studies detailing their characterization and bio-preservative applications are reviewed. Transcriptomic analyses showed a cell wall-targeted response of Lactococcus lactis IL1403 during the early stages of infection with the lytic bacteriophage c2, which is probably orchestrated by a number of membrane stress proteins and involves D-alanylation of membrane lipoteichoic acids, restoration of the physiological proton motive force disrupted following bacteriophage infection, and energy conservation. Sequencing of the eight plasmids of L. lactis subsp. cremoris DPC3758 from raw milk cheese revealed three anti-phage restriction/modification (R/M) systems, immunity/resistance to nisin, lacticin 481, cadmium and copper, and six conjugative/mobilization regions. A food-grade derivative strain with enhanced bacteriophage resistance was generated via stacking of R/M plasmids. Sequencing and functional analysis of the four plasmids of L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar. diacetylactis DPC3901 from raw milk cheese revealed genes novel to Lactococcus and typical of bacteria associated with plants, in addition to genes associated with plant-derived lactococcal strains. The functionality of a novel high-affinity regulated system for cobalt uptake was demonstrated. The bacteriophage resistant and bacteriocin-producing plasmid pMRC01 places a metabolic burden on lactococcal hosts resulting in lowered growth rates and increased cell permeability and autolysis. The magnitude of these effects is strain dependent but not related to bacteriocin production. Starters’ acidification capacity is not significantly affected. Transcriptomic analyses showed that pMRC01 abortive infection (Abi) system is probably subjected to a complex regulatory control by Rgg-like ORF51 and CopG-like ORF58 proteins. These regulators are suggested to modulate the activity of the putative Abi effectors ORF50 and ORF49 exhibiting topology and functional similarities to the Rex system aborting bacteriophage λ lytic growth.


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The global proportion of older persons is increasing rapidly. Diet and the intestinal microbiota independently and jointly contribute to health in the elderly. The habitual dietary patterns and functional microbiota components of elderly subjects were investigated in order to identify specific effector mechanisms. A study of the dietary intake of Irish community-dwelling elderly subjects showed that the consumption of foods high in fat and/or sugar was excessive, while consumption of dairy foods was inadequate. Elderly females typically had a more nutrient- dense diet than males and a considerable proportion of subjects, particularly males, had inadequate intakes of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, folate, zinc and vitamin C. The association between dietary patterns, glycaemic index and cognitive function was also investigated. Elderly subjects consuming ‘prudent’ dietary patterns had better cognitive function compared to those consuming ‘Western’ dietary patterns. Furthermore, fully-adjusted regression models revealed that a high glycaemic diet was associated with poor cognitive function, demonstrating a new link between nutrition and cognition. An extensive screening study of the elderly faecal-derived microbiota was also undertaken to examine the prevalence of antimicrobial production by intestinal bacteria. A number of previously characterised bacteriocins were isolated (gassericin T, ABP-118, mutacin II, enterocin L-50 and enterocin P) in this study. Interestingly, a Lactobacillus crispatus strain was found to produce a potentially novel antimicrobial compound. Full genome sequencing of this strain revealed the presence of three loci which exhibited varying degrees of homology with the genes responsible for helveticin J production in Lb. helveticus. An additional study comparing the immunomodulatory capacity of ‘viable’ and ‘non-viable’ Bifidobacterium strains found that Bifidobacterium-fermented milks (BFMs) containing ‘non-viable’ cells could stimulate levels of IL-10 and TNF-α in a manner similar to those stimulated by BFMs containing ‘viable’ cells in vitro.


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Due to the increasing incidence of antibiotic resistant strains, the use of novel antimicrobials, such as bacteriocins, has become an ever more likely prospect. Lacticin 3147 (of which there are two components, Ltnα and Ltnβ) and nisin belong to the subgroup of bacteriocins called the lantibiotics, which has attracted much attention in recent years. The lantibiotics are antimicrobial peptides that contain unusual amino acids resulting from a series of enzyme-mediated post translational modifications. Given that there have been relatively few examples of lantibiotic-specific resistance; these antimicrobials appear to represent valid alternatives to classical antibiotics. However, the fact that lantibiotics are naturally only produced in small amounts often hinders their commercialisation. In order to overcome this bottleneck, several approaches can be employed. For example, we can create a situation that reduces the quantity of a lantibiotic required to inhibit a target by combining it with other antimicrobials. Here, following an initial screen involving lacticin 3147 and several classical antibiotics, it was observed between lacticin 3147 and the commercial antibiotics polymyxin B/E function synergistically. This reduced the amounts of the individual antimicrobials required for kill and broadened the spectrum of inhibition of both agents. Upon combination with polymyxins, lacticin 3147, which has been associated with Gram positive targets only, actively targeted Gram negative species such as Escherichia coli and Cronobacter sp. An alternative means of addressing problems associated with lantibiotic yield is to better understand how production is regulated, and ultimately use this information to enhance peptide levels. With this in mind the regulation of lacticin 3147 production from the promoter Pbac was investigated using a green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression reporter system. This revealed that elements within both of the divergent operons of the lacticin 3147 gene cluster are involved in Pbac regulation. That is, LtnR, already established as a negative regulator of itself and the lacticin 3147 associated immunity genes, also acts as an activator of Pbac transcription. In contrast, an enhanced level of expression is observed in the absence of the lacticin 3147 structural genes, ltnA1 and ltnA2, indicating that these genes/gene products are involved in Pbac repression. In fact, through complementation of the ltnA2 gene, it was revealed that this regulation is more likely to be dependent on the presence of the gene transcript rather that the corresponding prepropeptide or modified Ltnβ. It may be that if lacticin 3147 production is successfully enhanced, the ability of the producing cell to protect itself may become an issue. To prepare for such a possibility a bioengineered derivative of the lacticin 3147 immunity protein LtnI (LtnI I81V) which provides enhanced protection was discovered through an in depth investigation involving the site and saturation mutagenesis of this protein. In addition, the creation of truncated forms of LtnI allowed the identification of important and essential regions of this immunity protein. Finally, as mentioned, self-immunity is essential to prevent self-killing. However the discovery of nisin U immunity and regulatory gene homologues (spiFEGRR’K) within the pathogenic strain S. infantarius subsp. infantarius is a cause for concern as it represents an example of immune mimicry, a form of lantibiotic-specific resistance. The ability of spiFEG to confer protection was apparent when they successfully provided protection to nisin A, F, Z, Q and U when expressed heterologously in the nisin sensitive L. lactis HP host. As a consequence of the studies presented in this thesis, it is likely that strategies will emerge that will facilitate the production of greater levels of lacticin 3147 production and lead to enhanced immunity in lactococcal backgrounds. Alternatively the need for enhanced production could be avoided through the use of antimicrobial combinations. In addition, providing awareness of the threats of the emergence of resistance through immune mimicry can allow researchers to develop strategies to prevent this phenomenon from leading to the dissemination of lantibiotic resistance.


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The human gastrointestinal (GI) tract is colonized by a dense and diverse bacterial community, the commensal microbiota, which plays an important role in the overall health of individuals. This microbiota is relatively stable throughout adult life, but may fluctuate over time with aging and disease. The adaptation of the gut microbiota to our changing life-style is probably the reason for the large inter-individual variation observed among different people. Since the gut microbiota plays an essential role in interactions with host metabolism, it is of utmost importance to explore this relationship. The elderly intestinal microbiota has been the subject of a number of studies in recent years. The results presented in this thesis have further contributed to the expansion of knowledge related to gut microbiota research highlighting the combined effect of culture based and molecular methods as powerful tools for understanding the true impact of microbes. The degree of correlation between measurements from both methods suggested that a single method is capable of profiling intestinal Bifidobacterium spp., Lactobacillus spp. and Enterobacteriaceae populations. Bacteriocins have shown great promise as alternatives to traditional antibiotics. In this respect, the isolation and characterisation of bacteriocinogenic strains are important due to growing evidence indicating bacteriocin production as a potential probiotic trait by virtue of strain dominance and/or pathogen inhibition in the mammalian intestine. The selection pressure applied on the bacterial population during antibiotic usage is the driving force for the emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Identification of antibiotic resistant isolates opens up the possibility of using such probiotics to offset the problems caused by antibiotics to the gut microbiota and to improve the intestinal microbial environment. Future work is required to explore the culture collection housing thousands of bacterial isolates as a valuable source of potential probiotics for use for the elderly Irish community.


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Clostridium difficile is mainly a nosocomial pathogen and is a significant cause of antibioticassociated diarrhea. It is also implicated in the majority of cases of pseudomembranous colitis. The main etiological agent of C. difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD) is perturbations to the gut microbiota by broad-spectrum antibiotics. Recently, thuricin CD, a two-peptide narrow spectrum sactibiotic bacteriocin with potent activity against C. difficile has been discovered. It is produced by Bacillus thuringiensis DPC6431. The efficacy of thuricin CD against a range of C. difficile clinical isolates has been determined in the form of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values and compared to metronidazole, vancomycin, ramoplanin and actagardine in this thesis. Furthermore, by assessing paired combinations of the above-mentioned antimicrobials, it was determined that ramoplanin and actagardine function in a synergistic manner against the majority of C. difficile isolates. The functions of the genes in the thuricin CD gene cluster have also been elucidated by cloning the cluster and expressing thuricin CD in a heterologous Bacillus subtilis host and are described herein. In addition, the immunity mechanisms employed by the B. thuringiensis DPC6431 producer to protect itself from the antimicrobial actions of thuricin CD have also been elucidated. It has been shown that a small immunity peptide, TrnI, is involved in thuricin CD immunity, most likely by intercepting the thuricin CD peptides and/or blocking their access to the thuricin CD receptor. This immunity peptide and also the ABC-transporter system TrnFG serve to protect the B. thuringiensis host against thuricin CD.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, 18 de Novembro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Tecnologia e Segurança Alimentar, 12 Fevereiro de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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In this study, an attempt has been made to gather enough information regarding lactic acid bacteria from fish and shellfish of tropical regions. The occurrence and distribution of lactic acid bacteria in fresh and frozen marine fish and shellfish, farmed fish and shellfish, cured and pickled fish and shellfish have been investigated. Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) have for centuries been responsible for the fermentative preservation of many foods. They are used to retard spoilage and preserve foods through natural fermentations. They have found commercial applications as starter cultures in the dairy, baking, meat, fish, and vegetable and alcoholic beverage industries. They are industrially important organisms recognized for their fermentative ability as well as their nutritional benefits. These organisms produce various compounds such as organic acids, diacetyl, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins or bactericidal proteins during lactic fermentations.Biopreservation of foods using bacteriocin producing LAB cultures is becoming widely used. The antimicrobial effect of bacteriocins and other compounds produced during fermentation of carbohydrates are well known to inhibit the growth of certain food spoiling bacteria as well as a limited group of food poisoning and pathogenic bacteria LAB like Lactobacillus plantarum are widely used as starter cultures for the Production of fish ensilage. The present study is the first quantitative and qualitative study on the occurrence and distribution of lactic acid bacteria in fresh and frozen fish and prawn. It is concluded that Lactobacillus plantaruni was the predominant lactobacillus species in fresh and frozen fish and shellfish. The ability of selected Lactobacillus cultures to grow at low temperatures, high salt content, produce bacteriocins, rapidly ferment sugars and decrease the pH make them potential candidates for biopreservation of fish and shellfish.


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La demanda creixent de productes mínimament processats i llestos per al consum planteja un important repte per a la seguretat alimentaria i ha conduit al desenvolupament de tractaments suaus que permetin inhibir el creixement microbià conservant la qualitat dels aliments. Els treballs recollits a la present tesi van plantejar diverses estratègies consistents en la combinació d'obstacles al creixement microbià per a millorar la seguretat de productes carnis llestos per al consum. Amb l'objectiu de millorar la seguretat dels embotits poc àcids, es va valorar l'aplicació del tractament per alta pressió hidrostàtica (APH) i l'addició de cultius iniciadors en embotits poc àcids. Per altra banda, per a reduir el risc de L. monocytogenes durant la conservació del pernil cuit llescat, es va avaluar l'efecte combinat de l'addició d'antimicrobians naturals (lactatat-diacetat i enterocines), afegits directament o a través de l'envasament antimicrobià, i el tractament per alta pressió hidrostàtica.