103 resultados para Arthrospira platensis
This study dealt with the influence of both the feeding time and light intensity on the fed-batch culture of the cyanobacterium Spirulina (Arthrospira) platensis using ammonium chloride as a nitrogen source. For this purpose, a 2 2 plus star central composite experimental design combined with response surface methodology was employed, and the maximum cell concentration (X-m), the cell productivity (P-X), and the yield of biomass on nitrogen (Y-X/N) were selected as the response variables. The optimum values of X-m (1,833 mgL(-1)) and Y-X/N (5.9 gg(-1)) estimated by the model at light intensity of 13 klux and feeding time of 17.2 days were very close to those obtained experimentally under these conditions (X-m = 1,771 +/- 41 mg L-1; Y-X/N = 5.7 +/- 0.17 gg(-1)). The cell productivity was a decreasing function of the ammonium chloride feeding time and a quadratic function of the light intensity. The protein and lipid contents of dry biomass collected at the end of cultivations were shown to decrease with increasing light intensity.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Bioenergia
The microalgae biomass production from swine wastewater is a possible solution for the environmental impact generated by wastewater discharge into water sources. The biomass can be added to fish feed, which can be used in the formulation of meat products. This work addresses the adaptation of the microalgae Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira platensis) in swine wastewater and the study of the best dilution of the wastewater for maximum biomass production and for removal of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), ammonia and phosphorous to the microalgae. The cultivation of Spirulina platensis, strain Paracas presented maximum cellular concentrations and maximum specific growth rates in the wastewater concentration of 5.0 and 8.5%. The highest COD removals occurred with 26.5 and 30.0% of wastewater in the medium. The maximum removal of total phosphorous (41.6%), was with 8.5% of wastewater, which is related to the microalgae growth. The results of Spirulina culture in the swine wastewater demonstrated the possibility of using these microalgae for the COD and phosphorous removal and for biomass production.
In biotechnological processes, the culture media components are responsible for high costs and exert a strong influence on the cyanobacteria behavior. The objective of this study was to evaluate the Arthrospira platensis growth potential for biomass production under different cultivation conditions using an experimental design. Three factors that are important for cyanobacteria growth were evaluated: sodium bicarbonate (9 to 18 g/l), sodium nitrate (1.25 to 2.5 g/l), and irradiance (20 to 120 µmol photons/m2.s–1). The results showed that the concentration of NaNO3 in the A. platensis medium can be reduced, resulting in increased concentrations of biomass produced. There was a higher biomass production due to the increase in the concentration of NaHCO3 and irradiance, mainly when these two factors varied tending towards the highest values studied. The results demonstrate the potential to produce Arthrospira platensis with lower costs and effluent generation without affecting cultivation performance.
There has been an increase in investment in research on new sources of natural pigments for food application. Some cyanobacteria can change the structures responsible for light harvesting and cellular processes according to the wavelength and light intensity. This phenomenon has been described as complementary chromatic adaptation. The present study aimed to investigate the growth of Arthrospira platensis using different light qualities, irradiance, and wavelength by evaluating the production of biomass, proteins, and phycobiliproteins. The occurrence of the chromatic adaptation phenomenon in this cyanobacterium was also investigated. The microorganism used in this study, A. platensis, was grown in a Zarrouk medium under three irradiance levels, 50, 100, and 150 μmol fotons.m–2.s–1 with illumination provided by white and green fluorescent lamps. The condition of 150 µmol fotons.m–2.s–1 white light was the one that promoted the highest biomass production of A. platensis cultures (2115.24 mg.L–1). There was no difference in the production of total protein and total phycobiliproteins under the studied conditions. It is likely that the large supply of nitrogen in the Zarrouk medium was sufficient for cell growth and maintenance, and it supplied the production of accessory pigments composed of protein. Finally, there was no evidence of the complementary chromatic adaptation phenomenon in A. platensis cultivated under green light. Moreover, this condition did not increase phycocyanin production.
Aims: Arthrospira platensis has been studied for single-cell protein production because of its biomass composition and its ability of growing in alternative media. This work evaluated the effects of different dilution rates (D) and urea concentrations (N0) on A.similar to platensis continuous culture, in terms of growth, kinetic parameters, biomass composition and nitrogen removal. Methods and results: Arthrospira platensis was continuously cultivated in a glass-made vertical column photobioreactor agitated with Rushton turbines. There were used different dilution rates (0.040.44 day-1) and urea concentrations (0.5 and 5 mmol l-1). With N0 = 5 mmol l-1, the maximum steady-state biomass concentration was1415 mg l-1, achieved with D = 0.04 day-1, but the highest protein content (71.9%) was obtained by applying D = 0.12 day-1, attaining a protein productivity of 106.41 mg l-1 day-1. Nitrogen removal reached 99% on steady-state conditions. Conclusions: The best results were achieved by applying N0 = 5 mmol l-1; however, urea led to inhibitory conditions at D = 0.16 day-1, inducing the system wash-out. The agitation afforded satisfactory mixture and did not harm the trichomes structure. Significance and Impact of the Study: These results can enhance the basis for the continuous removal of nitrogenous wastewater pollutants using cyanobacteria, with an easily assembled photobioreactor.
Micro-organismos fotossintetizantes, incluído aqui o gênero Arthrospira, vêm sendo amplamente produzidos em larga escala em vários países, detendo um mercado que gera mais de 1 bilhão de dólares ao ano. A produção industrial utiliza grande volume de água com alta concentração salina para produzir milhares de toneladas de biomassa microalgal. É crescente a utilização de tratamento de águas por processo de separação por membranas, demonstrando ser uma técnica que gera água de ótima qualidade, de instalação compacta e de fácil automação. No presente trabalho, foi avaliada esta tecnologia para o reaproveitamento do meio de cultura em novos cultivos de micro-organismos fotossintetizantes, visando contribuir para a sustentabilidade deste processo produtivo. O efluente do cultivo de Arthrospira platensis oriundo de processo descontínuo em minitanques foi submetido a tratamento por membranas de filtração tangencial, incluindo microfiltração (MF) (porosidades de 0,65 µm e de 0,22 µm) e ultrafiltração (UF) (peso molecular de corte de 5.000 Da), em pressões transmembrana (TMP) de 22,5 a 90 kPa. Os processos de MF levaram a reduções médias de 53,9±1,3 % e 93,1±1,1 % de matéria orgânica natural (NOM) e pigmentos nos meios residuais, respectivamente. Com o uso de processos de UF, cujos meios foram previamente tratados por MF (0,22 µm e 22,5 kPa), as reduções médias de NOM e pigmentos foram de 57,2±0,5 % e 94,0±0,8 %, respectivamente. Os processos de MF com TMP de 22,5 kPa levaram a concentrações celulares máximas (Xm) equivalentes às obtidas com meio novo. O uso de membrana de 0,65 µm e TMP de 22,5 kPa levou a uma perda média de 2,9 %, 22,7 % e 16,4% dos nutrientes carbonato, fosfato e nitrato, respectivamente, mas a correção desses valores aos mesmos do meio padrão levou à obtenção dos mais altos valores de Xm (3586,6±80 mg L-1), produtividade em células (505,0±11,6 mg L-1 d-1) e fator de conversão de nitrogênio em células (29,6±0,7 mg mg-1). O teor protéico da biomassa foi estatisticamente igual ao da biomassa obtida de cultivo com meio padrão novo. Os dados deste trabalho evidenciam que processos de filtração por membrana são promissores para o reuso de meio de micro-organismos fotossintetizantes.
Carbon dioxide released from alcoholic fermentation accounts for 33% of the whole CO(2) involved in the use of ethanol as fuel derived from glucose. As Arthrospira platensis can uptake this greenhouse gas, this study evaluates the use of the CO(2) released from alcoholic fermentation for the production of Arthrospira platensis. For this purpose, this cyanobacterium was cultivated in continuous process using urea as nitrogen source, either using CO(2) from alcoholic fermentation, without any treatment, or using pure CO(2) from cylinder. The experiments were carried out at 120 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) in tubular photobioreactor at different dilution rates (0.2 <= D <= 0.8 d(-1)). Using CO(2) from alcoholic fermentation, maximum steady-state cell concentration (2661 +/- 71 mg L(-1)) was achieved at D 0.2 d(-1), whereas higher dilution rate (0.6 d(-1)) was needed to maximize cell productivity (839 mg L(-1) d(-1)). This value was 10% lower than the one obtained with pure CO(2), and there was no significant difference in the biomass protein content. With D 0.8 d(-1), it was possible to obtain 56% +/- 1.5% and 50% +/- 1.2% of protein in the dry biomass, using pure CO(2) and CO(2) from alcoholic fermentation, respectively. These results demonstrate that the use of such cost free CO(2) from alcoholic fermentation as carbon source, associated with low cost nitrogen source, may be a promising way to reduce costs of continuous cultivation of photosynthetic microorganisms, contributing at the same time to mitigate the greenhouse effect. (C) 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 27: 650-656, 2011
Semicontinuous cultures were carried out at different dilution rates (D) and light intensities (I) to determine the maximum productivity of Arthrospira platensis cultivated in helicoidal photobioreactor up to the achievement of pseudo-steady-state conditions. At I = 108 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), the semicontinuous regime ensured the highest values of maximum cell concentration (X(m) = 5772 +/- 113 mg L(-1)) and productivity (P(XS) = 1319 +/- 25 mg L(-1) d(-1)) at the lowest (D = 0.1 day(-1)) and the highest (D = 0.3 day(-1)) dilution rates, respectively. A kinetic model derived from that of Monod was proposed to determine the relationship between the product of light intensity to dilution rate (ID) and the cell productivity, which were shown to exert a combined influence on this parameter. This result put into evidence that pseudosteady-state conditions could be modified according to circumstances, conveniently varying one or other of the two independent variables. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work is focused on the influence of dilution rate (0.08 <= D <= 0.32 d(1)) on the continuous cultivation and biomass composition of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis using three different concentrations of ammonium chloride (c(No) = 1.0, 5.0 and 10 mol m (3)) as nitrogen source. At c(No) = 1.0 and 5.0 mol m (3) the biomass protein content was an increasing function of D, whereas, when using c(No) = 10 mol m (3), the highest protein content (72.5%) was obtained at D = 0.12 d (1). An overall evaluation of the process showed that biomass protein content increased with the rate of nitrogen supply (D c(No)) up to 72.5% at D c(No) = 1.20 mol m (3) d (1). Biomass lipid content was an increasing function of D only when the nitrogen source was the limiting factor for the growth (D c(No) <= 0.32 mol m (-3) d (1)), which occurred solely with c(No), = 1.0 mol m (3). Under such conditions, A. platensis reduced its nitrogen reserve in the form of proteins, while maintaining almost unvaried its lipid content. The latter was affected only when the concentration of nitrogen was extremely low (c(No) = 1.0 mol m (3)). The most abundant fatty acids were the palmitic (45.8 +/- 5.20%) and the gamma-linolenic (20.1 +/- 2.00%) ones. No significant alteration in the profiles either of saturated or unsaturated fatty acids was observed with c(No) <= 5.0 mol m (3), prevailing those with 16 and 18 carbons. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Arthrospira platensis was cultivated in tubular photobioreactor using different photosynthetic photon flux densities (PPFD) and protocols of (NH(4))(2)SO(4) fed-hatch supply. Results were evaluated by variance analysis selecting maximum cell concentration (X(m)), cell productivity (P(x)), nitrogen-to-cell conversion factor (Y(X/N)) and biomass, protein and lipid contents as responses. At PPFD of 120 and 240 mu mol-photons/m(2) s, a parabolic profile of (NH(4))(2)SO(4) addition aiming at producing biomass with 7% nitrogen content ensured X(m) values (14.1 and 12.2 g/L, respectively) comparable to those obtained with NaNO(3). At PPFD of 240 mu mol-photons/m(2) s, P(x) (1.69 g/Ld) was 36% higher, although the photosynthetic efficiency (3.0%) was less than one-half that at PPFD of 120 mu mol-photons/m(2) s. Biomass was shown to be constituted by about 35% proteins and 10% lipids, without any dependence on PPFD or kind of nitrogen source. These results highlight the possible use of (NH(4))(2)SO(4) as alternative, cheap nitrogen source for A. platensis cultivation in tubular photobioreactors. (C) 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 26: 1271-1277, 2010
Arthrospira platensis was cultivated in minitanks at 13 klux, using a mixture of KNO(3) and NH(4)Cl as nitrogen source. Fed-batch daily supply of NH(4)Cl at exponentially-increasing feeding rate allowed preventing ammonia toxicity and nitrogen deficiency, providing high maximum cell concentration (X(m)) and high-quality biomass (21.85 mg chlorophyll g cells(-1); 20.5% lipids; 49.8% proteins). A central composite design combined to response surface methodology was utilized to determine the relationships between responses (X(m), cell productivity and nitrogen-to-cell conversion factor) and independent variables (KNO(3) and NH(4)Cl concentrations). Under optimum conditions (15.5 mM KNO3; 14.1 mM NH(4)Cl), X(m) was 4327 mg L(-1), a value almost coincident with that obtained with only 25.4 mM KNO(3), but more than twice that obtained with 21.5 mM NH(4)Cl. A 30%-reduction of culture medium cost can be estimated when compared to KNO(3)-batch runs, thus behaving as a cheap alternative for the commercial production of this cyanobacterium. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: Fed-batch culture allows the cultivation of Arthrospira platensis using urea as nitrogen source. Tubular photobioreactors substantially increase cell growth, but the successful use of this cheap nitrogen source requires a knowledge of the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of the process. This work aims at identifying the effect of two independent variables, temperature (T) and urea daily molar flow-rate (U), on cell growth, biomass composition and thermodynamic parameters involved in this photosynthetic cultivation. RESULTS: The optimal values obtained were T = 32 degrees C and U = 1.16 mmol L-1 d-1, under which the maximum cell concentration was 4186 +/- 39 mg L-1, cell productivity 541 +/- 5 mg L-1 d-1 and yield of biomass on nitrogen 14.3 +/- 0.1 mg mg-1. Applying an Arrhenius-type approach, the thermodynamic parameters of growth (?H* = 98.2 kJ mol-1; ?S* = - 0.020 kJ mol-1 K-1; ?G* = 104.1 kJ mol-1) and its thermal inactivation (Delta H-D(0) =168.9 kJ mol-1; Delta S-D(0) = 0.459 kJ mol-1 K-1; Delta G(D)(0) =31.98 kJ mol-1) were estimated. CONCLUSIONS: To maximize cell growth T and U were simultaneously optimized. Biomass lipid content was not influenced by the experimental conditions, while protein content was dependent on both independent variables. Using urea as nitrogen source prevented the inhibitory effect already observed with ammonium salts. Copyright (c) 2012 Society of Chemical Industry
The present study aimed at evaluating the production of Arthrospira platensis in tubular photobioreactor using CO2 from ethanol fermentation. The results of these cultivations were compared to those obtained using CO2 from cylinder at different protocols of simultaneous ammonium sulfate and sodium nitrate feeding. Maximum cell concentration (X-m), cell productivity (P-x), nitrogen-to-cell conversion factor (Y-X/N), and biomass composition (total lipids and proteins) were selected as responses and evaluated by analysis of variance. The source of CO2 did not exert any significant statistical influence on these responses, which means that the flue gas from ethanol fermentation could successfully be used as a carbon source as well as to control the medium pH, thus contributing to reduce the greenhouse effect. The results taken as a whole demonstrated that the best combination of responses mean values (X-m = 4.543 g L-1; P-x = 0.460 g L-1 d(-1); Y-X/N = 15.6 g g(-1); total lipids = 8.39%; total proteins = 18.7%) was obtained using as nitrogen source a mixture of 25% NaNO3 and 75% (NH4)(2)SO4, both expressed as nitrogen. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Arthrospira platensis was cultivated in tubular photobioreactor in order to evaluate growth and biomass production at variable photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD?=?60, 120, and 240?mu mol photons m-2?s-1) and employing three different systems for cell circulation, specifically an airlift, a motor-driven pumping and a pressurized system. The influence of these two independents variables on the maximum cell concentration (Xm), cell productivity (Px), nitrogen-to-cell conversion factor (YX/N), photosynthetic efficiency (PE), and biomass composition (total lipids and proteins), taken as responses, was evaluated by analysis of variance. The statistical analysis revealed that the best combination of responses' mean values (Xm?=?4,055?mg?L-1, Px?=?406?mg?L-1?day-1, YX/N?=?5.07?mg?mg-1, total lipids?=?8.94%, total proteins?=?30.3%, PE?=?2.04%) was obtained at PPFD?=?120?mu mol photons m-2?s-1; therefore, this light intensity should be considered as the most well-suited for A. platensis cultivation in this photobioreactor configuration. The airlift system did not exert any significant positive statistical influence on the responses, which suggests that this traditional cell circulation system could successfully be substituted by the others tested in this work. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109:444450. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.