949 resultados para Algebraic Polynomials
* The author was supported by NSF Grant No. DMS 9706883.
Let (a, b) subset of (0, infinity) and for any positive integer n, let S-n be the Chebyshev space in [a, b] defined by S-n:= span{x(-n/2+k),k= 0,...,n}. The unique (up to a constant factor) function tau(n) is an element of S-n, which satisfies the orthogonality relation S(a)(b)tau(n)(x)q(x) (x(b - x)(x - a))(-1/2) dx = 0 for any q is an element of Sn-1, is said to be the orthogonal Chebyshev S-n-polynomials. This paper is an attempt to exibit some interesting properties of the orthogonal Chebyshev S-n-polynomials and to demonstrate their importance to the problem of approximation by S-n-polynomials. A simple proof of a Jackson-type theorem is given and the Lagrange interpolation problem by functions from S-n is discussed. It is shown also that tau(n) obeys an extremal property in L-q, 1 less than or equal to q less than or equal to infinity. Natural analogues of some inequalities for algebraic polynomials, which we expect to hold for the S-n-pelynomials, are conjectured.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 12D10.
Let 0
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The results in this paper are motivated by two analogies. First, m-harmonic functions in R(n) are extensions of the univariate algebraic polynomials of odd degree 2m-1. Second, Gauss' and Pizzetti's mean value formulae are natural multivariate analogues of the rectangular and Taylor's quadrature formulae, respectively. This point of view suggests that some theorems concerning quadrature rules could be generalized to results about integration of polyharmonic functions. This is done for the Tchakaloff-Obrechkoff quadrature formula and for the Gaussian quadrature with two nodes.
The purpose of this paper is to show certain links between univariate interpolation by algebraic polynomials and the representation of polyharmonic functions. This allows us to construct cubature formulae for multivariate functions having highest order of precision with respect to the class of polyharmonic functions. We obtain a Gauss type cubature formula that uses ℳ values of linear functional (integrals over hyperspheres) and is exact for all 2ℳ-harmonic functions, and consequently, for all algebraic polynomials of n variables of degree 4ℳ - 1.
Let 0 < j < m ≤ n. Kolmogoroff type inequalities of the form ∥f(j)∥2 ≤ A∥f(m)∥ 2 + B∥f∥2 which hold for algebraic polynomials of degree n are established. Here the norm is defined by ∫ f2(x)dμ(x), where dμ(x) is any distribution associated with the Jacobi, Laguerre or Bessel orthogonal polynomials. In particular we characterize completely the positive constants A and B, for which the Landau weighted polynomial inequalities ∥f′∥ 2 ≤ A∥f″∥2 + B∥f∥ 2 hold. © Dynamic Publishers, Inc.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Differential resultant formulas are defined, for a system $\cP$ of $n$ ordinary Laurent differential polynomials in $n-1$ differential variables. These are determinants of coefficient matrices of an extended system of polynomials obtained from $\cP$ through derivations and multiplications by Laurent monomials. To start, through derivations, a system $\ps(\cP)$ of $L$ polynomials in $L-1$ algebraic variables is obtained, which is non sparse in the order of derivation. This enables the use of existing formulas for the computation of algebraic resultants, of the multivariate sparse algebraic polynomials in $\ps(\cP)$, to obtain polynomials in the differential elimination ideal generated by $\cP$. The formulas obtained are multiples of the sparse differential resultant defined by Li, Yuan and Gao, and provide order and degree bounds in terms of mixed volumes in the generic case.
* Dedicated to the memory of Prof. N. Obreshkoff
Михаил Константинов, Весела Пашева, Петко Петков - Разгледани са някои числени проблеми при използването на компютърната система MATLAB в учебната дейност: пресмятане на тригонометрични функции, повдигане на матрица на степен, спектрален анализ на целочислени матрици от нисък ред и пресмятане на корените на алгебрични уравнения. Причините за възникналите числени трудности могат да се обяснят с особеностите на използваната двоичната аритметика с плаваща точка.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 30C10.
MSC 2010: 30C10
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