996 resultados para 7140-234


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This study investigates the landscape evolution and soil development in the loess area near Regensburg between approximately 6000-2000 yr BP (radiocarbon years), Eastern Bavaria. The focus is on the question how man and climate influenced landscape evolution and what their relative significance was. The theoretical background concerning the factors that controlled prehistoric soil erosion in Middle Europe is summarized with respect to rainfall intensity and distribution, pedogenesis, Pleistocene relief, and prehistoric farming. Colluvial deposits , flood loams, and soils were studied at ten different and representative sites that served as archives of their respective palaeoenvironments. Geomorphological, sedimentological, and pedological methods were applied. According to the findings presented here, there was a high asynchronity of landscape evolution in the investigation area, which was due to prehistoric land-use patterns. Prehistoric land use and settlement caused highly difIerenciated phases of morphodynamic activity and stability in time and space. These are documented at the single catenas ofeach site. In general, Pleistocene relief was substantially lowered. At the same time smaller landforms such as dells and minor asymmetric valleys filled up and strongly transformed. However, there were short phases at many sites, forming short lived linear erosion features ('Runsen'), resulting from exceptional rainfalls. These forms are results of single events without showing regional trends. Generally, the onset of the sedimentation of colluvial deposits took place much earlier (usually 3500 yr BP (radiocarbon) and younger) than the formation of flood loams. Thus, the deposition of flood loams in the Kleine Laaber river valley started mainly as a consequence of iron age farming only at around 2500 yr BP (radiocarbon). A cascade system explains the different ages of colluvial deposits and flood loams: as a result of prehistoric land use, dells and other minor Pleistocene landforms were filled with colluvial sediments. After the filling of these primary sediment traps , eroded material was transported into flood plains, thus forming flood loams. But at the moment we cannot quantify the extent ofprehistoric soil erosion in the investigation area. The three factors that controlled the prehistoric Iandscapc evolution in the Ioess area near Regensburg are as follows: 1. The transformation from a natural to a prehistoric cultural landscape was the most important factor: A landscape with stable relief was changed into a highly morphodynamic one with soil erosion as the dominant process of this change. 2. The sediment traps of the pre-anthropogenic relief determined where the material originated from soil erosion was deposited: either sedimentation took place on the slopes or the filled sediment traps of the slopes rendered flood loam formation possible. Climatic influence of any importance can only be documented as the result of land use in connection with singular and/or statistic events of heavy rainfalls. Without human impact, no significant change in the Holocene landscape would have been possible.


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Cortical connectivity is associated with cognitive and behavioral traits that are thought to vary between sexes. Using high-angular resolution diffusion imaging at 4 Tesla, we scanned 234 young adult twins and siblings (mean age: 23.4 2.0 SD years) with 94 diffusion-encoding directions. We applied a novel Hough transform method to extract fiber tracts throughout the entire brain, based on fields of constant solid angle orientation distribution functions (ODFs). Cortical surfaces were generated from each subject's 3D T1-weighted structural MRI scan, and tracts were aligned to the anatomy. Network analysis revealed the proportions of fibers interconnecting 5 key subregions of the frontal cortex, including connections between hemispheres. We found significant sex differences (147 women/87 men) in the proportions of fibers connecting contralateral superior frontal cortices. Interhemispheric connectivity was greater in women, in line with long-standing theories of hemispheric specialization. These findings may be relevant for ongoing studies of the human connectome.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área II - Direito Civil e Processual Civil, Direito Penal e Processual Penal, de Família, do Autor, de Sucessões, Internacional Privado.


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Nova fase nos trabalhos da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC). Começam os pedidos de destaque para o texto do segundo substitutivo do Relator Bernardo Cabral. O Deputado José Genoíno (PT-SP) esclarece que os destaques são para os artigos que tratam do papel das Forças Armadas, da ordem econômica e dos direitos sociais dos trabalhadores. O Líder do Governo, Deputado Carlos Sant'anna (PMDB-BA) informa que pedirá destaque para toda a parte referente ao Poder Executivo e ao Poder Legislativo. Líderes partidários se reúnem com o Presidente da ANC, Deputado Ulysses Guimarães para definir como será a votação dos destaques. O Deputado Vivaldo Barbosa (PDT-RJ) explica o processo de votação do substitutivo. O Presidente da ANC, Deputado Ulysses Guimarães informa que existe a possibilidade de votação global de emendas. O Deputado Roberto Freire (PCB-PE) ressalta a melhoria no texto que se refere ao tratamento das questões sociais. O Deputado Gastoni Righi (PTB-SP) considera que houve avanços em alguns assuntos, mas em outros não. Deputado Brandão Monteiro (PDT-RJ) afirma que o segundo substitutivo representa um retrocesso maior do que o primeiro e conclui que, se a Ditadura de 1964 foi um golpe da UDN, o parlamentarismo colocado no texto foi um golpe do PMDB. O Deputado José Lourenço (PFL-BA) repudia a criação do colégio eleitoral para o segundo turno de eleições para presidente, governadores e prefeitos. O Deputado Haroldo Lima (PC do B-BA) acredita que o substitutivo é um recuo sério e o seu partido tentará melhorá-lo. O Deputado Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT-SP) declara que o Relator Bernardo Cabral perdeu a chance de atender o clamor da sociedade em relação às grandes questões sociais que o povo reivindica.


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Membros da Comissão de Sistematização da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) começam a avaliar o novo projeto de Constituição. O Senador Carlos Chiarelli (PFL-RS) informa os pontos do relatório sobre a garantia de emprego, a previdência, a questão tributária e o serviço público. A questão do parlamentarismo como está abordada no relatório causa polêmica. O Deputado Carlos Sant`Anna (PFL-BA) não concorda com a eleição do Presidente da República, em segundo turno, pelo Congresso Nacional. O Deputado José Genoíno (PT-SP) informa que não se pode tirar do povo o direito de votar para presidente. Para o Presidente da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), Deputado Ulysses Guimarães a discussão continua e ainda é possível chegar a uma solução de entendimento. O Presidente José Sarney discutiu com assessores os pontos econômicos do novo relatório. Ronaldo Costa Couto, Ministro da Casa Civil, critica a reforma tributária. Constituintes começam a fazer pedidos de destaque para que sejam votados em separado trechos que não entraram no relatório. Progressistas fazem mais de mil destaques. O Senador Mário Maia (PDT-AC) e o Deputado Aldo Arantes (PC do B-GO) declaram sobre os temas relativos aos destaques.


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26 fotografías a color (los archivos digitales de algunas fotografías presentan bajo nivel de pixelaje).


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Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics, natural course, and complications of a large group of patients with primary iris pigment epithelium (IPE) cysts. Design: Observational case series. Participants: Two hundred thirty-four patients with primary IPE cysts participated. Results: Primary IPE cysts were classified as central in 6 patients (3%), midzonal in 50 patients (21%), peripheral in 170 patients (73%), and dislodged in 8 patients (3%). Central (pupillary) IPE cysts were found only in males, peripheral IPE cysts were found most often in females (69%), and no gender predilection was detected for midzonal and dislodged IPE cysts. Central and peripheral IPE cysts occurred in young patients (mean age, 20 and 33 years, respectively), whereas midzonal and dislodged IPE cysts were seen in slightly older patients (mean age, 52 and 45 years, respectively). Central IPE cysts were visible when the pupil was not dilated and appeared most often as a round or collapsed brown lesion arising from the pupillary margin, most commonly superonasally. Midzonal IPE cysts were brown and fusiform, best visualized after pupillary dilation. Peripheral IPE cysts produced a characteristic bulging in the iris stroma near the iris root, but they were directly visible in only 78% of cases. After wide dilation and patient and slit-lamp positioning, they appeared as a round clear lesion behind the iris, most often in the inferotemporal quadrant. Finally, dislodged IPE cysts appeared as a brown oval lesion, free floating in the anterior chamber (12%) or in the vitreous (12%), or fixed in the anterior chamber angle (75%). One hundred twenty-four patients (53%) were followed for a mean of 35 months (range, 3 months-19 years). In these patients, complications associated with IPE cysts included lens subluxation in one case (1%), iritis in one case (1%), focal cataract in two cases (2%), glaucoma in two cases (2%), and corneal touch in five cases (4%). Conclusion: Primary IPE cysts have characteristic clinical features that serve to differentiate them from intraocular malignancies. Most cysts have a benign clinical course, and treatment is rarely necessary.


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Introducción: El dolor posoperatorio no controlado es un predictor de dolor severo. La trayectoria de dolor durante la primera hora podría predecir el curso del dolor durante las primeras 24 horas. El control temprano del dolor posoperatorio facilita el manejo analgésico durante el primer día y mejora la experiencia del paciente, facilitando su recuperación y rehabilitación. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la trayectoria del dolor en la primera hora y durante las 24 horas post-operatorias. Material y métodos: Estudio analítico observacional prospectivo de 234 pacientes llevados a procedimientos quirúrgicos bajo anestesia general. Se registraron 8 intesidades de dolor durante las 24 horas. Se calcularon las pendientes y se estableció la relación entre ellas. Resultados: El 31,3% de pacientes tenían dolor no controlado al ingreso a recuperación. La intensidad del dolor al inicio se correlaciona de forma negativa con la trayectoria de la primera hora P1 rS= -0,657 (p=0.000). La intensidad de dolor inicial tiene una asociación negativa con P2 de rS= -0.141 (p=0.032). Al compararse las pendientes P1 y P2 y se encontró una correlación negativa muy baja rS= -0.126 (p=0.056). Conclusiones: Uno de cada tres pacientes presenta dolor severo durante el posoperatorio agudo. La trayectoria del dolor en la primera hora no permite predecir el comportamiento de la trayectoria durante el primer día posoperatorio. El comportamiento del dolor está relacionado con la intensidad al final de la anestesia. Cuando el dolor inicial es severo alcanzar la meta analgésica tarda más tiempo.