10 resultados para 193nm
设计并镀制了193nm Al2O3/MgF2反射膜,对它们在空气中分别进行了250-400℃的高温退火,测量了样品的透射率光谱曲线和绝对反射率光谱曲线.发现样品在高反射区的总的光学损耗随退火温度的升高而下降,而后趋于饱和.采用总积分散射的方法对样品在不同退火温度下的散射损耗进行了分析,发现随着退火温度的升高散射损耗有所增加.因此,总的光学损耗的下降是由于吸收损耗而不是散射损耗起主导作用.对Al2O3材料的单层膜进行了同等条件的退火处理,由它们光学性能的变化推导出它们的折射率和消光系数的变化,从而解释了相应
采用1/4规整膜系,从电场强度、吸收损耗及散射损耗的分布几个方面,对影响193 nm反射膜性能的因素进行了分析。以分析结果为基础,对低损耗193 nm反射膜的设计进行了探讨。结果表明:在空气侧的外膜层中电场强度较大,随着层数向内过渡,电场强度迅速减小;高折射率材料膜层的吸收损耗明显高于低折射率材料膜层的吸收损耗,而且靠近空气侧最外层的高折射率膜层的吸收损耗最大;按由外层向内层过渡的方向,吸收损耗迅速减小,减小的速度与高低折射率材料折射率的比值相关;表面散射损耗与两种材料的折射率比值成正比,但折射率比值减小后只能通过增加膜层数来获得一定的反射率,而这样又会使表面粗糙度增加,并且引入其它的损耗。因此,选择折射率差值适当大一些的材料对降低散射损耗是有利的。设计了27层膜堆的193 nm反射膜,设计反射率在98%以上。
A basic requirement of a plasma etching process is fidelity of the patterned organic materials. In photolithography, a He plasma pretreatment (PPT) based on high ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet (UV/VUV) exposure was shown to be successful for roughness reduction of 193nm photoresist (PR). Typical multilayer masks consist of many other organic masking materials in addition to 193nm PR. These materials vary significantly in UV/VUV sensitivity and show, therefore, a different response to the He PPT. A delamination of the nanometer-thin, ion-induced dense amorphous carbon (DAC) layer was observed. Extensive He PPT exposure produces volatile species through UV/VUV induced scissioning. These species are trapped underneath the DAC layer in a subsequent plasma etch (PE), causing a loss of adhesion. Next to stabilizing organic materials, the major goals of this work included to establish and evaluate a cyclic fluorocarbon (FC) based approach for atomic layer etching (ALE) of SiO2 and Si; to characterize the mechanisms involved; and to evaluate the impact of processing parameters. Periodic, short precursor injections allow precise deposition of thin FC films. These films limit the amount of available chemical etchant during subsequent low energy, plasma-based Ar+ ion bombardment, resulting in strongly time-dependent etch rates. In situ ellipsometry showcased the self-limited etching. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) confirms FC film deposition and mixing with the substrate. The cyclic ALE approach is also able to precisely etch Si substrates. A reduced time-dependent etching is seen for Si, likely based on a lower physical sputtering energy threshold. A fluorinated, oxidized surface layer is present during ALE of Si and greatly influences the etch behavior. A reaction of the precursor with the fluorinated substrate upon precursor injection was observed and characterized. The cyclic ALE approach is transferred to a manufacturing scale reactor at IBM Research. Ensuring the transferability to industrial device patterning is crucial for the application of ALE. In addition to device patterning, the cyclic ALE process is employed for oxide removal from Si and SiGe surfaces with the goal of minimal substrate damage and surface residues. The ALE process developed for SiO2 and Si etching did not remove native oxide at the level required. Optimizing the process enabled strong O removal from the surface. Subsequent 90% H2/Ar plasma allow for removal of C and F residues.