922 resultados para teaching science


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Studies and reflections about the current trends on teaching Science show us the importance of include in the teaching practice, activities with a investigative and problematic approach, that allow to the learners to understand and to apply concepts and phenomena scientifics. On this perspective, the teacher continuing education is essential to effect the practice of this approach in the classroom. Therefore, this research has as an objective to contribute with Science teacher continuing formation in the basic education, in the use of the investigative approach, with a view to overcoming obstacles and making change in pedagogical practice using this research elements. For this, a qualitative research with science teachers of basic schools in the city of Natal/ RN/ Brazil was held, who attended the training course on teaching by investigation in 2012, through the project entitled "Em Busca de Novos Talentos para a Ciência: uma intervenção no ensino público" (Searching New Talents for Science: an intervention in public education).The research was conducted in four stages: Diagnosis of the conceptions of education for research and incorporation into practice after the New Talents course; projection of the intervention, intervention and evaluation. To obtain the data it was made a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, group studies, written records and participant observation. It was analyzed that the course had significant contributions to the participating teachers to promote the approach and the motivation for incorporation of the investigative approach in practice. The permanence of weaknesses related to the theoretical basis was found, the wear resistance, difficulty in planning activities and the change in practice, diagnosed the previous course of this research. It was also noticed certain lack of domain of teaching principles of investigation by the teachers, who despite being well understood in theory, reveal gaps in practice. Despite not having been exploited the full potential of investigative activity is apparent that the inclusion of activities with an investigative approach to science and biology classes is essential for an active, critical and reflective posture of the students as well as the interest in learning about science. It was demonstrated that intervention with moments of reflection, engagement, knowledge exchange, it was effective in overcoming difficulties identified at baseline as well as providing greater motivation to face the innovations and changes in education, suggesting an important format to considered in the course of continuing education. This is because the planning and replanning allow teachers to reflect and evaluate their practice, contributing to overcoming difficulties of teachers on a daily basis.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1º e do 2º ciclos do ensino básico


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Currently the Science fairs in Brazil have gained great incentive, examples are the regulations that the government has been implementing in education and the financing of public calls for events throughout the national territory. However, even with this incentive, some researchers point out that the scientific fairs and shows are still interpreted as an extemporaneous work by teachers. In order to know the views of basic education teachers about the fairs of Science, proposed to carry out this research. Given this situation, based mediation theory and sociocultural interaction Vygotsky (2001), the theory of instrumentalism Dewey (2002) and the proposed education through research Galiazzi e Moraes (2002), we sought to understand the importance of fair and their benefits as well as the presence in the talks of respondents. In order to analyze the answers of respondents, used to discourse analysis proposed by Eni Orlandi (2009), in which it is observed and is an interpretation of the speech of teachers, considering their interpretation and how to shape their thinking on the research object. In analyzing the results of the survey, it was noted that the teachers interviewed know the importance and objectives of science fairs, however experience difficulties that often does not allow these events to be carried out. In seeking to assist them to minimize these difficulties, it was realized the need for a product to make available guidance on how to develop research projects and assemblies of science fairs, that would provide an education for the research. Thus, resulting from research, was set up a blog and a booklet with texts, articles and report templates.


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A ciência, alicerçada por seu método, suas técnicas, suas demonstrações e suas descobertas, desde sua emergência no século XVII, tem estado em pauta nas discussões sobre a produção do conhecimento. Por suas características – dogmática, quantificável, experimental e determinista –, a ciência constitui o campo de conhecimento que foi o grande regime de verdade na episteme da modernidade. Diferentes formas de conceber a ciência foram produzidas por estudiosos, filósofos e cientistas, como René Descartes, Francis Bacon, Paul Feyerabend, entre outros. Como campo teórico utilizamos os estudos de Michel Foucault. Partindo desses entendimentos, essa tese tem como objetivo investigar e problematizar o discurso de ciência produzido por seis grupos de cinco universidades do Rio Grande do Sul pertencentes à Rede Nacional de Educação e Ciência: Novos Talentos da Rede Pública (RNEC/NT). Essa Rede existe há quase 20 anos e é composta por grupos de pesquisadores de diferentes universidades, instituições de pesquisa e institutos federais do país e visa a melhoria das condições de ensino de ciências a jovens carentes de todo o país, desenvolvendo metodologias que facilitam o aprendizado e desmistifiquem a ciência. Os grupos dessa Rede desenvolvem atividades como cursos para professores e estudantes da Educação Básica e estágios em laboratórios de pesquisa para o mesmo público alvo. Para a produção dos dados, foram realizadas visitas aos seis grupos analisados, nas quais foram feitas entrevistas com coordenadores e monitores dos grupos e foi feito o acompanhamento de um curso para professores e/ou estudantes de Educação Básica de cada grupo. Essas entrevistas e o curso observado foram gravados em vídeo e transcritos na forma de texto. Como metodologia de análise utilizamos conceitos da análise de discurso foucaultiano como discurso, enunciado e enunciação. Verificamos que há um discurso inicial de ciência na emergência da RNEC/NT pautado em três enunciados: fazer ciência envolve um caminho e a geração de produtos “novos” publicáveis; a formação do cientista na díade inatismo e empirismo; formação de cientistas pela inclusão social. Esse discurso inicial é atualizado nos grupos pesquisados por meio de diferentes enunciações que enfocam tanto um entendimento de ciência pelo uso do método científico, do empirismo e da razão, quanto um afrouxamento no entendimento de ciência ao vinculá-la à educação e ao questionamento do que é dado como naturalizado e verdadeiro, o que parece ter afinidade com as configurações ditas líquidas da contemporaneidade. Em relação aos cursos, para a maioria dos grupos, o discurso científico é vinculado aquele produzido no espaço do laboratório com suas técnicas e padrões, típico do entendimento moderno. Nesses cursos vemos ainda aparecer um modo de trabalhar, ensinar e apresentar essa ciência para os professores ou estudantes participantes, mostrando a presença de um discurso pedagógico atrelado ao científico. Como resultado, defendemos a tese de que há uma diversidade discursiva sobre a ciência nos grupos do sul da RNEC/NT que, ao ser atualizada e colocada em operação, é interpelada por elementos de um discurso pedagógico.


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In the area of linguistics and language teaching, science fiction is useful in very many ways. An obvious way is that it sets up many complex and rich worlds and outlines the sorts of adjustments that language must make in those contexts. It thus draws a strong link between language and context; it shows how the construction of reality is largely a matter of language; and it speculates on where we are linguistically heading. It is a useful mirror on language development. Extrapolating the dialects of the future has been the province of science fiction in the last century. Though few SF writers are professional linguists, their method in general tends to take a holistic view of form, meaning and social context. Characters in science fiction are not individuals but are 'everyman' tokens, and the language they use symbolises the culture they inhabit. Linguistic extrapolation in science fiction thus treats language both as the technology of communication and as an index of social change. In this paper, I argue that predicting the language of the future, though extremely difficult, is possible. I call this new discipline chronolinguistics, and I set out the draft principles and parameters of a chronolinguistics, based on the future languages speculated by John Brunner, Russell Hoban, William Gibson, Greg Bear, Neal Stephenson and Iain M.Banks.


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Result of a professional master course of research work in Teaching Science and Technology of the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR), this work aims to provide the mathematics teacher of the final years of elementary school a teaching sequence (SE) which includes basic content of Statistics provided in the curriculum. In this book a text about the importance of the teaching of statistics is presented, as well as issues related to literacy skills, reasoning and statistical thinking. The development of the SE was designed considering the presuppositions of contextualization, being structured in six steps. We chose to develop a work with the basic contents of Statistics through real data collected with the participation of students, within a context for them significant. This option was due to be possible to develop with the students situations such as: raising hypotheses , communication situations experienced by different graphs and tables , results of discussion and understanding of the significance of the results obtained by means of statistical calculations. Thus, it is believed to be possible to contribute to the development of statistical skills by the students.


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Acompanha: Sequências didáticas para o ensino de teorias atômicas e elementos químicos


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1º e do 2º ciclos do ensino básico


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Acompanha: Material paradidático em educação ambiental para o 6º ano do ensino fundamental


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Instituto de Física, Instituto de Química, Faculdade UnB Planaltina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciências, Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Ciências, 2016.


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Dissertação de mest. em Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2003


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This chapter describes two cases, one from Germany and the other from Australia in which science journals were used in classrooms that adopted an inquiry-based approach to teaching science. We are interested in the following research questions:1. In what ways do teachers use journals to promote student learning of science?2. What evidence of reasoning is present in the cases in respect of the use of learning journals?3. When and in which form is feedback given in journals?


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Primary science education is a concern around the world and quality mentoring within schools can develop preservice teachers’ practices. A five-factor model for mentoring has been identified, namely, personal attributes, system requirements, pedagogical knowledge, modelling, and feedback. Final-year preservice teachers (mentees, n=211) from three Turkish universities were administered a previously validated instrument to gather perceptions of their mentoring in primary science teaching. ANOVA indicated that each of these five factors was statistically significant (p<.001) with mean scale scores ranging from 3.36 to 4.12. Although mentees perceived their mentors to provide evaluation feedback (95%), model classroom management (88%), guide their preparation (96%), and outline the science curriculum (92%), the majority of mentors were perceived not to assist their mentees in 10 of the 34 survey items. Professional development programmes that target the specific needs of these mentors may further enhance mentoring practices for advancing primary science teaching.