894 resultados para educational project
O presente Relatório de Estágio surge no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, que decorreu no ano letivo de 2011/2012 na Escola Secundária André de Gouveia, em Évora. O objetivo do mesmo é aliar à componente científica que foi adquirida no Mestrado de Educação Física nos Ensino Básico e Secundário o trabalho desenvolvido enquanto estudante estagiário. Para tal, o meu trabalho foi auxiliado pelo Programa Nacional de Educação Física e pelo Projeto Educativo em vigor na Escola. Assim, foi realizada uma descrição do trabalho realizado durante o ano letivo e a respetiva reflexão crítica, tendo em conta quatro dimensões profissionais do professor, nomeadamente: dimensão profissional social e ética, dimensão de desenvolvimento do ensino e da aprendizagem, dimensão da participação na escola e relação com a comunidade e, por último, a dimensão do desenvolvimento profissional ao longo da vida; REPORT OF THE SUPERVISED TEACHING PRACTICE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN THE SECUNDARY SCHOOL/3 ANDRÉ DE GOUVEIA Abstract: This report comes under the Supervised Teaching Practice which took place in the school year 2011/2012 at Secondary School André de Gouveia, in Évora.The purpose of it is to combine the scientific component which was acquired in the Master of Physical Education in the Elementary and Secondary Education the work as a trainee student. To this end, my work was aided by the National Program of Physical Education and the Educational Project used in the school. Thus, a critical reflection of the school year was made, taking into account four professional dimensions of training of future teachers, namely: social professional and ethical dimension, development dimension of teaching and learning, participation in school size and relationship with the community and, finally, the dimension of professional development throughout life.
Los sistemas educativos, en América Latina y en el mundo entero, están siendo llamados a dar respuesta a las exigencias de profesionales altamente formados, que respondan a los conocimientos y habilidades emergentes exigidas por los avances científicos y tecnológicos. Ante esas peticiones de la realidad económica y productiva, las competencias se han convertido en el estandarte para que los sistemas educativos planteen sus propuestas curriculares. En estas se manifiesta la ampliación de los contenidos al aprender funciones o tareas con base en adaptaciones de otros contextos, desde la experticia y sin estudios profundos de la realidad de las fuentes curriculares. En este artículo se plantea la importancia de considerar que un proyecto educativo basado en competencias profesionales se debe visualizar como un proceso de formación de la persona, de manera integral. En el análisis de esa proposición se discute el abordaje de las competencias desde la educación, el cual ha pretendido relacionar la teoría y la práctica, acercando los contenidos académicos al hacer en un puesto de trabajo, en divergencia con la necesidad de razonar las competencias en educación como el medio para integrar el conocimiento y la experiencia. No se trata solo de resolver tareas específicas en un futuro puesto de trabajo, sino también de la búsqueda de soluciones de los problemas en los diferentes ámbitos de la vida. Para el logro de esa visión integradora de la educación, se proponen algunas ideas para diseñar proyectos curriculares por competencias desde la tradición práctica deliberativa y crítica, con una concepción curricular humanista y de transformación social.
This is a presentation of a proposal for authentic application of the basic criteria and elements to create projects related to on line education in Centers of Superior Education. It provides a guide in a useful summary format, which explains the main aspects in the creation of the project from the planning stage to the final stage supervision. It is supported by a range of specialists who were involved in the process including experts in knowledge, graphic design, system programmers, and organizational leaders.
This paper provides a complete description of the Commercial Education Professional Competency Profile that resulted from the curricular diagnosis of the Licenciatura en Educación Comercial , at the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. The methodological strategy used relies on the principles of research on education. Upon expert validation, written questionnaires were applied to first-year students, students of the licenciatura, practicing professionals and employers. The objective was to describe a particular education situation. Data was analyzed according to two categories: intentions/principles and scope/development. The findings resulted in the characteristics of the Commercial Education professionals, i.e. characteristics related to the discipline, characteristics related to the administrative management of teaching, specific and general characteristics of education and pedagogy, and characteristics associated to human development. Based on those criteria, on the curricular requirements of the information sources and on the curricular perspectives of the Academic Unit, ideas were put into practice to build the competency profile. The ideas proposed comprise the curricular fundamentals of the educational project on which the profile is set out, which include the subject of the study program, the global competency or training goal, the generic competencies as cross-cutting approaches, as well as the –pedagogical and disciplinary− specific competencies. The specific competencies of the discipline are focused on four competency areas: document production, organizational support, technological resources and information management.(1) Translator’s Note: One-year post-Bachelor study program in Commercial Education.
Increasingly, Australian universities are facing the challenges of global education. While overseas students studying in Australia provide the primary source of export earnings for educational institutions, a number of institutions, including QUT, are also involved in international trade in educational services by providing services offshore. This paper discusses driving forces behind moves by Australian universities to enter the international education market. It then briefly describes Queensland University of Technology’s internationalisation strategy. The paper concludes with a case study describing how the School of Construction Management has pioneered the development of offshore courses at QUT. The introduction of the Master of Project Management and Graduate Diploma of Project Management programs in Singapore in November 1993 represented QUT’s first experience in this area. With the experience of 18 months of operation, the School now has the opportunity to reflect on the outcomes of this venture and consider future options.
This thesis explores The Virtues Project's ontological, educational and cross-cultural dimensions taking Charles Taylor's philosophical perspective of an anthropological account of the self and a phenomenological account of moral life and engagement. The experience of Mongolian schoolteachers implementing this moral education program is analyzed using a narrative inquiry method. The globally attractive project appears in moral education and virtues ethics research and surveys, yet no critical evaluation has been undertaken. Its conceptual features are appraised from a Taylorean perspective. The Listening Guide analysis of teacher experiences is presented in two narratives. The first is about the teachers' implementation experiences of moral flourishing as selves, in relationships and in community. The second is about their experience of becoming Mongolian in their modern day context. In conclusion, the project is coherent, constructive and potentially suitable cross-culturally.
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The adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is becoming a great challenge for the University Community, especially for its teaching and research staff, which is involved actively in the teaching-learning process. It is also inducing a paradigm change for lecturers and students. Among the methodologies used for processes of teaching innovation, system thinking plays an important role when working mainly with mind maps, and is focused to highlighting the essence of the knowledge, allowing its visual representation. In this paper, a method for using these mind maps for organizing a particular subject is explained. This organization is completed with the definition of duration, precedence relationships and resources for each of these activities, as well as with their corresponding monitoring. Mind maps are generated by means of the MINDMANAGER package whilst Ms-PROJECT is used for establishing tasks relationships, durations, resources, and monitoring. Summarizing, a procedure and the necessary set of applications for self organizing and managing (timed) scheduled teaching tasks has been described in this paper.
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