983 resultados para Phage display et inhibiteur peptidique
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
La possibilité de programmer une cellule dans le but de produire une protéine d’intérêt est apparue au début des années 1970 avec l’essor du génie génétique. Environ dix années plus tard, l’insuline issue de la plateforme de production microbienne Escherichia coli, fut la première protéine recombinante (r-protéine) humaine commercialisée. Les défis associés à la production de r-protéines plus complexes et glycosylées ont amené l’industrie biopharmaceutique à développer des systèmes d’expression en cellules de mammifères. Ces derniers permettent d’obtenir des protéines humaines correctement repliées et de ce fait, biologiquement actives. Afin de transférer le gène d’intérêt dans les cellules de mammifères, le polyéthylènimine (PEI) est certainement un des vecteurs synthétiques le plus utilisé en raison de son efficacité, mais aussi sa simplicité d’élaboration, son faible coût et sa stabilité en solution qui facilite son utilisation. Il est donc largement employé dans le contexte de la production de r-protéines à grande échelle et fait l’objet d’intenses recherches dans le domaine de la thérapie génique non virale. Le PEI est capable de condenser efficacement l’ADN plasmidique (vecteur d’expression contenant le gène d’intérêt) pour former des complexes de petites tailles appelés polyplexes. Ces derniers doivent contourner plusieurs étapes limitantes afin de délivrer le gène d’intérêt au noyau de la cellule hôte. Dans les conditions optimales du transfert de gène par le PEI, les polyplexes arborent une charge positive nette interagissant de manière électrostatique avec les protéoglycanes à héparane sulfate (HSPG) qui décorent la surface cellulaire. On observe deux familles d’HSPG exprimés en abondance à la surface des cellules de mammifères : les syndécanes (4 membres, SDC1-4) et les glypicanes (6 membres, GPC1-6). Si l’implication des HSPG dans l’attachement cellulaire des polyplexes est aujourd’hui largement acceptée, leur rôle individuel vis-à-vis de cet attachement et des étapes subséquentes du transfert de gène reste à confirmer. Après avoir optimisées les conditions de transfection des cellules de mammifères CHO et HEK293 dans le but de produire des r-protéines secrétées, nous avons entrepris des cinétiques de capture, d’internalisation des polyplexes et aussi d’expression du transgène afin de mieux comprendre le processus de transfert de gène. Nous avons pu observer des différences au niveau de ces paramètres de transfection dépendamment du système d’expression et des caractéristiques structurelles du PEI utilisé. Ces résultats présentés sous forme d’articles scientifiques constituent une base solide de l’enchaînement dans le temps des évènements essentiels à une transfection efficace des cellules CHO et HEK293 par le PEI. Chaque type cellulaire possède un profil d’expression des HSPG qui lui est propre, ces derniers étant plus ou moins permissifs au transfert de gène. En effet, une étude menée dans notre laboratoire montre que les SDC1 et SDC2 ont des rôles opposés vis-à-vis du transfert de gène. Alors que tous deux sont capables de lier les polyplexes, l’expression de SDC1 permet leur internalisation contrairement à l’expression de SDC2 qui l’inhibe. De plus, lorsque le SDC1 est exprimé à la surface des cellules HEK293, l’efficacité de transfection est augmentée de douze pourcents. En utilisant la capacité de SDC1 à induire l’internalisation des polyplexes, nous avons étudié le trafic intracellulaire des complexes SDC1 / polyplexes dans les cellules HEK293. De plus, nos observations suggèrent une nouvelle voie par laquelle les polyplexes pourraient atteindre efficacement le noyau cellulaire. Dans le contexte du transfert de gène, les HSPG sont essentiellement étudiés dans leur globalité. S’il est vrai que le rôle des syndécanes dans ce contexte est le sujet de quelques études, celui des glypicanes est inexploré. Grâce à une série de traitements chimiques et enzymatiques visant une approche « perte de fonction », l’importance de la sulfatation comme modification post-traductionnelle, l’effet des chaînes d’héparanes sulfates mais aussi des glypicanes sur l’attachement, l’internalisation des polyplexes, et l’expression du transgène ont été étudiés dans les cellules CHO et HEK293. L’ensemble de nos observations indique clairement que le rôle des HSPG dans le transfert de gène devrait être investigué individuellement plutôt que collectivement. En effet, le rôle spécifique de chaque membre des HSPG sur la capture des polyplexes et leur permissivité à l’expression génique demeure encore inconnu. En exprimant de manière transitoire chaque membre des syndécanes et glypicanes à la surface des cellules CHO, nous avons déterminé leur effet inhibiteur ou activateur sur la capture des polyplexes sans pouvoir conclure quant à l’effet de cette surexpression sur l’efficacité de transfection. Par contre, lorsqu’ils sont présents dans le milieu de culture, le domaine extracellulaire des HSPG réduit l’efficacité de transfection des cellules CHO sans induire la dissociation des polyplexes. Curieusement, lorsque chaque HSPG est exprimé de manière stable dans les cellules CHO, seulement une légère modulation de l’expression du transgène a pu être observée. Ces travaux ont contribué à la compréhension des mécanismes d'action du vecteur polycationique polyéthylènimine et à préciser le rôle des protéoglycanes à héparane sulfate dans le transfert de gène des cellules CHO et HEK293.
La possibilité de programmer une cellule dans le but de produire une protéine d’intérêt est apparue au début des années 1970 avec l’essor du génie génétique. Environ dix années plus tard, l’insuline issue de la plateforme de production microbienne Escherichia coli, fut la première protéine recombinante (r-protéine) humaine commercialisée. Les défis associés à la production de r-protéines plus complexes et glycosylées ont amené l’industrie biopharmaceutique à développer des systèmes d’expression en cellules de mammifères. Ces derniers permettent d’obtenir des protéines humaines correctement repliées et de ce fait, biologiquement actives. Afin de transférer le gène d’intérêt dans les cellules de mammifères, le polyéthylènimine (PEI) est certainement un des vecteurs synthétiques le plus utilisé en raison de son efficacité, mais aussi sa simplicité d’élaboration, son faible coût et sa stabilité en solution qui facilite son utilisation. Il est donc largement employé dans le contexte de la production de r-protéines à grande échelle et fait l’objet d’intenses recherches dans le domaine de la thérapie génique non virale. Le PEI est capable de condenser efficacement l’ADN plasmidique (vecteur d’expression contenant le gène d’intérêt) pour former des complexes de petites tailles appelés polyplexes. Ces derniers doivent contourner plusieurs étapes limitantes afin de délivrer le gène d’intérêt au noyau de la cellule hôte. Dans les conditions optimales du transfert de gène par le PEI, les polyplexes arborent une charge positive nette interagissant de manière électrostatique avec les protéoglycanes à héparane sulfate (HSPG) qui décorent la surface cellulaire. On observe deux familles d’HSPG exprimés en abondance à la surface des cellules de mammifères : les syndécanes (4 membres, SDC1-4) et les glypicanes (6 membres, GPC1-6). Si l’implication des HSPG dans l’attachement cellulaire des polyplexes est aujourd’hui largement acceptée, leur rôle individuel vis-à-vis de cet attachement et des étapes subséquentes du transfert de gène reste à confirmer. Après avoir optimisées les conditions de transfection des cellules de mammifères CHO et HEK293 dans le but de produire des r-protéines secrétées, nous avons entrepris des cinétiques de capture, d’internalisation des polyplexes et aussi d’expression du transgène afin de mieux comprendre le processus de transfert de gène. Nous avons pu observer des différences au niveau de ces paramètres de transfection dépendamment du système d’expression et des caractéristiques structurelles du PEI utilisé. Ces résultats présentés sous forme d’articles scientifiques constituent une base solide de l’enchaînement dans le temps des évènements essentiels à une transfection efficace des cellules CHO et HEK293 par le PEI. Chaque type cellulaire possède un profil d’expression des HSPG qui lui est propre, ces derniers étant plus ou moins permissifs au transfert de gène. En effet, une étude menée dans notre laboratoire montre que les SDC1 et SDC2 ont des rôles opposés vis-à-vis du transfert de gène. Alors que tous deux sont capables de lier les polyplexes, l’expression de SDC1 permet leur internalisation contrairement à l’expression de SDC2 qui l’inhibe. De plus, lorsque le SDC1 est exprimé à la surface des cellules HEK293, l’efficacité de transfection est augmentée de douze pourcents. En utilisant la capacité de SDC1 à induire l’internalisation des polyplexes, nous avons étudié le trafic intracellulaire des complexes SDC1 / polyplexes dans les cellules HEK293. De plus, nos observations suggèrent une nouvelle voie par laquelle les polyplexes pourraient atteindre efficacement le noyau cellulaire. Dans le contexte du transfert de gène, les HSPG sont essentiellement étudiés dans leur globalité. S’il est vrai que le rôle des syndécanes dans ce contexte est le sujet de quelques études, celui des glypicanes est inexploré. Grâce à une série de traitements chimiques et enzymatiques visant une approche « perte de fonction », l’importance de la sulfatation comme modification post-traductionnelle, l’effet des chaînes d’héparanes sulfates mais aussi des glypicanes sur l’attachement, l’internalisation des polyplexes, et l’expression du transgène ont été étudiés dans les cellules CHO et HEK293. L’ensemble de nos observations indique clairement que le rôle des HSPG dans le transfert de gène devrait être investigué individuellement plutôt que collectivement. En effet, le rôle spécifique de chaque membre des HSPG sur la capture des polyplexes et leur permissivité à l’expression génique demeure encore inconnu. En exprimant de manière transitoire chaque membre des syndécanes et glypicanes à la surface des cellules CHO, nous avons déterminé leur effet inhibiteur ou activateur sur la capture des polyplexes sans pouvoir conclure quant à l’effet de cette surexpression sur l’efficacité de transfection. Par contre, lorsqu’ils sont présents dans le milieu de culture, le domaine extracellulaire des HSPG réduit l’efficacité de transfection des cellules CHO sans induire la dissociation des polyplexes. Curieusement, lorsque chaque HSPG est exprimé de manière stable dans les cellules CHO, seulement une légère modulation de l’expression du transgène a pu être observée. Ces travaux ont contribué à la compréhension des mécanismes d'action du vecteur polycationique polyéthylènimine et à préciser le rôle des protéoglycanes à héparane sulfate dans le transfert de gène des cellules CHO et HEK293.
A wide range of screening strategies have been employed to isolate antibodies and other proteins with specific attributes, including binding affinity, specificity, stability and improved expression. However, there remains no high-throughput system to screen for target-binding proteins in a mammalian, intracellular environment. Such a system would allow binding reagents to be isolated against intracellular clinical targets such as cell signalling proteins associated with tumour formation (p53, ras, cyclin E), proteins associated with neurodegenerative disorders (huntingtin, betaamyloid precursor protein), and various proteins crucial to viral replication (e.g. HIV-1 proteins such as Tat, Rev and Vif-1), which are difficult to screen by phage, ribosome or cell-surface display. This study used the β-lactamase protein complementation assay (PCA) as the display and selection component of a system for screening a protein library in the cytoplasm of HEK 293T cells. The colicin E7 (ColE7) and Immunity protein 7 (Imm7) *Escherichia coli* proteins were used as model interaction partners for developing the system. These proteins drove effective β-lactamase complementation, resulting in a signal-to-noise ratio (9:1 – 13:1) comparable to that of other β-lactamase PCAs described in the literature. The model Imm7-ColE7 interaction was then used to validate protocols for library screening. Single positive cells that harboured the Imm7 and ColE7 binding partners were identified and isolated using flow cytometric cell sorting in combination with the fluorescent β-lactamase substrate, CCF2/AM. A single-cell PCR was then used to amplify the Imm7 coding sequence directly from each sorted cell. With the screening system validated, it was then used to screen a protein library based the Imm7 scaffold against a proof-of-principle target. The wild-type Imm7 sequence, as well as mutants with wild-type residues in the ColE7- binding loop were enriched from the library after a single round of selection, which is consistent with other eukaryotic screening systems such as yeast and mammalian cell-surface display. In summary, this thesis describes a new technology for screening protein libraries in a mammalian, intracellular environment. This system has the potential to complement existing screening technologies by allowing access to intracellular proteins and expanding the range of targets available to the pharmaceutical industry.
The use of forms of address in French films and their Finnish translations The use of forms of address constitutes an integral part of speakers’ communicative competence. In fact, they are not only used to assign to whom the speech is addressed, but also to construct the relationship between speakers. However, the choice of a suitable form is not necessarily evident in modern, pluralistic society. By the notion form of address, I refer to pronouns of address (tu vs. vous) and different nouns of address like names, titles (Monsieur, Madame, Mademoiselle), kinship terms, occupational terms, terms of endearment and insults. The purpose of the present thesis is, first, to study the semantic and pragmatic values of forms of address in dialogues of modern French films, and, second, their translation in Finnish subtitles. It is evident that film language is not spontaneous, but only a representation of authentic speech, and that subtitles are a written version of the original spoken language. Consequently, this thesis studies spoken fictive dialogues and their written translations. The methods applied in the study are the Interactional and Pragmatic Approach as well as Translatology. The role of forms of address in an interpersonal relationship is studied with dimensions of distance and power (Brown and Gilman 1960, Kerbrat-Orecchioni 1992), whereas the pragmatic dimension permits studying in particular the use of forms of address in speech acts (Kerbrat-Orecchioni 2001). The translation strategies are studied with the help of Venuti’s (1995) notions of foreignizing and domesticating strategies. The results of the thesis suggest that the pronoun use in the studied films is usually reciprocal. However, the relations of power have not disappeared, but are expressed in a more discrete manner with nouns of address (for instance vous + Docteur vs. vous + Anita). The use of the pronoun of address vous seems still to be common, but increased intimacy is expressed by accompanying familiar nouns of address like first names. The nominal forms of address accompany different speech acts, but not in a systematic manner. In a dialogue they appear usually in the first speech act, and more rarely in the response, but not in both. In addition, they have an important role in the mechanics of conversation. The translators here face multiple demands, and their translations seem mostly to be a compromise between foreignizing and domesticating strategies.
Coordination and juxtaposed sentences The object of this study is the examination of the relations between juxtaposed clauses in contemporary French. The matter in question is sentences which are composed of several clauses adjoined without a conjunction or other connector, as in: Je détournai les yeux, mon c ur se mit à battre. The aim of the study is to determine, which quality is the relation in these sentences and, on the other hand, what is the part of the coordination there. Furthermore, what is this relation of coordination, which, according to some grammars, manifests through a conjunction of coordination, but which, according to some others is marked in juxtaposed sentences through different features. The study is based on a corpus of written French from literary and journalistic text sources. Syntactic, semantic and textual properties in the clauses are discussed. The analysis points to differences so, it has been noted, in each case, if one of the clauses is affirmative and the other negative and if in the second clause, the subject has not been repeated. Also, an analysis has been made on the ground of the tense, mode, phrase structure type, and thematic structure, taking into account, in each case, if the clauses are identical or different. Punctuation has been one of the properties considered. The final aim has been to eliminate gradually, based on the partition of properties, subordinate sentences, so that only the hard core of coordinate sentences remains. In this way, the coordination could be defined similarly as the phoneme is defined as a group of distinctive features. The quantitative analyses have led to the conclusion that the sentences which, from a semantic point of view, are interpreted as coordinating, contain the least of these differences, while the sentences which can be considered as subordinating present the most of these differences. The conditions of coordination are, in that sense, hierarchical, so that the syntactic constraints have to make room for semantic, textual and cognitive factors. It is interesting to notice that everyone has the ability to produce correct coordinating structures and recognize incorrect coordinating structures. This can be explained by the human ability to categorize which has been widely researched in the semantic of prototype. The study suggests that coordination and subordination could be considered as prototypical cognitive categories based on different linguistic and pragmatic features.
Information structure and Kabyle constructions Three sentence types in the Construction Grammar framework The study examines three Kabyle sentence types and their variants. These sentence types have been chosen because they code the same state of affairs but have different syntactic structures. The sentence types are Dislocated sentence, Cleft sentence, and Canonical sentence. I argue first that a proper description of these sentence types should include information structure and, second, that a description which takes into account information structure is possible in the Construction Grammar framework. The study thus constitutes a testing ground for Construction Grammar for its applicability to a less known language. It constitutes a testing ground notably because the differentiation between the three types of sentences cannot be done without information structure categories and, consequently, these categories must be integrated also in the grammatical description. The information structure analysis is based on the model outlined by Knud Lambrecht. In that model, information structure is considered as a component of sentence grammar that assures the pragmatically correct sentence forms. The work starts by an examination of the three sentence types and the analyses that have been done in André Martinet s functional grammar framework. This introduces the sentence types chosen as the object of study and discusses the difficulties related to their analysis. After a presentation of the state of the art, including earlier and more recent models, the principles and notions of Construction Grammar and of Lambrecht s model are introduced and explicated. The information structure analysis is presented in three chapters, each treating one of the three sentence types. The analyses are based on spoken language data and elicitation. Prosody is included in the study when a syntactic structure seems to code two different focus structures. In such cases, it is pertinent to investigate whether these are coded by prosody. The final chapter presents the constructions that have been established and the problems encountered in analysing them. It also discusses the impact of the study on the theories used and on the theory of syntax in general.
This study reports a corpus-based study of medieval English herbals, which are texts conveying information on medicinal plants. Herbals belong to the medieval medical register. The study charts intertextual parallels within the medieval genre, and between herbals and other contemporary medical texts. It seeks to answer questions where and how herbal texts are linked to each other, and to other medical writing. The theoretical framework of the study draws on intertextuality and genre studies, manuscript studies, corpus linguistics, and multi-dimensional text analysis. The method combines qualitative and quantitative analyses of textual material from three historical special-language corpora of Middle and Early Modern English, one of which was compiled for the purposes of this study. The text material contains over 800,000 words of medical texts. The time span of the material is from c. 1330 to 1550. Text material is retrieved from the corpora by using plant name lists as search criteria. The raw data is filtered through qualitative analysis which produces input for the quantitative analysis, multi-dimensional scaling (MDS). In MDS, the textual space that parallel text passages form is observed, and the observations are explained by a qualitative analysis. This study concentrates on evidence of material and structural intertextuality. The analysis shows patterns of affinity between the texts of the herbal genre, and between herbals and other texts in the medical register. Herbals are most closely linked with recipe collections and regimens of health: they comprise over 95 per cent of the intertextual links between herbals and other medical writing. Links to surgical texts, or to specialised medical texts are very few. This can be explained by the history of the herbal genre: as herbals carry information on medical ingredients, herbs, they are relevant for genres that are related to pharmacological therapy. Conversely, herbals draw material from recipe collections in order to illustrate the medicinal properties of the herbs they describe. The study points out the close relationship between medical recipes and recipe-like passages in herbals (recipe paraphrases). The examples of recipe paraphrases show that they may have been perceived as indirect instruction. Keywords: medieval herbals, early English medicine, corpus linguistics, intertextuality, manuscript studies
Pro gradu -työssä tutkitaan ja vertaillaan käännöskirjallisuuden arvosteluja Ranskassa ja Suomessa. Empiirinen aineisto koostuu kaikista Helsingin Sanomien ja Le Monden vuonna 2003 julkaisemista arvosteluista. Lehdissä oli yhteensä 2691 arvosteltua kirjaa, joista 845 oli käännöksiä. Päätavoite on ollut selvittää näiden valtasanomalehtien kritiikkejä tutkimalla, kummassa maassa kääntäjän ja käännöksen asema on näkyvämpi ja minkälaisia julkaistut käännöskritiikit ovat. Lisäksi tavoitteena on ollut tutkia, kumpi lehdistä on avoimempi vieraskielisiä kirjoja ja käännöksiä kohtaan. Kirja-arvostelujen lähemmälle tutkimiselle luodaan pohjaa perehtymällä kääntäjän ja käännöksen näkyvyyteen liittyviin seikkoihin. Tässä käytetään hyväksi Koskisen (2000) tutkimusta. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan myös, millainen on hyvä käännös eri kääntäjien ja tutkijoiden mielestä, sekä muita saman aihepiirin tutkimuksia ja aiheesta vallalla ollutta keskustelua. Lisäksi selvitetään, miksi laadukkaat käännösarvostelut ovat harvinaisia ja mistä tämä johtuu. Analyysivaiheen kvantitatiivisessa osassa perehdytään käännösten määrälliseen osuuteen sekä aineistossa että Ranskan ja Suomen kokonaisjulkaisumäärissä. Aineiston käännösarvostelut luokitellaan niiden sisällön mukaan. Tässä on käytetty soveltuvin osin Gullinin (1998) kehittelemää mallia. Käännösarvostelujen sisältöanalyysissa kiinnitetään huomiota niiden käännöstä ja kääntäjää koskeviin kommentteihin. Arvostelujen laadun ja kriitikkojen käyttämien arvosteluperusteiden pohdinta nojautuu aiheesta aikaisemmin tehtyihin teoreettisiin sekä empiirisiin tutkimuksiin. Pro gradu -työ sisältää myös erillisen katsauksen käännettyjen lastenkirjojen arvosteluihin sekä arvostelujen ulkopuolisiin kääntäjiin ja kääntämiseen liittyviin artikkeleihin. Koko tutkimuksen ajan lähestymistapa on vertaileva Le Monden ja Helsingin Sanomien välillä. Tutkimuksesta selviää, että Le Monde julkaisee huomattavasti enemmän kirja-arvosteluja. Molemmat lehdet sisältävät kuitenkin suhteellisesti yhtä paljon arvosteluja käännöskirjoista. Helsingin Sanomissa on enemmän vieraskielisten teosten arvosteluja, ja käännösten ja kääntäjän asema on huomattavasti näkyvämpi lehden kritiikeissä. Suurin osa Le Monden käännösarvosteluista sisältää vain kääntäjän nimen bibliografisissa tiedoissa. Helsingin Sanomissa vain alle puolet käännöskirjoista on arvosteltu tällä tavoin. Myös kritiikit, joissa kääntäjän nimeä ei mainita ollenkaan, ovat yleisempiä ranskalaislehdessä. Suhteellisen pieni osa käännösarvosteluista arvioi käännöksen laatua. Näille arvioille on ominaista perustelujen ja analyysin puuttuminen ja ne ovat usein lyhyitä. Arviot ovat sävyltään enimmäkseen positiivisia tai neutraaleja. Hyvin yleistä on myös se, että kriitikko sekoittaa kaksi eri asiaa: kääntäjän ja kirjailijan tyylin. Yleisin kriitikkojen käyttämä arviointikriteeri on tutkia käännöksen ja kohdekielen tai käännöksen ja lähtötekstin suhdetta. Monesti arviointikriteeri jää täysin epäselväksi. Helsingin Sanomien kritiikeissä kääntäjiin viitataan huomattavasti useammin myös itse arvostelutekstissä. Lehti tuo näkyvästi esille kääntäjiä muissakin kuin kirja-arvosteluartikkeleissaan. Sen sijaan Le Mondessa ei ole pelkästään kääntäjiä käsitteleviä tekstejä.
For most RNA viruses RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRPs) encoded by the virus are responsible for the entire RNA metabolism. Thus, RdRPs are critical components in the viral life cycle. However, it is not fully understood how these important enzymes function during viral replication. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) viruses perform the synthesis of their RNA genome within a proteinacous viral particle containing an RdRP as a minor constituent. The phi6 bacteriophage is the best-studied dsRNA virus, providing an excellent background for studies of its RNA synthesis. The purified recombinant phi6 RdRP is highly active in vitro and it possesses both RNA replication and transcription activities. The crystal structure of the phi6 polymerase, solved in complex with a number of ligands, provides a working model for detailed in vitro studies of RNA-dependent RNA polymerization. In this thesis, the primer-independent initiation of the phi6 RdRP was studied in vitro using biochemical and structural methods. A C-terminal, four-amino-acid-long loop protruding into the central cavity of the phi6 RdRP has been suggested to stabilize the incoming nucleotides of the initiation complex formation through stacking interactions. A similar structural element has been found from several other viral RdRPs. In this thesis, this so-called initiation platform loop was subjected to site-directed mutagenesis to address its role in the initiation. It was found that the initiation mode of the mutants is primer-dependent, requiring either an oligonucleotide primer or a back-priming initiation mechanism for the RNA synthesis. The crystal structure of a mutant RdRP with altered initiation platform revealed a set of contacts important for primer-independent initiation. Since phi6 RdRP is structurally and functionally homologous to several viral RdRPs, among them the hepatitis C virus RdRP, these results provide further general insight to understand primer-independent initiation. In this study it is demonstrated that manganese phasing could be used as a practical tool for solving structures of large proteins with a bound manganese ion. The phi6 RdRP was used as a case study to obtain phases for crystallographic analysis. Manganese ions are naturally bound to the phi6 RdRP at the palm domain of the enzyme. In a crystallographic experiment, X-ray diffraction data from a phi6 RdRP crystal were collected at a wavelength of 1.89 Å, which is the K edge of manganese. With this data an automatically built model of the core region of the protein could be obtained. Finally, in this work terminal nucleotidyl transferase (TNTase) activity of the phi6 RdRP was documented in the isolated polymerase as well as in the viral particle. This is the first time that such an activity has been reported in a polymerase of a dsRNA virus. The phi6 RdRP used uridine triphosphates as the sole substrate in a TNTase reaction but could accept several heterologous templates. The RdRP was able to add one or a few non-templated nucleotides to the 3' end of the single- or double-stranded RNA substrate. Based on the results on particle-mediated TNTase activity and previous structural information of the polymerase, a model for termination of the RNA-dependent RNA synthesis is suggested in this thesis.
Modal cohesion and subordination. The Finnish conditional and jussive moods in comparison to the French subjunctive This study examines verb moods in subordinate clauses in French and Finnish. The first part of the analysis deals with the syntax and semantics of the French subjunctive, mood occurring mostly in subordinate positions. The second part investigates Finnish verb moods. Although subordinate positions in Finnish grammar have no special finite verb form, certain uses of Finnish verb moods have been compared to those of subjunctives and conjunctives in other languages. The present study focuses on the subordinate uses of the Finnish conditional and jussive (i.e. the third person singular and plural of the imperative mood). The third part of the analysis discusses the functions of subordinate moods in contexts beyond complex sentences. The data used for the analysis include 1834 complex sentences gathered from newspapers, online discussion groups and blog texts, as well as audio-recorded interviews and conversations. The data thus consist of both written and oral texts as well as standard and non-standard variants. The analysis shows that the French subjunctive codes theoretical modality. The subjunctive does not determine the temporal and modal meaning of the event, but displays the event as virtual. In a complex sentence, the main clause determines the temporal and modal space within which the event coded by the subjunctive clause is interpreted. The subjunctive explicitly indicates that the space constructed in the main clause extends its scope over the subordinate clause. The subjunctive can therefore serve as a means for creating modal cohesion in the discourse. The Finnish conditional shares the function of making explicit the modal link between the components of a complex construction with the French subjunctive, but the two moods differ in their semantics. The conditional codes future time and can therefore occur only in non-factual or counterfactual contexts, whereas the event expressed by French subjunctive clauses can also be interpreted as realized. Such is the case when, for instance, generic and habitual meaning is involved. The Finnish jussive mood is used in a relatively limited number of subordinate clause types, but in these contexts its modal meaning is strikingly close to that of the French subjunctive. The permissive meaning, typical of the jussive in main clause positions, is modified in complex sentences so that it entails inter-clausal relation, namely concession. Like the French subjunctive, the jussive codes theoretical modal meaning with no implication of the truth value of the proposition. Finally, the analysis shows that verb moods mark modal cohesion, not only on the syntagmatic level (namely in complexe sentences), but also on the paradigmatic axis of discourse in order to create semantic links over entire segments of talk. In this study, the subjunctive thus appears, not as an empty category without function, as it is sometimes described, but as an open form that conveys the temporal and modal meanings emerging from the context.
In February-March 1971 the hydrological conditions off Angola did not display the thermal dome mapped by Mazeika's averages (1967). Cold water cells observed are connected at the surface to a sinuous boundary between low-salinity coastal waters and high-salinity tropical oceanic waters. That boundary coincides rather regularly with an area where trades and SW winds alternate; photosynthesis growths rapidly in a thermoclinal layer that rises until 10 m of the surface but never outcrops. Below a poor and permanent homogeneous surface layer, chlorophyll concentrations show a distribution which is typical of divergence areas. Geostrophical and measured currents show off a transient process in horizontal and vertical movements, however the general curvature of the circulation is propitious to upwelling. Oxygen oversaturations of about 110%, suggest a moderate potential primary production which confirms slowness and alternation of movements. Also, the regular range of the various chemical and biological levels and moderate chlorophyll concentrations suggest an ecosystem where nutrients supply rapidly equilibrate phytoplankton consumption and not at all a 'phytoplankton bloom' area as that which exists in coastal upwelling. Values of Richardson's number show that instability becomes visible at the bottom of the euphotic layer. An evaluation of the vertical motion is inferred by the peculiar distribution and diurnal alternance of the winds shows that 'doming' structures may be sustained by local meteorological events.
The branched copolymers prepared from ethylene and alpha-olefins using rac-Et(Ind)(2)ZrCl2/MMAO catalyst system were studied. Both the absolute molecular weight ((M) over bar (W)) and the molecular size (radius of glyration, R-g) of the polymers eluting from gel permeation chromatography (GPC) columns were obtained simultaneously via a high temperature GPC coupled with a two-angle laser light scattering (TALLS) detector. The branched structures and performances of the copolymers display approximate molecular weight and molecular sizes were investigated. Wide angle X-ray diffraction analyses indicate that 16-carbon side branch could co-crystallize effectively with backbone chain at low alpha-olefin incorporation. The melt behaviors of the copolymers were studied by dynamic rheological measurements. Both branch length and comonomer content affect considerably the loss modulus, storage modulus and complex viscosity of the copolymers. The relationship between the dynamic-mechanical behavior and the comonomer content of the copolymers was also examined by dynamic-mechanical experiments.
Background: Although horizontal gene transfer plays a pivotal role in bacteriophage evolution, many lytic phage genomes are clearly shaped by vertical evolution. We investigated the influence of minor genomic deletions and insertions on various phage-related phenotypic and serological properties. Findings. We collected ten different isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteriophage KMV. All sequenced genomes (42-43 kb, long direct terminal repeats) are nearly identical, which intuitively implied strongly similar infections cycles. However, their latent periods vary between 21 and 28 minutes and they are able to lyse between 5 and 58% of a collection of 107 clinical P. aeruginosa strains. We also noted that phages with identical tail structures displayed profound differences in host spectra. Moreover, point mutations in tail and spike proteins were sufficient to evade neutralization by two phage-specific antisera, isolated from rabbits. Conclusion: Although all analyzed phages are 83-97% identical at the genome level, they display a surprisingly large variation in various phenotypic properties. The small overlap in host spectrum and their ability to readily escape immune defences against a nearly identical phage are promising elements for the application of these phages in phage therapy. © 2011 Ceyssens et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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