138 resultados para Interacionismo simbolico


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La ricerca si propone di sondare in maniera completa e approfondita la rappresentazione del banchetto nel testo letterario e, in senso più ampio, nel testo inteso come sistema di segni (siano essi parole, gesti, espressioni facciali, modi di esprimersi, mezzi di comunicazione in genere). Il banchetto è una ‘messa in scena’ che assume nel testo letterario e nei linguaggi espressivi dell’arte contemporanea diverse funzioni a livello tematico e stilistico. Nel lavoro si analizza ognuna di queste funzioni: la funzione denotativa, connotativa, strutturale, metaforica, metanarrativa e stilistica e comunicativa. La linea di analisi tracciata si conclude con un particolare focus sulla rappresentazione del banchetto nel testo letterario e nei media come strumento di comunicazione all’interno di un altro mezzo di comunicazione. Con questa premessa la candidata termina con il capitolo conclusivo dedicando spazio all’immagine del pasto postmoderno. Il banchetto, in quanto rito simbolico, media contenuti legati all’universo culturale, rivela connessioni con la realtà storico-sociale, con l’assetto profondo dell’identità individuale e collettiva, costituendo un polo di aggregazione di diverse dimensioni di umanità. Nonostante l’estrema duttilità alla quale si presta l’immaginario del banchetto sul piano artistico e concettuale, nella quotidianità il momento conviviale continua per l’uomo postmoderno a evocare sentimenti e valori tradizionali ai quali ispirarsi.


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Il tema principale affrontato dalla presente ricerca è quello dell’architettura della città; attraverso lo studio dei progetti urbani redatti dall’architetto Willem Marinus Dudok per la città di Hilversum, la tesi vuole confermare l’ipotesi che la costruzione dei “luoghi urbani” collettivi è il fulcro dell’idea di architettura che porta alla costruzione della città. La ricerca si propone di studiare il contributo dato da Dudok al progetto dello sviluppo urbano della città olandese, considerando un arco temporale che va dal 1915, anno in cui l’architetto viene designato a ricoprire la carica di direttore del locale ufficio Lavori Pubblici, al 1954, anno simbolico della sua nomina a cittadino onorario di Hilversum. Il lavoro di ricerca vuole individuare quelle caratteristiche formali e tipologiche, insite nei quartieri progettati dall’architetto olandese, in grado di definire una struttura urbana capace di sostenere un ragionamento architettonico indipendente dal luogo e dal tempo, un ragionamento impostato sulla definizione della forma urbis. Non desidera certo delineare un modello, vista la consapevolezza che ogni progetto ha un proprio luogo e un proprio tempo, cerca di tratteggiare, piuttosto, uno scenario possibile per il progetto urbano, capace di assurgere ad exemplum per la costruzione della città. I progetti analizzati riguardano edifici residenziali e spazi urbani per la collettività; questi rappresentano veri e propri nuclei aggregativi per la costruzione dei complessi di alloggi popolari, dei quali definiscono la scena fissa delle vicende umane. Lo studio di questi quartieri rappresenta, pertanto, il tentativo di decodificare un “modo” di comporre la città dal quale sia possibile estrapolare temi validi e di carattere generale che permettano di formalizzare una serie di utili insegnamenti, tramite i quali poter pensare alla realizzazione della stessa, nella convinzione che “la qualità del progetto consiste nella qualità dei caratteri del tema e nel loro riconoscimento nelle forme dell’architettura”.


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Il presente elaborato offre una proposta di traduzione dal portoghese del racconto A Chuva Pasmada di Mia Couto, autore mozambicano contemporaneo vincitore del Premio Camões nel 2013. Il testo, considerato un esempio del realismo “animista”, è stato pubblicato nel 2004 dalla casa editrice portoghese Caminho e, dirigendosi a un pubblico prevalentemente adolescente e adulto, racconta la storia di un bambino nero e del suo villaggio, con uno stile molto originale. Nel libro la finzione si fonde con temi estremamente attuali come il razzismo e l’inquinamento, e un elemento semplicissimo come l’acqua viene mostrato nelle sue molteplici forme, ognuna delle quali acquisisce un diverso significato simbolico. Il lavoro si articola essenzialmente in tre capitoli: nel primo capitolo vi è una breve storia della letteratura mozambicana (indispensabile, a mio avviso, per comprendere le innovazioni introdotte da Mia Couto) e un’introduzione alle caratteristiche del racconto, il genere letterario tradizionalmente privilegiato in Mozambico e in altri paesi africani; il secondo capitolo è dedicato, invece, alla vita e allo stile di Mia Couto, all’autore del racconto A Chuva Pasmada, di cui vengono introdotte le caratteristiche principali; il terzo ed ultimo capitolo è composto dalla proposta di traduzione di A Chuva Pasmada e da una breve analisi delle scelte traduttive.


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Lo studio è rivolto alla creazione di uno spazio eterotopico. Nell’atto di riconsacrare un’isola attraverso l’acquisizione di strutture polisemiche che al valore d’uso uniscono un forte valore di scambio simbolico, pensate per dar vita a comunità provvisorie. Il progetto apre anche alla possibilità d’una dea “rifondazione” del lavoro teatrale attraverso l’allestimento di uno spazio che dà accesso alla trasformazione artistica e personale, luogo separato, esterno all’esperienza quotidiana, catalizzatore di energie. Attori principali di questo spazio sono due teatri, gemelli, simmetrici, complementari. Pensati ibridando la struttura aperta degli antichi teatri greci e l’uso umano e culturale dei “ghat” indiani affacciati sull’acqua. Uno rivolto a nord/ovest, Elettra. Uno, simmetrico, rivolto a sud/est, Artemide. Il progetto figura di accampamenti, vero cantone di lavoro. Immagine della “nave” e della “tenda desertica nomade” che sono metafore seminali del progetto. Il simbolismo è all’apice, e raggiunge altre note di intensità nella struttura di uno Jazzo, che ricorda l’operazione di fondazione di ogni città antica. Ogni aspetto, confezionato dal ruolo di un architettura guardata come maieutica del genius loci.


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Il presente elaborato ha come obiettivo l’analisi dei discorsi di ringraziamento pronunciati nelle cerimonie dei premi Oscar dal 1990 al 2015 da attori e attrici, protagonisti e non protagonisti, premiati con la statuetta dorata per le loro performance recitative. L’elaborato si articola in tre capitoli: nel primo, si delinea la storia dei premi Oscar, considerati la cerimonia di premiazione cinematografica per antonomasia, con particolare attenzione ai metodi di selezione di premiati e vincitori da parte dell’Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. Ci si concentra anche sul significato, letterale e simbolico, dei discorsi di ringraziamento, e sulla rilevanza che essi hanno all’interno della cerimonia. Nel secondo capitolo, si analizzano i discorsi di ringraziamento dei vincitori da un punto di vista linguistico, con particolare attenzione a prosodia, prossemica, retorica e deissi. Nel terzo e ultimo capitolo, infine, l’analisi assume toni più prettamente culturali, focalizzando l’attenzione sugli aspetti pragmatici e contenutistici dei discorsi, nonché nel tentativo di confrontare gli atteggiamenti delle due categorie nazionali più premiate agli Oscar: gli americani e i britannici.


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Una Red de Procesadores Evolutivos o NEP (por sus siglas en ingles), es un modelo computacional inspirado por el modelo evolutivo de las celulas, específicamente por las reglas de multiplicación de las mismas. Esta inspiración hace que el modelo sea una abstracción sintactica de la manipulation de information de las celulas. En particu¬lar, una NEP define una maquina de cómputo teorica capaz de resolver problemas NP completos de manera eficiente en tóerminos de tiempo. En la praóctica, se espera que las NEP simuladas en móaquinas computacionales convencionales puedan resolver prob¬lemas reales complejos (que requieran ser altamente escalables) a cambio de una alta complejidad espacial. En el modelo NEP, las cóelulas estóan representadas por palabras que codifican sus secuencias de ADN. Informalmente, en cualquier momento de cómputo del sistema, su estado evolutivo se describe como un coleccion de palabras, donde cada una de ellas representa una celula. Estos momentos fijos de evolucion se denominan configuraciones. De manera similar al modelo biologico, las palabras (celulas) mutan y se dividen en base a bio-operaciones sencillas, pero solo aquellas palabras aptas (como ocurre de forma parecida en proceso de selection natural) seran conservadas para la siguiente configuracióon. Una NEP como herramienta de computation, define una arquitectura paralela y distribuida de procesamiento simbolico, en otras palabras, una red de procesadores de lenguajes. Desde el momento en que el modelo fue propuesto a la comunidad científica en el año 2001, múltiples variantes se han desarrollado y sus propiedades respecto a la completitud computacional, eficiencia y universalidad han sido ampliamente estudiadas y demostradas. En la actualidad, por tanto, podemos considerar que el modelo teórico NEP se encuentra en el estadio de la madurez. La motivación principal de este Proyecto de Fin de Grado, es proponer una aproxi-mación práctica que permita dar un salto del modelo teórico NEP a una implantación real que permita su ejecucion en plataformas computacionales de alto rendimiento, con el fin de solucionar problemas complejos que demanda la sociedad actual. Hasta el momento, las herramientas desarrolladas para la simulation del modelo NEP, si bien correctas y con resultados satisfactorios, normalmente estón atadas a su entorno de ejecucion, ya sea el uso de hardware específico o implementaciones particulares de un problema. En este contexto, el propósito fundamental de este trabajo es el desarrollo de Nepfix, una herramienta generica y extensible para la ejecucion de cualquier algo¬ritmo de un modelo NEP (o alguna de sus variantes), ya sea de forma local, como una aplicación tradicional, o distribuida utilizando los servicios de la nube. Nepfix es una aplicacion software desarrollada durante 7 meses y que actualmente se encuentra en su segunda iteration, una vez abandonada la fase de prototipo. Nepfix ha sido disenada como una aplicacion modular escrita en Java 8 y autocontenida, es decir, no requiere de un entorno de ejecucion específico (cualquier maquina virtual de Java es un contenedor vólido). Nepfix contiene dos componentes o móodulos. El primer móodulo corresponde a la ejecución de una NEP y es por lo tanto, el simulador. Para su desarrollo, se ha tenido en cuenta el estado actual del modelo, es decir, las definiciones de los procesadores y filtros mas comunes que conforman la familia del modelo NEP. Adicionalmente, este componente ofrece flexibilidad en la ejecucion, pudiendo ampliar las capacidades del simulador sin modificar Nepfix, usando para ello un lenguaje de scripting. Dentro del desarrollo de este componente, tambióen se ha definido un estóandar de representacióon del modelo NEP basado en el formato JSON y se propone una forma de representation y codificación de las palabras, necesaria para la comunicación entre servidores. Adicional-mente, una característica importante de este componente, es que se puede considerar una aplicacion aislada y por tanto, la estrategia de distribution y ejecución son total-mente independientes. El segundo moódulo, corresponde a la distribucióon de Nepfix en la nube. Este de-sarrollo es el resultado de un proceso de i+D, que tiene una componente científica considerable. Vale la pena resaltar el desarrollo de este modulo no solo por los resul-tados prócticos esperados, sino por el proceso de investigation que se se debe abordar con esta nueva perspectiva para la ejecución de sistemas de computación natural. La principal característica de las aplicaciones que se ejecutan en la nube es que son gestionadas por la plataforma y normalmente se encapsulan en un contenedor. En el caso de Nepfix, este contenedor es una aplicacion Spring que utiliza el protocolo HTTP o AMQP para comunicarse con el resto de instancias. Como valor añadido, Nepfix aborda dos perspectivas de implementation distintas (que han sido desarrolladas en dos iteraciones diferentes) del modelo de distribution y ejecucion, que tienen un impacto muy significativo en las capacidades y restricciones del simulador. En concreto, la primera iteration utiliza un modelo de ejecucion asincrono. En esta perspectiva asincrona, los componentes de la red NEP (procesadores y filtros) son considerados como elementos reactivos a la necesidad de procesar una palabra. Esta implementation es una optimization de una topologia comun en el modelo NEP que permite utilizar herramientas de la nube para lograr un escalado transparente (en lo ref¬erente al balance de carga entre procesadores) pero produce efectos no deseados como indeterminacion en el orden de los resultados o imposibilidad de distribuir eficiente-mente redes fuertemente interconectadas. Por otro lado, la segunda iteration corresponde al modelo de ejecucion sincrono. Los elementos de una red NEP siguen un ciclo inicio-computo-sincronizacion hasta que el problema se ha resuelto. Esta perspectiva sincrona representa fielmente al modelo teórico NEP pero el proceso de sincronizacion es costoso y requiere de infraestructura adicional. En concreto, se requiere un servidor de colas de mensajes RabbitMQ. Sin embargo, en esta perspectiva los beneficios para problemas suficientemente grandes superan a los inconvenientes, ya que la distribuciín es inmediata (no hay restricciones), aunque el proceso de escalado no es trivial. En definitiva, el concepto de Nepfix como marco computacional se puede considerar satisfactorio: la tecnología es viable y los primeros resultados confirman que las carac-terísticas que se buscaban originalmente se han conseguido. Muchos frentes quedan abiertos para futuras investigaciones. En este documento se proponen algunas aproxi-maciones a la solucion de los problemas identificados como la recuperacion de errores y la division dinamica de una NEP en diferentes subdominios. Por otra parte, otros prob-lemas, lejos del alcance de este proyecto, quedan abiertos a un futuro desarrollo como por ejemplo, la estandarización de la representación de las palabras y optimizaciones en la ejecucion del modelo síncrono. Finalmente, algunos resultados preliminares de este Proyecto de Fin de Grado han sido presentados recientemente en formato de artículo científico en la "International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN)-2015" y publicados en "Ad-vances in Computational Intelligence" volumen 9094 de "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" de Springer International Publishing. Lo anterior, es una confirmation de que este trabajo mas que un Proyecto de Fin de Grado, es solo el inicio de un trabajo que puede tener mayor repercusion en la comunidad científica. Abstract Network of Evolutionary Processors -NEP is a computational model inspired by the evolution of cell populations, which might model some properties of evolving cell communities at the syntactical level. NEP defines theoretical computing devices able to solve NP complete problems in an efficient manner. In this model, cells are represented by words which encode their DNA sequences. Informally, at any moment of time, the evolutionary system is described by a collection of words, where each word represents one cell. Cells belong to species and their community evolves according to mutations and division which are defined by operations on words. Only those cells are accepted as surviving (correct) ones which are represented by a word in a given set of words, called the genotype space of the species. This feature is analogous with the natural process of evolution. Formally, NEP is based on an architecture for parallel and distributed processing, in other words, a network of language processors. Since the date when NEP was pro¬posed, several extensions and variants have appeared engendering a new set of models named Networks of Bio-inspired Processors (NBP). During this time, several works have proved the computational power of NBP. Specifically, their efficiency, universality, and computational completeness have been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, we can say that the NEP model has reached its maturity. The main motivation for this End of Grade project (EOG project in short) is to propose a practical approximation that allows to close the gap between theoretical NEP model and a practical implementation in high performing computational platforms in order to solve some of high the high complexity problems society requires today. Up until now tools developed to simulate NEPs, while correct and successful, are usu¬ally tightly coupled to the execution environment, using specific software frameworks (Hadoop) or direct hardware usage (GPUs). Within this context the main purpose of this work is the development of Nepfix, a generic and extensible tool that aims to execute algorithms based on NEP model and compatible variants in a local way, similar to a traditional application or in a distributed cloud environment. Nepfix as an application was developed during a 7 month cycle and is undergoing its second iteration once the prototype period was abandoned. Nepfix is designed as a modular self-contained application written in Java 8, that is, no additional external dependencies are required and it does not rely on an specific execution environment, any JVM is a valid container. Nepfix is made of two components or modules. The first module corresponds to the NEP execution and therefore simulation. During the development the current state of the theoretical model was used as a reference including most common filters and processors. Additionally extensibility is provided by the use of Python as a scripting language to run custom logic. Along with the simulation a definition language for NEP has been defined based on JSON as well as a mechanisms to represent words and their possible manipulations. NEP simulator is isolated from distribution and as mentioned before different applications that include it as a dependency are possible, the distribution of NEPs is an example of this. The second module corresponds to executing Nepfix in the cloud. The development carried a heavy R&D process since this front was not explored by other research groups until now. It's important to point out that the development of this module is not focused on results at this point in time, instead we focus on feasibility and discovery of this new perspective to execute natural computing systems and NEPs specifically. The main properties of cloud applications is that they are managed by the platform and are encapsulated in a container. For Nepfix a Spring application becomes the container and the HTTP or AMQP protocols are used for communication with the rest of the instances. Different execution perspectives were studied, namely asynchronous and synchronous models were developed for solving different kind of problems using NEPs. Different limitations and restrictions manifest in both models and are explored in detail in the respective chapters. In conclusion we can consider that Nepfix as a computational framework is suc-cessful: Cloud technology is ready for the challenge and the first results reassure that the properties Nepfix project pursued were met. Many investigation branches are left open for future investigations. In this EOG implementation guidelines are proposed for some of them like error recovery or dynamic NEP splitting. On the other hand other interesting problems that were not in the scope of this project were identified during development like word representation standardization or NEP model optimizations. As a confirmation that the results of this work can be useful to the scientific com-munity a preliminary version of this project was published in The International Work- Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN) in May 2015. Development has not stopped since that point and while Nepfix in it's current state can not be consid¬ered a final product the most relevant ideas, possible problems and solutions that were produced during the seven months development cycle are worthy to be gathered and presented giving a meaning to this EOG work.


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O estudo das emoções no consumo é fundamental para a expansão do conhecimento da área de marketing. Pesquisadores de consumo de múltiplas tendências já perceberam a importância de se compreender mais profundamente os fenômenos emocionais associados ao consumo. Esta tese apresenta uma análise das relações entre o sentimento de vergonha e os significados de consumo. Utilizei uma abordagem de orientação sociológica, focada nas relações entre o indivíduo e o grupo na construção de seus sentimentos. Para poder penetrar no mundo dos sentimentos vividos pelos indivíduos, adotei uma perspectiva interpretativa para a pesquisa. Como conseqüência direta de minha opção epistemológica, foi necessária a utilização de uma abordagem metodológica capaz de alcançar os conjuntos de significados subjetivos dos indivíduos organizados dentro de um contexto social. Essencialmente, ficou demonstrado que o interacionismo interpretativo (DENZIN, 1989) ofereceu uma solução útil e consistente para os problemas de análise dos volumosos dados resultantes da abordagem qualitativa. A utilização do interacionismo interpretativo permitiu que eu permanecesse totalmente focado no fenômeno sob estudo devido às características progressivas (step-like) da análise. Além disso, a abordagem adotada tornou possível o acesso às perspectivas dos participantes através de suas linguagens, atitudes e pensamentos. Como resultado, obtive uma interpretação mais rica e completa das relações de consumo que envolvem a vergonha. Foram construídos três casos que representam de forma abrangente as entrevistas capturadas. Estes três casos ofereceram indicações suficientes para a discussão acerca dos principais pontos levantados. Ficou claro que a vergonha pode agir de maneira a constituir e modificar o significado de consumo de bens e serviços e alterar a avaliação do consumidor com relação a estes. Além disso, o estudo da vergonha pode ter conseqüências práticas para o marketing uma vez que este sentimento está relacionado ao estímulo ou desestímulo do consumo, além de surgir como resposta para algumas experiências de consumo.


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The study aimed to understand the concept of women with physical disabilities about their ability to gestate, give birth or care a child. This is an exploratory, descriptive study with qualitative approach developed in three non-governmental organizations in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The data collection occurred in the period from April to June, 2014, through semi-structured interviews, using a script composed by sociodemographic questions and a guiding one. It was obtained a priori the permission from the association’s directors, the approval from the Research Ethics Committee, of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, CAAE nº 27442814.7.0000.5537 and the assent n° 618.045, as well as the participant’s formal authorization by signing the Informed Consent Statement. Participated in the study 12 women, selected according to the following inclusion criteria: to have physical disability, to be aged 18 to 49 years old, and to affirm the existence of limiting characteristics from early childhood (0-3 years). The information obtained in the interviews were subjected to the precepts of Content Analysis according to Bardin, under the thematic analysis technique. From this process, three categories emerged: Conceiving motherhood in front of disability; Conceiving the capacity to be mother with disability; and Conceiving the support during pregnancy and puerperium period. As the theoretical framework we adopted the principles of symbolic interactionism proposed by Blumer. The discussion was supported by literature findings on women's health care in the context of reproduction. The interviewees conceive motherhood as an accomplishment and believe in their own ability to gestate, give birth and care a child. However, the desire for the maternal role tends to be influenced by adverse feelings and limitations raised by disability, social barriers and prejudices. They also referred the importance of support from partner, family and health professionals in the care of child. Upon these findings, it is understood that although there are barriers to the realization of their desire, these barriers were not enough to make them give up on becoming a mother. Therefore, it is necessary that health professionals, highlighted the nurse, be trained to care for women with disabilities in the context of reproductive health care in order to offer adequate support to their needs


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As we are aware, the classroom is emerging as a continuous build learning experiences and environment, however, for students also it functions as a place also to be due to socializing with friends. However, not always these elements complement each other, so as harmoniously as we are aware that there are many difficulties, both in the act of learning as in interpersonal relations between them. From this, we understand that it is for the school to seek ways to contemplate such issues so that they feel inserted both with regard to this learning as well as being able to interact with themselves and with others, in a participatory manner, to live well socially. Thus, we find ourselves facing a similar situation with a 9th grade class where the students had certain limitations to have a good relationship with one another, causing thus problems in learning. On the other hand, this difficulty as affectively interact with each other, also, was increased by the difficulty that some students had to speak for themselves and to show their feelings and emotions, getting even more difficult this interaction at school. Thus, we found ourselves obliged to act immediately and need to bring about change in this picture. So it came out the idea of the application of an intervening action which started taking shapefrom a pedagogical project that we developed in other classes in previous years, this time adapted to the situation experienced by the group. The project, framed in the qualitative research and characterized from the action research approach took shape, and elected as its main objective to seek possible alternatives to develop the communicative competence of students, which is why we invest in exercise oral communication (speaking and listening) in order to promote the use of language, the interpersonal involvement facilitating thus their participation both in the classroom and in social life. To fulfill this goal, we set out to develop a didactic book whose support materialized through the autobiographical narrative (molded in writing production) and worked along a structured instructional sequence in three distinctstages that dialogued with each other. Therefore, we base our study from the socio-historical conception and dialogue proposed by Bakhtin in line with the sociodiscursivo interactionism of Bronckart and resort to other scholars as Dolz and Schneuwly, Marcuschi among others. The development of all stages of the project not only has had an immediate effect on what we proposed ourselves as also yielded us very gratifying moments reinforcing to us that the classroom environment goes far beyond the fact ministering content. And that work with orality, with views on affective interaction of these students resulted in a project, so to speak, exciting.


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Este trabajo pretende señalar maneras de cambiar el concepto de que los estudiantes de una clase de noveno grado de la escuela primaria en la Escuela de Estado Dr. José Gonçalves de Medeiros, en la ciudad de Acari-RN, tienen de sí mismos, de su entorno cultural y su capacidad de producción poética. Además, las referencias a las desigualdades sociales en Brasil utilizando como eje motivador de leer la poesía de Conceição Evaristo relacionada con la memoria, la lucha y la apreciación de ascendencia africana. Las aportaciones teóricas sobre la situación socio-interaccionismo, la poesía, la poesía en la escuela y la secuencia didáctica colaboran para afirmar que el estudiante de escuela pública en su discurso revela influencia del entorno familiar, social y cultural, sino también el entorno educativo, así como los primeros signos de sentimiento nacional: una mayoría excluida. Su poesía haciendo tiene sus raíces en el entorno socio-cultural y geográfica, lo que denota un principio revuelta, sin embargo, con el reconocimiento de las contribuciones de las clases desfavorecidas para la construcción de nuestro país, el estudiante tiene otras cuestiones, como el mestizo, la identificación África y el orgullo de su origen, la memoria y la cultura. Por lo tanto, se confirmam la relación rizomáticas entre las dos realidades. La elección de la investigación de intervención, en la confluencia con la investigación-acción y la investigación participativa se debe al hecho de que el intercambio de experiencias en la investigación científica es rica y significativa. Con el uso de una secuencia didáctica, cuyo eje sentir la poesía, analizar textos y hacer poesía, el estudiante es llevado a la percepción de las ventanas del universo contenida en este género literario, que es una herramienta comunicativa que ofrece numerosas posibilidades expresión, conocimiento del otro y reconocer mutuamente.


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The activities in labor judicial sphere are permeated by the use of diverse text genres, which are indispensable instruments to the accomplishment of actions that involve the jurisdictional realm. Among the genres that circulate in this domain, we selected the genre minutes of hearing as the object of study of this research, because it is a document supporting the actions, procedures and deliberations agreed, in hearings, by members involved in work-related litigation. In this study we aim to describe the elements that constitute the referred genre in what concerns its pragmatic, organizational and linguistic dimensions. Therefore, we use the postulations of Sociodiscursive Interactionism as theoretical framework, through the writings of Bronckart (2006; 2007; 2012), supported by Marcuschi studies (2008; 2010; 2011), Koch and Favero (1987), Elias Koch (2011; 2012) and Zanotto (2012). In methodological terms, it is characterized as a qualitative approach research (BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 1994; CHIZZOTTI, 2000; MOREIRA; CALEFFE, 2006) with aspects of an ethnographic work (ANDRÉ, 1995; CANÇADO, 1994). The discussion proposed inserts into the field of Applied Linguistics for it focalizes ―social issues and creates intelligibility about the social practices in which language plays the main role‖ (MOITA LOPES, 2006, p.14). The analyses indicate – regarding the pragmatic dimension – that the genre in focus constitutes artefact that enables the register of actions, deliberations, testimonials, procedures and occurrences established during the hearings and has as its interlocutors judges, litigants and their legal representatives. Concerning the organizational dimension, despite the genre in scope present a proposal of standardized writing, their examples contemplate variations and flexibility especially with regard to the development and outcome of the text. As for linguistic aspects, it is noticeable the presence of lexical choices inherent in the language used by labor law discourse community. Lastly, stand out the relevance of the research lies in the fact that it approaches, from the perspective of the Applied Linguistics, the forensic writing and, consequently, offers contributions to the understanding of such genre.


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The little interest in reading and the large presence of deviations in writing observed in the texts of students of the 5th grade of a public school in RN, led us to question the motives of this problem. Thus, the idea to organize and develop teaching sequences with a variety of possibilities of reading and production through the text genres. The practice with the textual genres in elementary school extends the use of reading and writing and improves the quality of learning. In this way, the school, as one of the most active spheres in social practices of the language, we justify this work with the use of text genres as facilitators for teaching and learning the mother tongue. For this purpose, we draw as the main objective to talk about the work with textual genres from the development of didactic sequences, as well as encourage students to take a more reflexive attitude toward language and its uses, as discursive social practices. The development of the study with the text genres was made through the application of didactic sequences in the school context of elementary school classes, from 5th grade. Specifically were chosen, the letter, note, music, poetry, fable and the tale. The study is anchored in the reflections of the following theorists and researchers: Bakhtin (2011), Miller (1994), Marcuschi (2008) and Bronckart (1999) on the text genres; Marcuschi (2005) and Dolz and Schneuwly (2004) that approve a teaching-learning proposal focused on textual genres, giving a meaning to language in the construction of the knowledge and Dolz and Schneuwly (2004) regarding the didactic sequence; other theoretical orientations: PCN (1998), Lerner (2005), among others. The methodology followed the action research guidelines, in a qualitative approach perspective. The instruments of research included questionnaire, observations, readings and productions. The results pointed the students' interest in relation to the activities developed in the didactic sequences and consequently improvement in the students‘ own writings. In this sense, we reiterate the need to contamplate in the teaching activities the diversity of texts and genres and, not only due to its social relevance, therefore the student should be able to use the language in various way and adapt their texts to situations of oral and written interlocution.


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This work has as object of study a social practice: modern slavery of workers in the sugar cane, and aims to present a reflection on maintenance, eradication or modification of this practice. This reflection bases itself upon the concepts of discourse advocated by Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 2001, 2003, 2006 and Chouliaraki; Fairclough, 1999) associated with Sociodiscursive Interactionism (Bronckart, 1999, 2006, 2008), and the concept of action figures, proposed by Bulea (2010). We follow the five steps outlined in Chouliaraki and Fairclough (1999): a) emphasis on a social problem, b) introduction and discussion of obstacles to tackle the problem, c) considerations concern the problem in practice d) identifying possible ways to past the obstacles, and e) reflection about the analyst role within the problem. In order to achieve step (b) in its discourse materiality axis, it has been identified the thematic content, discourse types, enunciative mechanisms and action figures of testimonials of sugar cane workers and other subjects involved with the problem in the documentaries Bagaço (2006, and Tabuleiro de Cana, Xadrez de Cativeiro (2006). These documentaries bring to the screen a little of sugar cane workers reality within an overexploitation, human rights disrespects and forced work. The analysis of textual/discursive aspects of testimonials has shown the ways in which the (de)construction of the representation of sugar cane action allows understanding of how the problem emerges and how it is rooted in the organization of social life. The general result of this reflection point to the internalization of social practices deep-rooted in evaluations of the sugar cane worker subjective world and from social world values, opinions and rules. The results also show that, in their discourse, workers assume their slavery sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously, but only suggest a reaction against the oppression imposed on them because they have internalized and naturalized their enslavement.


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This work has as object of study a social practice: modern slavery of workers in the sugar cane, and aims to present a reflection on maintenance, eradication or modification of this practice. This reflection bases itself upon the concepts of discourse advocated by Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 2001, 2003, 2006 and Chouliaraki; Fairclough, 1999) associated with Sociodiscursive Interactionism (Bronckart, 1999, 2006, 2008), and the concept of action figures, proposed by Bulea (2010). We follow the five steps outlined in Chouliaraki and Fairclough (1999): a) emphasis on a social problem, b) introduction and discussion of obstacles to tackle the problem, c) considerations concern the problem in practice d) identifying possible ways to past the obstacles, and e) reflection about the analyst role within the problem. In order to achieve step (b) in its discourse materiality axis, it has been identified the thematic content, discourse types, enunciative mechanisms and action figures of testimonials of sugar cane workers and other subjects involved with the problem in the documentaries Bagaço (2006, and Tabuleiro de Cana, Xadrez de Cativeiro (2006). These documentaries bring to the screen a little of sugar cane workers reality within an overexploitation, human rights disrespects and forced work. The analysis of textual/discursive aspects of testimonials has shown the ways in which the (de)construction of the representation of sugar cane action allows understanding of how the problem emerges and how it is rooted in the organization of social life. The general result of this reflection point to the internalization of social practices deep-rooted in evaluations of the sugar cane worker subjective world and from social world values, opinions and rules. The results also show that, in their discourse, workers assume their slavery sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously, but only suggest a reaction against the oppression imposed on them because they have internalized and naturalized their enslavement.


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Objetivo: Compreender o conhecimento e o uso da voz por mulheres que cantam em coral e as repercussões para a promoção da saúde. Métodos: Realizou-se estudo qualitativo, de dezembro de 2011 a fevereiro de 2012, com 13 mulheres de 23 a 66 anos, membros de um coral de uma universidade, em Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. Coletaram-se os dados através de entrevista semiestruturada. Aplicou-se a análise temática para organizar os resultados em categorias, analisando-as à luz do interacionismo simbólico. Resultados: Identificaram-se dois núcleos de sentido: conhecimento sobre voz e uso da voz. As coralistas definiram a voz como meio de comunicação, identidade pessoal e forma para expressar emoções. Elas não demonstraram conhecimento consistente sobre os aspectos anatômicos e fisiológicos da voz, mas as definições apresentadas mostram que elas entendem que a voz permeia espaços pessoais, sociais e profissionais. A voz profissional e o envelhecimento destacaram-se no contexto do uso vocal. As participantes reconhecem que o conhecimento e o uso da voz podem ser aprimorados pelas atividades no coral, o que remete à promoção da saúde. Conclusão: As coralistas apresentam conhecimento limitado sobre a saúde vocal, porém, compreendem os efeitos benéficos do coral sobre sua saúde, ampliando a compreensão sobre a voz; isso estimula a adoção de hábitos saudáveis e de medidas preventivas, o que favorece o uso vocal.