247 resultados para DEMO
Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR
The objective of this article is to present an abbreviation analysis and interpretation of the path of the medium teaching in Brazil, from where the idea of the relationship emerges between education and work, among theory and practice, and its organization in the molds of the polytechnical education, this last one that had guided the preliminary proposal for the medium teaching presented by Dermeval Saviani, in 1988. In that sense, subjects were approached on education and work. Finally, they were made brief considerations on the theme in the educational context for besides the capital
The main objective of this work is to describe conceptions and practices of evaluation observed at a private language school. The theoretical background was gathered from Demo (2002a, 2002b), Luckesi (2001), Romão (2001), Shohamy (2001), Hughes (1994) and Depresbiteris (1989). Regarding the data collected, we made use of questionnaires, interviews, group discussions and diaries. Results show that the topics “fear of test” and “test content” were the most frequent ones. Furthermore, there was a harmonious relationship between teacher and students when tests were applied. We observed a “non-verbal agreement” between them, that is, there was a minimum content to be studied and to be asked on a test. We also noticed that classroom activities had a more complex level than the content actually tested.
This article has as objective to discuss some topics concerning the supposed crisis of the society of the work and its consequences for the debate in social sciences and also for the work category contextualization in the secondary school curriculum. As the work has represented an important explanation category for the classic social thought, the contemporary paradigm of deep metamorphoses in the world of the work and the advent of the new question (CASTELS, 1995; ROSANVALLON, 1995) backward the necessity to rethink the theoretical shades that base the interpretation of the social life on the current context, when the center position of the work is being questioned. Having taken some theoretical references from the sociology of the work, we search to delineate on a brief way the quarrel about the dimensions of the social and political phenomena these days and the importance of this debate on the contextualization of the secondary school curriculum contents.
After a long period of military dictatorship, the Brazilian people, following the redemocratization in the late 1980s, experimented the possibility of electing their political representatives. This experience of democracy and citizenship included in the electoral process, now, appear as one of the main challenges to make the Brazilian public schools more democratic and participative, through the election of school managers. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the historical aspects of the process of electing representatives in Brazil and the possibilities of direct elections for school managers. At first recovering the struggle of the Brazilian society in search of an effective political participation and, subsequently, pointing out the limits and possibilities of the introduction of direct elections for school managers as a mechanism to consolidate a more democratic school.
Over the years is a significant number of researchers consider constructivism as a methodology above the rest and that can be applied to any educational context, and is therefore the ideal methodology in the present moment. However, as opposed to this idea, there is a growing body of research that consider the methodological pluralism how best to teach in class, precisely because it is not just one, but several methodological practices which vary according to the educational needs of students. This exhibit features four lessons presented to students of 6th and 8th grade of elementary school II, two lessons using experimental activities, a lesson using Demo activity and a lesson using texts textbooks. In all four lessons there was a collection of data on students' understanding about the physical concepts covered by each of the above four lessons either through questionnaires, video recording, and more. Based on Vygotsky's theory of social interaction and constructs Wertsch (1984), this article raises important discussions about the advantages and disadvantages of these three methodologies within the pluralistic proposal
This work aims to present Appreciative Inquiry as a participative methodology and seeks to establish possible relationships with organizational communication. For this, we make a literature review about topics such as participation, participative planning, appreciative inquiry, it's basic concepts, it's methodology and possibilities. It also presents the fundamental concepts of communication and organizational culture and public relations, searching to highlight the perceived interfaces through the interrelation of concepts, the main references, authors such as Demo (1999), Gandin (1994) Brose (2010), Cooperrider and Whitney (2006), Varona (2004), Bordenave (1999), Kunsch (2002) and Marchiori (2013). In order to verify the applicability of this methodology, this paper also develops a qualitative study, using the technique of indepth research with the first Brazilian organization using Appreciative Inquiry: Nutrimental, a food company. The results of the application of AI in the organization are presented and then seeks to make the possible connections with the concepts of communication and organizational culture
The aim of this study was to develop a qualitative research of bibliographic nature, in order to verify how has been the use of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and literary reading in early childhood education.. It is believed to be necessary for children, since their early childhood, to, be in contact with various literary works of aesthetic value, which will enable them to understand this particular literary language - and the imagery that comes with it - what can instigate appreciate literature and get the reading habit. The use of ICTs by children beyond the use of games and watching stories on computers, tablets and smartphones, for example, for the production of videos and slides or creating stories, enable new experiences of redesigning and construction of knowledge and culture. The idea for this research came from reading the numerous texts that deal with the need to understand the child as an active subject in the construction of culture and society, rather than as receiving reproductive and cultural orders (CRIANÇAS, 2012). In this sense, in addition to the newsletters Equity For Children: Latin America (CRIANÇAS, 2012), the understanding of childhood and child in the works of Walter O. Kohan (2005; 2006) supports this study. This research proposal was also based on authors and documents that point to the need to promote, since the first stages of Basic Education, the literary reading as a means of enjoyment and emancipation (LAJOLO 2001a; Barthes, 2007; FILIPOUSKY, 2009; BRAZIL, 2010; MACHADO, 2011; VASQUES, 2013), and an education connected to the technological advances of the twenty-first century (BRAZIL, 1997, CHAVES, 1998; DEMO, 2008)
[ES] IPOL es una revista científica de procesamiento digital de imágenes y diversos métodos de análisis de imágenes. En cada publicación se incorpora una demo donde cualquier persona puede probar, vía web, el funcionamiento del método descrito en dicha publicación. De esta forma, se puede usar el método sin tener conocimiento de programación ni tener que instalarlo en su ordenador. En este proyecto fin de carrera se quiere desarrollar una aplicación que permita la ejecución de las demos desde un dispositivo móvil. Con ello, se pretende hacer más accesible la ejecución de algoritmo de procesamiento de imágenes y aumentar su divulgación científica.
[ES]En este proyecto la alumna ha desarrollado la demo jugable de un videojuego en 2D con perspectiva top-down. El juego transcurre en un zoológico, con un mono como protagonista, y el objetivo del mismo es lograr escapar al tiempo que se evita a los empleados del zoo. Para conseguir huir, el jugador tendrá que obtener algunos objetos y liberar a otros animales. En la propia demo se pueden consultar los controles y las distintas opciones disponibles. Para la creación del juego se ha utilizado el motor de juegos Unity 5 (edición personal) y recursos obtenidos de diversas fuentes de contenido gratuito.
Il sistema viabile rappresenta una parte fondamentale nella dinamica dei trasporti al servizio della mobilità di trasporti e merci. La mobilità, ha fatto registrare ritmi di crescita sostenuti nel corso degli anni. Le trasformazioni sociali, del mercato del lavoro, lo sviluppo produttivo e commerciale, la posizione baricentrica tra le province jonca salentina e brindisina fanno di Manduria, una realtà dove è necessario prestare attenzione al sistema dei trasporti. Tuttavia la rete statale di vecchio stampo che risulta utilizzata, soprattutto da quote di mobilità interprovinciale per questioni di economicità del percorso e dal momento che manca una rete viaria ordinaria funzionale e scorrevole che colleghi in modo capillare il territorio fanno si che la Strada Statale 7ter risulti congestionata in maniera diffusa. La Superstrada di nuova costruzione sarebbe potuta essere un importante arteria stradale allacciandosi alla SS Taranto Brindisi Lecce collegando il sud della provincia Jonica in modo capillare ai comuni della provincia Taranto e Lecce, la quale non è stata ultimata ed avrebbe rappresentato una valida alternativa alla statale esistenti. Oltre a favorire i collegamenti tra il territorio jonico, brindisino e quello salentino, tale intervento sarebbe stato necessario per ridurre la componente di traffico di attraversamento di una serie di centri urbani, tra cui il Comune di Manduria. In questa tesi, sulla base dei dati raccolti dall’ultimo censimento nell’ambito provinciale e del Comune di Manduria, verrà implementato il funzionamento del Piano del Traffico stradale del Comune di Manduria e verranno condotte delle simulazioni, con l’ausilio del software di pianificazione di sistemi di trasporto stradale Omnitrans, versione demo, scaricabile gratuitamente dal sito www.omnitrans-international.com. Si ricercheranno stime sul funzionamento della rete, valutando la congestione del traffico ed eventualmente in termini di aumento della sicurezza e riduzione dell’inquinamento atmosferico.
The present PhD thesis summarizes the three-years study about the neutronic investigation of a new concept nuclear reactor aiming at the optimization and the sustainable management of nuclear fuel in a possible European scenario. A new generation nuclear reactor for the nuclear reinassance is indeed desired by the actual industrialized world, both for the solution of the energetic question arising from the continuously growing energy demand together with the corresponding reduction of oil availability, and the environment question for a sustainable energy source free from Long Lived Radioisotopes and therefore geological repositories. Among the Generation IV candidate typologies, the Lead Fast Reactor concept has been pursued, being the one top rated in sustainability. The European Lead-cooled SYstem (ELSY) has been at first investigated. The neutronic analysis of the ELSY core has been performed via deterministic analysis by means of the ERANOS code, in order to retrieve a stable configuration for the overall design of the reactor. Further analyses have been carried out by means of the Monte Carlo general purpose transport code MCNP, in order to check the former one and to define an exact model of the system. An innovative system of absorbers has been conceptualized and designed for both the reactivity compensation and regulation of the core due to cycle swing, as well as for safety in order to guarantee the cold shutdown of the system in case of accident. Aiming at the sustainability of nuclear energy, the steady-state nuclear equilibrium has been investigated and generalized into the definition of the ``extended'' equilibrium state. According to this, the Adiabatic Reactor Theory has been developed, together with a New Paradigm for Nuclear Power: in order to design a reactor that does not exchange with the environment anything valuable (thus the term ``adiabatic''), in the sense of both Plutonium and Minor Actinides, it is required indeed to revert the logical design scheme of nuclear cores, starting from the definition of the equilibrium composition of the fuel and submitting to the latter the whole core design. The New Paradigm has been applied then to the core design of an Adiabatic Lead Fast Reactor complying with the ELSY overall system layout. A complete core characterization has been done in order to asses criticality and power flattening; a preliminary evaluation of the main safety parameters has been also done to verify the viability of the system. Burn up calculations have been then performed in order to investigate the operating cycle for the Adiabatic Lead Fast Reactor; the fuel performances have been therefore extracted and inserted in a more general analysis for an European scenario. The present nuclear reactors fleet has been modeled and its evolution simulated by means of the COSI code in order to investigate the materials fluxes to be managed in the European region. Different plausible scenarios have been identified to forecast the evolution of the European nuclear energy production, including the one involving the introduction of Adiabatic Lead Fast Reactors, and compared to better analyze the advantages introduced by the adoption of new concept reactors. At last, since both ELSY and the ALFR represent new concept systems based upon innovative solutions, the neutronic design of a demonstrator reactor has been carried out: such a system is intended to prove the viability of technology to be implemented in the First-of-a-Kind industrial power plant, with the aim at attesting the general strategy to use, to the largest extent. It was chosen then to base the DEMO design upon a compromise between demonstration of developed technology and testing of emerging technology in order to significantly subserve the purpose of reducing uncertainties about construction and licensing, both validating ELSY/ALFR main features and performances, and to qualify numerical codes and tools.
Nel contesto della tesi è stata sviluppata un'applicazione di Realtà Aumentata per tablet Android nell'ambito dell'interior design. Dopo aver acquisito un'istantanea con la fotocamera del dispositivo di un ambiente interno, è possibile selezionare attraverso un "tocco" sul display il rivestimento (pavimento o parete) di cui si vuole simulare il cambiamento di colore o texture. Una volta individuata ed evidenziata l'area di interesse, in tempo reale è possibile cambiare interattivamente l'aspetto del rivestimento precedentemente selezionato. La tesi si focalizza sulla ricerca di un metodo che consenta di avere una segmentazione accurata della superficie di interesse. L'algoritmo di segmentazione studiato, utilizzato nell'applicazione di Realtà Aumentata, è sviluppato nel contesto della collaborazione tra il Computer Vision Group (CVG), coordinato dal Prof. Alessandro Bevilacqua e Maticad S.r.l., un'azienda che opera nel settore dell'Information Technology, Distributed Applications, Internet e Computer Grafica, presso la quale ho effettuato un periodo di tirocinio. Maticad, oltre a software per pc desktop, sviluppa applicazioni per iOS e in questo contesto, durante il tirocinio, ho sviluppata un'applicazione demo per iOS 7 volta a studiare le prestazioni dei sensori (ottico, inerziali, magnetici), in vista di un futuro porting dell'applicazione su quel sistema operativo.
6. Summary Despite the lack of direct evidence from large clinical trials for mutagenic and genotoxic effects of GTN therapy, the present study show s the induction of pre-mutagenic lesions, such as 8- oxo - G and O 6 - me - G by GTN t reatment as well as increased formation of DNA strand breaks. These results were obtained in an in vitro (EA.hy 926 – human endothelial cell line) and in vivo (Wistar rats and C57BL/6 mice) setting. However, GTN - induced DNA damage had no effect on the degr ee of nitrate tolerance but only on other pathological side effects such as oxidative stress, as confirmed by studies in MGMT knockout mice. Of clinical importance , this study establishes potent apoptotic properties of organic nitrates, which has been demo nstrated by the levels of the novel apoptotic marker and caspase - 3 substrate, fractin, as well as levels of cleaved caspase - 3 , the activated form of this pro - apoptotic enzyme . The p rotein analy tical data ha ve been confirmed by an independent assay for the apoptosis , Cell death detection assay (TUNEL) . First, these GTN - mediated apoptotic effects may account for the previously reported anti - cancer effects of GTN therapy (probably based on induction of apoptosis in tumor cells). Second, these GTN - mediated apop totic effects may account for the increased mortality rates observed in the group of organic nitrate - treated patients as reported by two independent meta - analysis (probably due to induction of apoptosis in highly beneficial endothelial progenitor cells as well as in cardiomyocytes during wound healing and cardiac remodeling) . Summary of the current investigations can be seen in Figure 18.
This dissertation document deals with the development of a project, over a span of more than two years, carried out within the scope of the Arrowhead Framework and which bears my personal contribution in several sections. The final part of the project took place during a visiting period at the university of Luleå. The Arrowhead Project is an European project, belonging to the ARTEMIS association, which aims to foster new technologies and unify the access to them into an unique framework. Such technologies include the Internet of Things phe- nomenon, Smart Houses, Electrical Mobility and renewable energy production. An application is considered compliant with such framework when it respects the Service Oriented Architecture paradigm and it is able to interact with a set of defined components called Arrowhead Core Services. My personal contribution to this project is given by the development of several user-friendly API, published in the project's main repository, and the integration of a legacy system within the Arrowhead Framework. The implementation of this legacy system was initiated by me in 2012 and, after many improvements carried out by several developers in UniBO, it has been again significantly modified this year in order to achieve compatibility. The system consists of a simulation of an urban scenario where a certain amount of electrical vehicles are traveling along their specified routes. The vehicles are con-suming their battery and, thus, need to recharge at the charging stations. The electrical vehicles need to use a reservation mechanism to be able to recharge and avoid waiting lines, due to the long recharge process. The integration with the above mentioned framework consists in the publication of the services that the system provides to the end users through the instantiation of several Arrowhead Service Producers, together with a demo Arrowhead- compliant client application able to consume such services.