987 resultados para state-trait


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Globally, approximately 208 million people aged 15 and older used illicit drugs at least once in the last 12 months; 2 billion consumed alcohol and tobacco consumption affected 25% (World Drug Report, 2008). In the United States, 20.1 million (8.0%) people aged 12 and older were illicit drug users, 129 million (51.6%) abused alcohol and 70.9 million (28.4%) used tobacco (SAMHSA/OAS, 2008).Usually considered a problem specific to men (Lynch, 2002), 5.2% of pregnant women aged 15 to 44 are also illicit drug and substance abusers (SAMHSA/OAS, 2007). During pregnancy, illicit drugs and substance abuse (ID/SA) can significantly affect a woman and her infant contributing to developmental and communication delays for the infant and influencing parenting abilities (Budden, 1996; March of Dimes, 2006b; Rossetti, 2000). Feelings of guilt and shame and stressful experiences influence approaches to parenting (Ashley, Marsden, & Brady, 2003; Brazelton, & Greenspan, 2000; Ehrmin, 2000; Johnson, & Rosen, 1990; Kelley, 1998; Rossetti, 2000; Velez et al., 2004; Zickler, 1999). Parenthood is an expanded role that can be a trying time for those lacking a sense of self-efficacy and creates a high vulnerability to stress (Bandura, 1994). Residential treatment programs for ID/SA mothers and their children provide an excellent opportunity for effective interventions (Finkelstein, 1994; Social Care Institute for Excellence, 2005). This experimental study evaluated whether teaching American Sign Language (ASL) to mothers living with their infants/children at an ID/SA residential treatment program increased the mothers’ self-efficacy and decreased their anxiety. Quantitative data were collected using the General Self-Efficacy Scale and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory showing there was both a significant increase in self efficacy and decrease in anxiety for the mothers. This research adds to the knowledge base concerning ID/SA mothers’ caring for their infants/children. By providing a simple low cost program, easily incorporated into existing rehabilitation curricula, the study helps educators and healthcare providers better understand the needs of the ID/SA mothers. This study supports Bandura’s theory that parents who are secure in their efficacy can navigate through the various phases of their child’s development and are less vulnerable to stress (Bandura, 1994).


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This study examines the effects of looping (staying with the same teacher for two grade levels) on the reading achievement of fourth graders within a large, urban, multicultural school. Looping was expected to have a positive effect on reading achievement and reading qualities. Additional benefits, such as its effect on anxiety levels and self-concept were also assumed to accrue from looping. A causal-comparative design was employed. Four existing classrooms consisting of eighty-one fourth grade students comprised the treatment and comparison groups. The two "looping" treatment groups consisted of students who had the same teacher for their third and fourth grade school years. The remaining two classes comprised the comparison groups. Pre- and post-tests for reading achievement total scores and subscores for main idea and comparisons were obtained using the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). Assessments were also obtained from the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children, modified to reflect reading, and the Self- Perception Profile for Children. The difference in pre- and post-test FCAT scores were analyzed via a four group simple ANOVA to examine the effects of the looping model on reading achievement and reading qualities. Similar simple ANOVAs were performed to investigate the relationship of looping to anxiety and self-concept. The findings led to the conclusion that looping was significantly related to improvement in reading achievement and reading qualities. In addition, the hypothesized relationship of lower anxiety in the looping group compared to the comparison group was supported. There were no significant effects on self-concept for any of the comparisons. The study clearly demonstrated the positive effects of looping, on total reading achievement scores, on reading qualities of fourth grade students who participated in looping classes and on differences in students' anxiety. Looping did not have an effect on general self-concept. The results demonstrate the effects of looping on teaching methods. In looping practice teachers have the advantage of knowing their students and the students' readiness and can make adaptations of teaching methods accordingly. From the students' perspective, the looped students do not have to adapt to a new teacher and thus, experience lower anxiety.


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Background: Even though caring remains the essence of nursing it is still an ambiguous concept as the lens through which each nurse perceives caring differs. The differences are due to multiple factors including the setting in which the nurse works. Nurses experience high levels of anxiety when caring for patients in acute settings. Despite an abundance of published studies on caring there is a dearth of research available that focuses on the relationship between caring and anxiety. Aim: The aim of this research study was to investigate caring and anxiety in a sample of registered nurses working in an acute hospital and to determine the relationship between these and other variables. Method: A quantitative descriptive study using a correlational design was employed, with a sample of 280 registered nurses. The Caring Behaviours Inventory-24 was used to measure caring and the State Trait Anxiety Inventory to measure Anxiety. The study was guided by the Theory of Human Caring (Watson 2008). Findings: Nurses reported high levels of caring and low levels of anxiety. A statistical significant relationship was found between caring and anxiety and between caring and supportive work environment and job satisfaction. A statistical significant relationship was found between anxiety and work environment, job satisfaction gender, age, relationship status and education. Conclusion: This is the first study to investigate the relationship between caring and anxiety in an acute hospital setting. This research contributes to advancing nursing knowledge by providing evidence of the relationship between caring and anxiety among nurses in an acute hospital setting. Despite nurses reporting high levels of caring and low levels of anxiety, it is important to further enhance caring and reduce anxiety levels among all nurses. Thus, educators and managers need to explore strategies for the alleviation of anxiety among nurses, practising in acute care settings.


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Oncological patients are submitted to invasive exams in order to obtain an accurate diagnosis; these procedures may cause maladaptative reactions (fear, anxiety and pain). Particularly in breast cancer, the most common diagnose technique is the incisional biopsy. Most of the patients are unaware about the procedure and for that reason they may focus their thoughts on possible events such as pain, bleeding, the anesthesia, or the later surgical wound care. Anxiety and pain may provoke physiological, behavioral and emotional complications, and because of this reason, the Behavioral Medicine trained psychologist takes an active role before and after the biopsy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a cognitive-behavioral program to reduce anxiety in women submitted to incisional biopsy for the first time. There were 10 participants from the Hospital Juárez de México, Oncology service; all of them were treated as external patients. The intervention program focused in psycho-education and passive relaxation training using videos, tape-recorded instructions and pamphlets. Anxiety measures were performed using the IDARE-State inventory, and a visual-analogue scale of anxiety (EEF-A), and the measurement of blood pressure and heart rate). Data were analyzed both intrasubject and intersubject using the Wilcoxon test (p≤0.05). The results show a reduction in anxiety (as in punctuation as in ranges) besides, a reduction in the EEF-A.


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A literatura realça a importância do impacto do comportamento parental no desenvolvimento de ansiedade em crianças e adolescentes. Dado a pertinência do tema, o foco do presente estudo visa analisar o papel que a perceção dos adolescentes sobre os estilos educativos parentais tem sobre a manifestação de sintomatologia ansiosa. A amostra desta investigação envolveu 136 adolescentes do 3º ciclo do ensino básico, 48 rapazes e 88 raparigas com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 15 anos, com uma média de idades de 13,2 anos, recolhida no Colégio São Martinho em Coimbra. O protocolo de investigação incluiu os seguintes instrumentos de colheita de dados: Questionário Sociodemográfico, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC) e EMBU-A. Os resultados do estudo sugerem que os adolescentes mais velhos manifestam maior sintomatologia ansiosa, estatisticamente significativa ao nível da ansiedade-estado. No que respeita ao desempenho académico, são os adolescentes com elevado insucesso escolar que exteriorizam mais ansiedade-traço. Porém, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na manifestação da ansiedade dos adolescentes em função das variáveis género, posição na fratria e habilitações literárias dos pais. Por seu lado, em relação aos estilos educativos parentais, os jovens que têm maior insucesso escolar percecionam níveis elevados de sobreproteção da mãe, e de rejeição do pai e da mãe. Os adolescentes que têm um pai com mais baixo nível de escolaridade percecionam maior rejeição materna, e são os filhos de mães com menos habilitações literárias que sentem maior sobreproteção da mãe e rejeição do pai. Verificou-se, em particular, uma associação significativa entre a rejeição paterna e níveis mais elevados de sintomatologia ansiosa. O modelo preditivo avançado no estudo confirma que a rejeição paterna, em conjunto com a idade do adolescente, são bons preditores da sintomatologia ansiosa. Especificamente, a rejeição paterna é evidenciada como o melhor preditor da sintomatologia ansiosa, sendo o principal responsável pela manifestação de ansiedade nos adolescentes. Os resultados sugerem que a rejeição do pai desencadeia níveis elevados de sintomatologia ansiosa. Assim, este estudo permite concluir que a rejeição paterna é o estilo educativo parental que exerce maior influência na manifestação de ansiedade nos adolescentes. / The literature highlights the importance of the impact of parental behavior on the development of anxiety in children and adolescents. Given the relevance of the topic, the focus of this study is to analyze the role that the adolescents’ perception about parental rearing styles have on the manifestation of anxiety symptoms. The sample of this research involved 136 adolescents from the 3rd cycle of basic education, 48 boys and 88 girls aged between 12 and 15 years, with a mean age of 13,2 years, gathered in Colégio São Martinho in Coimbra. The investigation protocol included the following data collection instruments: Sociodemographic Questionnaire, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC) and the EMBU-A. The results of the study suggest that older adolescents show greater anxiety symptoms, statistically significant at the level of state anxiety. With regard to academic performance, are adolescents with high failure rates that externalize more trait anxiety. However, there were significant differences in the manifestation of anxiety in adolescents function of the variables gender, sibling position and educational background of the parents. For its part, in relation to parental rearing styles, young people who have higher academic failure perceive high levels of overprotection of the mother, and rejection of father and mother. Adolescents who have a father with the lowest educational level perceive greater maternal rejection, and are the children of mothers with less qualification who feel greater overprotection of the mother and father's rejection. There was, in particular, a significant association between paternal rejection and higher levels of anxiety symptoms. The predictive model advanced in the study confirms that parental rejection, together with the adolescents’ age, are good predictors of anxiety symptoms. Specifically, parental rejection is evidenced as the best predictor of anxiety symptoms, being primarily responsible for the manifestation of anxiety in adolescents. The results suggest that the father rejection triggers high levels of anxiety symptoms. Thus, this study shows that rejection is the paternal parental rearing style that has more influence on the manifestation of anxiety in adolescents.


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Enquadramento: A prevalência da dor cervical crónica em adolescentes está a aumentar. Estudos recentes têm comprovado a eficácia de programas de educação com base na neurofisiologia da dor e exercício na diminuição da dor, incapacidade, medo e ansiedade associados à dor crónica. Contudo, apesar deste tipo de programas apresentar resultados promissores em adultos, a sua aplicação e efetividade em populações mais jovens tem sido pouco estudada. Objetivos: Avaliar a efetividade de um programa de educação com base na neurofisiologia da dor associado a exercícios na dor cervical crónica em adolescentes na 1) frequência e intensidade da dor, 2) incapacidade associada, 3) capacidade de resistência dos músculos flexores e extensores profundos da cervical e estabilizadores da omoplata, 4) ansiedade e 5) catastrofização. Métodos: Um total de 43 adolescentes com idade entre os 15 e os 18 anos da Escola Secundária Dr. João Carlos Celestino Gomes participaram neste estudo. Foram avaliadas a intensidade, duração e frequência da dor cervical, a incapacidade associada e a resistência dos músculos flexores e extensores profundos da cervical e estabilizadores da omoplata através dos testes dos flexores e extensores profundos e estabilizadores da omoplata, respetivamente. Foram também avaliados os níveis de ansiedade, catastrofização e perceção de mudança através do Inventário de Ansiedade Estado-Traço, da Escala de Catastrofização da Dor e da Escala de Perceção Global de Mudança. Resultados: O número de participantes a referir dor na semana que precedeu a avaliação no grupo experimental reduziu em 28,5%. Verificou-se uma interação significativa entre o momento de avaliação (antes da intervenção vs após a intervenção) e o grupo (experimental vs. controlo) para as variáveis resistência dos flexores profundos e catastrofização e um efeito do momento e do grupo (mas não uma interação) para a dor, incapacidade, resistência dos músculos extensores e estabilizadores da omoplata e ansiedade traço (p<0.05). Dos 21 participantes do grupo experimental, 85,7% referiu mudanças significativas na Escala de Perceção Global de Mudança. Conclusão: A educação em neurofisiologia da dor é uma intervenção que poderá ser utilizada em adolescentes com dor crónica, com resultados significativos na redução da dor, melhoria da resistência muscular dos músculos flexores e extensores profundos da cervical e estabilizadores da omoplata e diminuição da catastrofização.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of anxiety and depression scores of couples who underwent Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) on pregnancy outcomes. Method: This study was conducted as a prospective and comparative study with 217 couples. The study data was collected by using a semi-structured questionnaire and the Turkish version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). The questionnaire, STAI and BDI were applied to couples who initiated ART treatment. Couples’ state anxiety scores were re-evaluated after embryo transfer (ET). Results: A significant relationship was found between the depression score of women and pregnancy outcome (p < 0.05). It was determined that anxiety scores for both men and women were higher before the ART procedure, but their anxiety scores decreased after ET (p < 0.05). Spouses of women with a negative pregnancy outcome had higher trait and state anxiety mean scores (p > 0.05) and lower depression scores (p <0.05) than spouses of women with a positive pregnancy outcome. Conclusion: Study results indicated that the anxiety and depression scores of couples who had achieved a positive pregnancy result were lower than for couples with a negative result. The results of this study will contribute to the health professionals especially to the nurses who spend the most time with couples in providing consulting services and supporting psychological status of couples during ART process in Turkey.


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Objectives: To describe the frequency of feared discrimination in various social situations and of perceived discrimination in clinical settings, as well as to study the relationship between discrimination and depression and anger in women living with human immunodeiciency virus (HIV). Material and methods: The scale of Feared and Perceived Discrimination for Women with HIV (DTP-40-MV), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-2), and the Anger Expression scale of State-Trait-anger expression inventory (STaXi-2-aX/eX) were applied to a random sample of 200 women living with HIV. Results: These women feared being discriminated against, perceived discrimination upon the review of medical records, but perceived little discrimination in clinical care. a model with good adjustment to the data showed that the fear of being discriminated against creates a disposition toward perception of discrimination in the clinical settings (latent variable with 2 indicators: review of the medical records and clinical care) and increases cognitive/affective depressive symptoms; higher anger control decreases the anger manifestation; greater discrimination perceived in the clinical settings decreases anger control, which facilitates the expression of anger and slows cognitive/affective depressive symptoms; and these latter symptoms sensitize the perception of discrimination before the clinical records. Conclusion: Feared discrimination is a clinically relevant aspect due to its frequency and effect on depressive symptoms and perception of discrimination before the review of medical records.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Neurociências Cognitivas e Neuropsicologia, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Se entendemos o Acidente vascular cerebral como um acontecimento incapacitante da vida dos pacientes, poderemos compreender as alterações comportamentais e emocionas que este provoca. No entanto, poucos estudos têm sido realizados acerca desta temática, tendo assim este estudo como objetivo verificar se existe uma associação clara entre a ansiedade e um determinado tipo de AVC. Aplicou-se a escala de Montereal, o State-Trait Anxiety lnventory e o Inventario Neuropsiquiátrico numa amostra constituída por pacientes que tenham sofrido AVC no período de três meses a um ano, e num grupo controlo. Os resultados mostram que não existem diferenças significativas no que respeita à ansiedade nos pacientes com AVC anterior. Conclui-se que não existe um aumento de ansiedade, mas que os défices visuo-espaciais e atencionais são mais significativos no AVC anterior. / ABSTRACT: lf we recognize Stroke as an event that can incapacitate the patients' life, we can comprehend the behaviour and emotional changes that this provokes. One of the psychiatric symptoms usually associated to Stroke is anxiety. However, few studies have been made concerning this matter, being the purpose of this study to verify if a clear association exists between anxiety and a certain type of Stroke. The Montereal Cognitiva Assessment, State-Trait Anxiety lnventory, and Neuropsychiatric lnventory were applied in a sample consisting of patients that have suffered Stroke in the period of three months to one year, and in a control group. The results show no significant differences in what regards to anxiety in patients with previous Stroke. We conclude that there is no increase in anxiety after stroke, but cognitive deficits in visual-spatial and attentional are most significant in subjects with previous stroke.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica


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Background: Amygdala-orbitofrontal cortical (OFC) functional connectivity (FC) to emotional stimuli and relationships with white matter remain little examined in bipolar disorder individuals (BD). Methods: Thirty-one BD (type 1; n = 17 remitted; n = 14 depressed) and 24 age- and gender-ratio-matched healthy individuals (HC) viewed neutral, mild, and intense happy or sad emotional faces in two experiments. The FC was computed as linear and nonlinear dependence measures between amygdala and OFC time series. Effects of group, laterality, and emotion intensity upon amygdala-OFC FC and amygdala-OFC FC white matter fractional anisotropy (FA) relationships were examined. Results: The BD versus HC showed significantly greater right amygdala-OFC FC (p <= .001) in the sad experiment and significantly reduced bilateral amygdala-OFC FC (p = .007) in the happy experiment. Depressed but not remitted female BD versus female HC showed significantly greater left amygdala-OFC FC (p = .001) to all faces in the sad experiment and reduced bilateral amygdala-OFC FC to intense happy faces (p = .01). There was a significant nonlinear relationship (p = .001) between left amygdala-OFC FC to sad faces and FA in HC. In BD, antidepressants were associated with significantly reduced left amygdala-OFC FC to mild sad faces (p = .001). Conclusions: In BD, abnormally elevated right amygdala-OFC FC to sad stimuli might represent a trait vulnerability for depression, whereas abnormally elevated left amygdala-OFC FC to sad stimuli and abnormally reduced amygdala-OFC FC to intense happy stimuli might represent a depression state marker. Abnormal FC measures might normalize with antidepressant medications in BD. Nonlinear amygdala-OFC FC-FA relationships in BID and HC require further study.


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The present research examined whether in a test situation, the relation between trait test anxiety and state anxiety depends on the momentary availability of self-control strength. Since self-control strength is crucial for emotion regulation, we assume that trait test anxiety is more closely related to state anxiety if self-control strength is depleted than if it is not depleted. We conducted an experiment with 119 undergraduates in which we measured trait test anxiety, manipulated availability of self-control strength, and assessed state anxiety after a test announcement. Consistent with the assumption, multiple regression analyses revealed that trait test anxiety and state anxiety were positively related if self-control strength was depleted, but were not related if self-control strength was intact.


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Background - Amygdala-orbitofrontal cortical (OFC) functional connectivity (FC) to emotional stimuli and relationships with white matter remain little examined in bipolar disorder individuals (BD). Methods - Thirty-one BD (type I; n = 17 remitted; n = 14 depressed) and 24 age- and gender-ratio-matched healthy individuals (HC) viewed neutral, mild, and intense happy or sad emotional faces in two experiments. The FC was computed as linear and nonlinear dependence measures between amygdala and OFC time series. Effects of group, laterality, and emotion intensity upon amygdala-OFC FC and amygdala-OFC FC white matter fractional anisotropy (FA) relationships were examined. Results - The BD versus HC showed significantly greater right amygdala-OFC FC (p = .001) in the sad experiment and significantly reduced bilateral amygdala-OFC FC (p = .007) in the happy experiment. Depressed but not remitted female BD versus female HC showed significantly greater left amygdala-OFC FC (p = .001) to all faces in the sad experiment and reduced bilateral amygdala-OFC FC to intense happy faces (p = .01). There was a significant nonlinear relationship (p = .001) between left amygdala-OFC FC to sad faces and FA in HC. In BD, antidepressants were associated with significantly reduced left amygdala-OFC FC to mild sad faces (p = .001). Conclusions - In BD, abnormally elevated right amygdala-OFC FC to sad stimuli might represent a trait vulnerability for depression, whereas abnormally elevated left amygdala-OFC FC to sad stimuli and abnormally reduced amygdala-OFC FC to intense happy stimuli might represent a depression state marker. Abnormal FC measures might normalize with antidepressant medications in BD. Nonlinear amygdala-OFC FC–FA relationships in BD and HC require further study.