890 resultados para product service systems
Työssä on tutkittu palveluiden tuotemääritystä ja rakenteista johtamista teollisen palveluliiketoiminnan kehittämisen ja johtamisen tukena. Työ perustuu laajaan palveluiden johtamisen, teollisen palveluliiketoiminnan sekä tuotekehityksen ja –johtamisen parissa tehtyyn kirjallisuustutkimukseen. Työn tavoitteena on tunnistaa menetelmiä (rakenteisen) palvelutuotemäärityksen tueksi, tutkia mitä palveluiden tuotemäärityksessä tulee huomioida, sekä verrata käytäntöjä laitteiden ja fyysisten tuotteiden kehittämisessä ja johtamisessa hyödynnettyihin rakenteisiin menetelmiin ja käytäntöihin. Työn tuloksena on valmistunut laaja kirjallisuusanalyysi sekä siihen perustuvat havainnot ja johtopäätökset. Kirjallisuustutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että palveluiden johtamisen tutkimus on kehittynyt käyttäytymistieteiden ja organisaation tutkimuksen näkökulmasta ja tutkimusparadigmojen mukaisesti. Palvelutuotemääritys on varsin vähän käsitelty aihe perinteisen palveluiden johtamisen tutkimuksen parissa. Palvelutuotemääritys ei muodosta keskeistä toiminnan kehittämistä ja johtamista ohjaavaa hallintarakennetta, vaan palveluita johdetaan käyttäytymistieteiden tutkimusparadigmojen mukaan. Palveluiden tuotemäärityksen merkitys korostuu osana liiketoiminnan muutosta ja laitevalmistajien kehittymistä laitteita ja palveluita tarjoavien kokonais- ja elinkaariratkaisutoimittajien rooliin. Palvelutuotemääritys on keskeinen toiminnan kehittämista ja johtamista tukeva rakenne, mutta sen merkitystä ja mahdollisuuksia ei täysin ymmärretä osana teollisen palveluliiketoiminnan kehittämistä ja johtamista. Tuotteiden kehittämiseen ja johtamiseen kehitetyt mallit ja menetelmät soveltuvat myös palvelutuotteiden kehittämisen ja johtamisen tueksi, mutta menetelmien hyödyntäminen edellyttää palvelutuotteen määritystä. Lisää tutkimusta kaivataan palveluiden tuotemäärityksen mahdollisuuksista ja siitä kuinka palvelutuote tulisi kuvata ja määrittää. Jatkossa korostuu palvelutuotemäärityksen lisäksi tuotteiden kehittäminen ja johtaminen yli yksittäisten palvelutuotteiden ja yli palvelutuotteiden elinkaaren vaiheiden.
The purpose of this thesis is to find out how customer co-creation activities are managed in Finnish high-tech SMEs by understanding managers’ views on relevant issues. According to theory, issues such as firm size, customer knowledge implementation, lead customers, the fuzzy front-end of product/service development as well as the reluctance to engage in customer co-creation are some of the field’s focal issues. The views of 145 Finnish SME managers on these issues were gathered as empirical evidence through an online questionnaire and analyzed with SPSS statistics software. The results show, firstly, that Finnish SME managers are aware of the issues associated with customer co-creation and are able to actively manage them. Additionally, managers performed well in regards to collaborating with lead customers and implemented customer knowledge evenly in various stages of their new product and service development processes. Intellectual property rights emerged as an obstacle deterring managers from engaging in co-creation. The results suggest that in practice managers would do well by looking for more opportunities to implement customer knowledge in the early and late stages of new product and service development, as well as by actively searching for lead customers.
The purpose of this exploratory research is to identify the potential value drivers regarding a new service offering. More specifically, the aim is to build understanding of customer expectations and perceived value of energy efficiency solutions in the building’s sector. The knowledge is then used in defining potential value drivers. The research is conducted from the customer’s perspective in a business-to-business context. The theory part of the master’s thesis focuses on discussing the antecedents of customer expectations and customer value. The theory gives implications how to determine value drivers and develop value propositions as well as conduct value assessment. The empirical part is based on the qualitative research method. The research was conducted as a single-case study, and the primary data was collected through semi-structured interviews with potential customers. The results of the research revealed that the customer expectations are connected to being able to define value drivers. In addition, the research revealed generic themes relating to the offering and customer-supplier relationship, which help in the process of identifying potential value drivers. The results were discussed in terms of product-, service-, price- and relationship-related value drivers for the new service. Based on the data analysis the dominant value drivers are elaborated in terms of identified customer benefits and customer sacrifices (costs). Finally, some implications of value proposition and value assessment to support the value delivery were given.
The purpose of this study is to analyze supplier’s value creation ability in project business in order to enhance customer’s business. In addition, the aim is to identify the role of business relationships in value creation and analyze the applicability of key account management in project business. The study considers value from the customer’s point of view. The concepts of value and value creation are widely discussed in marketing literature. Theory emphasizes the importance of value creation and business relationships in business markets. The empirical part of the study is conducted as a case study research. The empirical evidence is collected by interviewing one supplier organization and their three customer organizations. These companies operate in Finnish and global industrial markets. Data is collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed by using qualitative content analysis. The study identifies several customer value drivers influencing on the value creation, which can be divided into product, service and relationship elements. One of the recognized value drivers is customer-supplier relationship. The findings show that a closer relationship enhances value creation possibilities and the key account management program allows effective managing of business relationships. As managerial implications, suppliers should seek to create continuous and conversational relationships with the key account customers.
The thesis entitled Analysis of Some Stochastic Models in Inventories and Queues. This thesis is devoted to the study of some stochastic models in Inventories and Queues which are physically realizable, though complex. It contains a detailed analysis of the basic stochastic processes underlying these models. In this thesis, (s,S) inventory systems with nonidentically distributed interarrival demand times and random lead times, state dependent demands, varying ordering levels and perishable commodities with exponential life times have been studied. The queueing system of the type Ek/Ga,b/l with server vacations, service systems with single and batch services, queueing system with phase type arrival and service processes and finite capacity M/G/l queue when server going for vacation after serving a random number of customers are also analysed. The analogy between the queueing systems and inventory systems could be exploited in solving certain models. In vacation models, one important result is the stochastic decomposition property of the system size or waiting time. One can think of extending this to the transient case. In inventory theory, one can extend the present study to the case of multi-item, multi-echelon problems. The study of perishable inventory problem when the commodities have a general life time distribution would be a quite interesting problem. The analogy between the queueing systems and inventory systems could be exploited in solving certain models.
En este estudio se pretende demostrar la relación existente entre los clientes y las organizaciones saludables, siendo estas aquellas que tienen impactos positivos en sus grupos de interés “stakeholders”. Para llegar a encontrar dicha relación, se revisaron varios conceptos claves, como el bienestar que ha sido definido como “la valoración que hacemos de las circunstancias y el funcionamiento dentro de la sociedad” (Blanco y Diaz, 2005, p. 583). Durante el estudio se presentan diferentes variables que pueden ayudar a identificar si los clientes perciben bienestar o no de parte de alguna compañía, algo que no se puede llegar a considerar como una generalidad si se tiene en cuenta las diferencias que pueden existir entre los diferentes sectores económicos y las diferentes culturas, sin embargo se hallaron algunas variables más aterrizadas al común denominador de los consumidores, que son: calidad del producto/servicio, respuesta ante las quejas, recuperación del servicio y valor percibido por los clientes.
This conceptual paper aims to improve our understanding of how internationalised firms use outsourcing and offshoring strategies to manage knowledge and information through the life-cycle of integrated product-service solutions. More precisely, we identify the appropriate theoretical framework for this analysis and investigate through in-depth case studies how UK engineering firms organise, coordinate, and incentivise work that is executed in globally distributed teams. Our research focuses on their UK and India offices to study the organisation and governance of distributed teams. The research has several theoretical dimensions - organization; geography; time and knowledge - that it addresses as boundary challenges.
The aim of this chapter is to examine what the construction sector brings to our understanding of the procurement of complex performance. The chapter is divided into the following parts: fi rst, an overview of the various matters that contribute to the complexity of construction procurement is provided. Second, the most important contractual incentive schemes found in construction contracts are discussed, and this is followed by, third, an examination of the changes associated with the shift towards procuring complex performance (PCP) (service provision). Fourth, the main findings of the authors’ recent research on PCP contracts are summarised, followed by the conclusion. It should be noted that the procurement of services is referred to as ‘PCP’ in this chapter.
This study proposes a model of how deeply held beliefs, known as ‘social axioms, moderate the interaction between reputation, its causes and consequences with stakeholders. It contributes to the stakeholder relational field of reputation theory by explaining why the same organizational stimuli lead to different individual stakeholder responses. The study provides a shift in reputation research from organizational-level stimuli as the root causes of stakeholder responses to exploring the interaction between individual beliefs and organizational stimuli in determining reputational consequences. Building on a conceptual model that incorporates product/service quality and social responsibility as key reputational dimensions, the authors test empirically for moderating influences, in the form of social axioms, between reputation-related antecedents and consequences, using component-based structural equation modelling (n = 204). In several model paths, significant differences are found between responses of individuals identified as either high or low on social cynicism, fate control and religiosity. The results suggest that stakeholder responses to reputation-related stimuli can be systematically predicted as a function of the interactions between the deeply held beliefs of individuals and these stimuli. The authors offer recommendations on how strategic reputation management can be approached within and across stakeholder groups at a time when firms grapple with effective management of diverse stakeholder expectations.
O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se há ou não congruência entre a ideia de lealdade, manifestada no discurso dos bancos, e o seu conceito em marketing de relacionamento, identificando qual o sentido desse constructo nas mensagens das instituições bancárias, além de identificar, também, quais os fatores que levam os clientes a manterem relacionamento duradouro com bancos. O estudo é de caráter exploratório, e foi conduzido com entrevistas individuais com clientes pessoa física e gerentes de bancos públicos e privados de Brasília/DF, com o intuito de explorar o relacionamento entre cliente-banco, para uma melhor orientação na direção das análises dos dados obtidos. Os dados foram coletados junto a 11 entrevistados de ambos os sexos, residentes em Brasília/DF, durante os meses de março e abril de 2011. Para atingir os objetivos propostos, o método de pesquisa adotado foi qualitativo, com foco no valor informacional da mensagem propriamente dita, das palavras, argumentos e idéias nela expressos, utilizando-se uma forma interpretativa para a análise dos dados. Os resultados demonstraram o afastamento conceitual entre a ideia de lealdade dos bancos, definida como algo ligado ao entendimento de que o cliente, confiante em seu banco, está satisfeito e não o deixa, e o seu conceito em marketing de relacionamento, que a define como um profundo compromisso do cliente em recomprar um produto/serviço consistentemente no futuro, pois constatou-se que os clientes bancários, independentemente de fatores como o tempo gasto ou o esforço associados à troca de fornecedores, são sensíveis a aumento substancial da tarifação, não tem compromisso de recompra com banco e nem de compra junto a um único banco. Em decorrência, se pode concluir que não são fiéis/leais. Como fatores responsáveis por relacionamento duradouro com bancos, verificou-se, como principais, a qualidade do atendimento prestado pelo banco e a reciprocidade existente no relacionamento, ambos são constituintes dos sentimentos de satisfação e confiança nos clientes bancários. Conclui-se o trabalho, fazendo-se recomendações com a intenção de beneficiar e desenvolver os gestores deste segmento.
As pesquisas demonstram que empresas nascentes, mesmo aquelas que possuem produtos, processos ou serviços inovadores, novos ao mercado, têm muita dificuldade em permanecer com suas portas abertas nos primeiros dois anos, ou seja, a grande maioria das empresas encerra suas atividades antes de completar dois anos de existência. Diante deste fato, este estudo investiga a importância da gestão em Marketing nas empresas inovadoras com a finalidade de obter sucesso na inserção de produto, serviço ou processo em mercado altamente competitivo (PRIME, 2010). O estudo é fundamentado por uma seção empírica, baseada em pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e de campo, além da realização de estudo de caso que procurou tratar de alguns aspectos de Marketing em empresa beneficiária do PRIME – Programa Primeira Empresa Inovadora, que é um programa de Subvenção Econômica do Governo Federal, lançado pela Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP), uma empresa pública vinculada ao Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (MCTI). Neste estudo foi verificado que uma estratégia de Marketing consciente e eficaz influencia o sucesso competitivo de empresas inovadoras, através de produto ou serviço diferenciado para inserção no mercado.
O objetivo principal da dissertação foi o de examinar a relação entre lealdade (e-loyalty) e o boca-a-boca (eWOM) no contexto do varejo eletrônico. Como objetivo secundário, foi feito uma verificação da significância das variáveis preditoras de e-loyalty. Essa pesquisa foi focada em um tipo de produto/serviço: compra de livros através da internet. Duzentos e quarenta e dois questionários online foram respondidos por um público representativo da geração Y (millennials), e rresidentes em diferentes localidades no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos. A análise de dados foi efetuada pela aplicação do método PLS-SEM sobre um modelo de pesquisa cuidadosamente formulado com base em resultados empíricos prévios. Enquanto que a relação entre e-loyalty e eWOM foi classificada como fraca, um ambiente de boca-a-boca online de alta qualidade representou uma variável preditora significativa para o sentimento de e-loyalty. Todas as variáveis preditoras foram classificadas como significativas nesse estudo, sendo que comprometimento tem o efeito mais forte sobre a variável e-loyalty.