998 resultados para democracia participativa
The rural settlements represent a mark in the expensive historical process of fight by the land in Brazil. At first offer basic terms of survival, through the access the land and of the fundamental supports for exploration. At the same time, have stimulated organization forms politicizes of the families who manage to work with the new challenges of the everyday. The moment that follows the land conquest, and therefore, the settlements construction while life and work project, it is crossed for objective and subjective demands, with highlight for options of agricultural production and strategies of collective action. Originally formed as representation instance legitimates of the families - front to the government and social actors - the settlers associations are private spaces for political sociability, that guided by principles participative, can lead the settlers the new conquests through indeed democratic experiences. The goal of this work is to comprehend the participation forms in the scope of these associations and the way as that translates in life best terms for the group, from the settlements experiences located in the Territories of the Citizenship Mato Grande and Açu-Mossoró, in Rio Grande do Norte's State. The theoretical conceptions that guide this analysis are concentrate on discussions about democracy and participation (Patermam, Putnam, Bodernave) and in the reflections about the rural world (Medeiros, Martins, Woodman e Woodman and Bergamansco). About methodological, different point of view strategies were developed: The direct observation, the application in locate of questionnaires to the families settlers and interviews semi-structured with the internal leaderships. With that could verify that the participation forms in the associations operate in two heartfelt: Of a side, they promote assimilation opportunities of democratic abilities accompanied of notions of social rights and redefinition of political standards; Of another, it offers indeed the possibility of the settlers lead, with relative autonomy, the political organization and her changes in direction to a way of life that wish to have in the settling
En la travesía por nuevos caminos en la investigación académica, se nos presenta el desafío de investigar alternativas que muestran un horizonte de posibilidades concretas de una educación pautada en la dinámica de organizaciones y movimientos que participan de la lucha por un proyecto de reconocimiento social y desconstrucción de la inferioridad de los sujetos del campo. El escenario de participación de la vida de los que integran la investigación como investigados e investigador es el Territorio Sertão do Apodi, localizado en el estado de Rio Grande do Norte, cuya elección empírica fue motivada por la fuerte presencia y participación de movimientos sociales en el campo. La propuesta es investigar posibilidades y desafíos de prácticas y acciones educativas tanto dentro como fuera de la escuela que buscan reconocer y dar visibilidad a los sujetos sociales del campo en el referido Territorio. Así, será objeto de nuestra investigación el espacio de tomada de decisiones y de organización de institucionalidad territorial a través de la actuación del Colegiado del Territorio del Sertão do Apodi y de las prácticas educativas resultantes de las demandas de las acciones territoriales, tanto escolares como no escolares. La literatura en la cual sedimentamos las bases teóricas fundamentales de esta investigación es la de Axel Honneth (2001; 2003), asociada al pensamiento de Boaventura Santos (2003; 2008a), Jesse Souza (2003, 2006) y Milton Santos (2006, 2007, 2009). Vale destacar, aún, la interlocución con la narrativa de Guimarães Rosa, a través de la obra Grande Sertão: Veredas, sobrepasando todo el conjunto del texto. Con esta intención, procuramos defender que una perspectiva de educación destinada a los sujetos del campo debe pautarse en la superación de la condición de invisibilidad social, a que estos están sometidos, por medio de una postura de reconocimiento social que se afirma en el ejercicio de la democracia participativa y en la reparación de desigualdades sociales. Para esto, son muchos los desafíos y las vulnerabilidades de este proceso; y desde ahí, abriremos caminos para lograr el reconocimiento del papel de la educación y el fortalecimiento de las identidades sociales, al situar al sujeto socialmente, permitiendo que se localice en un determinado grupo social, frente a los saberes construidos en la sociedad
The conceptions of the judicial function, the process and the factors of legitimacy of the norm of decision are changed according to the model of State (liberal, social democratic and constitutional). The right of access to justice, likewise, follows the ideals present in constitutional movements experienced in different historical moments. The deficit of legitimacy of the judiciary is recurring subject of study in the doctrine, especially in the face of democratic standards that permeate the current paradigm of state. Under the process law, the essential element for the distinction of the states based on the rule of law (formal and material) and the democratic constitutional state lies in the democratic guarantee of participation to the litigants in the process of elaborating the norm of decision. The concern about the participatory democracy and the concretion of fundamental rights has as presupposition the conception of popular sovereignty. Keeping this effort in mind, the civil procedure cannot be oblivious to such considerations, especially when it justifies its constitutional conformation from the institutionalization of discourse within the procedural field (democratic principle) and of the democratization of access to justice, leading to the necessary contestation of the theory of instrumentality of the process. The democratic prospects of civil procedure and the concern about the legitimacy of the rule of decision cannot be moved away from the analysis of the judicial function and the elements that influence the legal suit s progress. The computerization of the judicial process entails extensive modification in the way the judicial function is developed, in view of automation of activities held, of the eliminating of bureaucratic tasks, manual and repetitive, and of streamlining the procedure. The objective of this study is to analyze the dogmatic changes and resulting practices from the implementation of the Judicial Electronic Process (JEP), prepared by the National Council of Justice, under the parameters of procedural discourse and democratic access to justice. Two hypotheses are raised, which, based on a bibliographic-documentary, applied and exploratory research, are contested dialectically. The expansion of publicity of procedural acts and the facilitating of communication and practice of such acts are elements that contribute to the effective participation of the recipients of the norm of decision in its making process and, therefore, the democratic principle in the procedural field. Ensuring access (to the parts) to the case files and reasonable duration of the process along with the preservation of its founding principles (contradictory, legal defense and isonomy) are essential to ensure democratic access to justice within the virtual system
The following study proposes an analysis of the politic process which the brazilian constitutional justice faces, emphasizing the Supremo Tribunal Federal . For that purpose, we start by examining the intimate relationship between Politics and Law, in view of the most recent social systems theories, so that the political system is distinguished by the exclusiveness of using the physical force, intending to make coletive tying decisions, and the juridical system as a congruent generalization of the expectations towards the rules and principles, brought together under an interdependence by which both gather legitimacy and effectiveness. In this manner we can notice the political effects of the constitutional interpretation conducted by Judges as well as by other juridical professionals, because these ones decrease the overload of expectations which are pointed to the Judicature. Constitutional interpretation is democratized since the participative democracy arises and stablishes a permanent state of awareness around the exercise of power and favours the preservation of the pluralism (counter-majoritary principle) where we can find the origin of the democratic nature of constitutional courts, once, in most cases, their members are not elected by the people. After that, we analyse the historical posture of the Supremo Tribunal Federal as a constitutional court in Brazil, so we can realize the attempts to make it vulnerable to the appeals of governability and economical aims, agains which this court somehow has resisted, stressing its particularities. At the end, it s concluded that even the so-called acts of government, whose judiciary control is mostly repelled, are subjected to a constitutional analysis, last frontier to be explored by the Supremo Tribunal Federal in its role of exposing our republican Constitution
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Al abordar el problema del hambre y la desnutrición, la más reciente Conferencia Regional sobre Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe organizada por la CEPAL (Lima, Perú, 2 a 4 de noviembre de 2015) puso énfasis en la necesidad de tratar estos asuntos desde la óptica del derecho a la alimentación, establecido en la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos y el Pacto de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales. En el documento preparatorio de dicha conferencia se señala que el Objetivo 2 de los Objetivos para el Desarrollo Sostenible es relevante en tanto aborda la problemática de la alimentación y la nutrición de una manera más integral y considera la seguridad alimentaria como un derecho humano fundamental, cuya conculcación limita la capacidad de ejercicio de los derechos políticos y el desarrollo de una democracia participativa. En línea con este planteamiento, uno de los objetivos principales de este estudio es conocer el estado del arte que en la subregión ha tenido el enfoque de derechos en las políticas de seguridad alimentaria y nutricional y, en particular, la promoción del derecho humano a la alimentación,
O Estudo denominado o CME do Município de Ananindeua na Construção da Política Educacional: a busca pela participação social. Teve como objetivos: analisar como a participação da sociedade civil organizada por meio de seus diferentes representantes vem sendo construída no interior do Conselho Municipal de Educação na tentativa de construir uma política educacional com base nos princípios de democracia participativa; analisar como a participação da sociedade civil organizada vem sendo oportunizada na construção da política educacional por meio do CME/Ananindeua; analisar a atuação do CME na promoção de uma política educacional na busca pela promoção da participação social e analisar como vem sendo desenvolvida à relação do CME com os demais elementos que compõe o Sistema Municipal de Ensino na construção da política educacional. Análise Documental e Entrevistas semi-estruturadas foram os instrumentos utilizados para responder os objetivos explicitados. O tratamento dos dados foi possível através de análise de conteúdo (investigação bibliográfica) e análise das fontes primárias (Atas; Leis Decretos; Pareceres; Regimento Interno). Os resultados alcançados com a investigação nos levam a inferir que a participação social como princípio educativo no interior do CME em Ananindeua vem sendo construída de forma gradual, uma vez que a democratização da gestão educacional por meio da participação direta, tanto no chão da escola como nos outros elementos que compõem o sistema educacional é um processo que precisa ser construído cotidianamente no coletivo. No caso da participação da sociedade no CME através das diversas categorias representadas vem se constituindo um desafio, pois os conflitos, as tensões, correlações de forças, disputa de poder estão sempre presentes. Esse fato em algumas circunstâncias é positivo uma vez que também é possível a construção de política educacional em meio à diversidade de opiniões. As categorias da sociedade civil organizada e representada no CME apresentam diferentes graus de participação, algumas participam mais ativamente enquanto outras têm uma menor atuação no momento de reuniões de Câmara e Plenárias onde são debatidas e feitas as proposições no que tange a construção da política educacional em Ananindeua. A falta de formação teórica, pedagógica e política em alguns casos servem como fator que limita a participação social nas ações do CME.
This paper analyzes the experience of Participatory Budgeting (PB) in the city of Campinas (SP) from the perspective of public communication, understand it as an important factor to increase the participation of social actors in decision-making processes. The democratization process in Brazil was the springboard for a change in the relations between state and society. In line with the new democratic demands, the OP appears to be the possibility of linkage between representative democracy and participatory democracy. As methodological procedure was used the case study of OP in Campinas from 2001 to 20011, comparing the administrations of two different political parties: PT (2001-2004), under the governments of Antonio da Costa dos Santos and Izalene Tiene, and PDT, with the consecutive term of Hélio de Oliveira Santos (2005-2011). We sought to assess whit this research if the communication actions used by different public administrations achieve the public interest adequately, encouraging popular participation
This paper identifies relevant criteria for evaluation of participatory budgeting and participatory institutions that are currently adopted by governments of both Brazil and elsewhere, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive assessment that integrates all these criteria. Finally, it is recommended to pay special attention to assessing the desirability of these institutions, which are not always positively for theories on democracy
The main purpose of this article is to introduce the debate on the effectiveness of the participatory institutions in Brazil. At first, it will bring the very early debate about participatory democracy and deliberative democracy. Afterwards, the article will show how international literature impacts studies on the democratic transition in Brazil, trying to delineate the borders, limitations and advances of Brazilian literature about the theme. In the last part, the main topics of debate on the effectiveness of participatory institutions - methods and instruments of evaluation - will be pointed out
The article searches to launch some analyses and investigations on the historical reach of produced participative processes in Spain and Brazil. Evidently, both the processes if had uncurled in historical, social, economic contexts and distinct politicians, but, exactly thus, keep some approaches that we intend to give prominence in the present article. For example, the popular mobilization in the two presented cases after occurred a long period of not attendance of social demands socials. In the same way, the processes of democratic renewal of both are related with historical landmarks “end of the Cold War” and the dismantlement of the Walfare State that introduced new rationalists in the relation between governing and governed dynamic, over all in the coinage and offer of public politics. How much to the dismantlement of the Welfare State, we present, still, that in the case of Spain it provoked consequences in the modus operandi of the formularization process and implementation of public politics. It occurred, in other words, a decentralization of its formulator power to decide arrangement of public politics that started to count on the participation of social actors in the called relational city (BECERRA, 2011). In the case of Brazil, the dictatorial period (1964-1985), the fast urban growth and the generation of precarious peripheries in the main cities, the distension and the Constituent (1986-1988) had generated the enough forces of pressure so that, gradually, if it incorporated the participative arrangement in the power to decide process. We identify that in both the cases, kept the had ratios, the instauration of a critical scene of suppression/absence of formulated public politics from an interface with the social movements were the propeller spring of the transformations in the power to decide mechanisms of formularization and implementation of public politics.
The article searches to launch some analyses and investigations on the historical reach of produced participative processes in Spain and Brazil. Evidently, both the processes if had uncurled in historical, social, economic contexts and distinct politicians, but, exactly thus, keep some approaches that we intend to give prominence in the present article. For example, the popular mobilization in the two presented cases after occurred a long period of not attendance of social demands socials. In the same way, the processes of democratic renewal of both are related with historical landmarks “end of the cold war” and the dismantlement of the State of well-being that introduced new rationalists in the relation between governing and governed dynamic, over all in the coinage and offer of public politics. How much to the dismantlement of the State of social welfare, we present, still, that in the case of Spain occurred a decentralization of its formulator power to decide arrangement of public politics that started to count on the participation of social actors in the called relational city (BECERRA, 2011). In the case of Brazil, the dictatorial period (1964-1985), the fast urban growth and the generation of precarious peripheries in the main cities, the distension and the Constituent (1986-1988) had generated the enough forces of pressure so that, gradually, if it incorporated the participative arrangement in the power to decide process. We identify that in both the cases, kept the had ratios, the instauration of a critical scene of suppression/absence of formulated public politics from an interface with the social movements were the propeller spring of the transformations in the power to decide mechanisms of formularization and implementation of public politics.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)