692 resultados para Weberian heroic liberalism


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Toleration is a key concept of liberalism, both from the historical and conceptual points of view. On the other hand, as people’s freedom to live according to their moral and religious ideas has long become a basic value for liberal societies and their political constitutions, it is reasonable to understand that there is nothing to be tolerated nor by citizens neither by the State. However, a part of the scope and meaning of the fundamental rights and freedoms is subject to what John Rawls calls reasonable disagreements and this is a field where toleration understood in the classic way is compatible with equality: not to intervene against that which is being disapproved understood has a raison d'être. Since the 1980s, toleration has been present in the debates on how to deal with pluralism in a constitutional democracy. This has to be connected to the rise of identity politics: political and intellectual movements such as multiculturalism or comunitarism that questioned whether social order based on neutral criteria was either possible or desirable or both things at the same time. Outstanding liberal philosophers were among those demanding political priority for comunitarian values and those who showed interest for toleration as a key concept to articulate pluralism. Key distinctions between them can be explained as the result of the different approaches they take when facing classical theories on toleration: whereas John Locke’s is a major influence on Rawls, John Stuart Mill’s is on the others, while Gray, Walzer and Rorty follow Isaiah Berlin’s reading of Mill.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Ituglanis mambai, new species, is described from a cave in the Mambaí karst area, State of Goiás, Central Brazil. The new species distinguishes from epigean and cave congeners by the combination of the following characteristics: posterior supraoccipital fontanel absent; pectoral-fin rays usually i,7; six pleural ribs; total vertebrae 37-38 behind Weberian apparatus; shorter predorsal length (65.1-70.8% SL); shorter caudal peduncle length (8.4-11.9% SL); shorter dorsal-fin base length (7.7-11.3% SL); wider interobital width (29.2-36.5% HL); larger mouth width (43.4-64.0% HL); intermediate between epigean and other cave Ituglanis species as regards to both eyes (diameter varying from 0.5 to1.0 mm in adults, 7.8-10.1 % HL) and pigmentation, composed by irregular light brown spots along the body. The latter indicate the troglobitic status for I. mambai. In addition, this species has the maxillae with a discrete medial-posterior projection; fronto-lacrimal one half-length of the maxillae and pointed backwards; posterior process of palatine half its length, with a tenuous medial concavity; 14 dorsal and 12 ventral procurrent rays. In the natural habitat, I. mambai displayed cryptobiotic habits, trying to hide in the graveled bottom or under boulders when disturbed, apparently showing a negative response to light. It was observed a preference to slow-moving waters. Recent flood marks were observed in the stream conduit in March/April 2007 (end of the rainy season) when less individuals were observed on 300 m of the subterranean stream compared to September 2004 (end of the dry season).


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The Independence of Brazil was proclaimed in September 1822 after two years during which constituent deputies elected on both sides of the Atlantic and gathered in Lisbon endeavoured to achieve unification with the former Portuguese metropoli. Due to the failure of these attempts a Constituent Assembly settled in independent Brazil in July 1823. Those two parlamentary experiences - the first to take place in the Portuguese dominions - were strongly influenced by the decisions adopted in Cadiz (1810-1814), and in Madrid (1820-1823), and by the independentist processes developed at the time in Spanish America. This work aims at observing that influence on the decisions adopted in Lisbon and Rio de Janeiro vis-a-vis the autonomical reivindications of several Brazilian provinces.


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Argued that a new cadre of 'intellectual journalists' (such as Paul Kelly), unlike scholars of Graham Maddox's standing, have usurped critical appraisals of the possibilities of politics. This new anti-democratic liberalism wrongly suggests that political achievements reached when Australia was less rich (such as compulsory industrial arbitration) now need to abandoned, subordinating national well-being to an international policy orthodoxy.


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Growing economic globalisation by extending the operation of markets is a two-edged sword as far as nature conservation is concerned. In some circumstances, it threatens the conservation of nature and in other cases, it provides economic incentives that foster the conservation of biodiversity. This article shows how global policy directions have altered in that regard. Initially the World Conservation Union (IUCN) favoured bans on trade in endangered species. This view was enshrined in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Subsequently, with the upsurge of support for market-based economic liberalism, IUCN recognised that economic and market incentives, if linked to appropriate property rights, could foster biodiversity conservation. This is reflected in the International Convention on Biological Diversity. While there is conflict between this convention and CITES, its extent has been exaggerated. As explained, in certain cases, trade restrictions of the type adopted in CITES are appropriate for nature conservation whereas the market-oriented policy of the Convention on Biological Diversity can be effective in some different situations. Whether or not the extension of markets in wildlife and wildlife products and growing economic globalisation favours nature conservation varies according to the circumstances.


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In this paper, we assess the traits that older adultsassociate with younger, middle-aged, and older adults in fivePacific Rim nations from Western and Eastern cultural traditions(Australia, People's Republic of China (PRC), Hong Kong,Philippines, Thailand). We find cross-cultural trends whichreplicate patterns found in the US context. In most cultures,attractiveness, strength, activity, liberalism, health, andflexibility are seen to decline with increasing age. Kindnessassessments are positively associated with age across cultures. Mixed patterns are found with assessments of wisdom andgenerosity, with respondents from the PRC and Hong Kong beingnotably more negative about increasing age than otherrespondents. Implications for the aging process across culturesare discussed, and suggestions made for future research.


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The adoption of the incorporated form of ownership in preference to partnership is linked to the shift to a more modem organizational archetype in professional firms. Yet existing empirical research offers insufficient insight into the organizational processes of this transformation in different professional arenas. Where ownership and control become separated, there is a clearer theoretical explanation of the implications for the way the firm is run. Where ownership and control remain inside, the firm, however, the consequences are not so clear and have not been well explored. Using survey and interview materials derived from a study of architecture practices, we examine the processes by which differences based on ownership emerge. Then, by drawing on Weberian theories, where they are concerned with professionalization as a project with material and social rewards, we specify more clearly the context for change in professional firms' archetypes. This, we conclude, provides a stronger basis for understanding the change trajectories of firms within professions and comparative organizational analysis between professions.


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Community has taken on a new significance in Australian social policy discourse. Seemingly sound and morally justifiable, in the context Of neo-liberalism the language of community positions non-profit delivery of services as superior to state-provided services. As a consequence, non-profit community services are being centrally positioned to mediate the relationship between the state and citizen subjects. In the first part of this paper we trace some of the key historical developments in Australia's welfare state and patterns of governance that are propelling the non-profit sector firm the margins to the centre. The second section examines the relationship between Australia's shifting political landscape and the emerging welfare regime. One key feature of this new regime is the attempt to relocate citizenship away from the domain of the state and into that of civil society. The article concludes by sketching out some research themes, focusing, for example, on the impact of devolution of governance in terms of client rights and public accountability.


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The main question informing this paper is whether it is possible to extend democracy beyond its liberal forms. The paper reflects upon this question with regard to its implications for the individual. For the radicalization of democracy implies a need for self-transformation, if the everyday egoism of contemporary citizens is not to thwart reasonable discussion and participation. Theorists such as Richard Rorty argue that the philosophical resources required to guide such self-transformation can be made available only by sacrificing the political freedom and cultural diversity liberalism has been able to precariously establish. Other theorists insist that the thresholds of pluralism and tolerance that existing liberal democracies are struggling to maintain actually require an extension of democracy. The paper evaluates two different theoretical strategies that aim to identify potentials for democratization without falling prey to the dilemma identified by Rorty: a ‘ deliberative’ strategy explicated with reference to Jürgen Habermas and an ‘existential’ approach represented here by William Connolly.


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Este Caderno traz o relat??rio elaborado pela Mesa-Redonda de Pesquisa A????o sobre a Gest??o de Iniciativas Horizontais, do Centro Canadense para o Desenvolvimentoda Gest??o do Canad??, que objetiva avaliar iniciativas e pesquisas realizadas,identificar li????es e oferecer orienta????es pr??ticas a gerentes sobre efic??ciaem gest??o horizontal


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A prospectiva estrat??gica aparece como ferramenta que, apoiada nos instrumentos de an??lise econ??mica e social existentes e em t??cnicas espec??ficas, como o Delphi, a constru????o de cen??rios, a matriz de impactos cruzados e outras, possibilita ???vis??es de futuro???, que permitir??o a elabora????o de pol??ticas p??blicas que visem ?? constru????o de futuro desej??vel. Este trabalho pressup??e um Estado formulador de pol??ticas p??blicas e detentor de instrumentos de planejamento, o que nos remete a um vi??s ideol??gico: de que, no capitalismo contempor??neo, Estado e mercado coordenem os sistemas econ??micos, conforme explicitado no Plano Diretor da Reforma do Aparelho de Estado (Governo Federal, Brasil, 1995). S?? a aceita????o dessa hip??tese pode supor a exist??ncia e a necessidade de pol??ticas p??blicas, remetendo-nos o campo da ideologia e contrapondo-nos ao liberalismo.


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Este ensaio trata da integra????o entre pol??tica e administra????o no contexto da chamada revolu????o gerencial. O texto est?? estruturado em cinco segmentos. Os dois primeiros delineiam uma interpreta????o weberiana do problema da burocracia: a dicotomiza????o entre pol??tica e administra????o, tanto no n??vel te??rico da governan??a contempor??nea, onde prop??e-se um quadro de refer??ncia anal??tica ?? integra????o entre pol??tica e administra????o, quanto no contexto da moderniza????o da administra????o p??blica brasileira. O terceiro segmento busca caracterizar os atributos do modelo ideal de administra????o p??blica preconizado pela revolu????o gerencial, a partir da contraposi????o de outros paradigmas reconstitu??dos da literatura: um ortodoxo, um liberal, outro empreendedor. O quarto segmento sustenta que os modelos de administra????o p??blica preconizados pela revolu????o gerencial apresentam o mesmo car??ter dicotomizante entre pol??tica e administra????o t??pica da burocracia. O sexto segmento ensaia algumas reflex??es sobre a validade da revolu????o gerencial, sua contribui????o para a experi??ncia brasileira e sobre o advento de uma revolu????o p??s-gerencial.


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Este artigo visa compreender at?? que ponto as pr??ticas gerenciais incorporam as dimens??es da satisfa????o e motiva????o no trabalho de servidores p??blicos na atualidade. Aborda os modelos de administra????o burocr??tica e gerencial, exp??e as disfun????es do modelo ideal da burocracia weberiana, apresenta a motiva????o para o trabalho e suas implica????es, e evidencia a carreira de Especialista em Pol??ticas P??blicas e Gest??o Governamental (EPPGG) no intuito de apresentar uma alternativa poss??vel de proporcionar satisfa????o e motiva????o no trabalho, por meio do enriquecimento do cargo. A metodologia consta de uma pesquisa qualitativa, na qual se fez uso de entrevistas semiestruturadas aplicadas junto a tr??s EPPGG. Utilizou-se da an??lise de conte??do com uso da t??cnica de categoriza????o para a an??lise os dados. Os resultados demonstraram a satisfa????o e motiva????o dos gestores, a preval??ncia da administra????o burocr??tica com fortes ind??cios da administra????o gerencial e aus??ncia de disfun????es burocr??ticas. Evidenciaram que o modelo da nova gest??o p??blica, uma vez implantado conforme descrito na teoria, pode combater disfun????es burocr??ticas e contribuir para a satisfa????o e motiva????o dos servidores p??blicos. Destaca-se a relev??ncia de estudos posteriores, visto que foram apontadas diversidades de condi????es de trabalho de ??rg??o para ??rg??o e dificuldades enfrentadas no in??cio da carreira.


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Nesta Dissertação os capítulos foram elaborados de maneira a estabelecer inicialmente um panorama da história da política pública ao longo do tempo e sua relação com a cultura, passando pelos conceitos da política pública de cultura, analisando os modelos de políticas culturais e a gestão cultural na democracia. Em seguida foi feito um estudo sobre a política cultural a partir da década de 80, para então analisar a participação das instituições públicas no processo de desenvolvimento após 1988. Diante da nova constituição foi lançado um olhar analítico sobre seus reflexos no campo da cultura desde o neoliberalismo até a segunda década do século XXI, além de uma visão do MinC sobre a arte contemporânea. Só então foram pesquisadas com mais profundidade as políticas públicas de cultura no estado do Espírito Santo, considerando as atuações das instituições públicas no processo de desenvolvimento, proporcionadas pelas aplicações dos Editais e seus desdobramentos, ligados a cada área de atuação dos segmentos culturais que são beneficiários, enfocando ainda as dimensões da cultura e os dilemas e alternativas das políticas públicas culturais com relação aos excluídos. A partir daí foi feita uma abordagem dos diversos segmentos artísticos do estado, suas atuações e suas carências, tendo como ponto de apoio os Editais. Foi analisado o Plano estadual de Cultura no contexto de sua relação com os segmentos culturais, considerando sua concepção original e o estado atual. Foram ainda analisadas as implicações das ações transversais entre os diversos órgãos governamentais e a cultura tendo em vista a equalização de Políticas Públicas de Cultura para o estado.