947 resultados para Serviço Florestal Brasileiro


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This scholarly work aims to investigate the feasibility and constitutionality of access to justice through the provision of full and free legal assistance by the Brazilian municipalities. Investigates the historical aspects of federalism in a global context, emphasizing the contributions left by American federalism. In the Brazilian context, emphasizing the importance of municipalities as federal entities and their outstanding characteristics, while addressing regional issues of federalism. Leanings to the more detailed analysis of the Brazilian municipalities, contextualizing its legal status, its independence and its constitutional powers. It is emphasized in the same way, the relevant transformations of Brazilian municipalities over the last twenty years of this Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil in 1988, especially the various constitutional amendments that affected the local autonomy and budgetary aspects, fiscal and skills, bringing significant changes to the municipalities. It is an approach to the concept of justice and deepening the studies on the fundamental right of access to justice in its various connotations. In this vein, it is a study on the legal advice provided in Brazil, especially the powers of the Public Defender of the States and Union, as well as the provision of such public service by Brazilian municipalities and its relevance to citizens in need. At this point, it deepens the relevance of the theme of this dissertation earning the implications of municipal performance in the provision of legal assistance provided to the needy, and the activity of the Municipal Attorney or legal counsel in conducting such a task and its implications for legal and procedural especially on the constitutionality or otherwise of the conduct of such public service, confronting the constitutional articles that are correlated with the subject. Within this context, evaluates the municipal legal assistance under the test of constitutionality, in particular the assistance given by the Executive, through the Municipal Attorney or specialized secretariats and that provided by the Legislature, although it only has the typical functions of legislating and control the municipal accounts, comes in a few municipalities in Brazil deploying sectors with the performance of legal services to the needy. At this point the thesis, one wonders if some important aspects of this activity such as political influence and patronage, very common in day-to-day municipal prosecutors and legal advisers, public employees or occupying commissioned positions within the municipal administrative structure in several municipalities throughout Brazil. Finally, there will be a conclusion as to the constitutionality of the service being done by presenting proposals and recommendations that may improve the municipal legal aid, allowing a constitutional backing to this important service is being provided in capital cities and municipalities throughout the length of Brazil


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This work aims to study the material conflict of jurisdiction as to the ownership of public water supply, between the municipalities and the Member States, in metropolitan areas. One of the important points of analysis is the realization of the fundamental right of access to water, a right that is implicit in the Constitution of 1988, being prevented from having their achievement considering the lack of definition of the ownership of the service. Knowing discussed the essential public service, in all its stages, it will realize it is a complex activity that depends for its operation, joint activities of federal entities and the society. In its pursuit of development (understood as better conditions of life), that in view of the Federal Law nº 11.445 of 2007 is the universal access to service, require the adoption of popular participation and the positive benefits of the state, such as planning. Moreover, it will find cooperation between federal entities (after the study of Brazilian federalism) peaceful solution to the conflict through the adoption of joint management or shared, depending on the factual situation and legal


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Les préoccupations gérées par les changements de l éducation nationale poussés par les réformes mises en places par le gouvernement de Fernando Henrique Cardoso, notamment la politique nationale de formation de professeurs, et le besoin de connaître comment ces réformes ont été incorporées par l Université Fédérale de Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN, constituent les questions centrales développées par cette thèse. Cette étude propose à montrer, à partir d une approche socio-historique, la façon comment la législation éducationnelle brésilienne sur la formation de professeurs pour l éducation basique expresse la politique de l État brésilien et, en même temps, comment le PROBÁSICA signifie une réponse de l UFRN à cette politique. En ce sens, cette recherche, selon sa perspective exploratoire, descriptive et analytique a privilégié plusieurs techniques et procédés de collectes des données conforme au modèle de la recherche participative, à savoir : enquête semi- structurée, observations directes, contacts formels et informels; enregistrement des opinions de professeurs, coordinateurs pédagogiques et étudiants; repérage, systématisation et analyses de plusieurs documents. L analyse des données, qui a été faite d une façon fondamentalement qualitative, a révélé que le PROBÁSICA a sa genèse à l intérieur de l UFRN et représente, en même temps, une réponse de cette université à la demande de la catégorie et la politique de formation de professeurs. Nous espérons que cette étude suscite d autres recherches qui développent des discussions sur les relations entre l État brésilien, ses politiques éducationnelles et les pratiques pédagogiques de formation de professeurs


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Com relação aos atributos do solo, a produtividade de madeira do pinus varia substancialmente em função do pH, do teor de matéria orgânica e da resistência à penetração. No ano de 2007, no Município de Selvíria (MS) foi analisada a produtividade de madeira do Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, em função de alguns atributos físico-químicos de um Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico estabelecido num maciço florestal com 21 anos de idade. O objetivo foi selecionar, entre os atributos pesquisados do solo, aquele que melhor se apresentasse para explicar a variabilidade da produtividade de madeira. Para tanto, foi instalado um grid geoestatístico, para a coleta dos dados do solo e da planta, contendo 121 pontos amostrais, numa área de 3 ha do referido maciço. A produtividade de madeira variou diretamente com o pH do solo, tanto linear quanto espacialmente, com valores de 27,0-32,6 m³ ha-1 ano-1 e 3,9-4,4, respectivamente. Nos maiores, 32,6-36,9 m³ ha-1 ano-1 e 4,4-4,9. Dessa forma, o pH revelou ser um apreciável indicador da qualidade química do solo quando o objetivo foi estimar, linear e espacialmente, a produtividade de madeira da essência florestal pesquisada nas condições do Cerrado brasileiro do Sudeste do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul.


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This work verifies the impact caused by the Emergencial Program of Reduction of Consumption of Electric Energy (energy-rationing program) in the results of the concessionary private companies of the public service of electric energy distribution localized in the Northeast Area. As the rationing invigorated from June 2001 to February 2002, its effects are diluted in the results presented by these companies in the second semester of 2001 and first quarter of 2002, with prominence for the last quarter of 2001, when the revenue of extraordinary tariff restore was instituted by the National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL), consequence of the so-called General Agreement of the Electric Sector made between the federal government and the companies of the electric sector. The structure of a generic electric sector and a historical review of the Brazilian electric sector from the time it was controlled by the private enterprises, including the State control period, about 1960, and returning to the control of the private enterprises in 1990, under a new regulation structure are presented. An explanation of the models of economic regulation that Brazil used for the electric sector is made, with prominence for the price cap that is the actual effective model. The process of tariff revision foreseen in the concession contracts signed by the federal government and the concessionary companies is presented, highlighting its two stages: the tariff rebalancing that defines the new price cap and the calculation of the factor X that establishes the efficiency goals for the companies. There is made a presentation of the Emergencial Program of Reduction of Consumption of Electric Energy and of the consequent General Agreement of the Electric Sector, which created the revenue of extraordinary tariff restore. A conceptual revision on reviews is presented, regarding to concepts, accomplishment and recognition. A brief review of the six companies that made part of the worked sample is also presented. Analyzing the quarters historical review and of amount of sold energy, it was possible to conclude that the energy-rationing altered the results of the studied companies significantly and that alteration was masked by the accounting process of the revenue of extraordinary tariff restore


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o perfil dos fumantes que procuraram serviço público de cessação do tabagismo. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados retrospectivamente os dados coletados durante a avaliação para a admissão no programa de cessação do tabagismo do Ambulatório de Tabagismo da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu/Universidade Estadual Paulista, na cidade de Botucatu (SP) entre abril de 2003 e abril de 2007. Variáveis demográficas, uso prévio de abordagem comportamental e/ou farmacológica e/ou tratamentos alternativos para o tabagismo, grau de dependência à nicotina e comorbidades foram avaliados em 387 fumantes. RESULTADOS: em nossa casuística, 63% dos tabagistas eram do sexo feminino. A idade média dos sujeitos foi de 50 ± 25 anos. Mais da metade dos fumantes (61%) não tinha cursado o ensino médio, e 66% tinham renda mensal menor que dois salários mínimos. O grau de dependência foi elevado/muito elevado em 59%, médio em 17% e baixo/muito baixo em 24%. Embora 95% dos pacientes apresentavam comorbidades, apenas 35% foram encaminhados ao programa por um médico. Mais da metade (68%) tinha feito pelo menos uma tentativa de cessação, 83% sem um programa de tratamento estruturado. CONCLUSÕES: Os tabagistas que procuraram assistência para cessar o tabagismo apresentaram desvantagem social, dependência à nicotina alta e tentativas anteriores de cessação sem tratamento estruturado. Portanto, a intervenção para o controle do tabagismo deve contemplar as características gerais dos fumantes nos serviços públicos para que seja eficaz.


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Entre 6.316 necropsias realizadas, no período de 1969 a 2000, no Departamento de Patologia da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu da Universidade Estadual Paulista (FMB/UNESP), foram encontradas 240 necropsias com diagnóstico de tuberculose, sendo 117 registradas como doença principal (grupo tuberculose/doença principal) e 123, como doença associada (grupo tuberculose/doença associada). No grupo tuberculose/doença principal, 100% apresentavam tuberculose ativa, com 80 ocorrências em homens e 37 em mulheres e média de idade de 47,7 anos. Caquexia (37,2%) e cor pulmonale (23,7%) foram as co-morbidades mais prevalentes nesse grupo. Os pulmões estavam comprometidos em 95,7% dos casos, seguido pelos linfonodos (38,9%) e pleuras (27,1%). Os padrões morfológicos das lesões pulmonares foram: 1. miliar, 58,4%; 2. cavernas, 56,6%; 3. fibrose, 41,5%; 4. bronquiectasias, 26,5%; 5. enfisema, 19,4%; e 6. cistos, 1,7%. Cavernas foram observadas em diferentes áreas, com discreto predomínio no pulmão direito, sendo a localização apical preferencial (100%) e quase sempre bilaterais (94%). Lesões miliares, bronquiectasias e fibrose estavam distribuídas, de forma difusa e aleatória, nos pulmões. No grupo tuberculose/doença associada também houve predomínio de homens (70,8%). Nesses casos, a AIDS e o alcoolismo crônico foram as doenças principais mais freqüentes, representando 22% e 16,3%, respectivamente. Os pulmões estavam acometidos em 85,2% dessas necropsias (100% nos casos de AIDS), seguidos pelos linfonodos (31,9%) e baço (28,6%). Nossos dados corroboram a importância da necropsia no estudo e no conhecimento da tuberculose, fornecendo subsídios para uma melhor abordagem clínica e epidemiológica dessa doença em nossa região.


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Cet article a l'objectif de détailler les diverses initiatives du gouvernement Lula (2003-2010) par rapport à la mise en forme d'une politique de ressources humaines et, de cette façon, vérifier s'il y a eu une amélioration des conditions et relations de travail dans le secteur public brésilien. À partir des années 1990, et dans le sens contraire de la grande croissance de l'emploi public dans les six décennies précédentes, l'adhésion des gouvernements brésiliens aux principes du « Consensus de Washington » souligne le fonctionnalisme comme point fondamental dans l'agenda des réformes nécessaires à la reprise de la croissance économique. Ces gouvernements là se sont penchés sur le traitement de l'emploi public comme étant un problème fiscal et ont agi pour restreindre sa dimension. Simultanément, les conditions et relations de travail se sont présentées plus fragilisées (rendues évidentes par l'absence de réajustement de salaire; la croissance de formes variables de rémunération ; l'élargissement du cadre de travailleurs temporaires et externes, e avec l'attitude autoritaire devant la représentation syndicale). Avec une recherche documentaire et bibliographique, on pourra remarquer que la restructuration de nombreuses carrières, la reprise des concours, la création de la « Réunion Nationale de Négotiation Permanente », la réforme de la sécurité sociale et les réajustements selectifs des rémunérations manifestent l'ambiguïté comme une marque fondamentale des politiques de ressources humaines. Cela parce que, au même temps, les progrès des conditions de travail du serviteur public ont toujours été accompagnés par l'entretien d'une partie de l'agenda conservatrice des années 1990, surtout par rapport à la reproduction de limites fiscaux rigoureux.


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS