857 resultados para School mathematics


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Ironically, the “learning of percent” is one of the most problematic aspects of school mathematics. In our view, these difficulties are not associated with the arithmetic aspects of the “percent problems”, but mostly with two methodological issues: firstly, providing students with a simple and accurate understanding of the rationale behind the use of percent, and secondly - overcoming the psychological complexities of the fluent and comprehensive understanding by the students of the sometimes specific wordings of “percent problems”. Before we talk about percent, it is necessary to acquaint students with a much more fundamental and important (regrettably, not covered by the school syllabus) classical concepts of quantitative and qualitative comparison of values, to give students the opportunity to learn the relevant standard terminology and become accustomed to conventional turns of speech. Further, it makes sense to briefly touch on the issue (important in its own right) of different representations of numbers. Percent is just one of the technical, but common forms of data representation: p% = p × % = p × 0.01 = p × 1/100 = p/100 = p × 10-2 "Percent problems” are involved in just two cases: I. The ratio of a variation m to the standard M II. The relative deviation of a variation m from the standard M The hardest and most essential in each specific "percent problem” is not the routine arithmetic actions involved, but the ability to figure out, to clearly understand which of the variables involved in the problem instructions is the standard and which is the variation. And in the first place, this is what teachers need to patiently and persistently teach their students. As a matter of fact, most primary school pupils are not yet quite ready for the lexical specificity of “percent problems”. ....Math teachers should closely, hand in hand with their students, carry out a linguistic analysis of the wording of each problem ... Schoolchildren must firmly understand that a comparison of objects is only meaningful when we speak about properties which can be objectively expressed in terms of actual numerical characteristics. In our opinion, an adequate acquisition of the teaching unit on percent cannot be achieved in primary school due to objective psychological specificities related to this age and because of the level of general training of students. Yet, if we want to make this topic truly accessible and practically useful, it should be taught in high school. A final question to the reader (quickly, please): What is greater: % of e or e% of Pi


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There is a national need to increase the STEM-related workforce. Among factors leading towards STEM careers include the number of advanced high school mathematics and science courses students complete. Florida's enrollment patterns in STEM-related Advanced Placement (AP) courses, however, reveal that only a small percentage of students enroll into these classes. Therefore, screening tools are needed to find more students for these courses, who are academically ready, yet have not been identified. The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which scores from a national standardized test, Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test/ National Merit Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT), in conjunction with and compared to a state-mandated standardized test, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT), are related to selected AP exam performance in Seminole County Public Schools. An ex post facto correlational study was conducted using 6,189 student records from the 2010 - 2012 academic years. Multiple regression analyses using simultaneous Full Model testing showed differential moderate to strong relationships between scores in eight of the nine AP courses (i.e., Biology, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Physics B, Physics C Electrical, Physics C Mechanical, Statistics, Calculus AB and BC) examined. For example, the significant unique contribution to overall variance in AP scores was a linear combination of PSAT Math (M), Critical Reading (CR) and FCAT Reading (R) for Biology and Environmental Science. Moderate relationships for Chemistry included a linear combination of PSAT M, W (Writing) and FCAT M; a combination of FCAT M and PSAT M was most significantly associated with Calculus AB performance. These findings have implications for both research and practice. FCAT scores, in conjunction with PSAT scores, can potentially be used for specific STEM-related AP courses, as part of a systematic approach towards AP course identification and placement. For courses with moderate to strong relationships, validation studies and development of expectancy tables, which estimate the probability of successful performance on these AP exams, are recommended. Also, findings established a need to examine other related research issues including, but not limited to, extensive longitudinal studies and analyses of other available or prospective standardized test scores.


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This dissertation aims to suggest the teacher of high school mathematics a way of teaching logic to students. For this uses up a teaching sequence that explores the mathematical concepts that are involved in the operation of a calculator one of the greatest symbols of mathematics.


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This dissertation aims to suggest the teacher of high school mathematics a way of teaching logic to students. For this uses up a teaching sequence that explores the mathematical concepts that are involved in the operation of a calculator one of the greatest symbols of mathematics.


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This study aimed to explore prospective teachers’ performance on recognizing quadrilaterals with their special cases and constructing a hierarchical classification of them. The participants consisted of 44 freshmen studying at a public university’s elementary school mathematics education department. Data was collected with a question form containing two questions at the first day of the geometry course taught in the second term of the first year. For quantifying the data of the first question, while students who identify the prototypes of quadrilaterals and their special cases were given 1 and 2 points for each correct answer respectively, -1 point was given for each incorrect answer. The similarity index was employed to quantify students’ concept maps. We investigated that students could detect the prototypes of the quadrilaterals but not their special cases. Additionally, the similarity index between majority of freshmen’ concept maps and the referent map was found as low or moderate.


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Syftet med denna studie har varit att klargöra och undersöka huruvida mellanstadieelevers matematikförståelse ökar eller inte om de ser nyttan av att lära sig skolans matematik. Detta har gjorts med hjälp av en systematisk litteraturstudie där aktuell vetenskaplig forskning inom området tagits fram genom sökning, granskning och analys. Resultaten som framkommit visar att det finns samband mellan en vardagsanknuten matematik och elevers förståelse, men att detta samband inte alltid är effektivt. Det är dock inte enbart en vardagsanknuten matematik som kan kopplas ihop med och har betydelse för elevers förståelse och utveckling inom matematik, utan också vilken kognitiv nivå uppgifterna har. De resultat studierna påvisar behandlar vikten av grundläggande kunskaper inom matematik som en förutsättning för elevers matematiska utveckling och förståelse. Forskarna menar att en ökad förståelse gynnas om de problem som ska lösas har ett tydligt beskrivet syfte.


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The aim of this present work is investigating the interest and motivation for learning, awakened in pupils when the educator practice is guided by the ethnomathematics perspective. The main question is: Can an ethnomathematic approach awaken enthusiasm in pupils, causing it to become more critic and active in building their knowledge? The methodology that guides the investigation is qualitative, based on technical arising of the ethnographic case study. Theoretical contributions that support the investigation are from the scientific methodology and from ethnomathematics. The research material is composed by: researcher’s field diary, audio recording of participant observation, interviews reports of community residents and students parents, highlighting the material produced by students. This study was developed on an 8º year of high school of rural community. During the work were prioritized the ethnomathematics concepts of the Ethnomathematic Program, which establish a link exchange, where the lecturers inserts themselves on the reality of pupils in a way that promote an appreciation of their identity and a commitment to their learning. The educator investigates and values the ideas of pupils throughout dialogues. There are challenges for the application of education with ethno mathematic perspective, pointed out by authors, listed and supplemented in the research. In this context, it is believed that the socio-cultural knowledge must be respect, and as they are understood their specialties, capabilities and characteristics, this can guide teaching practice, making significant process for pupils, providing appropriation of scientific knowledge. Analysis of research practice indicated that students, research subjects, when they decided contextual issues, with their way of life, felt appreciated. The conclusion is that, with continuous action of contextualized of school mathematics, from the recognition of the environment and of cultural identity, the educator has the opportunity of review their own participant condition, and therefore promote an enthusiasm for learning. Because a motivated pupil becomes active, since that the all project is guided in a significant theme.


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This paper reports a 2-year longitudinal study on the effectiveness of the Pattern and Structure Mathematical Awareness Program (PASMAP) on students’ mathematical development. The study involved 316 Kindergarten students in 17 classes from four schools in Sydney and Brisbane. The development of the PASA assessment interview and scale are presented. The intervention program provided explicit instruction in mathematical pattern and structure that enhanced the development of students’ spatial structuring, multiplicative reasoning, and emergent generalisations. This paper presents the initial findings of the impact of the PASMAP and illustrates students’ structural development.


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Australian Indigenous students' mathematics performance continues to be below that of non-Indigenous students. This occurs from the early years of school, due largely to knowledge and social differences on entry to formal schooling. This paper reports on a mathematics research project conducted in one Aboriginal community school in New South Wales, Australia. The project aimed to identify and explain the ways that young Australian Indigenous students (age 2-4 years) learn number language and processes, specifically attribute language, sorting, 1-1 correspondence and, counting. The project adopted a mixed methods approach. That is, the methodology was decolonising (Smith 1999) in that it collaborated with and gave benefit back to the Indigenous community and school being researched. It was qualitative and interpretative (Burns 2000) and incorporated an action-research teaching-experiment approach where and teachers collaborated with the researchers to try new teaching methods. This paper draws on data pertaining to students' response to diagnostic interview questions, the pre- and post-test results of the interview and photographic evidence as observations during mathematics learning time. Participants referred to in this paper include one female principal (N = 1), and the transition class of students' pre- (N = 6) and post-test (N = 3) results of the pre-foundational processes (also referred to as attributes). The results were encouraging with improvements in colour (34%), patterns (33%); capacity (38%). As a result of this project, our epistemology regarding the importance of finding out about students' pre-foundational knowledge and understandings and providing a culturally appropriate learning environment with resources has been built upon.


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Guide for computing in the School of Mathematics. Intended for new staff and PG students. Originally written by Anton Prowse from a number of earlier documents.


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Proporciona una introducción general a la enseñanza de las matemáticas en las escuelas de primaria y secundaria. Sitúa el plan de estudios de esta asignatura en el contexto de la alfabetización aritmética de toda la escuela y analiza, entre otras, cuestiones importantes: la planificación y dirección de la clase, la investigación en matemáticas, tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y desarrollo personal y profesional de los docentes.


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En su segunda edición, este recurso ha sido actualizado para incorporar las recientes iniciativas de la Estrategia Nacional de Aritmética e incluye otros temas: la naturaleza de las matemáticas como asignatura; las matemáticas en el currículo nacional; el aprendizaje de los alumnos; uso de las TIC; la comunicación de las matemáticas; la evaluación y los exámenes públicos; la enseñanza de la matemática después de los dieciséis años; el desarrollo profesional. Tiene bibliografía e índice alfabético.


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Es una introducción general a la enseñanza de las matemáticas en la escuela secundaria, pues proporciona a los profesores los conocimientos que necesitan saber sobre aprendizaje, enseñanza, evaluación, curriculo y desarrollo profesional.