884 resultados para Public – private
Objective. To assess the impact that the Brazilian Standard for Marketing of Baby Food (Norma Brasileira de Comercializacao de Alimentos para Lactentes) have had on breastfeeding rates and regulating the marketing of breast-milk substitutes. Methods. Data were retrieved from a national survey conducted in 2000 that administered structured questionnaires to nine different groups. A total of 2 848 surveys were completed. Cluster sampling was employed to randomly select a sample from 159 towns located in the 26 Brazilian states and the Federal District. Results. The survey showed that participants possess satisfactory knowledge regarding the importance of breastfeeding and its ideal duration period. During the past two decades, the median duration of breastfeeding has increased, but it is still below desired levels. The mother`s return to work, maternal health issues, perception of insufficient breast milk, and information provided by health professionals were among reasons given for early termination of breastfeeding. Knowledge of the Brazilian standard was very limited, even among health professionals. Conclusions. Breastfeeding promotion in Brazil should focus on overcoming the cultural, educational, and economic barriers identified from among the various groups assessed. Interagency cooperation should include public, private, and third-parties, and focus on disseminating breastfeeding information and promoting the desirability of breastfeeding. Barriers to cooperation should be tackled in order to ensure that the main goal of the Brazilian standard-protection of infant health-can be achieved.
This paper outlines approaches to developing the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) and addresses many current challenges Most importantly, these approaches provide the basis for ISPRM to develop its leadership role within the field of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) and in relation to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) system at large. They also address a number of specific critiques of the current situation. A positioning of ISPRM within the world architecture of the UN and WHO systems, as well as the consideration and fostering of respective emerging regional PRM societies, is central to establishing networking connections at different levels of the world society. Yearly congresses, possibly in co-operation with a regional society, based on a defined regional rotation, are suggested. Thus, frustration with the current bidding system for a biennial congress and an intermediate meeting could be overcome. Yearly congresses are also an important step towards increasing the organization`s funding base, and hence the possibility to expand the functions of ISPRM`s central office. ISPRM`s envisioned leadership role in the context of an international web of PRM journals complementing the formally defined official journal of ISPRM, regional societies and so forth, is an inclusive rather than exclusive approach that contributes to the development of PRM journals worldwide. An important prerequisite for the further development of ISPRM is the expansion and bureaucratization of its Central Office, adding professionalism and systematic allocation of resources to the strengths of the voluntary engagement of individual PRM doctors.
A necessidade de viabilizar investimentos p??blicos em um contexto de restri????o fiscal impulsionou governos de diversos pa??ses a buscar na parceria com o setor privado a alternativa para a realiza????o de obras e servi??os p??blicos. A experi??ncia paradigm??tica do Reino Unido em programas de parceria p??blico-privada (PPP) norteou a implanta????o de iniciativas semelhantes mundo afora. No Brasil, a aprova????o, em dezembro de 2004, da lei que disciplina as normas para contrata????o de PPP deu in??cio a um processo que passar?? pela defini????o dos projetos priorit??rios e que culminar?? na consolida????o das parcerias como mais um instrumento para a viabiliza????o de obras e servi??os p??blicos de que o pa??s necessita. Esse artigo tem por objetivo elucidar o modelo brasileiro de parcerias p??blico-privadas. Ap??s uma contextualiza????o inicial, s??o discutidos os fundamentos que balizam a implanta????o de um programa de PPP e apresentadas algumas caracter??sticas gerais dos contratos. Por fim, s??o expostos os pontos centrais da lei brasileira.
Este trabalho discute o papel das estatais nas PPPs, de modo a garantir investimentos em infraestrutura pelo financiamento via project finance. Partindo de um contexto de privatiza????es desse setor, que, no Brasil, efetivou-se na d??cada de 1990, buscou-se mostrar como surgiu espa??o para o estabelecimento de PPPs, advindas de novas institui????es resultantes do processo de reforma do Estado. O project finance ?? colocado como uma forma de garantir o financiamento desses investimentos. Sua estrutura financeira, baseada na cria????o de uma pessoa jur??dica para a gest??o do empreendimento, busca dirimir os riscos pela eleva????o do n??mero de participantes e pela securitiza????o de receitas futuras, tornando-as l??quidas em curto prazo. A discuss??o sobre o papel do project finance revela que essa ?? uma estrat??gia vi??vel para a garantia de investimentos por parte das estatais, em parceria com o governo e com outras empresas, que levem ao desenvolvimento socioecon??mico sustent??vel do Pa??s.
O prop??sito deste trabalho ?? avan??ar em dire????o ao desenvolvimento de um marco anal??tico que ajude a avaliar as parcerias p??blico-privadas, tanto ?? luz do conceito geral, como de propostas espec??ficas concretas. Para isso, inicia-se o artigo com um breve caso para ilustrar o problema de modo geral e, em seguida, desenvolve-se um marco anal??tico para ajudar o setor p??blico a aprender como realizar suas responsabilidades de due diligence (checagem) de forma mais eficiente.
O desafio da gest??o p??blica no Brasil faz parte de um acerto de contas com nossa hist??ria. Integra um conjunto de esfor??os para romper com um d??ficit hist??rico de gest??o que por longos anos comprometeu o desenvolvimento das extraordin??rias possibilidades no Brasil, dentro de um contexto mais amplo de problemas econ??micos e sociais. Neste artigo, prop??e-se uma reflex??o sobre esse hist??rico, apontando como a rela????o prom??scua entre p??blico e privado alimentou um quadro de exclus??o social que est?? sendo revertido e discutindo o papel da qualifica????o da gest??o p??blica nesse processo.
A presente dissertao tem como objetivo a anlise das polticas de segurana pblica e justia criminal no Esprito Santo entre 1989 e 2013, utilizando metodologia historiogrfica e observando a distncia entre os objetivos oficiais e as consequncias prticas. No primeiro captulo, me concentro na contextualizao histrica das polticas criminais, analisando a formao organizacional do sistema punitivo brasileiro. Coloco nfase, de um lado, no processo de militarizao, isto , a adoo de hierarquia, disciplina e formao militares nas agncias de segurana pblica, e de outro lado, e nas sucessivas legislaes penais aprovadas pelo Congresso Nacional. Tais processos nacionais se refletem no Esprito Santo, onde se difundiram grupos de extermnio como a Scuderie Le Cocq, mas no havia poltica de segurana pblica. A primeira surge em meio a grave crise poltica, entre 1999 e 2002. Mas os seus propsitos so mais avanados com o processo de reforma administrativa aps 2003, quando o governo se esfora por impr modelos de gesto empresariais e parcerias pblico privadas administrao estadual, incluindo a segurana pblica e sistema penitencirio. Com isto, ocorre uma rpida expanso do encarceramento seletivo em condies extremas de superlotao e violncia, desenvolvendo uma indstria carcerria. No segundo captulo, realizo uma anlise na qual relaciono informaes criminais, penitencirias, econmicas e demogrficas, tanto no contexto do Brasil quanto do Esprito Santo. Constato que a represso estatal tem preferncia por homens, negros, jovens e de baixa escolaridade; por crimes de drogas e contra o patrimnio, com a utilizao cada vez maior da priso provisria. No Esprito Santo o encarceramento seletivo cresce em maior velocidade que na mdia nacional, o que se reflete no perfil da populao carcerria, sendo esta ainda mais negra, jovem, de baixa escolaridade e presa por trfico e drogas e em regime provisrio, com frequentes denncias fundamentadas de torturas, mortes e desaparecimentos forados entre as populaes criminalizadas.
Guimares has hosted, during the year of 2012, one of the European Capital of Culture (ECOC). The evaluation of the event is needed as public, private and community funds are involved. The approach considers the tourists (domestic and international) as external and independent stakeholders who assessed the cultural activities developed during the event and the attributes of the city. The results of the survey show that hosting the 2012 ECOC was a major contribution for attracting new visitors to the city, although many of them just for a short period of time. The main source of general information collected by tourists was the Internet, and the traditional media. Only a small amount of respondents demonstrated a specialized knowledge of the cultural program. The most cited and appreciated performances came from the areas of music, exhibitions, and theatre. According to the perceptions of tourists, the tangible assets were clearly detached from the set of attributes of Guimares, including buildings, churches and chapels, whereas intangible assets were less noted. Overall, Guimares received a very positive evaluation related to city image and stay and is highly recommended by tourists to friends and relatives.
Numa altura em que continuam em vigor uma srie de misteriosos e injustos contratos de PPPs, contratos futuros-swap e rendas artificiais outorgadas a lucrativos grupos econmicos – e mais desfavorveis s contas do Estado e contribuintes, como vrias instituies e personalidades tm alertado em pblico incluindo a imprensa internacional -, a defesa dos dinheiros pblicos assume cada vez maior importncia. Abstract: At a time when still in force a series of mysterious and unjust PPP contracts, future swap contracts and artificial rents granted to profitable economic groups - and more unfavorable to the state and taxpayers of all, as several institutions and personalities have warned in public including the international press - the defense of public money is increasingly important.
A pergunta simples: para que que afinal serve a Constituio? Ser para fazer dos pobres cada vez mais pobres e dos ricos cada vez mais ricos? Ser para deixar morrer os velhos na valeta, acabar com o Servio Nacional de Sade ou com a ADSE?; Abstract: The question is simple: what it is that ultimately serves the Constitution? Will be to make the poor poorer and the rich richer? Will be to let the old die in the gutter, end the National Health Service or the ADSE?
In 2012, Guimares hosted the European Capital of Culture (ECOC). An evaluation of this event was needed because public, private, and community funds were involved. This analysis considers tourists as external and independent stakeholders who assessed the cultural activities developed during the event as well as the attributes of the city. The main objectives of the research conducted were to assess the visitors` motivations during the hosting of the Guimares ECOC 2012, their perceptions towards the city and if national and international visitors kept different perceptions of it. For two months, in the summer of 2012, a survey was applied to 390 visitors. The results revealed that hosting the 2012 ECOC was a major contribution towards attracting new visitors to the city (though many of the visitors stayed only for a short period of time). Based on tourists perceptions, the tangible heritage was clearly detached from the set of attributes associated to Guimares, whereas the intangible heritage was less noted. The Portuguese tourists seem to be more prone to value the tangible heritage than the foreign tourists. Overall, Guimares received a very positive evaluation relating to the citys image and, as stated by tourists, visiting it was declared to be highly recommended. Following the obtained empirical results, the need for changing the citys promoted image emerges, which has been too centered on its tangible heritage. In doing so, it is believed that there will be longer overnight stays by visitors.
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I - Inserido no Concelho de Odivelas, cuja realidade e contexto scio cultural realam a problemtica da diversidade cultural, colocando ao professor dvidas e dificuldades emrelao s suas prticas educativas, o Conservatrio de Msica D. Dinis a escola na qual leciono desde 1993. tambm local de reflexo permanente quanto aos critrios e condies que devem nortear a prtica pedaggica contempornea na rea da msica, cujo objetivo assenta na formao integral do aluno atravs da utilizao de estratgias de ensino que o responsabilizem na prpria aprendizagem. Considerando estes desafios, o seguinte trabalho ser realizado no contexto da minha classe de violino e incidir sobre trs alunos em particular, que frequentam os seguintes graus, a saber: 1 - Iniciao (1 ciclo do ensino bsico); 2 - 2 grau (2 ciclo do ensino bsico); 3 - 5 grau (3 ciclo do ensino bsico). Apesar de acreditar nas suas capacidades de aprendizagem e ter um cuidado especial sobre as minhas aes e os efeitos destas na aprendizagem acadmica e social dos meus alunos, os resultados finais so reveladores da importncia da motivao, do apoio parental e da responsabilidade dos alunos na obteno do seu prprio sucesso escolar.
Cloud SLAs compensate customers with credits when average availability drops below certain levels. This is too inflexible because consumers lose non-measurable amounts of performance being only compensated later, in next charging cycles. We propose to schedule virtual machines (VMs), driven by range-based non-linear reductions of utility, different for classes of users and across different ranges of resource allocations: partial utility. This customer-defined metric, allows providers transferring resources between VMs in meaningful and economically efficient ways. We define a comprehensive cost model incorporating partial utility given by clients to a certain level of degradation, when VMs are allocated in overcommitted environments (Public, Private, Community Clouds). CloudSim was extended to support our scheduling model. Several simulation scenarios with synthetic and real workloads are presented, using datacenters with different dimensions regarding the number of servers and computational capacity. We show the partial utility-driven driven scheduling allows more VMs to be allocated. It brings benefits to providers, regarding revenue and resource utilization, allowing for more revenue per resource allocated and scaling well with the size of datacenters when comparing with an utility-oblivious redistribution of resources. Regarding clients, their workloads execution time is also improved, by incorporating an SLA-based redistribution of their VMs computational power.