288 resultados para Neologia intertextual


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación. Resumen en inglés


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The thesis which follows, entitled ''The Postoccidental Deconstruction and Resignification of 'Modemity': A Critical Analysis", is an exposition and criticism of the critique of occidental modemity found in a group of writings which identify their critique with a "postoccidental" point of view with respect to postcolonial studies. The general problem ofthe investigation concems the significance and reach ofthis critique of modemity in relation to the ongoing debate, in Latín American studies, about the historical relationship between Latín America, as a mu1ticultural/ structurally heterogeneous region, and the industrial societies of Euro pe and North America. A brief Preface explains the genealogy of the author's ideas on this subject Following this preface, the thesis proceeds to analyze the writings in this corpus through an intertextual, schematic approach which singles out two rnajor elements of the postoccidental critique: "coloniality" and "eurocentrism". These two main elements are investigated in the Introduction and Chapters One and Two, in terms of how they distinguish postoccidental analysis from other theoretical tendencias with which it has affinities but whose key concepts it reformu1ates in ways that are key to the unique approach which postoccidental analysis takes to modemity, the nature of the capitalist world system, colonialism, subaltemization, center/periphery and development . Chapter Three attempts a critical analysis of the foregoing postoccidentalist deconstruction according to the following question: to what extent does it succeed in deconstructing "modernity" as a term which refers to a historically articulated set of discourses whose underlying purpose has been to justify European and North American hegemony and structural asymmetries vis-a-vis the peripheries of the capitalist world system, based on an ethnocentric, racialist logic of exploitation and subalternization of non-European peoples? A Conclusion follows Chapter Three.


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El testimonio es un género de la praxis discursiva de sujetos subalternos que ejercen a través de él su derecho a la palabra y la representación, paralelamente a los discursos dominantes. El testimonio conforma sus elementos a través de estrategias lingüísticas propias. Un estudio previo de los elementos narrativos del testimonio con herramientas del análisis tradicional dejó fuera los mecanismos de auto-representación del sujeto narrativo y de representación de los actores sociales en el discurso. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo estudiar las identidades tal como se construyen y proyectan en el testimonio, a partir de nuevas herramientas proporcionadas por el Análisis Crítico del Discurso. Se estudia así el uso estratégico de determinados elementos lingüísticos en un corpus representativo de testimonios sobre la vida en la hacienda, los cuales se recogieron en varias comunidades de la parroquia San Pablo del Lago, en la Sierra norte del Ecuador. Los elementos lingüísticos cuyo uso se analiza aquí son cuatro: los pronombres, como representación verbal del sujeto por excelencia; el discurso reportado directo, como forma eminente de lo dialógico y lo intertextual; las comparaciones figuradas, como reflejo de la cosmovisión del hablante; y las evaluaciones, como elementos estéticos del discurso.


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A note on Ashbery's metaphorical and intertextual practice.


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This article traces the intertextual relationships between Anya Ulinich’s graphic novel Lena Finkle’s Magic Barrel, Bernard Malamud’s short story ‘The Magic Barrel’ and a number of works by Philip Roth. Through these relationships and her construction of a number of variations on what Miriam Libicki has called a ‘gonzo self’ Ulinich explores the tensions between life and art, fact and fiction, and autobiography and the novel, mediating the aesthetic imperatives of what Roth has called the ‘written world’ and the ethical obligations of the ‘unwritten world’ in order to arrive at an authentic sense of herself as an artist and writer.


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Contemporary US sitcom is at an interesting crossroads: it has received an increasing amount of scholarly attention (e.g. Mills 2009; Butler 2010; Newman and Levine 2012; Vermeulen and Whitfield 2013), which largely understands it as shifting towards the aesthetically and narratively complex. At the same time, in the post-broadcasting era, US networks are particularly struggling for their audience share. With the days of blockbuster successes like Must See TV’s Friends (NBC 1994-2004) a distant dream, recent US sitcoms are instead turning towards smaller, engaged audiences. Here, a cult sensibility of intertextual in-jokes, temporal and narrational experimentation (e.g. flashbacks and alternate realities) and self-reflexive performance styles have marked shows including Community (NBC 2009-2015), How I Met Your Mother (CBS 2005-2014), New Girl (Fox 2011-present) and 30 Rock (NBC 2006-2013). However, not much critical attention has so far been paid to how these developments in textual sensibility in contemporary US sitcom may be influenced by, and influencing, the use of transmedia storytelling practices, an increasingly significant industrial concern and rising scholarly field of enquiry (e.g. Jenkins 2006; Mittell 2015; Richards 2010; Scott 2010; Jenkins, Ford and Green 2013). This chapter investigates this mutual influence between sitcom and transmedia by taking as its case studies two network shows that encourage invested viewership through their use of transtexts, namely How I Met Your Mother (hereafter HIMHM) and New Girl (hereafter NG). As such, it will pay particular attention to the most transtextually visible character/actor from each show: HIMYM’s Barney Stinson, played by Neil Patrick Harris, and NG’s Schmidt, played by Max Greenfield. This chapter argues that these sitcoms do not simply have their particular textual sensibility and also (happen to) engage with transmedia practices, but that the two are mutually informing and defining. This chapter explores the relationships and interplay between sitcom aesthetics, narratives and transmedia storytelling (or industrial transtexts), focusing on the use of multiple delivery channels in order to disperse “integral elements of a fiction” (Jenkins, 2006 95-6), by official entities such as the broadcasting channels. The chapter pays due attention to the specific production contexts of both shows and how these inform their approaches to transtexts. This chapter’s conceptual framework will be particularly concerned with how issues of texture, the reality envelope and accepted imaginative realism, as well as performance and the actor’s input inform and illuminate contemporary sitcoms and transtexts, and will be the first scholarly research to do so. It will seek out points of connections between two (thus far) separate strands of scholarship and will move discussions on transtexts beyond the usual genre studied (i.e. science-fiction and fantasy), as well as make a contribution to the growing scholarship on contemporary sitcom by approaching it from a new critical angle. On the basis that transmedia scholarship stands to benefit from widening its customary genre choice (i.e. telefantasy) for its case studies and from making more use of in-depth close analysis in its engagement with transtexts, the chapter argues that notions of texture, accepted imaginative realism and the reality envelope, as well as performance and the actor’s input deserve to be paid more attention to within transtext-related scholarship.


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Singapore’s bilingual policy legitimises English not only as the language of governmental administration and interethnic communication, but also as the medium of instruction in all schools on all levels and across all subjects except mother tongues (MTs). As a result of these politics of language recognition, a visible shift has occurred in all ethnic groups away from MTs towards English. To rectify the language shift situation, the government has emphasised that developing bilingualism and raising bilingual children should begin in preschools. In this paper, we examine two top-down official documents: Review of Mother Tongue Languages Report, issued in 2011, and Nurturing Early Learners Framework for Mother Tongue Languages, developed in 2013. Attempting to identify some of the complex factors that influence language shift, we present an intertextual analysis of the Report and the curriculum Framework. In doing so, we compare the consistencies and locate the implicit inconsistencies in the policy position on bilingual education in preschools. We conclude the article by outlining the implications for changing the current bilingual educational models and providing teacher training programmes that maximise the learning opportunities of young bilingual learners.


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No seu romance, Adivinhas de Pedro e Inês, Agustina Bessa-Luís procura recuperar através de um trabalho intertextual, a experiência feminina de Inês de Castro para escrever uma História no feminino: uma “Herstory”. Com efeito, é a partir de uma “des-leitura” dos textos historiográficos, que ela consegue sublinhar a sua dimensão ideológica e normativa, inaugurando um processo de emancipação face aos cenários por eles legitimados. O recurso à intertextualidade com textos literários inicia uma tentativa de focalização sobre a personagem de Inês de Castro, ampliando a sua voz e centrando o texto nela. Emerge então um discurso eminentemente carnavalesco e polifónico que se opõe a uma forma de tradição de escrita logocêntrica e deixa aparecer a multiplicidade dos percursos femininos na História.


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Fan culture is a subculture that has developed explosively on the internet over the last decades. Fans are creating their own films, translations, fiction, fan art, blogs, role play and also various forms that are all based on familiar popular culture creations like TV-series, bestsellers, anime, manga stories and games. In our project, we analyze two of these subculture genres, fan fiction and scanlation. Amateurs, and sometimes professional writers, create new stories by adapting and developing existing storylines and characters from the original. In this way, a "network" of texts occurs, and writers step into an intertextual dialogue with established writers such as JK Rowling (Harry Potter) and Stephanie Meyer (Twilight). Literary reception and creation then merge into a rich reciprocal creative activity which includes comments and feedback from the participators in the community. The critical attitude of the fans regarding quality and the frustration at waiting for the official translation of manga books led to the development of scanlation, which is an amateur translation of manga distributed on the internet.  Today, young internet users get involved in conceptual discussions of intertextuality and narrative structures through fan activity. In the case of scanlation, the scanlators practice the skills and techniques of translating in an informal environment. This phenomenon of participatory culture has been observed by scholars and it is concluded that they contribute to the development of a student’s literacy and foreign language skills. Furthermore, there is no doubt that the fandom related to Japanese cultural products such as manga, anime and videogames is one of the strong motives for foreign students to start learning Japanese. This is something to take into pedagogical consideration when we develop web-based courses. Fan fiction and fan culture make it ​​possible to have an intensive transcultural dialogue between participators throughout the world and is of great interest when studying the interaction between formal and informal learning that puts the student in focus


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A presente dissertação aborda o diálogo intertextual interdisciplinar que os filmes cinematográficos Shakespeare in Love (John Madden, 1998) e Looking for Richard (Al Pacino,1996) estabelecem em relação ao conjunto da obra de William Shakespeare. A análise dos filmes demonstra que, tanto pela estruturação de suas narrativas quanto por suas posturas frente ao legado cultural shakespeariano e seu papel na cultura de massa contemporânea, tais filmes configuram-se como obras de arte pós-modernistas. Tendo por base abordagens culturais abrangentes do fenômeno pós-modernista, concluimos que Shakespeare in Love e Looking for Richard propõem um redimensionamento da obra canônica de Shakespeare e de seu legado cultural na contemporaneidade, recuperando seu forte apelo popular através do cinema de entretenimento hollywoodiano.


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The present work proposes an investigation of the treatment given to memory in Pinter’s latest play, Ashes to Ashes, and of its function in the development of Pinter’s work. In order to do that, different aspects of the construction of meaning in the theatre are analysed, so that the specificity of its reception is determined. A survey of techniques used to present information, time and space in the theatre is made. The analytical drama, the history drama, and the theatre of the absurd are defined. After that, the evolution of the author’s work is analysed to determine what characterises Pinter’s work, while at the same time determining how his treatment of themes like menace, memory, and political oppression of the individual has evolved. Finally, a detailed survey of the apparently disconnected elements that are mentioned in Ashes to Ashes is made. The intertextual analysis allied to a study of the analytical form as used in this play enables the discovery of several layers of meaning. Through the connection established between the Holocaust and man’s fall followed by expulsion from Eden, Pinter examines the use of memory as a way of dealing with personal and collective responsibility and guilt. It is through the recovery of memory (also through writing) that the present can establish a critical and responsible relation with the past.


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A partir da constatação das relações intertextuais que o romance Eva Luna, de Isabel Allende, estabelece com a narrativa árabe As mil e uma noites, esta tese de doutorado propõe uma análise baseada na noção de dialogismo, segundo postula Mikhail Bakhtin. O aspecto do dialogismo contemplado neste trabalho refere-se, principalmente, ao diálogo entre os muitos textos da cultura, que se instala no interior de cada texto e o define. O propósito é apreender a relação entre as diferentes vozes presentes na obra de Allende e, assim, construir o seu sentido no contexto sócio-cultural em que foi escrita. A discussão será ampliada a partir de estudos sobre a literatura na pósmodernidade, especificamente, no que concerne às relações entre escritura e oralidade, à intertextualidade, ao conceito de identidade, às questões de gênero e às relações entre Literatura e História. Assim, a partir da reflexão que a análise intertextual possibilitará, esta tese objetiva a revalorização da literatura escrita por mulheres, visando também questionar a problemática da identidade no contexto latino-americano, bem como examinar o papel da escritura, tanto literária quanto histórica, na constituição das sociedades e dos indivíduos.