870 resultados para Meaning Construction. Cognitive Domains. Discourse Pattern


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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O presente artigo discorre sobre o período de divulgação da revista Em Guarda (1941-1946). No decorrer de sua publicação, os norte-americanos apareciam como modelo de sociedade (político, cultural e social), enquanto aos latino-americanos cabia o papel de fornecer matérias-primas para a fabricação de produtos voltados à guerra. Pretendo discutir as estratégias adotadas pelo mensário na construção do discurso de união interamericana sob a ótica dos Estados Unidos. Desse modo, surgem novas possibilidades para o estudo das relações entre Brasil- Estados Unidos, em particular do pan-americanismo.


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The aim of this paper is to discuss the presence of epic and ancient romance as constructions mechanism of the poem Galáxias by Haroldo de Campos, whose work was, all of the time, dedicated to both: innovation in poetry forms and rescue of tradition. It is quite important to investigate how epic and ancient narrative elements contribute to the meaning construction of poem Galaxias, written by Campos during thirteen years. This investigation appears to be very challenging because seems to be an opportunity to think about post-modern and post-antique, at the same time, making both instances dialogue. Galáxias seems to be exemplary to show this dialogue between present and past: it is a sea voyage book and a book as sea voyage, not only because the epic and ancient narrative have strong presence in the poem, but also because the poem central theme is the sea voyages – and the book.


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This article aims at the application of semiotic theory of French line to soap advertisements publicized in the magazine O Cruzeiro in the year 1949. Our objective is to reconstruct the women’s figure present in these texts and to establish its relation to the persuasion of the reader who is led to acquire not only the products, but mainly the values hidden in the announced objects. From the theory we use the generative course of meaning, focusing on the discourse level and assimilating the consumption axiologies proposed by each advertisement. Finally, we intend to assimilate the standard behavior of that society post-Second World War.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Die BBC-Serie SHERLOCK war 2011 eine der meistexportierten Fernsehproduktionen Großbritanniens und wurde weltweit in viele Sprachen übersetzt. Eine der Herausforderungen bei der Übersetzung stellen die Schrifteinblendungen der Serie (kurz: Inserts) dar. Die Inserts versprachlichen die Gedanken des Protagonisten, bilden schriftliche und digitale Kommunikation ab und zeichnen sich dabei durch ihre visuelle Auffälligkeit und teilweise als einzige Träger sprachlicher Kommunikation aus, womit sie zum wichtigen ästhetischen und narrativen Mittel in der Serie werden. Interessanterweise sind in der Übersetztung alle stilistischen Eigenschaften der Original-Inserts erhalten. In dieser Arbeit wird einerseits untersucht, wie Schrifteinblendungen im Film theoretisch beschrieben werden können, und andererseits, was sie in der Praxis so übersetzt werden können, wie es in der deutschen Version von Sherlock geschah. Zur theoretischen Beschreibung werden zunächst die Schrifteinblendungen in Sherlock Untertitelungsnormen anhand relevanter grundlegender semiotischer Dimensionen gegenübergestellt. Weiterhin wird das Verhältnis zwischen Schrifteinblendungen und Filmbild erkundet. Dazu wird geprüft, wie gut verschiedene Beschreibungsansätze zu Text-Bild-Verhältnissen aus der Sprachwissenschaft, Comicforschung, Übersetzungswissenschaft und Typografie die Einblendungen in Sherlock erklären können. Im praktischen Teil wird die Übersetzung der Einblendungen beleuchtet. Der Übersetzungsprozess bei der deutschen Version wird auf Grundlage eines Experteninterviews mit dem Synchronautor der Serie rekonstruiert, der auch für die Formulierung der Inserts zuständig war. Abschließend werden spezifische Übersetzungsprobleme der Inserts aus der zweiten Staffel von SHERLOCK diskutiert. Es zeigt sich, dass Untertitelungsnormen zur Beschreibung von Inserts nicht geeignet sind, da sie in Dimensionen wie Position, grafische Gestaltung, Animation, Soundeffekte, aber auch Timing stark eingeschränkt sind. Dies lässt sich durch das historisch geprägte Verständnis von Untertiteln erklären, die als möglichst wenig störendes Beiwerk zum fertigen Filmbild und -ablauf (notgedrungen) hinzugefügt werden, wohingegen für die Inserts in SHERLOCK teilweise sogar ein zentraler Platz in der Bild- und Szenenkomposition bereits bei den Dreharbeiten vorgesehen wurde. In Bezug auf Text-Bild-Verhältnisse zeigen sich die größten Parallelen zu Ansätzen aus der Comicforschung, da auch dort schriftliche Texte im Bild eingebettet sind anstatt andersherum. Allerdings sind auch diese Ansätze zur Beschreibung von Bewegung und Ton unzureichend. Die Erkundung der Erklärungsreichweite weiterer vielversprechender Konzepte, wie Interface und Usability, bleibt ein Ziel für künftige Studien. Aus dem Experteninterview lässt sich schließen, dass die Übersetzung von Inserts ein neues, noch unstandardisiertes Verfahren ist, in dem idiosynkratische praktische Lösungen zur sprachübergreifenden Kommunikation zwischen verschiedenen Prozessbeteiligten zum Einsatz kommen. Bei hochqualitative Produktionen zeigt ist auch für die ersetzende Insertübersetzung der Einsatz von Grafikern unerlässlich, zumindest für die Erstellung neuer Inserts als Übersetzungen von gefilmtem Text (Display). Hierbei sind die theoretisch möglichen Synergien zwischen Sprach- und Bildexperten noch nicht voll ausgeschöpft. Zudem zeigt sich Optimierungspotential mit Blick auf die Bereitstellung von sorgfältiger Dokumentation zur ausgangssprachlichen Version. Diese wäre als Referenzmaterial für die Übersetzung insbesondere auch für Zwecke der internationalen Qualitätssicherung relevant. Die übersetzten Inserts in der deutschen Version weisen insgesamt eine sehr hohe Qualität auf. Übersetzungsprobleme ergeben sich für das genretypische Element der Codes, die wegen ihrer Kompaktheit und multiplen Bezügen zum Film eine Herausforderung darstellen. Neben weiteren bekannten Übersetzungsproblemen wie intertextuellen Bezügen und Realia stellt sich immer wieder die Frage, wieviel der im Original dargestellten Insert- und Displaytexte übersetzt werden müssen. Aus Gründen der visuellen Konsistenz wurden neue Inserts zur Übersetzung von Displays notwendig. Außerdem stellt sich die Frage insbesondere bei Fülltexten. Sie dienen der Repräsentation von Text und der Erweiterung der Grenzen der fiktiv dargestellten Welt, sind allerdings mit hohem Übersetzungsaufwand bei minimaler Bedeutung für die Handlung verbunden.


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Background: Visuoperceptual deficits in dementia are common and can reduce quality of life. Testing of visuoperceptual function is often confounded by impairments in other cognitive domains and motor dysfunction. We aimed to develop, pilot, and test a novel visuocognitive prototype test battery which addressed these issues, suitable for both clinical and functional imaging use. Methods: We recruited 23 participants (14 with dementia, 6 of whom had extrapyramidal motor features, and 9 age-matched controls). The novel Newcastle visual perception prototype battery (NEVIP-B-Prototype) included angle, color, face, motion and form perception tasks, and an adapted response system. It allows for individualized task difficulties. Participants were tested outside and inside the 3T functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner. Functional magnetic resonance imaging data were analyzed using SPM8. Results: All participants successfully completed the task inside and outside the scanner. Functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis showed activation regions corresponding well to the regional specializations of the visual association cortex. In both groups, there was significant activity in the ventral occipital-temporal region in the face and color tasks, whereas the motion task activated the V5 region. In the control group, the angle task activated the occipitoparietal cortex. Patients and controls showed similar levels of activation, except on the angle task for which occipitoparietal activation was lower in patients than controls. Conclusion: Distinct visuoperceptual functions can be tested in patients with dementia and extrapyramidal motor features when tests use individualized thresholds, adapted tasks, and specialized response systems.


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Cognitive impairments are currently regarded as important determinants of functional domains and are promising treatment goals in schizophrenia. Nevertheless, the exact nature of the interdependent relationship between neurocognition and social cognition as well as the relative contribution of each of these factors to adequate functioning remains unclear. The purpose of this article is to systematically review the findings and methodology of studies that have investigated social cognition as a mediator variable between neurocognitive performance and functional outcome in schizophrenia. Moreover, we carried out a study to evaluate this mediation hypothesis by the means of structural equation modeling in a large sample of 148 schizophrenia patients. The review comprised 15 studies. All but one study provided evidence for the mediating role of social cognition both in cross-sectional and in longitudinal designs. Other variables like motivation and social competence additionally mediated the relationship between social cognition and functional outcome. The mean effect size of the indirect effect was 0.20. However, social cognitive domains were differentially effective mediators. On average, 25% of the variance in functional outcome could be explained in the mediation model. The results of our own statistical analysis are in line with these conclusions: Social cognition mediated a significant indirect relationship between neurocognition and functional outcome. These results suggest that research should focus on differential mediation pathways. Future studies should also consider the interaction with other prognostic factors, additional mediators, and moderators in order to increase the predictive power and to target those factors relevant for optimizing therapy effects.


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OBJECTIVE Visuoperceptual deficits are common in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Alzheimer disease (AD). Testing visuoperception in dementia is complicated by decline in other cognitive domains and extrapyramidal features. To overcome these issues, we developed a computerized test, the Newcastle visuoperception battery (NEVIP), which is independent of motor function and has minimal cognitive load.We aimed to test its utility to identify visuoperceptual deficits in people with dementia. PARTICIPANTS AND MEASUREMENTS We recruited 28 AD and 26 DLB participants with 35 comparison participants of similar age and education. The NEVIP was used to test angle, color, and form discrimination along with motion perception to obtain a composite visuoperception score. RESULTS Those with DLB performed significantly worse than AD participants on the composite visuoperception score (Mann-Whitney U = 142, p = 0.01). Visuoperceptual deficits (defined as 2 SD below the performance of comparisons) were present in 71% of the DLB group and 40% of the AD group. Performance was not significantly correlated with motor impairment, but was significantly related to global cognitive impairment in DLB (rs = -0.689, p <0.001), but not in AD. CONCLUSION Visuoperceptual deficits can be detected in both DLB and AD participants using the NEVIP, with the DLB group performing significantly worse than AD. Visuoperception scores obtained by the NEVIP are independent of participant motor deficits and participants are able to comprehend and perform the tasks.


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In personal and in society related context, people often evaluate the risk of environmental and technological hazards. Previous research addressing neuroscience of risk evaluation assessed particularly the direct personal risk of presented stimuli, which may have comprised for instance aspects of fear. Further, risk evaluation primarily was compared to tasks of other cognitive domains serving as control conditions, thus revealing general risk related brain activity, but not such specifically associated with estimating a higher level of risk. We here investigated the neural basis on which lay-persons individually evaluated the risk of different potential hazards for the society. Twenty healthy subjects underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging while evaluating the risk of fifty more or less risky conditions presented as written terms. Brain activations during the individual estimations of 'high' against 'low' risk, and of negative versus neutral and positive emotional valences were analyzed. Estimating hazards to be of high risk was associated with activation in medial thalamus, anterior insula, caudate nucleus, cingulate cortex and further prefrontal and temporo-occipital areas. These areas were not involved according to an analysis of the emotion ratings. In conclusion, we emphasize a contribution of the mentioned brain areas involved to signal high risk, here not primarily associated with the emotional valence of the risk items. These areas have earlier been reported to be associated with, beside emotional, viscerosensitive and implicit processing. This leads to assumptions of an intuitive contribution, or a "gut-feeling", not necessarily dependent of the subjective emotional valence, when estimating a high risk of environmental hazards.


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Objective: Integrated behavior therapy approaches are defined by the combination of behavioral and or cognitive interventions targeting neurocognition combined with other goal-oriented treatment targets such as social cognition, social skills, or educational issues. The Integrated Psychological Therapy Program (IPT) represents one of the very first behavior therapy approaches combining interventions of neurocognition, social cognition, and social competence. This comprehensive group-based bottom-up and top-down approach consists of five subprograms, each with incremental steps. IPT has been successfully implemented in several countries in Europe, America, Australia and in Asia. IPT worked as a model for some other approaches designed in the USA. IPT was undergone two further developments: based on the social competence part of IPT, the three specific therapy programs focusing residential, occupational or recreational topics were developed. Recently, the cognitive part of INT was rigorously expanded into the Integrated Neurocognitive Therapy (INT) designed exclusively for outpatient treatment: INT includes interventions targeting all neurocognitive and social cognitive domains defined by the NIMH-MATRICS initiative. These group and partially PC-based exercises are structured into four therapy modules, each starting with exercises on neurocognitive domains followed by social cognitive targets. Efficacy: The evidence of integrated therapy approaches and its advantage compared to of one-track interventions was becoming a discussion tool in therapy research as well as in mental health systems. Results of meta-analyses support superiority of integrated approaches compared to one-track interventions in more distal outcome areas such as social functioning. These results are in line with the large body of 37 independent IPT studies in 12 countries. Moreover, IPT research indicates the maintenance of therapy effects after the end of therapy and some evidence generalization effects. Additionally, the international randomized multi-center study on INT with 169 outpatients strongly supports the successful therapy of integrated therapy in proximal and distal outcome such as significant effects in cognition, functioning and negative symptoms. Clinical implication: therapy research as well as expert’s clinical experience recommends integrated therapy approaches such as IPT to be successful agents within multimodal psychiatric treatment concepts. Finally, integrated group therapy based on cognitive remediation seems to motivate and stimulate schizophrenia inpatients and outpatients to more successful and independent life also demanded by the recovery movement.


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Background: Little research has been conducted to assess the effect of using memory training with school-aged children who were born very preterm. This study aimed to determine whether two types of memory training approaches resulted in an improvement of trained functions and/or a generalization of the training effect to non-trained cognitive domains. Methods: Sixty-eight children born very preterm (7¬-12 years) were randomly allocated to a group undertaking memory strategy training (n=23), working memory training (n=22), or a waiting control group (n=23). Neuropsychological assessment was performed before and immediately after the training or waiting period, and at a six-month follow-up. Results: In both training groups, significant improvement of different memory domains occurred immediately after training (near transfer). Improvement of non-trained arithmetic performance was observed after strategy training (far transfer). At a six-month follow-up assessment, children in both training groups demonstrated better working memory, and their parents rated their memory functions to be better than controls. Performance level before the training was negatively associated with the training gain. Conclusions: These results highlight the importance of cognitive interventions, in particular the teaching of memory strategies, in very preterm-born children at early school age to strengthen cognitive performance and prevent problems at school.


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Background: Little research has been conducted to assess the effect of using memory training with school aged children who were born very preterm. This study aimed to determine whether two types of memory training approaches resulted in an improvement of trained functions and/or a generalization of the training effect to non-trained cognitive domains. Methods: Sixty-eight children born very preterm (7-12 years) were randomly allocated to a group undertaking memory strategy training (n=23), working memory training (n=22), or a waiting control group (n=23). Neuropsychological assessment was performed before and immediately after the training or waiting period, and at a six-month follow-up. Results: In both training groups, significant improvement of different memory domains occurred immediately after training (near transfer). Improvement of non-trained arithmetic performance was observed after strategy training (far transfer). At a six-month follow-up assessment, children in both training groups demonstrated better working memory, and their parents rated their memory functions to be better than controls. Performance level before the training was negatively associated with the training gain. Conclusions: These results highlight the importance of cognitive interventions, in particular the teaching of memory strategies, in very preterm-born children at early school age to strengthen cognitive performance and prevent problems at school.


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Este trabajo resume la historia intelectual de Luis María Ravagnan, uno de los autores más productivos de la psicología argentina de mediados del siglo XX. Su concepción de la psicología, íntimamente vinculada con la filosofía, lo diferenciaba claramente de otros autores de su época, más interesados en el psicoanálisis o en los aspectos aplicados de la disciplina. Sin embargo, el rol que desempeñó en la recepción del pensamiento francés en general y de la fenomenología existencial en particular lo situó en una zona de intersecciones que fue fundamental para la construcción de los discursos de la psicología en los años 60