986 resultados para Mannose 6-phosphate Receptors


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The formation of ATP breakdown products in chicken M. pectoralis major post-slaughter is reported. The concentrations of metabolites were followed in chicken breast throughout the carcass processing post-slaughter and during chilled storage. The concentration of glucose remains similar throughout the period whilst that of glucose-6-phosphate decreases linearly. Glucose and glucose-6-phosphate concentrations were inversely related to the pHu of the breast meat throughout chilled storage. Rapid post-mortem glycolysis and high pHu values suggest the occurrence of stress at and pre-slaughter. Whilst ATP, ADP and AMP were rapidly broken down, the concentration of IMP rose rapidly and remained high. Concentrations of inosine, ribose and hypoxanthine increased gradually post-slaughter but an initial increase in ribose phosphate was not sustained. Most of the potential ribose present in chicken meat, believed to be important for flavor formation, remains bound in the form of inosine and IMP. There is evidence that additional breakdown pathways for ribose and ribose-5-phosphate may deplete the concentrations of these precursors.


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UDP-galactose 4-epimerase (GALE; EC; UniProt: Q14376) catalyses the interconversion of UDP-galactose and UDP-glucose (figure 1a). In the majority of eukaryotes studied to date, the enzyme is also able to interconvert UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine (UDP-GalNAc) and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) (figure 1b). The first of these reactions occurs as part of the Leloir pathway, which converts galactose into the glycolytic intermediate glucose 6-phosphate. Both reactions are important in the maintenance of UDP-monosaccharide pools and, consequently, in supplying raw materials for the glycosylation of proteins and lipids. The enzyme has attracted considerable research interest because mutations in the corresponding gene are associated with the genetic disease type III galactosemia (OMIN #230350). There is also some interest in using the enzyme as a biocatalyst to interconvert its substrates and related UDP-monosaccharides.


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Galactose is metabolised to the more metabolically useful glucose 6-phosphate by the enzymes of the Leloir pathway. This pathway is necessary as the initial enzymes of glycolysis are unable to recognise galactose. In most organisms, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae, five enzymes are required to catalyse the conversion: galactose mutarotase, galactokinase, galactose 1-phosphate uridyltransferase, UDP-galactose 4-epimerase and phosphoglucomutase. The pathway has attracted interest in S. cerevisiae as it is under very strict genetic control and thus provides an excellent model for the study of gene expression in eukaryotes. In the presence of glucose the genes encoding the Leloir pathway enzymes (the GAL genes) are completely repressed through the action of a transcription factor Mig1p. Only in the presence of galactose and the absence of glucose do the concerted actions of Gal4p, Gal80p and Gal3p enable the rapid and high level activation of the GAL genes. The exact mechanism of action of these three proteins is controversial. Galactose metabolism in S. cerevisiae is also of interest because it can be exploited both in the laboratory (for high level expression of heterologous proteins and in the yeast two hybrid screen) and industrially (increasing flux through the Leloir pathway in order to make more efficient use of feedstocks with high galactose content). Recent work on the structures of the various proteins, their mechanisms of action and attempts to gain an integrated understanding of transcriptional and metabolic events will assist our understanding of both the fundamental biochemical processes and how these might be exploited commercially.


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The tandem ene/intramolecular Sakurai cyclisation (IMSC) reaction has been successfully applied to thesynthesis of a range of C-glycosides, with key intermediates offering opportunities for functionalisation ofthe glycon moiety. To demonstrate the versatility of the approach to access the 2-deoxy-C-glycoside series,we synthesised diastereomerically pure C-glucoside and galactoside derivatives incorporating functionalisedaromatic, heteroaromatic and bicyclic aromatic moieties, in addition to the C-homologue of(±)-b-2-deoxy-glucose 6-phosphate.


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Whereas osmotic stress response induced by solutes has been well-characterized in fungi, less is known about the other activities of environmentally ubiquitous substances. The latest methodologies to define, identify and quantify chaotropicity, i.e. substance-induced destabilization of macromolecular systems, now enable new insights into microbial stress biology (Cray et al. in Curr Opin Biotechnol 33:228–259, 2015a, doi:10.​1016/​j.​copbio.​2015.​02.​010; Ball and Hallsworth in Phys Chem Chem Phys 17:8297–8305, 2015, doi:10.​1039/​C4CP04564E; Cray et al. in Environ Microbiol 15:287–296, 2013a, doi:10.​1111/​1462-2920.​12018). We used Aspergillus wentii, a paradigm for extreme solute-tolerant fungal xerophiles, alongside yeast cell and enzyme models (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) and an agar-gelation assay, to determine growth-rate inhibition, intracellular compatible solutes, cell turgor, inhibition of enzyme activity, substrate water activity, and stressor chaotropicity for 12 chemically diverse solutes. These stressors were found to be: (i) osmotically active (and typically macromolecule-stabilizing kosmotropes), including NaCl and sorbitol; (ii) weakly to moderately chaotropic and non-osmotic, these were ethanol, urea, ethylene glycol; (iii) highly chaotropic and osmotically active, i.e. NH4NO3, MgCl2, guanidine hydrochloride, and CaCl2; or (iv) inhibitory due primarily to low water activity, i.e. glycerol. At ≤0.974 water activity, Aspergillus cultured on osmotically active stressors accumulated low-M r polyols to ≥100 mg g dry weight−1. Lower-M r polyols (i.e. glycerol, erythritol and arabitol) were shown to be more effective for osmotic adjustment; for higher-M r polyols such as mannitol, and the disaccharide trehalose, water-activity values for saturated solutions are too high to be effective; i.e. 0.978 and 0.970 (25 ºC). The highly chaotropic, osmotically active substances exhibited a stressful level of chaotropicity at physiologically relevant concentrations (20.0–85.7 kJ kg−1). We hypothesized that the kosmotropicity of compatible solutes can neutralize chaotropicity, and tested this via in-vitro agar-gelation assays for the model chaotropes urea, NH4NO3, phenol and MgCl2. Of the kosmotropic compatible solutes, the most-effective protectants were trimethylamine oxide and betaine; but proline, dimethyl sulfoxide, sorbitol, and trehalose were also effective, depending on the chaotrope. Glycerol, by contrast (a chaotropic compatible solute used as a negative control) was relatively ineffective. The kosmotropic activity of compatible solutes is discussed as one mechanism by which these substances can mitigate the activities of chaotropic stressors in vivo. Collectively, these data demonstrate that some substances concomitantly induce chaotropicity-mediated and osmotic stresses, and that compatible solutes ultimately define the biotic window for fungal growth and metabolism. The findings have implications for the validity of ecophysiological classifications such as ‘halophile’ and ‘polyextremophile’; potential contamination of life-support systems used for space exploration; and control of mycotoxigenic fungi in the food-supply chain.


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The kinetic study of the coupled enzymatic reaction involving monomeric yeast hexokinase PII (HK) and yeast glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) yields a Michaelis constant of 0.15 ± 0.01 mM for D-glucose. At pH 8.7 HK is present in monomeric form. The addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG), to the reaction mixture increased the affinity of HK for glucose, independent ofMW of the PEG from 2000 to 10000. The osmotic stress exerted by PEG can be used to measure the change in number of water molecules that accompany enzyme conformational changes (Rand, et al., 1993). Results indicate that the G-6-PDH is not osmotically sensitive and thus, the change in the number of PEG-inaccessible water molecules (ANw) measured in the coupled reaction is only the difference between the glucose-bound and glucosefree conformations of HK. ANw ~ 450 with PEGs of MW > 2000 under conditions for both binding (Reid and Rand, 1997) and kinetic assays. The contribution water may play in the binding of ATP (Km = 0.24 + 0.02 mM) has also been examined. It was found that in this case ANw = (for osmotic pressures < 2.8x10* dynes/cm^), suggesting no additional numbers of waters are displaced when ATP binds to HK. Osmotic pressure experiments were also performed with dimeric HK. It was determined that both the monomeric and dimeric forms of HK give the same ANw under low pressures. If this large ANw is due to conformational flexibility, it would appear that the flexibility is not reduced upon dimerization ofthe enzyme.


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Les oxydants infusés avec la nutrition parentéral (NP) néonatale induisent une modification du métabolisme des lipides et du glucose, donnant lieu à l’âge adulte à un phénotype de carence énergétique (faible poids, baisse de l’activité physique). L’hypothèse qu’une diète précoce riche en glucose prévient ces symptômes plus tard dans la vie, fut évalué chez le cobaye par un ANOVA en plan factoriel complet à deux facteurs (p < 0:05) : NP du jour 3 à 7, suivit d’une nourriture régulière (chow) (NP+) vs. chow à partir du 3ième jour (NP-), combiné avec une eau de consommation enrichie en glucose (G+) ou non (G-) à partir de la 3ième semaine. Les paramètres suivant ont été mesurés à l’âge de 9 semaine: taux de croissance, activité physique, activité de phosphofructokinase-1 et glucokinase (GK), niveau hépatique de glucose-6-phosphate (G6P), glycogène, pyruvate et potentiel redox du glutathion, poids du foie, glycémie, tolérance au glucose, concentrations hépatiques et plasmatiques en triacylglycérides (TG) et cholestérol. Le groupe G+ (vs. G-) avait un taux de croissance plus bas, une activité de GK et une concentration en G6P plus élevée, et un potentiel redox plus bas (moins oxydé). Le niveau plasmatique de TG était moins élevé dans le groupe NP+ (vs. NP-). Les traitements n’eurent aucun effet sur les autres paramètres. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’indépendamment de la NP, une alimentation riche en glucose stimule la glycolyse et déplace l’état redox vers un statut plus réduit, mais ne surmonte pas les effets de la NP sur le phénotype physique de carence énergétique.


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Ce projet a pour but d’évaluer la capacité de la voie des pentoses phosphates (VPP) dans les racines transgéniques de pomme de terre (Solanum tuberosum) modifiées pour exprimer différents niveaux de l'hexokinase (HK) et de la triosephosphate isomérase cytosolique (cTPI). Dans les racines, la VPP alimente la voie de l’assimilation de l’azote en equivalents réducteurs et permet donc la biosynthèse des acides aminés. Le glucose-6-phosphate produit par l’HK est consommé par la partie oxydative de la VPP catalysée par la glucose-6-phosphate déshydrogénase (G6PDH) et la 6-phosphogluconate déshydrogénase (6PGDH). Les changements dans l'expression de HK et cTPI peuvent affecter le fonctionnement de la VPP et les mécanismes qui sont liés à l’utilisation des équivalents réducteurs produits par la VPP, comme l'assimilation de l’azote et la synthèse des acides aminés. Afin d’évaluer l’effet des manipulations génétiques de l’HK et de la cTPI sur l’assimilation de l’azote, nous avons cultivé les racines transgéniques sur des milieux contenant des concentrations élevées (7 mM) ou basses (0,7 mM) de nitrate d’ammonium comme source d’azote. Les résultats montrent que la culture sur un milieu riche en azote induit les activités G6PDH et 6PGDH. Les données montrent que la capacité de la VPP est plus grande avec des niveaux élevés en HK ou en cTPI. Nous avons aussi pu démontrer une plus grande activité spécifique de l’HK dans les conditions pauvres en azote. Ces données ont été complémentées par des mesures des pools d’acides aminés dans les racines transgéniques cultivées sur différents niveaux d’azote. Aucune tendance notable des pools d’acides aminés n’a été remarquée dans les racines modifiées pour leur contenu en HK suggèrant que la manipulation de HK n’affecte pas l'assimilation de l’azote. Dans les racines transgéniques modifiées pour la cTPI, les ratios Gln/Glu et Asn/Asp sont plus élevés chez les clones antisens, indiquant une assimilation de l’azote plus élevée. Ces résultats ont démontré l'activation de l'assimilation de l’azote chez les clones antisens cTPI dans les conditions élevées et basses d’azote alors que la manipulation de l’HK n’affecte pas l’assimilation de l’azote.


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Se realizó un estudio genético – poblacional en dos grupos etarios de población colombiana con la finalidad de evaluar las diferencias genéticas relacionadas con el polimorfismo MTHFR 677CT en busca de eventos genéticos que soporten la persistencia de este polimorfismo en la especie humana debido que este ha sido asociado con múltiples enfermedades. De esta manera se genotipificaron los individuos, se analizaron los genotipos, frecuencias alélicas y se realizaron diferentes pruebas genéticas-poblacionales. Contrario a lo observado en poblaciones Colombianas revisadas se identificó la ausencia del Equilibrio Hardy-Weinberg en el grupo de los niños y estructuras poblacionales entre los adultos lo que sugiere diferentes historias demográficas y culturales entre estos dos grupos poblacionales al tiempo, lo que soporta la hipótesis de un evento de selección sobre el polimorfismo en nuestra población. De igual manera nuestros datos fueron analizados junto con estudios previos a nivel nacional y mundial lo cual sustenta que el posible evento selectivo es debido a que el aporte de ácido fólico se ha incrementado durante las últimas dos décadas como consecuencia de las campañas de fortificación de las harinas y suplementación a las embarazadas con ácido fólico, por lo tanto aquí se propone un modelo de selección que se ajusta a los datos encontrados en este trabajo se establece una relación entre los patrones nutricionales de la especie humana a través de la historia que explica las diferencias en frecuencias de este polimorfismo a nivel espacial y temporal.  


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Sugars and related substances, namely sugar phosphates and ribonucleotides, are important meat flavour precursors. In particular, ribose and ribose 5-phosphate have been shown to be important in aroma development in heated model systems. There are few quantitative data on the concentrations and the variations of sugars and related substances in meat. This paper will report on the analysis of glucose, fructose, ribose, ribose 5-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, glucose 6-phosphate and inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) in aged beef. Sugars and related compounds were extracted from lean meat and derivatised to the corresponding TMS ethers. Analysis and quantitation of the sugars and sugar phosphates were performed using GC and GC/MS, while IMP analysis was performed using capillary electrophoresis (CE).


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Five strains of an unusual catalase-negative Gram-positive asporogenous rod-shaped bacterium from human sources were subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic study. The presence of fructose-6-phosphate phosphoketolase, a key enzyme of bifidobacterial hexose metabolism, indicated the strains were members of the genus Bifidobacterium but they did not correspond to any of the recognized species of this genus on the basis of biochemical profiles and whole-cell protein analyses. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing confirmed the placement of the isolates in the genus Bifidobacterium, and demonstrated they represent a hitherto unknown subline within the genus displaying > 5% sequence divergence with recognized species. Based on both phenotypic and phylogenetic criteria, it is proposed that the isolates recovered from human sources be classified as a new species, Bifidobacterium scardovii sp. nov.; the type strain is CCUG 13008T (= DSM 13734T).


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To understand whether genotypic variation in root-associated phosphatase activities in wheat impacts on its ability to acquire phosphorus (P), various phosphatase activities of roots were measured in relation to the utilization of organic P substrates in agar, and the P-nutrition of plants was investigated in a range of soils. Root-associated phosphatase activities of plants grown in hydroponics were measured against different organic P substrates. Representative genotypes were then grown in both agar culture and in soils with differing organic P contents and plant biomass and P uptake were determined. Differences in the activities of both root-associated and exuded phosphodiesterase and phosphomonoesterase were observed, and were related to the P content of plants supplied with either ribonucleic acid or glucose 6-phosphate, respectively, as the sole form of P. When the cereal lines were grown in different soils, however, there was little relationship between any root-associated phosphatase activity and plant P uptake. This indicates that despite differences in phosphatase activities of cereal roots, such variability appears to play no significant role in the P-nutrition of the plant grown in soil, and that any benefit derived from the hydrolysis of soil organic P is common to all genotypes.


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Vicine and convicine are anti-nutritional compounds that accumulate in the cotyledons of faba beans. When humans consume beans with high levels of these compounds, it can cause a condition called favism in individuals harbouring a deficiency in the activity of their glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. When faba beans are used in animal feeds, there can be effects on performance. These concerns have resulted in increasing interest within plant breeding in developing low vicine and convicine faba bean germplasm. In order to facilitate this objective, we developed a rapid and robust screening method for vicine and convicine, capable of distinguishing between faba beans that are either high (wild type) or low in vicine and convicine. In the absence of reliable commercial reference materials, we report an adaptation of a previously published method where a biochemical assay and spectral data were used to confirm the identity of our analytes, vicine and convicine. This method could be readily adopted in other facilities and open the way to the efficient exploitation of diverse germplasm in regions where faba beans play a significant role in human nutrition. We screened a collection of germplasm of interest to a collaborative plant breeding programme developing between the National Institute for Agricultural Botany in the UK and L'Institut Nationale d'Agronomie de Tunisie in Tunisia. We report the results obtained and discuss the prospects for developing molecular markers for the low vicine and convicine trait.


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Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is rich in polyphenols, especially chlorogenic acids. Evidence suggests that dietary polyphenols could play a role in glucose absorption and metabolism. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antidiabetic properties of yerba mate extract in alloxan-induced diabetic Wistar rats. Animals (n = 41) were divided in four groups: nondiabetic control (NDC, n = 10), nondiabetic yerba mate (NDY, n = 10), diabetic control (DC, n = 11), and diabetic yerba mate (NDY, n = 10). The intervention consisted in the administration of yerba mate extract in a 1 g extract/kg body weight dose for 28 days; controls received saline solution only. There were no significant differences in serum glucose, insulin, and hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase activity between the groups that ingested yerba mate extract (NDY and DY) and the controls (NDC and DC). However, the intestinal SGLT1 gene expression was significantly lower in animals that received yerba mate both in upper (p = 0.007) and middle (p < 0.001) small intestine. These results indicate that bioactive compounds present in yerba mate might be capable of interfering in glucose absorption, by decreasing SGLT1 expression.