953 resultados para Língua francesa Estudo e ensino


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Os Munduruk do Kwat-Laranjal esto includos na lista de comunidades indgenas que apresentam a língua num processo de perigo iminente. A língua, que recebe o mesmo nome da etnia munduruk, pertencente famlia munduruk, do tronco tupi, a qual, antigamente, era falada por povos munduruk que habitavam os estados do Mato Grosso, Par e Amazonas, entretanto, a concentrao maior de indivduos nos dois ltimos estados. O foco deste estudo est na comunidade indgena munduruk do Kwat-Laranjal, no Estado do Amazonas, pois indivduos desta comunidade j no falam mais a língua nativa e por esse motivo manifestam o interesse revitalizar e fortalecer sua identidade e cultura. Assim, o Projeto desenvolvido pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), denominado Licenciatura Especfica para Formao de Professores Indgenas/Turma Munduruk (AM/PA), alm do objetivo de formao em nvel superior, pretende tambm ser instrumento da revitalizao da língua munduruk em aulas com disciplinas especficas da língua. nesse contexto, da licenciatura especfica para formao de professores indgenas, que nossa pesquisa est inserida; objetivando verificar as atitudes lingusticas em relao língua original da comunidade indgena munduruk do Amazonas dentro do processo de revitalizao. Dessa forma, a metodologia adotada de cunho quantitativo e o corpus da pesquisa foi coletado a partir da realizao de entrevistas sistematizada por questionrio. Tal instrumento de pesquisa visa comparar os comportamentos dos alunos diante das línguas, portuguesa e munduruk, com relao a: i) atitude cognitiva (conhecimento da língua); ii) atitude afetiva (preferncia por uma ou outra língua); iii) atitude comportamental (uso lingustico habitual e transmisso da língua). Atitude , segundo Fernndez (1998, p. 181), a manifestao de preferncias e convenes sociais acerca do status e prestgio de seus usurios. Esta manifestao de preferncia por uma língua ou variante lingustica de comunidades minoritrias condicionada pelos grupos sociais de maior prestgio (geralmente comunidades majoritrias). Aqueles que detm maior poder socioeconmico ditam a pauta das atitudes lingusticas das comunidades de fala minoritrias (AGUILERA, 2008). O interesse desta pesquisa centra-se na atitude que o povo munduruk do amazonas assume no uso da língua que aprenderam e na língua a que viro aprender como forma de resgate de sua identidade. Neste sentido, procurou-se entender como a atitude, positiva ou negativa; aceitao ou rejeio, e nos componentes cognitivos, afetivos e comportamentais pode determinar o futuro de um processo de revitalizao. Contudo, observa-se a contradio destes elementos na anlise das entrevistas, onde os informantes manifestam interesses diferentes de suas aes em relao língua que querem resgatar.


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A presente pesquisa investiga como os sujeitos envolvidos no processo de aprendizagem de Portugus no curso de formao de professores do Bacharelato emergencial em Cincias Naturais, ofertado em Timor-Leste pela cooperao brasileira no perodo entre outubro/2009 e dezembro/2010, traduzem / interpretam o discurso de (re)introduo da língua portuguesa nesse pas. A pesquisa baseia-se em dados produzidos ou reconstitudos a partir de minha experincia como professora do curso de formao de professores em língua portuguesa, atravs do Programa de Qualificao e ensino da Língua Portuguesa em Timor-Leste (PQLP), coordenado pela Fundao CAPES. Para proceder discusso, tomo como ferramentas terico-metodolgicas conceitos de Maingueneau (2008), especialmente os de interincompreenso e simulacro, como tambm os conceitos de estratgia e ttica de Michel de Certeau (2012), que compem seu modelo polemolgico das apropriaes culturais. As anlises apontam que a maneira como cursistas e formador se apropriam do discurso da poltica de (re)introduo da língua portuguesa em Timor determinada por formaes discursivas diferentes, e que a relao interdiscursiva estabelecida entre elas desencadeia o fenmeno da interincompreenso. Compreender como essas formaes discursivas se traduzem mutuamente na sala de aula, dentro das atividades que a princpio se destinariam ao ensino e a aprendizagem do portugus, contribui para que se possa (re)definir as intervenes didticas das aulas de Portugus na formao de professores, assim como a poltica de (re)introduo do portugus em Timor-Leste. Defendemos que o ensinoaprendizagem do portugus, no contexto de Timor-Leste, precisa ser compreendido no apenas do ponto de vista didtico, no que diz respeito construo e mediao de saberes entre alunos e professores, como tambm do ponto de vista ideolgico, uma vez que nesse pas as propostas de formao atuais representam um projeto que pode conflitar com valores e crenas existentes na sociedade a respeito do idioma portugus e da relao entre a escola e outras instituies.


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Ps-graduao em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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This paper was developed through literacy events (Barton, 2000) about English language, understood as a social practice of writing and reading. The subjects involved in this research were women, between forty and seventy years old, students of a Young and Adult Education Project (PEJA) that occurs at UNESP/Rio Claro, whose are looking forward to conclude basic school. We intended to see in their speeches reflections about the English language presence in our society and how they deal with this foreign language. Thus, we optimize this contact exposing those women to daily situations where English language was present. To foment dialog and ideas discussions, we brought to the classes common elements, materials such as street advertisements photos with words in English. We noticed that most students recognize the constant English presence and, even they never had formal English education, they were able to establish relations between the uses of English words in everyday Portuguese at most different spheres of life. And, at many times, foreign word comprehension is related to English words use instead of a native one leading to an English naturalization process in the Brazilians speeches world.


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No disponvel


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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The central focus of this paper is to establish that the Brazilian Education Programa to prepare professionals in Technical-Agricultural Schools is suffering a kind of marginalization which comes from two distinct perspectives: the intention to prepare professionals (being a branch of Technical Education) and the relationship to the countryside (a community space historically seen as peripheral in its relation to urban culture). The paper discusses from a historical and sociological point of view and using Oral History as methodological approach the experiences of Maths teachers in their daily struggles against some conceptions of other teachers (mainly those of technical areas) and against all the regular schooling system.


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Tese de doutoramento, Lingustica (Lingustica Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016


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There are diverse studies about beliefs in Applied Linguistics since 1970 or so (BARCELOS, 2004), especially beliefs about teaching and learning Foreign Languages. The research about beliefs and experiences of English language teachers, who take part in a program of teaching incentive (Pibid), and, therefore, are immersed in public schools for elementary education, is relevant, once the (ac)knowledgment of these beliefs related to their teaching and learning experiences allows these teachers to reflect about the aspects that involve their teaching practice and their role as teachers of English language. The present work aims to investigate the interaction of beliefs and experiences related to foreign language teaching and learning of teachers who are participants of Pibid, in the subproject of English Language at the Federal University of Uberlndia (UFU), in 2013. The objective is to identify the beliefs and experiences about teaching and learning that the pre-service teachers (PI), the coordinator teacher (PF) and the supervisor teachers (PS) of the program show and how their beliefs and experiences influence each other and can or cannot be redefined. This is a qualitative and interpretative masters research, in which I analized one narrative of each PI, one interview of PF and another of each PS, and, also, two meetings the first between the PF and the PIs, and the second between all the participants in the subproject. All the data was collected at the end of their participation in Pibid, approximately one year and six months later. Therefore, I raised some beliefs and experiences about English language teaching and learning present in the teachers discourse and analized excerpts in their speech that evidenced the interaction with other participants and its influence to the formation, confirmation, demystification and redefinition of their beliefs. The results of this analysis bring elements that may help the constant reflection of university teachers, teachers in practice and pre-service teachers about the aspects that involve the teaching experiences in public schools.


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We live in a world inherently influenced by technology and in which education is immersed in realities made possible by the support of digital technologies, such as electronic mobile devices. Thus, the general aim of this study lies in mapping and analysing the influence of mobile devices on teaching, especially with reference to learning the English language. The specific aims are to investigate how the use of mobile devices is present in the research participants practices, consider whether such use is beneficial, according to the students, to the English language learning as well as mapping how the use of mobile devices favours the normalisation stage, taken in this research as a complex process.The theoretical background of this study includes the premises of the Paradigm of Complexity, especially concerning the acquisition of a second language, as well as the precepts of Normalisation, which is related to the total integration of digital technologies into the English teaching and learning process in such a way that they become invisible, and the theories of language learning mediated by computers and mobile devices. Methodologically, this is an ethnographic qualitative research and its context is a language institute located in the Tringulo Mineiro region. In addition to students from five groups in the institution, two teachers and an administrative assistant participated in the survey. Data was collected through an online questionnaire, learning reports produced by students and interviews with teachers and administrative staff. The analyses indicate that mobile devices are present in the daily practices of English learners, but these uses, in most cases, are carried out through the teacher's encouragement. Moreover, despite having positive sayings on the role of digital technologies in the process of English teaching and learning, there is, among students and teachers, a dichotomy between saying and doing about the learning contexts considered valid. Additionally, the use of mobile devices in the English learning process is not yet established as a normalised issue because the process of integration of technology in teaching is still ruled by traditional uses of the technology. I conclude that the use of mobile devices in the English learning process is still not normalised, because even if students use their mobile devices every day, they generally do not realize the affordances of such use as possibilities to learn English.


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This work aimed at analyzing the speeches constructed about motivation by English teachers who teach at public state schools in the interior of Minas Gerais. We aimed at delineating the concept of subject underlying the subjects notion of motivation and identifying the role that the English teacher attributes to himself and to the student when he/she enunciates on motivational issues, problematizing the possible consequences of these issues for some English teachers while working in public schools. In order to do so, our investigation made use of theoretical assumptions from Applied Linguistics and Discourse Analysis. The theoretical fundamentation deriving from Bakhtin Circle as well as from Michel Pecheuxs theoretical basis were also very relevant for this research. The intersection of these studying fields entails a theoretical construction that considers the voices of those who live the social practice (MOITA LOPES, 2006), which allows one to see the subjects through their heterogeneity, fluidity and fragmentation. Moreover, it generates knowledge about language in its political, ideological, social and historical aspects. AREDA (SERRANI, 1998) was used as a theoretical and methodological framework for data collection. In our analysis, we considered the voices and the conditions of production that constitute 5 English teachers and, from some selected speeches extracted from their discursive production, some notions as intra and interdiscourse, discursive resonance, discursive memory, among others, can be seen interwoven. We hypothesize that the production of meaning deriving from these English teachers comes from a cleavage between the interdiscursivity about motivation and their position in relation to the English language. Some of these teachers discursive inscriptions were delineated as they follow: i) the silenced motivation, in which the teachers come up with several voices, repeating what that has already been said about motivation through silence by excess; also, through an inscription in a process of anomy, the English teachers silence motivation, as they come up with other sayings, in an anomic order, denying their identification with their mother tongue and culture because of a desire to learn the foreign language and culture; ii) the motivation in/from/ by others that resounds, in the way the teachers speak, a relation of alterity on what, in/from desire of other relations (colleagues, students, teaching materials, media, etc.), other forms and alternatives are established as a guarantee of students motivation; the teachers are also inscripted in in-service practice training as a space of educational development, because they imagine that the experience of the in-service practice alone, which excludes the educational instruction from the Languages course in which they graduated/were graduating at, taught them how to motivate the students; iii) the motivation as a will of power/knowledge, which means there seems to be teachers inscription in the relationship between power and knowledge (Foucault, 1996), disconsidering the conflicts that constitute the English classroom to say that there is a control of the English teaching and learning process and, as a result, they also sustain that they hold control over how to motivate; furthermore, the presence of a resonant voice, whose effect is given by an inscription on the (illusion of) completeness can be seen, because the English teachers believe that while motivating their students, this motivation will provide them with all the missing elements, which would mean that when they motivate students, they would be able to fulfill all the gaps in their learning process.