998 resultados para Inter-cultural performance
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The goal of the present study is to supplement inter-cultural comparison of values as a cultural dimension by intra-cultural comparisons, and to go beyond comparisons of single values representing cultural dimensions by studying value patterns on the individual level. Therefore, relationships among general (individualism, collectivism) and domain-specific (family- and child-related) values and the transmission of values in three generations of one family were analyzed. The sample consisted of 100 complete triads of three generations (grandmothers, mothers, and adolescents). The results showed that the individual value orientations of these three generations dif- fered in the expected direction. Individualistic values were more supported by the younger and less by the older generation. While individualism did not show significant relations to other specific values, collectivism was the most powerful dimension to predict family and child-related values. Individual- ism and collectivism clearly turned out as separate dimensions with different functions for the individual value system. The value structure of grandmoth- ers as compared to the younger generations showed more internal consistency. A relative transmission of values was obvious for the adjacent generations. The results are discussed from the perspective of cultural change and stability, and the relation among cultural dimensions and individual value orientations.
El presente trabajo son analizan las representaciones nacionalistas elaboradas por la sociedad bogotana en el marco de la celebración del Centenario de Simón Bolívar en 1883. La celebración es tomada como una puesta en escena, en la medida en que es un evento en donde los ámbitos de producción y recepción se entrelazan en un solo momento. En este sentido, se parte desde las concepciones nacionalistas impulsadas por los políticos de la Regeneración, la cual consintió en la modernización de Colombia a través de la tradición, para luego evidenciar cómo estas ideas y conflictos en torno a diversos ideales de nación se entablaron en el ámbito del Centenario. En el Centenario se pregona un cese a las hostilidades internas, una unidad nacional y una identificación del país bajo la figura de Simón Bolívar como padre y caudillo de la patria en la búsqueda hacia ‘la civilización’ y el ‘progreso’ de la nación. Así, el presente trabajo aporta a los estudios históricos en clave cultural de las celebraciones centenarias en Colombia y su incidencia en la construcción de la nación durante el siglo XIX.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Applying programming techniques to detailed data for 406 rice farms in 21 villages, for 1997, produces inefficiency measures, which differ substantially from the results of simple yield and unit cost measures. For the Boro (dry) season, mean technical efficiency was efficiency was 56.2 per cent and 69.4 per cent, allocative efficiency was 81.3 per cent, cost efficiency was 56.2 per cent and scale efficiency 94.9 per cent. The Aman (wet) season results are similar, but a few points lower. Allocative inefficiency is due to overuse of labour, suggesting population pressure, and of fertiliser, where recommended rates may warrant revision. Second-stage regressions show that large families are more inefficient, whereas farmers with better access to input markets, and those who do less off-farm work, tend to be more efficient. The information on the sources of inter-farm performance differentials could be used by the extension agents to help inefficient farmers. There is little excuse for such sub-optimal use of survey data, which are often collected at substantial costs.
Guimarães hosted the European Capital of Culture (ECOC) during the year of 2012. This study investigates the differences between Portuguese and foreign tourists regarding the main motivations to visit Guimarães and the retained perceived image of the destination. To achieve that purpose a survey was administered to 390 tourists that visited the city during the cultural event. The results show that tourists who visited Guimarães are relatively young, wealthy, employed and well educated. They are touring around the northern part of the country which includes an itinerary beginning in Porto, and extended to other important neighboring cities such as Braga or Viana do Castelo. The main motivations to visit the city, for both Portuguese and foreign tourists, are its historical heritage and the title of ECOC, the associated cultural events and celebrations that take place during 2012. However, these items were more valued by foreigners than Portuguese tourists. Using a factor analysis the tourists’ perceived attributes of Guimarães were described in four dimensions: “material heritage”, “intangible heritage”, “cultural performance”, and “sport and education”. Although foreigners and nationals perceived the tourism attributes of the city differently, the comparison of the mean scores of the four factors across Portuguese and foreigner tourists reveals that the most valued and least valued factors are common to both groups.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Inglês
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Literatura (área de especialização em Literatura Comparada).
Bowlby proposed that the individual's social experiences, as early as in infancy, contribute to the construction of Internal Working Models (IWMs) of attachment, which will later guide the individual's expectations and behaviors in close relationships all along his or her life. The qualitative, individual characteristics of these models reflect the specificity of the individual's early experiences with attachment figures. The attachment literature globally shows that the qualities of IWMs are neither gender specific nor cultural specific. Procedures to evaluate IWMs in adulthood have been well established, based on narrative accounts of childhood experiences. Narrative procedures at earlier ages (e.g., in the preschool years) have been proposed, such as Bretherton's Attachment Story Completion Task (ASCT), to evaluate attachment representations. More than 500 ASCT narratives of preschoolers, coming from five different countries, have been collected, in the perspective of examining possible interactions between gender and culture regarding attachment representations. A specific Q-Sort coding procedure (CCH) has been used to evaluate several dimensions of the narratives. Girls' narratives appeared as systematically more secure than those of same-age boys, whatever their culture. The magnitude of gender differences, however, varied between countries. Taylor's model of gender-specific responses to stress and Harwood's and Posada's hypothesis on inter-cultural differences regarding caregiving are evoked to understand the differences across gender and countries.
Os sucessivos anos de seca têm agravado a crónica falta de água que marca o quadro hídrico de Cabo Verde. No arquipélago verifica-se a perda de um grande volume de água que se escoa para o mar, aquando das grandes chuvadas, e que é estimado em milhões de m3/ano. Para atenuar a problemática da falta de água, principalmente no setor agrícola, o Governo Cabo-verdiano tem apostado na política de construção de barragens. No ano de 2006 com o objetivo de aumentar os recursos hídricos disponíveis e concomitantemente alargar a área irrigada e diminuir a pobreza, foi inaugurada a barragem do Poilão, a primeira do arquipélago, no interior da ilha de Santiago no concelho de São Lourenço dos Órgãos. Baseado no pressuposto que as barragens são estruturas de grande impacte ambiental e socioeconómico, antes, durante e depois da sua construção, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal avaliar o desempenho ambiental, socioeconómico e cultural da Barragem de Poilão. Para tal, o trabalho segue uma metodologia DPSIR1e a aplicação de inquéritos e entrevistas, procurando integrar o conhecimento e a perceção da paisagem na área de influência da albufeira por parte de diversos atores locais. Espera-se colher subsídios que sirvam de base para os estudos futuros das demais barragens projetadas e a serem construídas em Cabo Verde.
This study explored one university's response to the internationalization of higher education. Case study methodology was employed through a review of current and archival documents and interviews with key actors in the international spheres of the university. The historical, current, and future contexts were considered to situate the case study on a time line. Data analysis revealed that there were several points of division among the university community related to the response to internationalization, but also a major point of coherence in the centrality of inter-cultural understanding in efforts to internationalize. Other key findings included strengths, areas for improvement, and future directions of the university's response to internationalization. All of these findings were contextualized in findings related to the history of the university. In addition to these major findings, three themes in relation to the vision for internationalization at the institution were revealed: ( a) intercultural understanding, (b) the comprehensive status of the university, and (c) the financial benefits of internationalization. Recommendations are made for practice at the university in order to clarify this vision to develop a clear foundation from which to further build a response to internationalization that is solidly based on inter-cultural understanding, and recommendations for future research into the process of internationalization at the institutional level in Canada are suggested.
Monográfico con el título: 'La educación en una sociedad multicultural'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Monográfico con el título: 'La educación en una sociedad multicultural'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Monográfico con el título: 'El fomento del Plurilingüismo. Una política lingüística para la sociedad andaluza'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Resumen basado en el de la publicación