828 resultados para Historical awareness
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Didáctica do Inglês,
Loiasis is a filarial disease transmitted by the Chrysops spp. tabanid flies in West and Central Africa. It is most commonly diagnosed by the clinical manifestations of Calabar swellings (transient localized inflammatory edema) or, most dramatically, by the appearance of a migrating worm through the conjunctival tissues or the bridge of the nose. We report the case of a 35-year-old resident in the city of Rio de Janeiro who displayed a moving Loa loa in the bulbar conjunctival tissue two years after returning from a six-month trip to Uganda. Surgical removal of the worm was performed.
Health safety during trips is based on previous counseling, vaccination and prevention of infections, previous diseases or specific problems related to the destination. Our aim was to assess two aspects, incidence of health problems related to travel and the traveler's awareness of health safety. To this end we phone-interviewed faculty members of a large public University, randomly selected from humanities, engineering and health schools. Out of 520 attempts, we were able to contact 67 (12.9%) and 46 (68.6%) agreed to participate in the study. There was a large male proportion (37/44, 84.1%), mature adults mostly in their forties and fifties (32/44, 72.7%), all of them with higher education, as you would expect of faculty members. Most described themselves as being sedentary or as taking occasional exercise, with only 15.9% (7/44) taking regular exercise. Preexisting diseases were reported by 15 travelers. Most trips lasted usually one week or less. Duration of the travel was related to the destination, with (12h) or longer trips being taken by 68.2% (30/44) of travelers, and the others taking shorter (3h) domestic trips. Most travelling was made by air (41/44) and only 31.8% (14/44) of the trips were motivated by leisure. Field research trips were not reported. Specific health counseling previous to travel was reported only by two (4.5%). Twenty seven of them (61.4%) reported updated immunization, but 11/30 reported unchecked immunizations. 30% (9/30) reported travel without any health insurance coverage. As a whole group, 6 (13.6%) travelers reported at least one health problem attributed to the trip. All of them were males travelling abroad. Five presented respiratory infections, such as influenza and common cold, one neurological, one orthopedic, one social and one hypertension. There were no gender differences regarding age groups, destination, type of transport, previous health counseling, leisure travel motivation or pre-existing diseases. Interestingly, the two cases of previous health counseling were made by domestic travelers. Our data clearly shows that despite a significant number of travel related health problems, these highly educated faculty members, had a low awareness of those risks, and a significant number of travels are made without prior counseling or health insurance. A counseling program conducted by a tourism and health professional must be implemented for faculty members in order to increase the awareness of travel related health problems.
A crescente incorporação das evoluções tecnológicas nos equipamentos médicos modernos, além de os tornar mais compactos e precisos, proporciona igualmente ganhos de outros benefícios importantes, especialmente ao nível da eficiência das terapias prescritas aos pacientes. Os sofisticados ventiladores pulmonares de cuidados intensivos do presente espelham perfeitamente esta realidade e por isso necessitam de procedimentos técnicos de verificação metrológica – calibrações, também eles mais exatos e rastreáveis, de modo a fornecerem informações corretas sobre se o estado de funcionamento de um determinado ventilador cumpre ou não as tolerâncias declaradas pelo seu fabricante. Através da presente dissertação pretendeu-se desenvolver um procedimento técnico de calibração dos ventiladores de cuidados intensivos tendo-se estudado, para esta finalidade, os equipamentos de calibração específicos disponíveis no mercado, a normalização e o enquadramento regulamentar do controlo metrológico aplicáveis, bem como o princípio de funcionamento do ventilador pulmonar e a evolução da ventilação mecânica ocorrida. No domínio da abordagem efetuada sobre o âmbito da metrologia, implementou-se a determinação das incertezas dos resultados das calibrações efetuadas pelo procedimento técnico desenvolvido, de acordo com a metodologia constante do GUM1. Considerando ainda os défices significativos de conhecimento da metrologia e da prática do controlo metrológico no setor da saúde, a par dos riscos inerentes para os próprios pacientes, procura-se contribuir com este trabalho, de uma forma transversal e ampla, para uma maior consciencialização, quer dos profissionais de saúde, quer dos gestores envolvidos, para a relevância da realização das calibrações periódicas dos complexos equipamentos de suporte de vida que são os ventiladores pulmonares de cuidados intensivos.
Introduction: Vaccination is the main preventive strategy against Yellow Fever (YF), which is a public health concern in Brazil. However, HIV-infected patients might have insufficient knowledge regarding YF, YF prevention, and vaccines in general. Methods: In this questionnaire-based study, data from 158 HIV-infected individuals were addressed in three distinct outpatient clinics in São Paulo. Information was collected on demographic and clinical characteristics, as well as patients' knowledge of vaccines, YF and YF preventive strategies. In addition, individual YF vaccine recommendations and vaccine status were investigated. Results: Although most participants adequately ascertain the vaccine as the main prevention strategy against YF, few participants were aware of the severity and lack of specific treatment for YF. Discrepancy in YF vaccine (patients who should have taken the vaccine, but did not) was observed in 18.8% of participants. Conclusion: YF is an important and preventable public health concern, and these results demonstrate that more information is necessary for the HIV-infected population.
Introduction: Visceral leishmaniasis is an endemic protozoan found in Brazil. It is characterized by fever, pallor, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and progressive weakness in the patient. It may lead to death if untreated. The drug of choice for treatment is meglumine antimoniate (Glucantime®). The aim of this study was to evaluate patients with visceral leishmaniasis according to criteria used for diagnosis, possible reactions to Glucantime® and blood pressure measured before and after treatment. Methods: 89 patients admitted to the Teaching Hospital Dr. Hélvio Auto (HEHA) in Maceió-AL, in the period from May 2006 to December 2009 were evaluated. Data were collected on age, sex, origin, method of diagnosis, adverse effects of drugs, duration of hospitalization, duration of treatment and dosage up to the onset of adverse effects. Results: There was a predominance of child male patients, aged between one and five years old, from the interior of the State of Alagoas. Parasitological diagnosis was made by bone marrow aspirate; three (3.37%) patients died, 12 (13.48%) had adverse reactions and treatment was changed to amphotericin B, and 74 (83.14%) were cured. Changes that led to replacing Glucantime® were persistent fever, jaundice, rash, bleeding and cyanosis. Conclusion: During the study, 89 patients hospitalized for VL were analyzed: 74 were healed, 12 were replaced by amphotericin B treatment and three died. Most of them were under five years old, male and came from the interior. The dosage and duration of treatment with Glucantime® were consistent with that advocated by the Ministry of Health. Persistence of fever, jaundice, rash, cyanosis and bleeding were the reactions that led the physician to modify treatment. No change was observed in blood pressure before and after treatment. This study demonstrated the work of a hospital, a reference in the treatment of leishmaniasis, which has many patients demanding its services in this area. It demonstrates that this disease is still important today, and needs to be addressed properly to prevent injury and death due to the disease.
Muito se tem falado sobre revolução tecnológica e do aparecimento constante de novas aplicações Web, com novas funcionalidades que visam facilitar o trabalho dos utilizadores. Mas será que estas aplicações garantem que os dados transmitidos são tratados e enviados por canais seguros (protocolos)? Que garantias é que o utilizador tem que mesmo que a aplicação utilize um canal, que prevê a privacidade e integridade de dados, esta não apresente alguma vulnerabilidade pondo em causa a informação sensível do utilizador? Software que não foi devidamente testado, aliado à falta de sensibilização por parte dos responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento de software para questões de segurança, levam ao aumento de vulnerabilidades e assim exponenciam o número de potenciais vítimas. Isto aliado ao efeito de desinibição que o sentimento de invisibilidade pode provocar, conduz ao facilitismo e consequentemente ao aumento do número de vítimas alvos de ataques informáticos. O utilizador, por vezes, não sabe muito bem do que se deve proteger, pois a confiança que depõem no software não pressupõem que os seus dados estejam em risco. Neste contexto foram recolhidos dados históricos relativos a vulnerabilidades nos protocolos SSL/TLS, para perceber o impacto que as mesmas apresentam e avaliar o grau de risco. Para além disso, foram avaliados um número significativo de domínios portugueses para perceber se os mesmos têm uma vulnerabilidade específica do protocolo SSL/TLS.
Histrionic Personality Disorder is one of the most ambiguous diagnostic categories in psychiatry. Hysteria is a classical term that includes a wide variety of psychopathological states. Ancient Egyptians and Greeks blamed a displaced womb, for many women's afflictions. Several researchers from the 18th and 19th centuries studied this theme, namely, Charcot who defined hysteria as a "neurosis" with an organic basis and Sigmund Freud who redefined "neurosis" as a re-experience of past psychological trauma. Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) made its first official appearance in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders II (DSM-II) and since the DSM-III, HPD is the only disorder that kept the term derived from the old concept of hysteria. The subject of hysteria has reflected positions about health, religion and relationships between the sexes in the last 4000 years, and the discussion is likely to continue.
International Conference Durable Structures: from construction to rehabilitation. Lisbon, LNEC, 31 May-1 June 2012
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
3rd Historic Mortars Conference, 11-14 September 2013, Glasgow, Scotland
As an introduction to a series of articles focused on the exploration of particular tools and/or methods to bring together digital technology and historical research, the aim of this paper is mainly to highlight and discuss in what measure those methodological approaches can contribute to improve analytical and interpretative capabilities available to historians. In a moment when the digital world present us with an ever-increasing variety of tools to perform extraction, analysis and visualization of large amounts of text, we thought it would be relevant to bring the digital closer to the vast historical academic community. More than repeating an idea of digital revolution introduced in the historical research, something recurring in the literature since the 1980s, the aim was to show the validity and usefulness of using digital tools and methods, as another set of highly relevant tools that the historians should consider. For this several case studies were used, combining the exploration of specific themes of historical knowledge and the development or discussion of digital methodologies, in order to highlight some changes and challenges that, in our opinion, are already affecting the historians' work, such as a greater focus given to interdisciplinarity and collaborative work, and a need for the form of communication of historical knowledge to become more interactive.
9th International Masonry Conference 2014, 7-9 July, Universidade do Minho, Guimarães