767 resultados para Endkunde – end customer
This paper assesses the validity and reliability of two instruments measuring quality of service, the SERVPERF and SERVQUAL scales, replicated in a novel cultural settings, a Portuguese energy company. To provide insights and strategies for managerial intervention, a relation between customers’ satisfaction and quality of service is established. The empirical study suggests a superior convergent and predictive validity of SERVPERF scale to measure quality of service in this settings when comparing to SERVQUAL. The main differences of this study with previous ones, are that this one resorts on a confirmatory factor analysis, the validation of the instruments is performed by using the same measures suggested by their creators and extends the line of research to a novel cultural settings, a Portuguese energy company. Concerning the relationship between service quality and customers’ satisfaction, all of the quality of service attributes correlate almost equally to the satisfaction ones, with a lower weight concerning tangibles.
By acknowledging and dissecting the interconnected roles of customer satisfaction, quality, and strategic planning, this paper provides an analytical framework for creating a customer-driven organization and culture. It shows how quality starts and ends with the customer. Companies that are achieving long-term continuous improvement in quality tailored to customer satisfaction possess lasting characteristics such as customer orientation, customer consciousness, and customer responsiveness. In doing so, they liberate the quality concept from the narrow product or service focus to encompass total conformance to customer requirements in spite of the existing functionalization and departmentalization of modern complex structures. In addition to these key components, a customer-driven organization demands building and nurturing a customer satisfaction culture and value system that makes quality improvement and heightened concern for customer satisfaction a permanent aspect of organizational life.
RESUMO: O constructo de customer value é aquele que melhor explica o comportamento do consumidor, uma vez que o seu objectivo é o de entender como os consumidores traduzem os atributos e consequências do uso de um produto em valores pessoais relevantes. A metodologia laddering, que tem como base a teoria das cadeias meios-fim, é um elemento teórico que se considera consistente para estabelecer a relação entre os atributos e os valores do consumidor. Esta dissertação pretende demonstrar a exequibilidade da metodologia laddering em estudos sobre o valor para o consumidor, percebendo quais são as vantagens e limitações do seu uso. É conclusivo que este método, através da construção de cadeias A-C-V, proporciona elementos de estudo que permitem a visualização de hierarquia de valores produzida pelos consumidores, função dos critérios de escolha destes durante e após um processo de compra. A aplicabilidade desta metodologia na perspectiva do valor para o cliente, permite a utilização dos seus resultados num conjunto de áreas específicas do marketing, das quais destacamos a segmentação e análise de mercado, a avaliação do posicionamento de produtos e marcas, a avaliação da publicidade e o desenvolvimento de estratégias de comunicação. ABSTRACT: The customer value construct is the one that best explains the consumer behavior, since its purpose is to understand how consumers translate the attributes and consequences of the use of a product in relevant personal values. The laddering methodology, which is based on the theory of means-end chains, is a theoretical element that is considered consistent for establish the relationship between attributes and consumer values. This thesis attempts to demonstrate the feasibility of the laddering methodology in studies about the value for the consumer, knowing what are the advantages and limitations of its use. It is conclusive that this method, by building chains A-C-V, provides elements of study that allows the visualization of the values hierarchy produced by consumers, according to the criteria of their choice during and after a purchase process. The applicability of this methodology from the perspective of customer value, allows the use of their results in a number of specific areas of marketing, which we emphasize the segmentation and market analysis, evaluation of product and branding positioning, evaluation of advertising and development of communication strategies.
This article presents the design and test of a receiver front end aimed at LMDS applications at 28.5 GHz. It presents a system-level design after which the receiver was designed. The receiver comprises an LNA, quadrature mixer and quadrature local oscillator. Experimental results at 24 GHz center frequency show a conversion voltage gain of 15 dB and conversion noise figure of 14 5 dB. The receiver operates from a 2 5 V power supply with a total current consumption of 31 mA.
OBJECTIVE: To test discriminant analysis as a method of turning the information of a routine customer satisfaction survey (CSS) into a more accurate decision-making tool. METHODS: A 7-question, 10-multiple choice, self-applied questionnaire was used to study a sample of patients seen in two outpatient care units in Valparaíso, Chile, one of primary care (n=100) and the other of secondary care (n=249). Two cutting points were considered in the dependent variable (final satisfaction score): satisfied versus unsatisfied, and very satisfied versus all others. Results were compared with empirical measures (proportion of satisfied individuals, proportion of unsatisfied individuals and size of the median). RESULTS: The response rate was very high, over 97.0% in both units. A new variable, medical attention, was revealed, as explaining satisfaction at the primary care unit. The proportion of the total variability explained by the model was very high (over 99.4%) in both units, when comparing satisfied with unsatisfied customers. In the analysis of very satisfied versus all other customers, significant relationship was identified only in the case of the primary care unit, which explained a small proportion of the variability (41.9%). CONCLUSIONS: Discriminant analysis identified relationships not revealed by the previous analysis. It provided information about the proportion of the variability explained by the model. It identified non-significant relationships suggested by empirical analysis (e.g. the case of the relation very satisfied versus others in the secondary care unit). It measured the contribution of each independent variable to the explanation of the variation of the dependent one.
This paper proposes a novel framework for modelling the Value for the Customer, the so-called the Conceptual Model for Decomposing Value for the Customer (CMDVC). This conceptual model is first validated through an exploratory case study where the authors validate both the proposed constructs of the model and their relations. In a second step the authors propose a mathematical formulation for the CMDVC as well as a computational method. This has enabled the final quantitative discussion of how the CMDVC can be applied and used in the enterprise environment, and the final validation by the people in the enterprise. Along this research, we were able to confirm that the results of this novel quantitative approach to model the Value for the Customer is consistent with the company's empirical experience. The paper further discusses the merits and limitations of this approach, proposing that the model is likely to bring value to support not only the contract preparation at an Ex-Ante Negotiation Phase, as demonstrated, but also along the actual negotiation process, as finally confirmed by an enterprise testimonial.
The large penetration of intermittent resources, such as solar and wind generation, involves the use of storage systems in order to improve power system operation. Electric Vehicles (EVs) with gridable capability (V2G) can operate as a means for storing energy. This paper proposes an algorithm to be included in a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system, which performs an intelligent management of three types of consumers: domestic, commercial and industrial, that includes the joint management of loads and the charge/discharge of EVs batteries. The proposed methodology has been implemented in a SCADA system developed by the authors of this paper – the SCADA House Intelligent Management (SHIM). Any event in the system, such as a Demand Response (DR) event, triggers the use of an optimization algorithm that performs the optimal energy resources scheduling (including loads and EVs), taking into account the priorities of each load defined by the installation users. A case study considering a specific consumer with several loads and EVs is presented in this paper.
Traditionally, a country's electoral system requires the voter to vote at a specific day and place, which conflicts with the mobility usually seen in modern live styles. Thus, the widespread of Internet (mobile) broadband access can be seen as an opportunity to deal with this mobility problem, i.e. the adoption of an Internet voting system can make the live of voter's much more convenient; however, a widespread Internet voting systems adoption relies on the ability to develop trustworthy systems, i.e. systems that are verifiable and preserve the voter's privacy. Building such a system is still an open research problem. Our contribution is a new Internet voting system: EVIV, a highly sound End-to-end Verifiable Internet Voting system, which offers full voter's mobility and preserves the voter's privacy from the vote casting PC even if the voter votes from a public PC, such as a PC at a cybercafe or at a public library. Additionally, EVIV has private vote verification mechanisms, in which the voter just has to perform a simple match of two small strings (4-5 alphanumeric characters), that detect and protect against vote manipulations both at the insecure vote client platform and at the election server side. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O presente estudo resulta de uma crescente preocupação e percepção da importância da relação terapeuta-cliente e procura compreender a perspectiva do cliente e a forma como este sente e vive essa relação ao longo de todo o seu processo terapêutico. O estudo realizado, de natureza qualitativa e de carácter exploratório, visa sobretudo analisar a influência da relação terapeuta-cliente na perspectiva do cliente, identificar e descrever os fatores que a influenciam e perceber a mais-valia desta relação ao longo do processo terapêutico. Para tal, foram entrevistadas dezanove pessoas que estão a receber tratamento de terapia ocupacional. Para a recolha dos dados foi aplicada a entrevista semi-estruturada por se pretender um contributo mais envolvente, particularizado e subjetivo dos clientes. Através da realização do estudo e de acordo com a perspetiva dos clientes entrevistados, concluiu-se que a capacidade do terapeuta em construir e estabelecer um vínculo com o cliente ditará grande parte do sucesso ou insucesso do processo terapêutico. Porém, tão importante como formar e estabelecer um vínculo terapeuta-cliente é preciso ter a preocupação contínua de o manter sempre vivo e fortalecido. Para que tal aconteça, o terapeuta não pode menosprezar a experiência de vida e expectativas do cliente e deve assumir um papel de permanente preocupação e atenção a todas as transformações quotidianas pois estas influenciam o envolvimento do cliente nas suas atividades/ocupações e afetam a sua saúde e desempenho. O novo milénio requer dos profissionais de saúde em geral e dos terapeutas ocupacionais em particular, novas habilidades e competências. É fundamental adquirir a consciência de que os clientes são o centro de todo o processo terapêutico. É necessário ter uma visão holística e não fragmentada do cliente. É importante interagir com os clientes e permitir uma troca de conhecimento, entre o saber do cliente e o saber do terapeuta. Essa troca gera convergências, fortalece laços e o processo terapêutico avança. Nesse relacionamento, ambos aprendem, progridem e crescem.
Esta dissertação de Mestrado pretende, numa primeira fase, identificar as condições gerais e os pressupostos da aplicação da ferramenta Análise do Valor (AV) e integrá-la nos Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade. Pretende-se demonstrar a técnica e aumentar o seu conhecimento, assim como as várias abordagens do processo, as vantagens e os constrangimentos no seu uso, conduzir à ideia que poderá ser útil proceder a uma análise organizada e sistemática dos produtos/serviços existentes nas organizações, abrindo a hipótese a novas soluções para o produto/serviço de mais fácil produção/realização e ensaio ao menor custo. É realçada a importância do conceito da Análise do Valor demonstrando que se pode tornar numa ferramenta eficaz na melhoria dos produtos mas também de processos de fabrico e até em processos administrativos. Sendo a Qualidade entendida como um conjunto de características que um bem, produto ou serviço possui que o tornam apto para satisfazer na plenitude uma dada necessidade do seu utilizador, este trabalho também faz a ligação com os Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade comparando dois referenciais, a Norma NP EN 12973 e a ISO 9001:2008. Numa segunda fase é realizada uma profunda abordagem à ferramenta QFD – Quality Function Deployment – como uma técnica complementar à aplicação prática da técnica AV e é realizado um estudo a um serviço pós-venda que inclui muitos dos seus conceitos e princípios. O trabalho foi realizado na empresa onde sou colaborador há cerca de 10 anos exercendo o cargo de “Service Manager Press/Post Press” ao departamento de serviço técnico e apoio ao cliente. Foi muito útil a demonstração prática para entendimento das dificuldades sentidas e dos obstáculos a ultrapassar. O trabalho termina com as conclusões do caso prático e as conclusões gerais, mencionando as definições dos aceleradores / obstáculos da aplicação da AV.
OBJECTIVE: To assess factors associated with the establishment of permanent vascular access for patients with end-stage renal disease. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted in a nationally representative sample of Brazilian end-stage renal disease patients in dialysis and transplant centers during 2007. The sample comprised only patients who received hemodialysis as a primary therapy modality and reported the type of vascular access for their primary hemodialysis treatment (N=2,276). Data were from the TRS Project - "Economic and Epidemiologic Evaluation of Modalities of Renal Replacement Therapy in Brazil". Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to assess factors associated with the establishment of permanent vascular access in these patients. RESULTS: About 30% of the patients studied had an arteriovenous vascular access. The following factors were associated with a lower likelihood of having an arteriovenous vascular access as a primary type of access: time of hemodialysis start since the diagnosis of chronic renal failure < 1 year; shorter dialysis therapy; having no private health insurance; living in the central-western, northeastern and southeastern regions of Brazil; and living in the northern region plus having no private health insurance. In the final model there was found a positive association between the outcome and pre-dialysis care and no were association with socioeconomic and comorbidity variables. CONCLUSIONS: The study results showed that the focus should on pre-dialysis care to increase the establishment of an arteriovenous vascular access before starting hemodialysis in Brazil.
"Many-core” systems based on the Network-on- Chip (NoC) architecture have brought into the fore-front various opportunities and challenges for the deployment of real-time systems. Such real-time systems need timing guarantees to be fulfilled. Therefore, calculating upper-bounds on the end-to-end communication delay between system components is of primary interest. In this work, we identify the limitations of an existing approach proposed by [1] and propose different techniques to overcome these limitations.